
EA thinks reviewers are wrong about 'Medal of Honor: Warfighter'

Medal of Honor: Warfighter was met with review scores much lower than most AAA, big-budget releases, but EA has essentially rejected these scores and believes the game is better than critics say.

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dazbobaby4203d ago

EA can say what they like, it's the reviewers and the buying public who really get to choose whether they like it or not.

And right now for the most part, people are really hating it.

Cam9774202d ago

Exactly! EA aren't the ones buying the game.

Temporary4202d ago

It's not CoD so it'll get hated on no matter what.

ShadowKingx4202d ago

Completely agree with you Temporary.

Blastoise4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

@Temporary & bigdaddy4247

Yeah, it's not like CoD gets hate or anything


MysticStrummer4202d ago

@Blastoise - Your comment would make sense if CoD wasn't the sales juggernaut that it is. Sure, any popular thing will get hate from certain people, but the thing that is not the popular thing will always get more hate. It's just not as high profile because the hate is against something that isn't popular, so people like you won't feel the inexplicable urge to defend the thing that is in reality winning already.

Commander_TK4202d ago

There's an article up saying that EA admits MOH was a disappointment. Flip flop much?

Fuck EA

FriedGoat4202d ago

COD barely gets hate even though its unoriginal and terribly boring. Luckily reviewers like money, Activision have money, Simple.

knowyourstuff4202d ago

Don't forget - internet review sites don't represent gamers. They represent trolls and bitter fanboys who are so jaded it would make your head spin. This is why RE6 has gone on to sell millions of copies even though it has been panned by several review sites. The game isn't technically bad, it's just that people are sick of the over saturated market of gritty modern war shooters, and familiarity breeds contempt. Most review sites will tell you it just isn't fun - that's because they themselves have been playing every single modern combat game ever to come out for hours on end, of course they're going to get sick of it, but if you're the type who isn't you may just enjoy Medal of Honor, otherwise go play something different like Dishonored or AC3.

Autodidactdystopia4202d ago

I'm really starting to think its a social stigma with this game.

I have seen this game in action and as the overall look and feel and Production value of the game has improved drasticaly since the last release, I cant seem to understand the MEGA LOW review scores.

Im starting to thing everyones joining to beat up the kid who brought the new toy to school.

its not great; but its also not 2/10 Bad PERIOD.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

@Temporary... you're a great joker.

Ya.. because COD isn't hated by most everyone who doesn't play it.

You sound like a butt hurt BF3 fanboy. Buy a PC for BF3... it blows away it's sucky console counterpart.

Reading more here... look at all the EA fanboys preaching and crying about double standards. "If cod black ops 2 get's a better score i'll..."

You'll what? Who cares about you. You're in the minority. More people love COD than hate it. There's two FPS games this year to buy... COD and Halo. Everything else is just crap.

grifter0244202d ago

Yeah but THEIR INTERNAL play testers thought it was AAA caliber so we are the ones that are wrong.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4202d ago
GrahamGolden4202d ago

the game is still better than most CoD
nd it was an improvement of the 2010 game..

HammadTheBeast4202d ago

No, it's not better than CoD in terms of solid gameplay. Yes it has it's pro's but it's EA's own fault for trying to compete with CoD.

gtr_loh4202d ago

Personally, I don't think the game is bad at all. Once you play it, you get the vibe that it's just Battlefield with close quartered style maps. That being said, it's not like COD at all in terms gameplay. "Camping" proves ineffective once the other team realizes that you're doing it. There are no trick shots and MOH is not as fast paced. The general style is visibly noticeable as MOH tried to create a realistic and believable atmosphere. In the gaming industry, money talks. It's almost a legal form of communism where those tha speak the truth are silenced. COD does a prime example of this. Gametrailers and Gamespot have been sponsored by activision and other multi billion dollar companies in an effort to draw consumers.

TL; DR: COD is the Mission Impossible of gaming. MOH is the "Hurt Locker" of gaming. Both will get mixed reviews depending on the views of the customer.

Ju4202d ago

^^^ This. You speak my mind. That's exactly what this game is.. Faster than BF3 on smaller maps but no CoD. So, if BF3 controls, maps and graphics are great, why isn't this game? It surprisingly doesn't try to be Cod, but most of the criticism it gets is from people expecting just that and making it down because obviously it isn't. Or people who haven't even played it but still think it's EAs version of CoD.

R6ex4202d ago


MOH (2010): 6/10
MOH:W (2012): 4.5/10

Where's the logic?!

MOH (2010) was rated by IGN with an average of 7+ in areas like Presentation, Graphics, Sound, Gameplay & Lasting-Appeal. Yet, IGN gave it an Overall score of just 6/10.

MOH:W (2012) has improved on the 2010 game in every aspect, yet IGN lowered the score to 4.5.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4202d ago
Omnislash4202d ago

The game is pretty much the exact same as Call of Duty, if Black ops 2 gets a better score Im calling shenanigans.

CraigandDayDay4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

Exactly. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. They make it like Call of Duty and they get hate. They try different things than Call of Duty and they get hate. I actually liked the single player of the 2010 Medal of Honor. The MP felt lacking, especially in map variety. But I bought it because it gave me access to the Bad Company 2 beta (which I played the hell out of) AND it gave me a free copy of Medal of Honor: Frontlines on the PS3.

This new Medal of Honor is just a victim of the times. Anything that tries to compete with Call of Duty is bashed to death for trying to follow its success. EA could put out the most authentic single player and most fun exciting multiplayer full of content and it would STILL get hated on by the CoD-biased gaming media.

xtremeimport4202d ago

Everyone I know who's played it have really enjoyed it.
so i'll have to give it a try myself.

t0mmyb0y4202d ago

Well said :) I want it for the single player.

yaz2884202d ago

same ..

the sp is surprisingly AWESOME!! the first game is nothing in comparison to this .. normally I would laugh at the story and the drama but damn it was nicely done here ..

there is a car stealth level which is fucking brilliant!!!

for the sp alone I give it a 8.5..

Insomnia_844202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

Game is great!! I've been playing nonstop since last week. Most of the ppl saying it sucks haven't even played it yet, they just follow what's being fed into their brains by the manipulated media. I feel sorry for them.

Car chases and that car stealth part where you actually get to drive the cars, the breaching options and the way to unlock them. And still some reviewers say there's nothing new, that Hot Spot MP mode is new, at least I had never seen it before, some killstrikes I've never seen before.

Watch future COD games copy this and all the COD fanboys go like "OMG THIS NEW! SO INNOVATIVE!" lmao! It's happened before!

TENTONGUN4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

im playing alot of the mp and i enjoy it. its not perfect though. only cod games i played were cod2 and cod4mw. those were very cool. i never bought another one cause the sequels looked like the game i already owned. not much of a difference year to year. fuck it maybe its just me. anyways warfighter is my preference at the moment. and next year will be bf4. good times

Ju4202d ago

I said it before and say it again. The car sequences match full blown racing games. Driving, traffic, handling...haven't seen this in any non racer so far.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4202d ago
caseh4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

Perhaps EA should have offered free PS3/Xbox to journalists who were willing to tweet how great their game is. Isn't that how its done these days?

Did someone say Lauren Whitman...hurhur

SegataShanshiro4202d ago

Awwww. Someone call the waaahmbulance cause we hurt ea's feelings:( today is a good day indeed. I feel this is our revenge against those low lives at ea

jony_dols4202d ago

(Looks at your profile pic)

They're certainly no less sellouts than iD Software are, and for that part, most of the industry.

And actually it's not really a good day, because if it doesn't sell well, then EA will be forced to lay off staff & shut down studios.

4202d ago
geddesmond4202d ago

Have you played the game yet?? I haven't and I probably won't in the future as I'm sick to death of FPS games but the trailers do make the game look great. I don't trust any reviewers so maybe EA has a point. It seems review sites these days go with what everyone else is saying. Ya know jump on that bandwagon. "That game is great", "Yeah that game is great". "Ya know that game is crap" "Your right that game is crap" "Oh but I haven't played it yet" "Yeah me neither" SMH

BX814202d ago

Am I the only one who's had more problems with the higher rated AC3?

Amplitude4202d ago

Have you guys actually played the game?

I torrented it (i torrent any EA games simply because i refuse to use Origin. Give me a break here i buy everything else) and the single player is honestly no worse than a CoD game. Its just a bunch of giant setpeaces.
In the first 3 minutes you watch crates rain down on you, helicopters and tanks explode, etc.

It's mindless shooting fun and it looks pretty. haha i really dont think it deserves the bad reviews it's getting for "unoriginality" when CoD doesn't have a single ounce of originality in any of their games. At least MoH Warfighter uses a new engine.

Ak47Russia4202d ago

And i think the game sucks and so called "pro" reviews also suck!

Syntax-Error4202d ago

Everyone knows EA gives DICE a blank check to make sure BF stays on top w/ CoD. The MoH didn't know how to utilize the frostbite engine to it's full potential. The reason CoD gets nods on the story is because they hire big name talent to write and do the musical scores. They make sure their SP is nothing short of a Michael Bay movie experience. That's not a bad thing. If MoH made an amazing story and untilized Frostbits destructive architecture, they would have a solid game. Also, take out that idiotic slow motion kill shot in MP. That's so annoying.

chaldo4202d ago

There is nothing wrong with this game.. the Campaign is fantastic and the firebuddy system is awesome! sure there are a few bugs in multiplayer but it is not enough to bring the review scores down to 4's and 5's. its ridiculous. I bet you the op in this thread didnt even play the game as well as 70% of the other ppl who insulted the game who commented on this article.

True, EA blows but MOHW is a great game. You just have to actually play the game instead of trash talking it like you know it (no, the beta does not count).

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4202d ago
Lionheart3774202d ago

I think you're in the minority, but not at all wrong.

Ju4202d ago

I gave you a disagree because judging by his agree to disagree ratio he actually isn't a minority :)

first1NFANTRY4202d ago ShowReplies(1)
MrGunny944202d ago

Not wrong, just being "Authentic" about the state of the game.

I bought the game for the PC and i'm deeply dissapointed , the single player is more of the same i was expecting a quality of campaign next to the first MoH, but i was wrong...

The Mutiplayer is a joke, it's totally unbalanced the unlocking system is confusing and doesn't make any sense at alll

And also.... since the game was announced didn't really see much info of the game and they did promises that they didn't delivered...

Let's see how Bo2 works out...

FragPants4202d ago

Joke? what game are you playing. Mutiplayer is solid. Not sure what's unbalanced about it either? Single player on the other hand is weak. But that is to be expected.

DarkTower8054202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

"Single player on the other hand is weak. But that is to be expected."

No, this is MOH, that's not what is expected from a MOH game. I did enjoy the single player, but it was short, filled with bugs, poor AI, etc, etc, etc.

The game did not live up to the names MOH or Tier-1, EA should be ashamed.

FragPants4202d ago

Once again DarkTower805. You have mentioned nothing about the mutiplayer, which I think is very strong. That's were the replay value is!!!

yaz2884202d ago

compared to bf3 and ghost recon fs .. moh finally give a solid sp for once that is not cod title.

sp is more of the same .. but at least its done right this time ( loved it )

ShadowKingx4202d ago

This does not play like COD so it will get hated on.

This game kinda brings back some SOCOM feel to it though.

Hdz544202d ago

Ppl on here must have amnesia. Cod is the most hated on game on this site.

Hicken4202d ago

And with good reason.

Note that the problem reviewers are having with this game can and SHOULD easily be said for the past few Call of Duty releases; but look at the scores these same sites give to call of Duty.

Call of Duty is hated because it's been virtually the same damn game since 2008 or so, yet it gets rave reviews and sees record-breaking sales with each iteration.

Warfighter, by all accounts, improves on the last Medal of Honor, but it's getting even worse reviews. How does that make any sense?

AzaziL4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

Because CoD has more money for it's advertising budget than any other game in history and reviewers will never trash a cash cow, it'll cost them their pay or even their job.

So if BO:2 was complete trash, it would still get a 7.5 or greater score just to keep on Activision's good side.

RememberThe3574202d ago

The most hated game on this site, not in general. Very big difference.

hardcorehippiez4202d ago

yea its quite tactical and i like it when you work in pairs. i dont care what any one says reviews are way off in this game . it is a solid game if a little intimidating to start with.

venom064202d ago

ALL of those CoD fanboy reviewers need to read this article !!


EA is exactly right...

NobleRed4202d ago

Thanks for the link bro.

Great article.

FragPants4202d ago

Great article. Mutiplayer is very good in my opinion. People are just caught up in the hate.

RememberThe3574202d ago

You better have submitted that.

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EA Hopes to Use Generative AI to Drive Monetization and Make Development 30% More Efficient

Today Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson provided a look into his ideas for the use of generative AI in the company's development processes.

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thorstein58d ago

I wonder what the next buzz word they'll slap in front of AI to make it sound exciting next? "Generative" as if it's creating its own content. Lol.

Cacabunga57d ago

EA is already dying a painful death..

peppeaccardo57d ago

i have a better idea .. why the whole exec team doesn't get replaced by chat bots ?

just_looken58d ago

Though i agree the ai thing is already in other forms of media there have been ai translations/scripts/voice over and even full ai commercials aired on tv. Ubisoft has created a ai game creator story/vo/music except the building of the game

The new unreal engine has auto terrain creation tools

In the world of greed in which it is winning without any major blow back ai is our future.

everyone want's biden dead on the mic or a criminal instead of a woman and now we are getting ai everything because no one will stop watching/playing ai created media.

GamerRN57d ago

Maybe they should just focus on making good games?

Just a thought...

Kiryu199257d ago

Exactly EA are just pure evil. When they are beating Bank of America to be voted the worst company to work for that’s saying a lot

Good thing I don’t buy their games day one and wait for deep deep sale years after launch (the select few games I am actually interested in)

Gaming is making so much money yet the greed of these companies is never ending

CEO’s and people on board making millions yet cutting jobs to those who are actually making the products

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 57d ago
Knightofelemia58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

EA is still a shady shitty company even with or without the help of Skynet. All they will use AI for is new ways to milk loot boxes and come up with the same sports title with a different year on the label. They are one company I truly do hate with a passion. They single handedly ruined some great franchise with their death touch. ME, Dead Space, Alice Returns, Dante's Inferno.

Stuart575658d ago

EA layoffs followed by 'Generative AI to Drive Monetization'

I knew it. Wonder what AI salary looks like? Nothing.

ChasterMies57d ago

I having a feeling that most of the layoffs in the industry are based on the idea that AI will do the same job for less.

DarXyde57d ago

Very likely, yes.

Made worse by the fact that the execs aren't changing their compensations.

My deepest fear at this point is that we are now in the capitalism endgame.

At this point, we really should just burn AI to the ground. Executives cannot be trusted to do the right thing.
How are those people expected to support families if everything gets automated?

Barlos58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

And take away creativity, and people's jobs as we've been seeing. Got it.

No thanks. I want my games created by people, not AI.

CobraKai58d ago

Exactly. If or when games start becoming more AI than people, im done with gaming. AI and companies like EA can suck donkey d***k.

just_looken58d ago

Though i agree remember this is no ps3/360 era were we got up to 3 games in one generation from on developer like gears/halo/bioware/sony/ms

The people today are pro esg/sweet baby for the most part AAA gaming is imploding right now.

We should be stepping back re evaluate everything as a whole this year xmen 97 written/directed by a woman that is nuts and its also being made by a group reshaping bodies to be less sexual like wtf. A dam famous cartoon from the 90's is being rebuilt with millions spent to be worse in everyway.

Gaming/movies/tv shows made today are worse than what we had 7years ago ai won't change this but that ai is also being made by these groups so either way we are screwed.

Eonjay57d ago

Don't be of afraid of women. Sexy characters in games and movies still exist. Got my Stellar Blade on preorder!!! Everything all the time doesn't need to be sexual...that's stupid, childish and dull.

Chocoburger57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

EA doesn't want to lose their title of worst gaming company ever, always trying their best to remain the champs!
What's sad is that they have so much potential to be a decent publisher.

SSX Tricky / SSX 3
Def Jam Vendetta / Fight for New York
NBA Street
NFL Steet
Mirror's Edge
Bad Company
Burnout 3 / 4 / 5

Remember when EA used to be awesome? It's all over with now. Unpolished, if not out-right broken games these days. Endless monetization and gambling in their sports games, and let's not forget wasting hours of your life trying to unlock characters or equipment using "surprise boxes!"

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EA And Sony Layoffs, Entertainment News And More Skewedcast

Gareth, Justin, and JoeyZ look at Layoff news for EA and Sony and reasons behind the downturn in the industry and more.


EA - Continuing to evolve our business and teams

EA CEO Andrew Wilson writes: "In this time of change, we expect these decisions to impact approximately 5 percent of our workforce. I understand this will create uncertainty and be challenging for many who have worked with such dedication and passion and have made important contributions to our company. While not every team will be impacted, this is the hardest part of these changes, and we have deeply considered every option to try and limit impacts to our teams. Our primary goal is to provide team members with opportunities to find new roles and paths to transition onto other projects. Where that’s not possible, we will support and work with each colleague with the utmost attention, care, and respect. Communicating these impacts has already begun and will be largely completed by early next quarter."

LG_Fox_Brazil65d ago

All the big ones doing the same stuff. Terrible. I just hope that all these people are able to get a new job as soon as possible, God know that it is horrible to be left jobless when you have your kids or your parents depending on your financial help

Jin_Sakai65d ago (Edited 65d ago )

2024 so far.

Feb ’28 Electronic Arts (EA) 670 (5%)
Feb ’24 PlayStation 900 (8%)
Feb ’24 Vice Media Group Several hundred
Feb ’24 Buzzfeed 16%
Feb ’24 NowThis 26 (50%)
Feb ’24 Paramount Global 800 (3%)
Feb ’24 SiriusXM 160 (3%)
Feb ’24 Snapchat 10%
Jan ’24 TechCrunch 8 + subscription product
Jan ’24 U.K.’s Channel 4 200
Jan ’24 Business Insider 8%
Jan ’24 Microsoft Gaming 1,900
Jan ’24 Riot Games 530
Jan ’24 Sports Illustrated Possibly all
Jan ’24 YouTube 100
Jan ’24 Pitchfork (Conde Nast) Undisclosed
Jan ’24 Universal Music Group Hundreds
Jan ’24 Discord 17%
Jan ’24 NBC News 50-100
Jan ’24 Audible 5%
Jan ’24 Google Hundreds
Jan ’24 Amazon Hundreds
Jan ’24 Duolingo 10%
Jan ’24 VideoAmp 20%

DATA AS OF FEB. 28, 2024

outsider162465d ago

Is it possible maybe this whole ai thing is in play?

just_looken65d ago

Another long list that skips over UPS cutting 12,000 jobs those workers as we know work without ac low pay and old box trucks but that company had to cut 12k jobs do too loosing billions of dollars year 2 year.


The greed and lack of transparency/oversight is disgusting.

Ups are still making bang but not enough for a golden boat fleet.

Remember we all use ups at some time even stuff in our stores this is going to be a huge issue gong forward i know in my area they removed half the state ups stores northern half least population got some 3rd party running packages now from minivans.

Sonic188164d ago

When I explan this I get called a troll 🤔 like wtf

thorstein64d ago


UPS is a different story altogether.

They are paying the people doing the actual work/ earning the money more and eliminating management.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 64d ago
CrimsonWing6965d ago (Edited 65d ago )

You do realize around this time this happens all throughout many industries (not just the game industry), right? It has to do with taxes for these major companies, like tax subsidies for downsizing. You want to know a little secret? Around May or so you’ll see a spike in hiring…

It blows my mind that people are oblivious to corporate workings.

Andrew33665d ago

So over 25 huge companies cut jobs every year like this and it only got noticed this time?

CrimsonWing6965d ago (Edited 65d ago )


Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Google it up if you’re uninformed of how corporations work. Only gamers seem to live in a bubble and when they see things like crunch, acquisitions, and lay-offs they act like this is the only industry it happens to and how shocked they are about it.

Welcome to the real world, kid.

thorstein64d ago (Edited 64d ago )

EA CEO Wilson's total compensation was 20 million. Let's take away 19 million (I'm sure he can survive on 1 million.... somehow).

1 million is the salary of an in the chair developer @100,000 for 10 years.

He could earn 1 million a year.

And save the jobs of 15 in the chair devs for A DECADE (plus benefits) with ONE YEAR'S compensation.

RhinoGamer8865d ago

No Executive accountability or firings I see...

just_looken65d ago

Do not worry they will take over 40mill say sorry then get hired by playstation or xbox

blackblades64d ago

I heard Japan does it better, they do layoffs like what's happening with companies in the west. The higher ups also being agreeing to to lower there own salary. These MFs like jim and Phil isnt gonna do that they want that $

Sonic188165d ago

Like I said earlier, this is happening all around the gaming industry.

Petebloodyonion65d ago

The point I feel is problematic about all of this is that focusing on Owned Ip means more sequels, remasters and more of what was selling last year.

TheColbertinator65d ago

EA is certainly among the worst,if not the worst

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