
‘Assassin’s Creed 3′ Writer Denies British Hate

‘Assassin’s Creed 3′s’ seemingly-one-sided violence against the Redcoats is riling up a few concerns about the developers’ motivations. One of its writers was recently forced to state that the team ‘has nothing against the Brits.’

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LiamIRL824346d ago

They are just being historically accurate about the American revolution. I'm sure british people today will not be the least bit offended or bothered by AC3

ReservoirDog3164346d ago

Haha, I never understood the sensitivity people have to this stuff. Especially in historically accurate stuff. Do they get offended when they read a book of it?

I mean, I'm mexican and I was never once offended by the unbelievable numbers of mexicans killed in Red Dead Redemption.

Though to be fair, this game is being made by the french. British-french relationships have always been pretty spotty.

Haha, whatever. People need to get over it.

The_Devil_Hunter4346d ago

I loved the fact we got to play in a Mexican envioment in RDR. If anyhing I loved the fact that mexicans played a part in the title .

LiamIRL824346d ago

One of the best moments of RDR was travelling down the Rio Grande.

PhantomT14124346d ago

I think people are upset about this because the Assassins always picked up from every sides and now we're only seeing redcoats getting killed.
In the first AC, we killed Saracens and Crusaders, in AC II & Brotherhood we could kill Italians, Spanish and French, and in Revelations we had Ottomans and Byzantines.

Adexus4346d ago

I'm British and I couldn't care less, the game looks amazing!

TruthSeeker4345d ago

Yeah, nothing is wrong with this, and they clearly have stated that we would be fighting enemies on both sides of the war because the templars are everywhere!

iamnsuperman4346d ago (Edited 4346d ago )

I do not mind, nor care about if we are just killing red coats. But what really annoys me is statements like this "it wasn’t just an American “ra ra” story" and how you will kill Americans too yet we get heavily patriotic trailers (almost vomit inducing) and nothing but red coat being axed down.

I am glad to see some sense coming from Ubisoft (well this writer). "[AC III] occurs against the backdrop of the Revolutionary war. And to be even more evasive, everyone back then was a Brit, this was not Americans against British – this was a British civil war." Finally we are getting less bull coming from Ubisoft over this issue.

ReservoirDog3164346d ago

I'm sure some americans are gonna get the ax too (ha) but I'm pretty sure those are gonna be some pretty spoilerific moments in the game since you are generally on the american's side.

Just saying.

ItemGet4346d ago

I'm British! Not offending, I'm looking forward to killing some brits! AC has always been about historical accuracy (within reason) and I'm fine with that. Can't wait!

FarCryLover1824346d ago

Even if it is one-sided violence against the Redcoats... does it really matter? It probably won't be the whole game, but if it is, does it matter? Are people offended when there are games against Russians, Chinese? No.

Skateboard4346d ago

The British were really Fuc### up during that time period and to many others as well : / so its justified if they look like the villains which they were : /

shackdaddy4346d ago

They were no more "Fu### up" than us Americans are today. Everyone likes to hate the country with the most power. People hated the British back then because they had the most power just like people hate Americans today because we have the most power.

123_3214346d ago

Cheeseburgers =/= Power.

adamant7154346d ago


Lolololololol so clever

SeekDev4346d ago

The country with the most power is only hated if it abuses that power.

TheDivine4346d ago

No Americans didnt even hate the British. They just said that they dont want to be taxed without representation. Britian was looting the shit out of America and we had no say just like all their colonies (India, Hong Kong exc.). They were an empire and ruled over everything they conquered or claimed like the Roman Empire. We just asked for a few things that were fair. IMO it was a rightous war as most fights against opression or for freedom are.

Then again im DAMN PROUD of our founding fathers. These guys had real courage. They created the most signifigant document the word has ever known. They created one of the best governments ever. Sure we allowed it to be perveted by assholes, greedy sob's, and allowed a bank (the fed reserve) to own us. But America is an idea, hope, freedom, and liberty to the whole world. Billions dream of coming here where they can worship who they choose, how they choose, marry who they want, work hard and earn a better life for their families. I hope this game captures THAT. The IDEA of America and the hope that our founding fathers had for a free country.

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TruthSeeker4345d ago

Now that comment @Skateboard , could be taken offensively.

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just_looken39d ago

Man the industry just keeps on going with all this bs and to think this is ubisoft again remember what happened with that skull bones team same crap.

This game will be tossed out broken unplolished with a bloated budget trying to be cod but will fail sense ubi can get there shit in order. If i was me i would have gotten rid of this boys club asap there is alot looking for work out there.

jznrpg39d ago (Edited 39d ago )

Every industry has these issues

Some companies I’ve worked for were great and some were toxic as hell (UPS when I was a teenager was extremely toxic and I have heard it still is) It all starts at the top. They either hold people accountable , set standards and treat people with respect or the crap rolls downhill.