
Modern Warfare 3 Guns: 'Perfect Balancing Not Possible' - Infinity Ward

Infinity Ward creative strategist Rob Bowling has explained why Modern Warfare 3 can never be fully balanced, during an interview with NowGamer.

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NukaCola4459d ago

Killzone, Halo, Resistance, Gears, Battlefield, TimeSplitters, Counterstrike, Goldeneye, Uncharted

Why is it that all these games have balance and you can't?

Captain Qwark 94459d ago

gears balance sucks. get good with the shotgun and the rest fo the guns are useless

id be inclined to agree with halo, battlefield, timesplitters, CS, and goldeneye though

the rest i either havent played or dont have enough experience to justify a valid opinion

BattleTorn4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

everyone's bound to disagree with at least one he listed. (none any in particular, i mean)

_Aarix_4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

No if you get good with cover/rifles LIKE YOUR SUPPOSED TO, then shotguns are useless. Simply dont charge full speed at your enemy if youre not prepared to be out shotgunned. You played enough to simply justify you suck ass at the game, thats all. Get good with a rifle and the shotgun is useless. Especially if you stay in cover.

GoToTheOptionsMenu4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

I promised myself I wouldnt buy this game and I didnt.
.. I bought it 20 minutes ago I'm sorry :(

Edit: Kill confirmed is just too addicting to pass up

snipes1014459d ago

Perfect weapon balancing would be nrealy impossible in this game with all of the weapon combinations. With all the attachments and perks that can improve your weapons' performance, calculating out the way all of those would work on a totally blanaced playing field would prove difficult.

Also, given that you do, after all, unlock weapons via levelling up, it would make sense that some weapons are better than others.

Still though, perhaps if they worked on each title a little longer (here's to looking at you Activision and your 2 year development cycle for each CoD entry), it would be possible to find the best amount of buffing and nerfing to do to each weapon.

jeseth4458d ago

Balancing? In any of those games? Maybe just counterstrike.

Killzone it takes half a clip from the ISA assualt rifle or Helghan Rifle to put someone down. The one thing Killzone has above all though, is the most gratifying and deadly sniper rifle I've ever used in a video game.

Halo ... same thing. Minus the sniper rifle. A zillion bullets to kill someone.

Battlefield : 2 shots for a 50 cal. to kill someone unless you get a headshot? A 50 cal will shoot your freaking arm off.

etc. etc.

All games have gun issues. Its impossible for video games to do otherwise without taking almost all the FUN .... FUN .... out of a GAME!

I swear, people will complain about everything nowadays. COD has just as much weapon balance, and weapon balance "issues" as any other shooter. Shotguns and Sniper Rifles in most FPS games are 1 shot kills (unless ranged on a shotgun), other than that its not very realistic how many bullets or shots it takes to kill someone.

But then again they are just video games meant to be fun, which everyone seems to forget. I find myself defending COD more and more now just because of the sheer one sided criticism it gets. Outside of not having a really dramatic graphical upgrade the game runs excellently. For every "issue" COD has, you could point out just as many and often more in every other game.

Razmossis4458d ago

Halo!? Is the most unbalanced game I've ever played.
Shotgun and invisiblity = 10 kill head start lol
Rapid firing rocket launchers... swords that allow you to lunge at someone half the map away

Yet you spawn with AR = cant kill anyone further than 5 feet away lol. ie disadvantaged.

These power weapons would be fair if you earned them with 'in round' points like MGO, but they are just first come first served pick ups, whoever gets them gets easy kills, simple as. Unbalanced

SolidStoner4458d ago

JUST make all weapons to act like real ones!

I see any difference - take a bullet in the head from RPG, regular pistol, rifle or a shootgun, in any way "your dead, period!"

hate that I have to shoot in head 2 times in a HARDCORE mode with a pistol (and some other weapons) 2 bullets... wtf is that about?

I call regular COD mode The Hardcore mode (you have 30 bullets and 29 of them you have to shoot from 1 cm in the head to get kill... yay).. and
hardcore mode is incomplete unreal, real life simulation!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4458d ago
dark-hollow4459d ago

scratch battlefield 3 from that list.
higher ranks gets way too much advantage over lower ranks.
many times we got raped by USAS-12 with slug bullets!

Apocwhen4459d ago

I love BF3, but the USAS-12 with Frag rounds is beyond a joke.
It is like shooting tank rounds.

fragnificent4459d ago

but they are fixing that in the new update :)

torchic4459d ago

very true. F2000 & Famas are just such awesome weapons, way better than anything you get at lower ranks :(

only decent weapon you get at a lower rank for me is the M249. maybe also the SV98.

SilentNegotiator4459d ago

Like they supposedly did in the last dozen updates? Sure.

BF3 is poorly balanced. From the helicopters with unlimited flares that can hide a thousand feet in the air (with engineers feeding it health) to the ridiculous unlock structure (decent weapons, then crappy weapons, and then weapons of the gods at the highest ranks).

Bad Company 2 was better balanced than BF3.

jeseth4458d ago

@ Silent Negotiator

Thank you. I feel like I'm the only one on this site that is able to see the glaring issues that go unmentioned in the "game we shall not speak ill of" (BF3) that in any other game would be screamed from the mountain top. Especially if these unbalanced attrocities were "that other game" (COD).

FunkMacNasty4458d ago

I Agree!! BF3 Frag rounds need a nerfing. Interestingly enough, I finally gave them a try after unlocking them for the USAS12 this weekend.. and although I seem to get clown raped left and right by peopl using the USAS with Frags, yet I couldn't kill ANYONE with them unless they were right in my face!!

I'm way better with assault rifles, carbines, or even pistols over shotguns loaded with any kind of Slug.

I was thinking that an interesting way for DICE to address the Frag rounds in shotguns, would be to make them unlockable to Squad leaders of a team that has spent 3 minutes in the spawn base with the average team member recieving more deaths than kills.. basically the Frag rounds would be unlocked only if your being spawn raped.. than once the team captures one flag, the Frag rounds become unavailable again.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4458d ago
EmperorDalek4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

Killzone 2 was good, 3 had terrible balance. Resistance? 2 had the HVAP Wraith, making all other weapons pointless, and 3 had the insta-kill Atomizer. Battlefield can't be balanced, due to the vehicles. Uncharted has some bad perks, power weapons (T-Bolt snipers, anyone?) and kickbacks.

I'm not saying CoD has perfect balance, but it's at least up there with the one's I just listed.

SaffronCurse4458d ago

Resistance 3 mp is pretty fun, most guns are pretty equal in terms of taking damage. With the exception of like 2 guns.

soundslike4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

Timesplitters and Goldeneye have balanced weapons...? WHAT?!

half the fun is the mix of weapons that easy kills and ones that take skill

since mw caters to multiple audiences I think there should be easy kill weapons for noobs and weapons that are a essentially a badge of honor for those who can master them.

also weapon balance is kind of moot point when you can go 40-2 with killstreaks

RioKing4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

"also weapon balance is kind of moot point when you can go 40-2 with killstreaks"

BS. I see hundreds of cod players online almost daily man, and basically NO ONE (99%) goes 40-2...killstreaks or not.

supersonicjerry4459d ago

Killzone 2 yes had balance Killzone 3 killed it with all the new things they added mainly the one were you can stay cloaked for almost forever when you level that class up. KZ2 it was just a sniper one KZ3 it had that 5round burst gun I believe.

scrambles4459d ago

BF2142 had amazing balance.

GraveLord4459d ago

The only way to have perfect balance is if everyone is using the same gun.

Those games you listed don't' have perfect balance.

dark-hollow4459d ago

Halo 3 everyone starts with the same exact weapons.

No perks.
No add ones.
Perfect balance. The only way to get the upper hand is to work your way to better weapons and vehicles that are scattered around the map.

SaffronCurse4458d ago

BR is overpowered in H3..but in a good way at least.

The worst gun is the pistol, it's only useful in team swat.

Outside_ofthe_Box4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )


It's impossible to have perfect balance because perfection is not possible.

BUT just because you can never get things perfectly balanced doesn't mean you just throw balance out the window.

Balance isn't necessary in CoD anyways. It's an arcade game. It's meant for quick pick up and play to have fun. It's a casual game.

CoD is not for competitiveness based off of skill. The skill that CoD cats refer to is the "skill" used to exploit the casual game's unbalances that shouldn't exist, but do due to lack of attention to detail.

I've had CoD players tell me that Quickscoping requires skill, LOL.

Drabent4458d ago Show
miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4458d ago

None of those game you mentioned have gun balance. You kids are whack on this site.

LMAO... to even mention Killzone and Resistance.. one of those games isn't even being made anymore.


These anti COD fanboys are becoming one of the most sickening bunch on the internet. Disgusting filth.

BlackTar1874458d ago (Edited 4458d ago )


To me it looks like your confused. They said balance not realism. How many bullets it takes is not really about balance if all the guns take near the same amount then its tech even. The .50 cal sniper in BF3 is a perfect example of balance if it 1 shotted no matter where the shot all you would be playing against is snipers how aim at your legs and chest when really it should be headshots. If your going to sit in your spawn 200meters away you should not be given a 1 shot weapon that screams imbalance. I bring up the sniper cuz Im currently playing BF and if my rifle was 1 shot i would get 30-40+ kills agame.

E2M4458d ago (Edited 4458d ago )

With the amount of guns they have it is def a difficult task, Uncharted right now is having problems with weapon balance, asfter patch 1.03 everyone was frustrated with the fal and then 1.04 they nerfed the fal and now the g-mal is becoming a concern in the community, Uncharted 2 never had this problem because it had less guns. Uncharted only has 4 primary weapons to choose from, call of duty has dozens if not more. SO the task of finding a balance is a big ask.

Gears is a different kettle of fish, you get four weapons and out of those there are only 2-3 to choose from each weapon type which hardly isnt as complicated as CoD. I don't play CoD but having been in a community facing these issues I could only imagine how complicated it would be for a content rich game like CoD

SpecialK4458d ago

Killzone was never that balanced online. Invisible snipers would camp in corridors and use their rifles like shotguns.

Battlefield is no where near balanced either. Everyone uses the famas. Just like in black ops.

No game has a truly balanced set of guns, if they were all perfectly balanced, then theyd all be exactly the same.

I dont think its a huge issue, despite the slight imbalances all the guns can be effective. Its just bad players, not bad guns.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4458d ago
fastrez4459d ago

It is possible. Just never on a Call of Duty game with an inferior, out of date engine.

EmperorDalek4459d ago

What does the engine have to do with balance? People say CoD4 had perfect balance, and that uses the same engine. I don't know what you guys are on about, because MW3 is very balanced.

JaredH4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

Because you sound like you're talking about the game in general and not the guns I disagree completely.

COD4 was balanced because it had 3 killstreaks that everyone got and perks that didn't have pro versions that added a bunch to your character. In mw3 it takes hours to get some pro versions while minutes to get others too. Machine pistols are just as good as submachine guns so there's no point in pistols and people use the FMG9 as their primary half the time. How is that balanced?

COD4 didn't have deathstreaks or killstreaks like predators that get free kills while big kill streaks get shot down within seconds. I didn't know balance was rewarding lesser killstreaks with more kills. There is no point in using over 9 killstreaks when they get shot down while having free kills with predators. Same with getting stealth bombers that rip through everything and you don't need a streak while the normal airstrikes won't get a kill if it's used if a building's close by.

I'm not saying they should take things out but they should actually BALANCE the game and it sounds like Treyarch is listening with the things they're saying so that's a glimmer of hope for Black Ops 2. Seriously if MW3 is so balanced play Search and Destroy without dead silence and do consistently good...

madjedi4458d ago

@jared sorry got to disagree with you cod4's chopper was a flat out pain in the ass to kill, the rpgs were borderline worthless against it.

Even using a lmg took forever, and you typically got killed soon after engaging it. I will agree it's more balanced than it's successors, mw2 laughable perks and kill streaks come to mind.

skyward4459d ago

Subjective? Maybe. Unbalanced most of the time? Everyone agrees it is - but not for the same reasons.

xVeZx4459d ago

bring back stopping power and everything will be balanced (again?) lol

MRHARDON4459d ago

Then they have to bring back Juggernaught cause then the game wont be balanced

xVeZx4459d ago

ghost was probably in the top 5 complaints with black ops...the first thing i did when i got black ops was put ghost in the second perk slot...i knew that it was unbeatable...there was no consequences or disadvantages to using ghost...

if you have one id like to hear it because there was definitely nothing better than staying of the radar in the 2nd perk lot...i can be off radar and my bullets are just as strong as yours...stopping power would have changed that...

if there was stopping power i would have to choose: i can stay off the radar and have weaker bullets or i can have stronger bullets but im on radar...

TheGOODKyle4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

All I ask is that one weapon isn't so completely overpowered that it can take out an entire enemy team despite them all shooting the user at once. Maybe if CoD didn't release every year they'd manage that.

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Kaii25d ago

Morons that allow themselves to be milked continuously by this company is the definition of irony.
Spend more $$ and you'll end up In easier lobbies so you win both ways when ya spend that cash

melons25d ago

Controversy in the COD community feels like it happens within an alternate timeline. Activision will take the piss with something, there will be a momentary fuss about it, and then they will forget about it and carry on anyway. Repeat this cycle literally every year for the rest of time.

Gridknac25d ago

They call that a crack head! Thats what this is really about, its an addiction. People who dont smoke cigarettes look and laugh at the addicts that spend $8-$10 a pack, but they cant help themselves, they are addicted. That same analogy applies perfectly to the whole MT industry. Only an addict that was not thinking clearly would spend this kind of money on something so frivolous. A round of multiplayer provides the same high a person gets from scratching a lotto ticket, or putting money on a sports bet. MT in general need to really be regulated because you have a generation of kids becoming adults who grew up only knowing the MT era of gaming. Its normal to them and they will in turn teach their kids the same by just being a gaming parent and getting their kids involved with them in gaming. Thats why no matter how ridiculous the headlines keep getting out of the MT industry, it never seems to fade or go away.

X-2324d ago

I'm so tired of hearing about what they're doing with this game, its never going to change and it's never going to value the consumer over money, furthermore the people who engage so heavily in the microtransactions I guess allegedly are having a blast and can't wait to do it some more this year when the new version of the game drops.


Cheech And Chong Are Coming To Call Of Duty Because Everything Must Be Consumed

The famous comedy duo is the latest example of pop culture becoming one big grey blob

Christopher40d ago

Certain to have some sort of reference to their online store for CBD/THC chews, which is advertising heavily online the last month or two.

Sciurus_vulgaris39d ago

The randomness of the multiplayer characters is one of reason I quit playing COD after briefly returning in 2022. We got Space Marines, rappers, tree monsters etc. all in a series called “ Modern Warfare”.

OtterX39d ago (Edited 39d ago )

I think if there was ever a time for a competitor to rise up and take away some of Call of Duty's thunder, the time would be now. A military shooter that takes itself seriously, not sold out to Fortnitism. Easier said than done, I know... but the time is ripe.

I can't stand this stuff either.

Palitera39d ago

There are tons of MP shooters that make no profit, if you're looking for one of those

fsfsxii39d ago

You guys have been saying this shit since 2009. Fortunately, nobody’s bringing down cod anytime soon, if ever.

crazyCoconuts39d ago

I agree. I really didn't like how the silliness takes away the gritty origins. That and all the crazy effects... dunno. I'm still playing it but I'd love for someone to steal their cheese and cater to grittier players

OtterX39d ago

@fsfsxii It's not so much wanting COD itself to die as it is wanting this silliness to die. Like CrazyCoconuts said, it takes from the grittiness. Many OG COD players want a straightup Military shooter experience, not silly costume time at Carnival.

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Profchaos39d ago

is this what the kids want these days a pair of iconic stoners who were big in the 70s and have kind of held on I enjoyed their movies decades ago but I never recall the movie where cheech infiltrates a enemy base while chong snipes for support guess I must of missed that one

Man I'm getting to old for this

Knightofelemia39d ago (Edited 39d ago )

Cheech just looks so wrong in the picture.

Profchaos39d ago

Why just why. cod up in smoke

anast39d ago

They charge too much for a game that is kitsch.

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