
Walmart internal memo on Wii U preorders, shipments arriving on Nov. 14th, midnight launch

"Now you know all you could ever want to know about the Wii U launch at Walmart! How many of you are grabbing your Wii U from them?", writes GoNintendo.

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DivineAssault 4358d ago

damn.. i wouldnt be surprised if "some get lost" now

G33K4358d ago

I plan on putting one on layaway for Christmas. It looks to be a great system and I really hope they allow people like me who don't want to use the tablet use the Pro controller on games like Zombiiu

Crillvirus814357d ago

Zombieu only uses the wii pad as most games will I don't get why you would want to use a pro for maybe for a game like call of duty but most games allow you to play right on the wii pad and you can't do that with the pro so stick to your Xbox or ps3 if you want to play the old fashion way and dont buy a wii u cause most games will require the wii u pad lol

s8anicslayer4357d ago

Got mine too, I won't have to wait on that long line to get it either


How to Play Borderlands Games in Chronological Order

Approaching the Borderlands series for the first time can be a bit confusing, but with this guide, new players can enjoy the series in the proper order.

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Zelda art director on how he came up with the Majora's Mask design

Zelda: Majora's Mask art director Takaya Imamura shares a few words about designing the mask in an interview.

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The future of Minecraft’s development

Minecraft writes: "Right now, we’re also working on bringing a native version of Minecraft to the PlayStation®5 – because Minecraft is better when friends can play together on whichever device they want. Over the coming year, we’ll also be exploring ways to improve Minecraft’s multiplayer experience and make it easier to find and connect with friends."

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-Foxtrot11d ago

Remains to be seen if they manage to give us more content

I thought after they got bought by MS it would have been update after update with all the resources behind them. It makes you wonder if that rumour a while back about be careful with content is true.

There’s so many things they could do but they just don’t bother

Lionsguard10d ago

It truly makes me wonder just wtf they even do considering the pathetic updates that come out compared to what some teenage modder can probably knock out in a week. And then they have the audacity to be "engaging the fanbase" by making them vote to keep certain content and the rest just go away into oblivion. Like, why? Why not just release everything? But it seems Minecraft fans just stupidly love it for some reason.

VariantAEC10d ago

This just lets me know that you know nothing about anything. Modders don't have to worry about licensing or corporate and international rules and regulations. Its why they can inject nudity and gore into E10+, E, and even EC rated games.

So long as the corpos don't know a modder is using copyrighted works they won't go after them. The reason they don't know is because they don't have to go through legal channels to do such things. It's precisely why all the company's use AI tools to analyze the video and audio tracks looking for copyrighted work on social media. Because on social media we don't have to play by the rules either but the company's do and in turn they can cut you off for breaking laws that you didn't know existed and it is incredibly clear that you don't know they exist. That is why official content in Minecraft is so tame and rolls out very slowly.

The reason why they are getting rid of some content is because they have to pay to keep some of it around, particularly anything made that contains the likeness or namesake of another entities IP.

If they are getting rid of unlicensed world packs made in-house without relying on anyone's IP, then Mojang, Xbox, and MS are just being lazy with hosting content.

Lionsguard9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

@VariantAEC That's not what I'm talking about. And the stuff that's being voted off is not licensed stuff. It takes them a whole year to come out with a new biome and they show off a frog or some other dumb thing.

Inverno5d ago

Almost everything they've done since they were aquired has either been cancelled, delayed or shut down. Every update takes them longer than it should and they delay it even tho they give themselves plenty of time. Next gen update never happened, every spinoff they abandon. Bedrock is a consistent mess, and modding is essentially stuck behind a pay wall. I'm keeping an eye on whatever 4J is doing, and hope they manage to steal some of MC's thunder.

OtterX10d ago

It would be great if the native PS5 version has PSVR2 support.