
New Xbox Experience brings RRoD

Oy vey... Looks like the New Xbox Experience dashboard update is experiencing some not-so-new Xbox woes. November 19: launch day for the NXE update. Not 24 hours after it went live, complaints are already piling up.

Various forums online have threads and threads of people reporting anything from connection freezes, slow downs, lock ups, broken TV connections, and so many other different numerical errors that, if all of them were strung together, could potentially measure all the way from Earth to the moon (and back).

No, but seriously though.

There are even reports of brickage - yes, the famed red ring of death is back. Some say it's limited to modded consoles only (no surprise there) but other untainted units seem to be affected by the same problem too.

We've yet to hear any official response from Major Nelson or any of the Microsoft staff. Some say the slow downs are caused by the simple fact of surging traffic accessing XBL, but the other problems are still unaccounted for.

If you are experiencing any problems with the NXE update, you might want to contact customer service (good luuuuuck!) or check out the forums to ask around if anyone's getting the same problem as you.

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tortella5646d ago

since 3 year warantees have run out for like a million gamers worldwide


poor MS

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi5646d ago

But why do it now Micro$oft??? In November for??? It's a busy time of the year and all that. Don't make sense really to me, to do a big update near xMas. Oh well!
Oh O.K FanBoy bit, pp would do it to PS3 Fans!!! ;-D



Anton Chigurh5646d ago

remember 2.40 fw ???? nasim ?? do you actually have one = PS3 ??

mine is a launch model and I updated it without any issue

another BS news from SDF

Hentai5646d ago

Time for 360 fans to go get laid.

morganfell5646d ago

You can't even begin to compare the few issues with 2.40 to the mountain of persistent and worldwide problems called RROD. It's like comparing a mosquito bite to a decapitation.

MS did this because they believe owners will turn around and either pay for the repairs or just buy a new 360 outright. The fact that they waited for warranties to expire reeks and is obviously a a deliberate, money grubbing action.

chaosatom5646d ago

LOL, Just buy a ps3 PP, you'll be Happy.


ultimolu5646d ago

Well, I guess 360 fanboys forgot this article.


What, that's bullsh*t too?

0verdrive5646d ago

ho ho ho

ok fanboyism aside, that sucks for the xbox community. i just find it funny that a lotta xbox fanboys on this side are trying to say that the sony fanboys are spinning this, when the source is an xbox site. just something i found amusing.

Rick Astley5646d ago

Somebody get Bloodmask some tissues his 360 just got the RROD.


This is truly the funniest crap i've seen a long time. How desperate are the droids these days. Seems like everyday there is another SDF member writing a blog about the 360 and MS and they're never even close on their claims. The fact is the only hang ups are due to the volume of people on live playing around with all the new features. This will be resolved quite quickly. Tomorrow when we all sign in there will be no freezing issues. Droid desperation/Jealousy stinks really bad. They're all butt-hurt because XBL got a whole new look and feel before HOME is released and it was announced WAY after HOME was.. Another case of MS delivering and Droids grasping at straws. This site has turned into: post a link to an SDF member's blog, have a flamebait title that people will read and take as truth and then spam every thread with incorrect info. And for the legit articles?? keep that flamebait title because you know damn well a droid won't actually open the link to read the information. N4G is a digital comedy show. and the comedians are PP, sir Ken the qu33r, Juuken,Dark sniper,canadianguy,rick astley, Ali the brit etc. These people need to be banned

Xlll5646d ago

@Anton Chigurh - at least with 2.40 our consoles didn't die on us. Nice try at damage control but much like those 360's you failed.

BLuKhaos5646d ago (Edited 5646d ago )


0verdrive5646d ago

its sad that you assume that the writer of this article is a ps3 fanboy, because, what if he isnt? why do you assume that EVERY single negative article is written by a ps3 fanboy? equally as stupid is when ps3 fanboys claim that ms pays off all its reviewers.

but the point is, look at the site. its not just some blog that someone made up to try and slander the 360 name. its a legitimate xbox360 site, with a legitimate xbox team, who so happens to be posting problems they see occurring with the nxe.

fanboy? fake blogs? SDF? your just making yourself sound like a diluted fanboy, that discredits news about your own console from a site dedicated to your console, just because you dont like it. its a real shame that your belittling the work of whoever wrote this article as well, ESPECIALLY since he is catering to the likes of YOU.

pixelsword5646d ago (Edited 5646d ago )

quick: stop, drop and roll!

All kidding aside, I hope you guys get a quick solution and are back to playing Gears 2 again.

I want to see if the Falcon-chipped 360's are going bad...

...and to see what happens to people who own a 360 past their warranty date.

ELite_Ghost5646d ago


sounds like the good old experience 360 fanboys have been getting for 3 years...

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5646d ago
Spike475646d ago (Edited 5646d ago )

hopefully MS will fix it soon. Kind of funny how its like Star Wars, seeing as the xbox360's lights are green and all and RROD is red(dark side). I don't know I just wanted to point that out.

tortella5646d ago

plus MS themselves issued a warning too

I believe NXE was rushed and why not u are competiting with 2D avatars against 3D virtual space like HOME

The best idea is to make an impression before HOME arrives and HOME is phenomenal


This is shocking.
MS should get ready to lose more money in replacing the consoles and now most people 3years warranty is up i can be %100 they will be a lot of pissed of 360 gamers "REALLY PISSED OFF" some might just end switching to the ps3.

fadeawayjae5646d ago

it just reminds me of christmas

HighDefinition5646d ago

The original warranties are almost up.

RememberThe3575646d ago

This seems like the something Sony went through with firmware 2.40.

B4st10n5646d ago

... following the 10% brickage NXE brought the Xbox 360, Microsoft is pleased to announce that Xbox live accounts have gone up tremendously during the last weeks. User accounts went from 15 millions to almost 17 millions in just a handful of days. Steve Ballmer was seen throwing chairs at the Sony building shouting "You can't compete with us! I will f*ckin bury you!".

Bnet3435646d ago

I knew this would come up. Oh well, sucks for those guys. If mines RROD'd I'd be covered and have my PS3 to hold me out till' it would come back.

Hentai5646d ago (Edited 5646d ago )

Time to fix the problem.

5646d ago
HighDefinition5646d ago (Edited 5646d ago )

The RROD is NOT a conspiracy!!!!

2-3 "ring out" at every gaming event, MS is lucky one has done it during a presentation!

chaosatom5646d ago

Like xbox has been left 4 dead.

or He wasn't able to finish the fight.


But Seriously, Microsoft should get right on the issue.

f7897905646d ago

And whoever disagreed with RememberThe357 and the ps3's 2.4 update problems has their head up their a$$. It did bring problems when it first came out. I only have a ps3 and I admit there were slowdowns at first.

barakiu5646d ago

i had an XBoX1 and I bought 20 games, but come to find out my drive was defective and all the games i attempted to play got scratched to death.

i never want to see another Microsoft console again.

donate to impoverished, starving people instead of wasting your money on a XBoX, at least you'll see a return insomuch as having a happier outlook on society.

SonyOwnsNextYear5646d ago

watch microsofts "repairs" be added into "sales" for the holiday season, that way they can technically say "WE moved xxxxxxx (number) of x360s"

gamesmaster5646d ago

"the xbox has been left 4 dead" that actually made me laugh out loud bubbles for that one.

JD_Shadow5646d ago (Edited 5646d ago )

So where is the proof that it's NOT happening?

By the way, I guess you're the only one that didn't concede that there is a problem, since we have two sources saying there are issues. Why is it that there is always one person that has a tin foil hat on every single time these stories come up and say "OMG CONSPIRACY!" to everything.

@RememberThe357 & f789790: It's not the same thing. When people were having issues with 2.40, Sony IMMEDIATELY went to rectify the problem that was not before an issue (the first widespread hardware issue with the PS3 that I was aware of). Not so here. And it's making something that they said wasn't an issue anymore come back up and bite them in the ass, and they STILL have no answer to it. Yet we're to blame for making it an issue and for bringing the RROD up in the FIRST place? Figure THAT one out!

@disagree(s): Please at least TELL me WHY you disagree instead of hiding behind it. God, why does no one listen when I said N4G needs SOME record as to who agrees and disagrees to comments so no one can hide behind them?

Ldubbz5646d ago

"So where is the proof that it's NOT happening? " sez darkride...

That made me laugh out loud...remember that Simpsons episode, when they form a Bear Patrol squad because one bear was sighted? Lisa and Homer had a conversation that went something like this..

LISA: Dad, we dont need any bear patrol

HOMER: Why not? you dont see any bears around do you?

LISA: Thats proposterous! (grabs a rock) You see this rock? It keeps tigers away.

HOMER: Explain

LISA: Well, you dont see any tigers around do you?

HOMER: Lisa, I would like to buy your rock

thebudgetgamer5646d ago (Edited 5646d ago )

but there is no way we should still bee talking about rrod stuff three years into the 360 for shame ms for shame


above bubble for the simpsons reference

ThanatosDMC5646d ago

I didnt get it but i had NXE before the official release. It works just fine for me. Sucks for those people. Maybe too many downloading at one time messed it up somehow?

ape0075646d ago (Edited 5646d ago )

guys,after I installed sr2 on hd

I notice some slowdown and screentearing


I already installed gears 2,sr2,gta4,cod 4,tfu and someother

am afraid my 360 get red lights

if this happens,that's it 360 is the most unreliable vg system in history

enough with my old one,it got e74 and rrod

my head will explode if this is true


do I need to delete all my saved games

Bodhi5646d ago (Edited 5646d ago )

LMFAO, you Sony guys are just eating this right up... None of you HAVE a 360 that RROD with this update but you all are flocking to it with a smirk on your face. Hell I could do it too.

"Lol, looks like Microsoft didn't test well enough, RROD is back and it's not good."

Pffft, any of you remember Firmware update V2.40 for the PS3? Hmmmm? Freezing up and locking up of PS3s? Bricking PS3s?

No one on my 100 person friends list experienced a RROD as they ALL have avatars.

I'm not doubting this happens, it will happen, there's no way to stop it from happening. But it doesn't happen too often.

We aren't talking about the RROD in general, just the NXE RROD which is a very small percentage.

How come no one is bringing up how Live is doing an amazing job of not crashing completely when 15 million Live users had downloaded the NXE?

Of the course the bad news is the hottest temperature and the PS3 praising is also at the hottest temperature.

You guys are the ultimate FUD spreaders, I've seen at least 3 forums that I visit laugh and mock this site for the comments as they all know that everyone here is a fanboy, mostly on Sony's side. I don't like to side with any side but honestly, this is ridiculous.

I lost 2 bubbles, I went from 6 bubbles to 4 bubbles from being pissed off at Sony for stripping away their movies from Netflix 360, which made me pretty pissed off. And why shouldn't I be? Would any of you be pissed of you bought a Sony Vaio only to have it not installed with Windows? Or would you be pissed off if you bought a Sony phone and it didn't work with Windows Mobile?

You people make me laugh, hard.

pixelsword5646d ago

So I guess the update could in theory cause RRoD.

shovelbum5646d ago

No problems here but I feel for those who experience them. However I don't put too much stock in forums when it comes to numbers so maybe it's not as big an issue as some fanboys would like for it to be. Anyway I like the new update and look forward to more customization in the future.

big_tim5646d ago

30 min before locking up. I got to customize my avatar and was checking out the new interface and then it froze. Turned off on again and logged into netflix. As soon as the streaming titles appeared , the screen went crazy and it froze. Powered off then on and logged into netflix and it did the same thing again. This time the RROD happened. This is my third 360 and had been fine for over a year. Now I have to MS to send a 4th. Here I go again...

Homicide5646d ago

You get what you pay for. Cheaper costs = hidden costs.

Ju5646d ago

Just FYI (and OT), but 2.40 did not break the PS3, it rendered it unusable. Reflashing the PS3 would have fixed the very same unit and in most cased, clearing the HDD helped (reformating it). 2.41 fixed the problem, too. But obviously, if your PS3 does not boot you need extra HW to flash the EEProm. No single FW update ever broke the PS3 HW! (That is, what the RRoD is).

But, w/e. I don't even know if this story is true. NXE == Vista for 360 ? :) Nah, if there are reports still in ten days from now, then I believe it, else I consider this a fluke.

JD_Shadow5646d ago

>> LMFAO, you Sony guys are just eating this right up... None of you HAVE a 360 that RROD with this update but you all are flocking to it with a smirk on your face. Hell I could do it too. <<

Nice of you to just ASSUME that anyone that says of this in any kind of bad light are somehow Sony fanboys by default. Too bad you really don't know what they own, or you don't CARE to know because it may damage your already feeble talking points.

>> "Lol, looks like Microsoft didn't test well enough, RROD is back and it's not good."

Pffft, any of you remember Firmware update V2.40 for the PS3? Hmmmm? Freezing up and locking up of PS3s? Bricking PS3s? <<

Read my post up above and you MIGHT be able to know that there is a difference between the two incidents. For one, you IMMEDIATELY went to a Sony-related incident. Alot of things can go wrong with anything when you update it. That's common sense. Now, before you go and try to take me out of context and rush to reply to that, hear out the rest of this answer: Sony rushed to fix the problem, taking the firmware offline until they could get it fixed, and offered to replace the broken PS3s for free because of it. That and it was the first PS3 issue of that kind that was widespread. MS knew about the RROD for years and has yet to come up with any kind of permanent resolution, and this NXE is making an old friend come back, and MS has yet to respond or to even acknowledge that there IS anything wrong. THERE'S your difference. And by the way, none of that makes this issue any more condonable.

But I KNOW you're going to try to say that I somehow admitted that this would be the same thing as my first line (before the REST of my answer that I labeled).

>> No one on my 100 person friends list experienced a RROD as they ALL have avatars. <<

That doesn't mean that they didn't have problems once they installed it. They didn't say the RROD was the ONLY thing that people experienced. There was disconnects and lag and all of that. Apparently you just saw the letters RROD and panicked that someone would think something other than "MS is the best" and went to typing without reading the entire article.

>> I'm not doubting this happens, it will happen, there's no way to stop it from happening. But it doesn't happen too often. <<

Yes you are. You said in your last line that you had a friends list of 100 that never experienced the RROD! What the hell IS that supposed to mean. Oh, I see: "But it doesn't happen too often." Obviously you just didn't seem to pay attention the last 2 or so YEARS that the RROD has been the mark of the beast on the 360 console. That and, like I said, the RROD isn't the only thing they listed as the issues that people have had, but you never read what was said, so why bother with details?

>> We aren't talking about the RROD in general, just the NXE RROD which is a very small percentage. <<

You keep repeating the same damn thing. Again, READ! THE! ARTICLE!

>> How come no one is bringing up how Live is doing an amazing job of not crashing completely when 15 million Live users had downloaded the NXE? <<


>> Of the course the bad news is the hottest temperature and the PS3 praising is also at the hottest temperature. <<

So you think that the thousands of people that DO have issues with the product just ignore them and pretend they don't exist? If anything, they should use this as a way to figure out that there IS something wrong with it and get about to fix it.

And by the way, were you here for 2007? And have you been here the past few days when a LOT of pro-MS news was on the top of the temp list? Seems to me that you think even ONE negative 360 story or one pro-PS3 story is too much for you to handle.

>> You guys are the ultimate FUD spreaders, <<

Look in the mirror.

>> I've seen at least 3 forums that I visit laugh and mock this site for the comments as they all know that everyone here is a fanboy, mostly on Sony's side. <<

Let me guess, one of those forums is the XBox Kings, right? Seriously, though, why not just argue the points without getting into this "N4G is for fanboys" argument like it's your only explanation as to why people react to stories the way they do. Maybe they are just tired of seeing the same damn issues come up with MS's console without any acknowledgment of their pleas to do something serious ABOUT it. You don't get that there are also disgruntled 360 owners that aren't exactly happy that the RROD or the other issues (regardless of where they come from) keep popping up. Why is it that with the 360, you either have to like absolutely EVERYTHING about it or else you're a PS3 fanboy? I fail to get that and no one is ever going to tell me, I guess.

>> I don't like to side with any side but honestly, this is ridiculous. <<

So...is that why you never once bring up anything BAD the 360 has done? You keep denying it happens before you say you're NOT denying it.

>>. I lost 2 bubbles, I went from 6 bubbles to 4 bubbles from being pissed off at Sony for stripping away their movies from Netflix 360, which made me pretty pissed off. <<

No, you lost them because you just blindly defend MS and keep insisting that you are completely right and say that anyone with an opinion that in any way goes against what you want them to say is wrong. You did it in the last place that you were actually responding to me. You said what you could to defend Microsoft ( http://www.n4g.com/NewsCom-... ) without even believing that anything couldn't be refuted with some common sense of research. THAT'S why you lost your bubbles, not because of some conspiracy against your opinions.

>> And why shouldn't I be? Would any of you be pissed of you bought a Sony Vaio only to have it not installed with Windows? Or would you be pissed off if you bought a Sony phone and it didn't work with Windows Mobile? <<

And no one that has a PS3 are allowed to be pissed that MS continues to make people like SE, Eidos, and Namco sell out by making their PS3 exclusives go multiplat while no one ever allows a yet-to-be-released 360 exclusive goes multiplat, all before delaying the game for the PS3 just so the 360 version can be released at the exact same time? It's just them saying that what goes around, comes around, and that it is about time SOMEONE at Sony had a backbone to go and do something that drastic to damage a MS "advantage".

>> You people make me laugh, hard. <<

Maybe THAT'S why you never actually READ this article (because it's obvious you didn't).

thebudgetgamer5646d ago

but if i had to go through 4 of them you can bet your backside it would be out with the trash.
That being said i have tons of respect for the 360 as a gaming console and cant wait to get one for myself but these issues are still prevalent and that bothers me.


Wiinsight5646d ago

Anybody know Nintendo's tech support number? Oh wait! Nobody would ever need it.

lsujester5646d ago

No, but if they have a number that will let me complain about the lack of games, I definitely want it.

NewZealander5646d ago

ever since the update fable 2 keeps crashing on me, its a new xbox too, anyone else with this problem pm me and let me know


Those who have gotten RROD get a new one and put your old harddrive on it its cheaper than pay 100$ for repairs.

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 5645d ago
Hellsvacancy5646d ago

The Ps3 has had a LOT of stick in recent weeks its pay back time...

Putting fanboyism aside - i wouldnt wish for anybodys system to break (Except Pog and PP) but hay its tough luck

Ps3 rules

tortella5646d ago

Think about the millions of x360 owners whose warantees have run out
I feel bad cuz now they have to pay for repairing their consoles which is very costly

chaosatom5646d ago

Sony did an excellent job with the hardware department.

f7897905646d ago

Eventually they will be faced with either buying a new console or paying microsoft to repair their old one.

FreedomReign5646d ago (Edited 5646d ago )

Wow 3 years and no problems, and blam November 23 the thing dies? That's one unlucky SOB.

Edit: Oh wait its not November 23 yet, so every single 360 since launch still has a warranty. If they really wanted to screw people over, MS should have waited a week.

cheapndirty5646d ago

I have an arcade and a pro. No problems at all.

ofx3605646d ago

WHAT THE F*CK... no one owns me im a free black man FREE!!!! LOL

Sarcasm5646d ago

Power of Green doesn't have a 360.

Why? Because there's too many good games on the 360 and he sure aint playing them, he's on N4G trolling PS3 news.

SaiyanFury5646d ago (Edited 5646d ago )

Holy $hit. I own an original model 360 that hasn't RROD'd on me yet. I keep it relatively cool with a fan blowing on it, but I haven't played it recently with all of the great PS3 titles coming out. Things like Resistance 2, Naruto, and Valkyria Chronicles (HUGELY addictive game). I guess I won't be 'uprading' my 360's firmware until these bugs get fixed. Lord knows I'm not out of my RROD warranty quite yet, but I don't think I'll take the risk. Good thing I'm not addicted to online gaming. Not that I could anyways; I never upgraded my Xbox Live silver account to gold. I ain't giving MS any extra money for things that I can get on Sony's console for free. *cough* built in Wi-Fi *cough*

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5646d ago
madestar5646d ago (Edited 5646d ago )

1-2-3 red light!!! or should i say 1-2-3 RROD!!! LOL!!!!

fanboyism aside...

i use to own a XBOX 360... i had so many problems with it... i had to ship to fix 3 times... (i know some who shipped at least 7 times)

when i got a ps3 ? after that i never turned back.. i'm glad i'm playing games, surfing the net, looking at my photos, watching bd movies, and yes all in 7.1 surround sound, and i'm also upscaling my old dvd collections, and playing ps1 and ps2 titles, waiting for HOME to hit.. all is grand on the ps3 side of things..

now imagine if i stayed loyal to the XBOX 360.. i would of expeienced who knows how many RROD.. or hardware failure... hopefully they fix it.. cause i do sometimes play games on my bro's XBOX 360.. only because he had GTA4.. (which i can get on ps3 but why when he already has the game) and GOW2...


Mr PS35646d ago

Oh Fu*K IT


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"Unlock the Force: Get the Cantina Band Jam Track in Fortnite's Star Wars Event

Discover how to acquire the iconic Cantina Band Jam Track in the Fortnite x Star Wars collaboration. Gear up for an intergalactic musical journey in Fortnite's latest event.

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Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B2d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv722d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii2d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast2d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife1d 15h ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit1d 11h ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife1d 9h ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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Fallout 4 Xbox Series X|S Review | TheXboxHub

Richard writes: "Now was the right time to release the Fallout 4 Xbox Series X|S update. It just could have been more."

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anast3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

They aren't going to give more. We are talking about a company that has rereleased an 13 year old game at least 5 times.