
Leo Laporte gets His Final Red Ring of Death (RRoD)

Tech TV personality Leo Laporte, most famously known as co-host of The Screen Savers, posted today on his personal blog that he has had it with his Xbox 360; he received his second "and final" red ring of death today. It's really sad that Microsoft made a major mistake and created a launch product that has suffered from so many technical malfunctions, causing people like Mr. Laporte to miss out on a ton of great future 360 games.

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ThatCanadianGuy5629d ago

So who's gonna try and spin this one? Bladestar? POG/MART?
C'mon..i know you want to..

Tmac5629d ago

It will be a collaborative effort.

- Ghost of Sparta -5629d ago (Edited 5629d ago )

"...causing people like Mr. Laporte to miss out on a ton of great future 360 games."


UltimaEnder5629d ago

I'm confused, are you saying that there are not any games coming out in the future that are worthy of your time or just dogging me because he uses both his Xbox 360 and his Playstation 3?

Harry1905629d ago

Who is the guy laughing in the gif?
A celebrity?

Edit: Not Leo Laporte, the guy in the gif that GhostofSparta posted.

DudePV5629d ago

The Dude from Heroes! lol

Aclay5629d ago


The guy laughing in the gif is George Takei from Star Trek.... he's the guy from Star Trek.... that got married to another guy this year just in case you haven't heard. LOL.

sonarus5629d ago

But there is always Jasper:(

Danja5629d ago

and before "Jasper" there was the "Falcon" ,

who wanna guess the next name for the 360 ?

rosebowl235629d ago

"It's really sad that Microsoft made a major mistake and created a launch product that has suffered from so many technical malfunctions, causing people like Mr. Laporte to miss out on a ton of great future 360 games."

i doubt hell miss them since 95% of 360 exclusives will be out on pc anyway. smart gamers chose pc/ps3 this gen

Michael Jackson5629d ago

Falcon, Jasper.. What's next? The Xbox 360 Phoenix? Naaah... A phoenix can withstand the heat. Might as well just call it Xbox 360 Popeye's.

mikeslemonade5629d ago

Bomp Bomp Bomp Another One Bites the Dust

caladbolg7775628d ago

You hit the nail right on the head. PC+PS3=Win. I'm not missing out on "exclusives" nor multi-plats.

JoySticksFTW5628d ago

2010 at the very earliest, or so I read.

But I don't have total confidence in any of those either.

Sure, they mat seem like a good fix today. But with games becoming more complex and resource-demanding... and features like the New Xbox Experience pushing the systems harder than ever before, any "fix" that MS comes up with seems to get nullified as their system has to fight harder to keep up with the new games and features.

You always see the RROD flare up again every time a resource-intensive game like Gears 2 comes out, no matter which motherboard is being used. The only true fix for RROD is a total redesign, unless MS mandates that devs stop pushing the 360 further which I don't see happening

thereapersson5628d ago

I hope to GOD that doesn't happen...

Developers suddenly limited because MS doesn't want them to make a game that will cause the console to break. What kind of sh1t is that?

But yeah, you're right.

ultimolu5628d ago

...*shakes head*
That is messed up.

mega BIG time5628d ago

Who TF is Leo Laporte?? And why does anyone think i would care about his xbox frying?

gonzopia5628d ago

Leo Laporte, for those who haven't been keeping up with the Internet in the last ten years, is the host of TWIT (This Week In Tech) and The Lab on TechTV. He previously hosted Call For Help, and was a part of the Screen Savers. He's one of the foremost voices on internet culture.

herbaldoctor75628d ago

im on my 4th xbox and really getting fed up with microsofts products.vista sucks also. ps3 has give me no problems,sony is quality

5628d ago
Tawnokoi5628d ago

*stops playing his PC for a moment to check N4G*

*sees a guy with a RRoD for an avatar submitting anti-Microsoft article*

*briefly laments what's happened to N4G*


*goes back to playing PC*

Maxned5628d ago

This is what I just dont get about this site. HOW IS THIS NEWS? Some washed up tech old guy who got a RROD. Big deal. It happens. And yet it reaches 1050 degrees. THIS DOESNT BENEFIT US AT ALL.
If you are getting something out of this article then you are one, sick f***

likedamaster5628d ago

""We would now like a moment of silence in dedication to Mr. Leo Laporte's Xbox 360, which died from the terrible Red Ring of Death (RRoD) syndrome at 11:34 on Saturday - December 06, 2008. . . . . . . moment over, back to Gears of War 2.""


dantesparda5628d ago

Im on my 5th 360 (or is it the 6th? i dont even know anymore, i've lost count) and to the guy above me you'll care when you're on your 3rd, 4th, or higher replacement

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 5625d ago
TheColbertinator5629d ago

lol sucks for him.Even when I got the intercooler for my 360 it still got RROD.Maybe the Jasper models will finally end this business

- Ghost of Sparta -5629d ago

Intercoolers will RROD your 360 even quicker.

TheColbertinator5629d ago

Yeah ironic in a way.I was about to try the towel trick the first time I got it but Microsoft considers those tampered and doesn't repair them.

PoSTedUP5629d ago

yes, intercoolers actually shoots dust into the mother board and will even bring down the ps3. very bad accessory. stay away.

TheCagyDies5629d ago (Edited 5629d ago )

Don't use the intercooler... My 2nd 360 RRoDed really fast with that. Now I am on my 3rd 360 which I haven't used any intercoolers on and it has lasted longer than my second 360 and is still going...

EVOLVED5629d ago (Edited 5629d ago )

problem fixed with jasper..... the end. I have 3 360s and not one problem. one has the jasper the other two have the falcon. not one problem yet. one is my bro's, the other is my girls and the third is mine. However I must say with the jasper it has got alot quieter compared to the falcon chip. can't hear it at all.

EVOLVED5629d ago (Edited 5629d ago )

the only thing he will use on the ps3 is the blue ray/.
that is the only reason it did half way decent. judgeing from it's sales since they dropped the price of stand alone blueray players I think M$ you have to amit has got this one in the bag.
choose american products.

agmsd5629d ago

They might lower the price to a point you can use it for once and then throw it when you finish playing your game. if it didn't rrod in the middle of the game that is. I mean they should ship every game with a free xbox 360 so you might have enough spares...lol... sorry couldn't help my self...lol

UltimateIdiot9115628d ago

When 360 is at the 100 or maybe even 120 price. I'm jumping. At that price, I wouldn't mind seeing it break so much but when I pay 200+ and pay other investment (Live), I would expect to see quality and reliability.
These days, you can get a PS2 roughly for 100 and a lot more reliable than the 360.

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi5628d ago

Like WHAT Future Games???????????? ;-D

+ 'intercooler'??? I'm glad PS3 owners don't have to worry about things like that!!! ;)

earwax5628d ago

Wow......let's post more Mod because THIS IS NEWS! Funny how RROD and all the 360 STILL kicks the $hit out of the PS3

morganfell5628d ago

At the above, you are obviously some snot nosed 7 year old that has no idea who Leo is or the fact he was hosting a really cool show before G4 came along and ruined Tech Tv by giving us that idiot flamer kevin p.

Besides, it is news. The high failure rate is the real story MS has spent a fortune trying to bury.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5628d ago
Man_of_the_year5629d ago

So does this mean he is throwing it out rather than sending it in for a free repair since its under the 3 year warranty? I mean what do people do with their RROD consoles if they are not going to validate their warranty...thats like saying your not going to use your power of free speech. Why wouldn't you use your 3 year warranty if it didn't cost you anything and doesn't cost anything to send in?

I just don't get it.

UltimaEnder5629d ago

I am curious as to the same thing, why not send it off; its free to be fixed!

TheColbertinator5629d ago

@Man of the year

The 360 warranty expired back in November 21.

Danja5629d ago

bcuz obviously it's gonna be a never ending cycle..

dragonslayer915629d ago

There are NO games good enough to put up with constant console shipping.
You'd have to be an idiot consumer/loyalist to continue to support this kinda thing. that warranty ain't worth doodoo to Leo or any other rational person but the xbox idiots sure seem to think so.

GIJeff5628d ago

he's a really considerate person, and doesn't want to sell poop to someone else. Perhaps he's not like MS, and has a conscience. Or, more likely, he's really freaking mad and doesn't think it's worth the effort/time to take care of putting it back into its coffin/carrying case. Why doesn't MS "go green" and sell cloth coffins to cut down on the number of trees they kill sending millions of paper boxes to people? Dammit, I can do this all night.

thereapersson5628d ago (Edited 5628d ago )

He tries to hide it, but deep down inside, this news is eating him alive. There really is no possible way to spin this news or make it so you can paint MS in a good picture. The RRoD is un-excusable for MS, just as the disc read error was un-excusable for Sony.

Why would you be willing to excuse MS for a console fault that is so widespread and prevalent, even with a "free" warranty? Not to mention the fact that the only reason the extended warranty exists is because MS would rather enable that than take heat in a lawsuit, which they know they could have a chance at losing.

At least with Sony, the problem was within the 5 percent margin for error that most electronics are allowed.

Man_of_the_year5628d ago (Edited 5628d ago )

So i'm a Microsoft fanboy only because i ask a question? There was no spinning in my comment. It was a genuine question. Wow i sense the ignorance in thereapersson is strong. Must be a Sony Fanboy, trying to make a fact out of an opinion and spinning everything into something negative about MS and the 360. And i guess you should ask the 25+million owners why they bought the 360 that has such defultive hardware..tell ya what - get the 18+million Sony users who have non faulty console and ask the 25 + million 360 owners...i am sure with the extra 7 million 360 owners - one would be able to answer your question...being as ignorant as it was.

Simple question - what did he do with the console if not send it in for the free repair. thats still $300 that he spent, i am sure he would like to gain his money back somehow - and isn't the 3 year warranty up only for those that were models when first created and the refurbished ones? If my manufacturing date is January of 08 i am pretty sure i am covered with the warranty of RROD.

Tony P5628d ago

"Why wouldn't you use the warranty?"

Your question was answered, I think sufficiently. But here goes me:

Your 360 is a great friend with great games. But something's wrong, you can tell.

Your 360 has cancer. Cancer called RROD.

Every time you power it on, it gets weaker. And eventually you have to send it in for treatment. But...there's no cure for cancer. It will happen again. But rather than suffer that heartbreak over and over, you might choose to stop extending its misery and let a good friend rest. And a new beginning with cancer-free PS3 or the (presumably) working Jasper model. It's ok. It would have wanted you to be happy.

thewhoopimen5628d ago (Edited 5628d ago )

All you xbox fanboys PLEASE READ THE ARTICLE.

Forget that. READ THIS QUOTE! "Second Red Ring of Death on my Xbox360. Definitely not heat this time - it's freezing. What junk.”

Did Laporte say it was RROD?????!?!!!



Man_of_the_year5628d ago (Edited 5628d ago )

"All you xbox fanboys PLEASE READ THE ARTICLE.

Forget that. READ THIS QUOTE! "Second Red Ring of Death on my Xbox360. Definitely not heat this time - it's freezing. What junk.”

Did Laporte say it was RROD?????!?!!!"

Uhhh judging by the quote you used - Uhh ya he does say its the second RROD...are you that stupid..i mean really are you...i mean your answer is right there in the quote you used. Are all Sony Fanboys like yourself this blind and ignorant?

Here is another quote from the article - actually the second sentence in the opening paragraph..

"Tech TV personality Leo Laporte, most famously known as co-host of The Screen Savers, posted today on his personal blog that he has had it with his Xbox 360; he received his second "and final" red ring of death today."

thewhoopimen - your a dumba$$ please read the article - actually better yet - learn how to read.

phosphor1125628d ago

I fixed my disc read error in literally 10 mins. Yay youtube. Oh yeah, it broke after...6.5 - 7 years of owning it.

Honestly RROD puts MS to shame, yet I don't see why people still give them their loyalty.

Anon19745628d ago

Thank god my 4th console held in there long enough to finish Gears 2 and Fable 2. I don't see anything else that I want to play on my 360 now. If my 4th dies, I won't be replacing it. What a nightmare the whole thing has been. I've been without my console for 4 months, so 10% of the 3 years I've had my 360 I haven't been able to play the product I purchased. I think I'll be sitting out MS's next gen as well.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5628d ago
akaFullMetal5629d ago

it sucks that his 360 rrod, and that he will miss on some good games, but this is the kinda stuff that makes me not get a 360. Not til i actually hear that microsoft fixes it, or its a cheap as hell and i dont care that it breaks, then ill get one.

agmsd5629d ago (Edited 5628d ago )

Moved it to the open zone...

caladbolg7775628d ago (Edited 5628d ago )

Move yourself to the open zone. His post is not inflammatory in the least. Negative bubbs for being a jerk.

tatotiburon5629d ago

and why he is going to miss future xbox 360 games? hellooo MR laporte, warranty anyone?? just send it and you will recive a newer console, so the big deal is?. Before anyone say it, if he bought a launch console from 2005 he said that he had a first RROD, so he got a new one from 2006 or 2007 and his warranty still good.

PoSTedUP5629d ago

i wouldn't want to put up with that junk either. firstclassmailBox360?

ultimolu5628d ago

Warranty expired?

Not everyone has the patience of a fool to keep sending in a broken product so it can break again.

I just hope the 360 I'm getting is stable.

PoSTedUP5628d ago

i would wait till the jasper fully hits the market juuken.... until then you are just playing the MS lottery.

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Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B2d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv722d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii2d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast2d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...

INMATEofARKHAM1d 23h ago

It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife1d 12h ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit1d 8h ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife1d 6h ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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anast3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

They aren't going to give more. We are talking about a company that has rereleased an 13 year old game at least 5 times.