
Before You Buy Resident Evil 6 Don't Forget How Capcom Treats Employees

Cinemablend "We all know video game journalism is in the gutter. Few sites are reliable (and we all know who they are). Most sites are middlemen advertisers (sadly, even including us) and video game journalism as a whole is trash, we know, it's true. However, every once in a while some of us will come out of the gutter to remind gamers that every purchase they make still counts as a decision that helps shape the industry, and this little reminder here is about an upcoming choice millions of people will make regarding the future of Capcom, based on their highly anticipated zombie-shooter, Resident Evil 6."

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Snookies124258d ago

Hah, so they treat both their employees badly and their fans? How the hell are people so blinded that they go out and buy these games anyway? Sorry to say, but it's almost as if people don't even care about morals anymore. Crapcom can make the most amazing looking game I've ever seen, but I sure as heck won't ever be putting money on one of their games again until they drastically change.

Scenarist4258d ago

if the game is good.. it deserves to be pirated .. FUCK Capcom

TacoTaru4258d ago

I wouldn't pirate it, but if I was going to buy it I would make sure to get a used copy.

Lucretia4258d ago

pirated? sooo all the crap the employees went through could be for nothing? then they get fired and lose their jobs?

please, its a job, if they get abused its because they let it happeen or reeeeally need the job.

yeah i'd like them to be treated better but anyone pirating is just scum.

jeeves864258d ago

@ Lucretia - I take it you've never had a job where you were treated poorly by your boss. If you ever were, I'm sure you just let it happen.


IAmLee4258d ago

I wondered how much DLC will be on the disc this time?

Vortex3D4257d ago

Correct response if stop buying games from bad publisher.

That's one thing pirates can't do, they must steal the games even they don't agree with the publisher.

If the game ends up not selling and NOT PIRATED because of the publisher, you know what that means for them. (Yes, I know that will never happen because pirates will steal everything.)

Scenarist4256d ago

Makes sense tho....sounds like a vicious boycott... " we so tired of your shit we wont even steal it"

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4256d ago
WeskerChildReborned4258d ago

IMO, Capcom is the worst publisher of them all.

Megaton4258d ago

EA, IMO. But Capcom is top 3 for sure.

tigertron4258d ago

With Activision and Square-Enix.

WeskerChildReborned4257d ago

@tigertron, I agree with Activision.

omi25p4257d ago


princejb1344257d ago

seems like almost every third party publisher been messing up with gen

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4257d ago
-Mika-4258d ago (Edited 4258d ago )

You guys need help. Having so much hatred towards a company. You do know the main goal of a business is to make money. Mostly every business is like this. So what is the problem?

RE6 Is tuning out to be an amazing game. It looks beautiful and It going to be GOTY. If you wanna pass on the game because of that. Then I don't know what to say.

Also to end my post Im going to quote a user who wrote the following comment in that article.

"Everyone does realize if no one buys any of their games the employees may not have a job at all....right?"

jimbobwahey4258d ago

Ah yes of course, who cares what terrible things people do as long as it's for profit?

Do you have any idea how utterly ridiculous you sound? Seriously, how can you have such an incredibly dumb view of the world? I can only assume that you're in your early teens, living with your parents and have absolutely no idea as to how the world really works, because I can't ever imagine somebody who actually has a clue to say something so stupid.

Whitefeather4258d ago

You do know that the working condition is horrible enough that there have been suicide attempts because of the way employees are treated?

garos824258d ago

no problem.they can try make money to survive but they ain't getting money from me as I feel they screw over their fans as well as their staff

Lord_Sloth4258d ago

I kinda have to agree on this...Which I never thought I'd say where Mika was concerned.

All companies treat their employees like s***. Welcome to life, people! Said employees always have the option of quitting.

I wonder just how many of you cuss out the cashiers at the grocery story for something beyond their control just to go home and complain about your own jobs, or another company's treatment of their employees.

I've been a cashier long enough to know it happens a great deal. Customers make employees miserable and bosses do the same for every job on the planet. Unless people are dropping dead at Capcom or being physically beaten, it's a non issue!

Carl_Shocker4258d ago

Game of the Year....Resident Evil 6

....are you high

" It looks beautiful "

Screen tearing is beautiful ?

Blacktric4258d ago

>It looks beautiful and It going to be GOTY.
>looks beautiful and It going to be GOTY.
>It going to be GOTY.
>going to be GOTY.

Man I gotta try some of those bath salts.

pompombrum4258d ago (Edited 4258d ago )

Resi 6 GOTY? Lmfao good one.

@Lord Sloth - While true to an extent, you can't really compare the hard time customers and bosses can give you to being worked to the point you end up hospitalized.

NeoTribe4258d ago

Your comment became irrelevant when u said it would be goty.

Gwyn-Lord-Of-Cinder4258d ago

Dude mika i dont know if ur stupid or trying to be really sarcatstic .....

joab7774258d ago

I agree. Its sad that 54 people disagree. By this logic, no one should ever buy anything made in china or Hong Kong etc. Good luck. Or from any company that has ever downsized to reorganize an remain viable. When I read it, I thought u were gonna say that they were working them 100 hours for $2 hour, but no...its because they want to make games with less people quicker. Really? Its called business. I know I know, they should hire 400 people and pay them all $100000 a year just because Disney does. No, it is a harsh business environment right. Many companies r trying to figure out how to make these games that take years and millions of dollars in a bad economy with increased competition and we r upset because they are letting others know that they are trying to be more effective. Soon, all these companies are gonna start making mobile games because every time they make a business move, they get thrashed. Do they do shady stuff sometimes like charge for doc that's on the disc? Yeah, but everyone buys it because they want it. And the money isn't going to lavish vacations and hookers, its being used to fund the development of further games that we bitch about because they haven't been made yet. Its just a bit misleading to me.

grailly4258d ago

i'm just wondering what clothes the people who disagreed are wearing, and what food they are eating...
seriously, in almost anything we buy somebody has been mistreated down the line, and way worse than what capcom is doing. OH so great you don't like capcom's PR! so let's boycott them because some article tells you that people are not being payed enough and let's continue consuming imported goods! kids are only dying while producing those.

I sincerely hope people disagreed for the resi6 comment rather than your logic mika, I apologize for this community.

GrahamGolden4258d ago (Edited 4258d ago )

res6 woot ?

so a gears of zombies is now a revolution of the genre ?

and u DARE talking about GOTY ?????
you better keep dreaming buddy.

you said the same crap for ff13 been the best ff ever made u CLEARLY have zero clues about gaming.

u can enjoy this crap but stop posting pathetic comment like goty or best res etc etc...beside your disagrees talk for them self

jeremyj29134257d ago

Capcom deserves all the they are receiving because they brought it on themselves. Any company that claims to be about the fans and suddenly turns their back on them just to generate profit from people that don't kno anything about the series deserves the worst they can get.

Nathaniel_Drake4257d ago

I'm sure Insomniac doesn't do this

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4257d ago
dasbeer884258d ago

They did drastically change but in the very wrong terms.

Dee_914258d ago (Edited 4258d ago )


I would say just quit but jobs dont come by as easy as they did at one point.

That said I wont be buying, Its a rent for me

ChickeyCantor4257d ago

Notice how most of their complaints are due to managers?

Can't blame them, F'n managers.

ShabbaRanks4257d ago

God dam thats insane...

And I once wanted to work in the gaming idustry :S

F**K that !

yeahokchief4258d ago (Edited 4258d ago )

SOO REFRESHING to see people talking about MORALS and acknowledging that reviewers are merely CORPORATE MIDDLEMEN nowadays!

In many ways, the success or failure of this game mirrors the upcoming presidential election. Are ignorant people going to give in and buy the Romney & Ryan lies? Are you going to give in and buy this slave labor, force fed garbage? LETS SEND THESE CORPORATE JERK OFFS A MESSAGE. RENT the game if you must. Do not buy it. STICK IT TO THEM WHERE THEY'LL FEEL IT. Vote with your wallet. It is the American way.

YOU ALL SAW THE DISASTER THAT WAS OPERATION RACCOON CITY. The reviewers even told you it was trash and yet many kids went out and bought it anyways because of the name. Kids are going to buy it, but just because 99% of idiots are playing it DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO too. Resist the mental midget peer pressure.

The resident evil series died long ago with Resident Evil 4. For me it died with Resident Evil Zero. I preferred the SURVIVAL HORROR games that they used to make. They were actually scary and forced you to focus on your survival. Saving ammo, scavenging for puzzle pieces to reach your next objective etc. WE WILL NEVER GET THE OLD RESIDENT EVIL BACK SO LONG AS THEY CAN RAKE IN MONEY BEING DOUCEBAGS MAKING THESE COD EMULATORS. I don't know if I even want it back after the things they've done.

For the love of god, go play Darksiders 2 instead of this. They made an amazing game that deserves more than 250,000 sales in the US. It also was not without it's controversy, but it's a gamer's game made by gamers for gamers. It wasn't rushed out and it was genuinely awesome and full of content. I've easily gotten around 60 hours of play out of it with New Game Plus, trading items with friends to stack my stats and playing the more challenging difficulty.

Or whatever... buy it. I'm kinda distancing myself from gaming. At least i'm trying to... Old habits die hard. It takes a serious, concerted effort to make a change whether it be personal, within a company or as a country. Human nature is to follow the path of least resistance. We all do it. Sometimes it takes a serious disaster to light the fire. I can only hope for the sake of anyone who never played the original resident evils that RE6 will be that disaster.

yeahokchief4258d ago (Edited 4258d ago )

I think it'll sell pretty well though. Most gamers don't care enough to read about development or the legacy of a series. Operation Raccoon City proved it.

Good luck gamers. I forsee some sad, frustrating and overpriced days in your future if the trend continues.

AND IF YOU'RE 18+ AND LIVE IN ONE OF THE NINE STATES THAT WILL DETERMINE OUR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION this year...remember to get yourself registered to vote by October 9th. It's ridiculously simple. You fill out a single form and it takes all of 1 minute. Take a break from playing all those games in November to vote against the 1%ers and corporate greed. We're all in it together. What goes on at the global scale will spread to all of the industries that are a part of the system.

The challenge is getting people to think in the LONG TERM. The long term for gaming, the long term for their career and the long term for the country. Personally I will gain more individually if Romney is elected because i'll be taxed less on my investments and i'll be taxed slightly less on my checks. Seeing as how I have not bought a home, I will not suffer when tax cuts for home ownership. But I know in the long term, Romney is going to take the country in the wrong direction by leading us to more division. Eventually it'll be a disaster for everyone. His budget is mathematically impossible.

I'm convinced the whole thing is just a show. It's just unreal how ridiculous the election is this year. The choices couldn't be any more opposite. It has already been acknowledged that things are going to improve regardless of who gets elected, but they're not going to be great. We have a lot of concessions to make to pay off Bush's debt as well as the debt Obama took on in order to keep the system from completely collapsing.

showtimefolks4258d ago


capcom just like a alot of companies have very loyal fanboys who are willing to buy dead rising sequels and than an expansion to a sequel for 39.99.

go ahead disagree i use to like capcom a lot but this gen they have made them self look more greedy than most others and that's hard to do when everyone wants to make as much money as possible.

i buy their games used if i am interested i rather gamestop or someone on ebay make the money than these morons. Also most of their home grown development talent has left them and either formed their own indie studios or have joined a western publisher. the creator of Dead rising said he had to hide the game development for DR till it was 50% done otherwise capcom would have cancelled the development.

use to be a gaming company for gamers than they saw DLC and forgot their rich history

Sarcasm4258d ago

The problem is not the minority that roam the internet for information. It's the millions of others who casually walk around a retail store and browse the video games isle who pick it up.

What am I basing this on? Well the millions of SKYRIM PS3 copies that were sold that shouldn't have been, given how crappy Bethesda is.

abzdine4257d ago

Well all this means boycott to me, just like I boycott Nike, KFC, MC DONALDS and many others who do much worse to animals or children.

Let's do sth against those criminals, let's not just approve what they do by jumping over their products.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4256d ago
HarryMasonHerpderp4258d ago (Edited 4258d ago )

Apart from the whole employee issue did anyone else think the demo was really really bad?
it was like an on rails shooter and the weapons seemed to have no punch to them at all and they had some weird assist setting on them so you can't use precision to shoot pacific body parts.
Not to mention the awful camera view of the protagonist.
Chris took up half of the screen with his giant arms and I could barely see where I was going.
Anyway I thought it was really boring and even worse than RE5,the graphics looked nice but that was about it.
Will wait for the reviews I think.

Whitefeather4258d ago

Dude it's like you read my mind those are exactly my thoughts on the demo.

saintsudden4258d ago

If the game is good ill buy it if not then i wont simple as that. Capcom has hundreds of employees im not surprised that a few are allegedly mistreated.

CaptainMarvelQ84258d ago (Edited 4258d ago )

If you're fighting for the employees,then wouldn't not buying their games cause cancelling projects and layoffs?

So basically you're hurting them even more,and for that matter,if they are mistreated yet still work there then it must mean they have no where else to go.

jc485734258d ago

most of them don't even want to work for Capcom, so aren't we doing them a favor? Japan isn't like America you know where people can freely jump job to job.

vortis4258d ago

This is 2012, you can't hop from job to job in America anymore. You get something, you stick to it and you hold on for dear life.

Siren304258d ago

So I guess you personally know the employees at capcom then and how they feel

nerdkiller4258d ago (Edited 4258d ago )

you're right they jump from job to off the balcony....

i kid i kid......

Dee_914258d ago

the thing is they are already paid for this game.Not buying it wont hurt them in the immediate future.
It will hurt the uppers the most .Either they will lay people off and go out of business or try to make things better.
Im guessing since they love money they will do the latter.

grailly4258d ago

didn't you see all the studios closing down recently, that was all because of bad sales.
also, game developers work hard with low pay because they usually get good bonuses from good sales.

smallz4258d ago

To be honest no one really gives a shit. People will still continue to buy Apple devices, Nike's, and any other good manufactured in a third world sweat shop without a tear for the poor chap busting his ass for 2 cents day.

ShaunCameron4258d ago

Exactly. All because of the 1st-worlder's obsession with doing and getting things for cheap.

Sarcasm4258d ago

Exactly. This is the sad reality of our world.

Might I add people still buy Diamonds regardless of the story behind it.

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Dragon's Dogma 2 continues Capcom's hot streak on Metacritic

Dragon's Dogma 2 continues Capcom's hot streak of favorably reviewed games as the studio lands first on Metacritic's top publishers ranking.

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Capcom Is 'Aware' of Dragon's Dogma 2 Frame Rate Issues on PC

Responding to a query about frame rate problems from IGN, Capcom said in a statement that performance issues on PC may be linked to the heavy amount of CPU demanded from NPCs in the game.

"In Dragon's Dogma 2, a large amount of CPU usage is allocated to each character and dynamically calculates the impact of their physical presence in various environments. In certain situations where numerous characters appear simultaneously, the CPU usage can be very high and may affect the frame rate," a Capcom representative told IGN. "We are aware that in such situations, settings that reduce GPU load may currently have a limited effect; however, we are looking into ways to improve performance in the future."

just_looken47d ago

What a load of bull there blaming the npc load for there poor performance? the new hitman games has way more going on beyond that they are saying any pc cpu is not powerful enough?

In the article it is also stated a ign reviewr got motion sickness playing ps5/pc version but still enjoyed it? like wow if that was me i would knock it down alot and asked for a patch asap.

So those about to play thank denuvo get a barf bucket if your on pc play 720p because like cites skyline its going to be a unoptimized cpu mess.

Man those on series s/steam deck/rog ally rip :(

just_looken47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

Just putting up a pcgamer review

"its janky has bugs poor performance need lots of updates 89/100"

Gameing bolt unstable frame rate rate below 30fps but that is great??????

Man have we dropped that quality bar for acceptable performance/optimization

a person's view on performance using a high end pc

andy8547d ago (Edited 47d ago )

Am I hearing that right, that reviewer with a 4090 is getting drops into the 20s when there's several NPC on screen. Sorry but there's zero excuse for that. BG3 had hundreds at a time on screen and that's a pretty game. What an absolute piss poor engine

just_looken46d ago


Yes the is correct but every review is giving it a past and or saying that its great that the performance is like the first ps3/xbox one game.

2012 20-30fps 2024 20-30fps dragons dogma keeping things the same reviewers like that apparently

just_looken46d ago

IGN put up a video showing the 4090 struggling aswell as console performance all versions are like the first game with fps issues.Remember dlss 3.0 can almost double your fps like that cyber punk video so without dlss on your looking at 30fps on the most powerful gpu that is out right now.


Cacabunga46d ago

Capcom where is Deep Down???

Tapani46d ago

@andy85 At launch BG3 dropped to under 30fps at the final chapter on 4090. I played the game at launch and had that experience. And that was with a 5800X3D. Everything watercooled and fine-tuned CPU/GPU and memory at 32GB with good timings, and a fast SSD etc.

just_looken46d ago


I am sorry are we comparing a AA game with a small budget with alot going on 24/7 to a AAA game funded buy the billion dollar capcom?

You are right yes but that was patched and that team loves there community but if the first dogma said anything we should expect a patch or 2 but that is it.

andy8546d ago

@Tapani indeed but that was hundreds of NPCs. Not a few. It's piss poor

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 46d ago
lellkay47d ago

Can they be aware of the need for 60fps on consoles plz

just_looken46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

Oh no kidding that "pro" model better have a 60fps mode.

But that ps5 pro PSSR will no doubt be a hold back as i see very few devs make a fsr/dlss/pssr game like really sony why did you spend millions to make upscale tech on the 6800 when amd already has fsr 3.0 just sitting there.

I remember the ps4 pro patches that dwindle over time yes new games had the modes but they were not standard and that was without the base ps4 using another upscale tech.


In tldr form devs now make fsr upscale for ps5/xbox PSSR upscale tech on ps5 pro game then dlss/fsr upscale tech pc version and we also have intels xess just insane workload

Eonjay46d ago

'Oh no kidding that "pro" model better have a 60fps mode.'

Perhaps but only if Capcom addresses the issues first. substantially more powerful hardware is struggling.

Furesis47d ago

I mean it's not helping but this is something more than that. Plenty of games with denuvo that work fine

just_looken46d ago

That could be also taxing for sure sense the ps5 also supports that dreadful drm

This is also running off the RE engine remember those re vids with the denuvo drm on/off



MrDead46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

Project Zomboid a simple looking isometric game has a similar problem as the Zombies are CPU heavy. If this is the issue GPU tweeks won't do anything, you need less calculations per NPC or more static NPCs


Well that’s just great…looks like I’ll be holding off on buying this on PC until it’s fixed. If I wanted low frame rates I’d just buy it in console smh…


Capcom Boosts Starting Salaries in Japan by Over 25%

Capcom Boosts Starting Salaries in Japan by Over 25%! Strategic move to attract top talent and align with industry trends amid economic inflation.

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60d ago
rlow160d ago

Well there is a lot of laid off talent out there. Very smart of them to target that. Plus if it’s in Japan, that’s a great place to live.

aaronaton60d ago

"Won't someone think of the shareholders!!" wwwaaaahhh

Eonjay60d ago

It funny with this news, their stock price took a small hit. But you know what... thats like too damn bad. We have to stop letting shareholders run the industry into the ground.

FinalFantasyFanatic60d ago

Seriously, you have to spend money to make money, I think some companies and share holders forget that, If you don't pay enough, you can't attract the best talent, or possibly even enough staff for the company to function properly.

Eonjay60d ago

I really approve of Capcom for doing this and will show my appreciation by supporting them. There are a few Capcom games I need to get... and this includes Dragon's Dogma 2. Support companies that support the people working in the industry over shareholders! REMEMBER: Shareholder's don't make games!

Darkegg59d ago

25% sounds like a lot, but it's from $1,560 to $2000 per month. That's $24,000 a year. Unless u became a monk, that is below poverty line.