user74029313566d ago ShowReplies(5)
fonger083566d ago

I've never heard of some of these games. PS Now finally showed up on the US store, searching through it, definitely some titles I'd like to check out. I question/issue/fear is for example I own PixelJunk Monsters (PS3), Mega Man 10, and Crazy Taxi... will this service or any upcoming PS4 service allow me to play those games without having to pay for them again?

mrpsychoticstalker3566d ago

Worst service ever. $3 for 4 hours of rental ... Check this out 4 hours of REAL time NOT gameplay. After that it expires. That is not good. It doesn't make any sense.

They really need to go back to the table and discuss how they will charge gamers. Plus the majority of the games are unheard of.

jwk943566d ago

I see no problem with it. The timer starts after you start the game. I could easily see myself using that 4 hour rental period for parties or situations when I have a guest over who wants to play a certain game.

Scatpants3566d ago

Yeah I agree I think one day should be the shortest amount of time offered. 4 hours is just insulting and stingy.

SoundGamer3566d ago

@mrpsychoticstalker and others complaining about the service:

If you really think the service is bad then tell Sony in a tactful and constructive manner how you would change it.

Sony is looking for feedback from the beta testers. The best way to let Sony know your thoughts on the beta and how to make it better is by putting your thoughts on the Official PlayStation Now beta forums:

They are listening.

Christopher3566d ago

@mrpsychoticstalker: I've seen it as $3 to test to see if you like a game and want to play it more or want to buy it on disc. I think the $2 options are a much better price range for this, though.

UltraNova3565d ago (Edited 3565d ago )

No they wont allow you to play them for free.

OT: What I wanna know is how much is the developers cut out of those prices..say the F1 2013 at 6.99 for 4 hrs (hell NO)how much did Codemasters demand and,subsequently how much did Sony add for the service...

Of course each developer/publisher will ask for a different amount that's for sure. Sony must establish some boundaries and fast, if they can, before it gets out of hand and alienate everyone who's interested in this service, cause if they let devs name their price and let them have their way.. goodbye PS Now! (for me at least)

With that said I can understand why a monthly subscription would be an absolute nightmare to implement, imagine trying to get all those devs/publ to agree on something...

Unlike MS which only had EA to deal with and agree to a subscription model on EA access (not comparing these services, they cant be compared one is like Steam and the other is cloud streaming)

Ozmoses3565d ago (Edited 3565d ago )

I really think they should push for a subscription payment plan.. 3 month, 6 month and 1 year..

and they should keep the low cost 3-4 hour trials and push some incentive to encourage the person to flat out purchase the game because they rented it..

for example rent at $3.99 for 4 hours and get 10-20% off the full price if you purchase it.

I haven't downloaded anything. I kinda went to check it out just to see how the connections work.. but the later stage pricing on most of these games is horrible.. the 90 days price is outrageous..

luckily it's a beta and I know they are listening to feedback. they have even stated numerous times they are looking into a subscription type plan..

but the cheap rentals I can see being good for trying something out and than running to the store to go get it.. kind of like a digital blockbuster...

but with the birth of this new EA streaming service... it's all about to fall apart...

they are gonna pop up left and right one for every company..

Activision streaming service, Ubisoft streaming service, Capcom streaming service, etc....

that's where it is headed.. just like how HBOGO is the only place you can watch HBO Shows...

netflix sure as hell don't get them.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3565d ago
SoapShoes3566d ago

I'm pretty sure there will be an option to purchase individual games.

Sonital3566d ago

Unfortunately pay again which is why I never understood people referring to Now as "backwards compatibility" when it was announced.

harrisk9543566d ago

Once they have a subscription model in place, it will be more like having backward compatibility than in its current rental incarnation.

fonger083566d ago

Ugh yeah that's pretty much what I was thinking too. I was really hoping they would at least allow access back to some of our PSN only titles, I have a couple dozen.

ABizzel13566d ago

I think it's a great idea, but I personally wish they would include a subscription service option as well.

The pricing structure is better for Sony and publishers, because it's easier to distribute money where it needs to go for the game you download, but for consumers it's easier just paying a monthly or annual fee and having all you can eat.

Another thing that's surprising is the lack of 1st / 3rd party exclusives. I guess they're trying to see which ones should become PS4 Remasters. If that's the case than only the Uncharted Collection, Resistance Collection, God of War Saga + Ascension (just because I want it -_-), Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection, and Quantic Dream Collection.

Everything else can simply be put on PS+ especially since some franchises that moved over are changing from the originals (inFamous and Killzone). I don't think we'll see another Resistance so that's a give for a Remaster IMO, and the others are simply fan favorites, while the Quantic Dream Games can easily look like PS4 games graphically and could benefit from the touchpad and camera (since the controller is basically a PS Move).

I'd love to see a Warhawk remake on PS4 (or simply bring the PS3 version over in 1080p @ 60fps as a F2P game).

Finally I love to get sequels to Folklore (spiritual successor), Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm (spiritual successor), Siren: Blood Curse (hoping Until Dawn delivers), Heavy Rain, Demon's Souls (hoping Bloodbourne delivers).

incredibleMULK3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

the first 23 games are indies.

not a single call of duty game but they managed to put in catherine and contrast.

No crysis games.
No Battlefields.
no uncharteds.
no god of wars.
no resistance games.
no the last of us.
no beyond.
no heavy rain.
no little big planet.

sony you are the king
of bonehead moves.

It appears that the toxic spill has affected sony's judgment and rational thinking. I wonder if sony is the only japanese company doing these hairbrained schemes.

Lets see how many fantards defend this train wreck.


Sy_Wolf3566d ago

Shooters and God of War wouldn't work well because of the technical limitations of their streaming. Better to not include them then include them and have it be crap. It's just a beta after all.

OpenGL3566d ago

I'd be weary of trying to play any game that requires quick response times over Playstation Now.

andibandit3565d ago

"Shooters and God of War wouldn't work well because of the technical limitations of their streaming"

Yet they put Dirt3 in there...

IcicleTrepan3565d ago

prob because the latency is too high for that sort of game and they're trying to hide that fact

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3565d ago
3-4-53565d ago

a few solid games but tons of filler in there too.

3565d ago
VforVideogames3565d ago

Most of those games are going to be free to play on Xbox Live like guacamelee dishonored etc etc no reason to get ps now unless you are a die hard sony fan and just like to give them money. I think sony ps4 is nothing but an indie console.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3565d ago
riverstars863566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

$6.99 to play F1 2013 for 4 hours? Where does Codemasters get the cojones?

Eonjay3566d ago

That is incredibly outrageous. Unmitigated boldness.

LAWSON723566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

So the prices are still bad? This service has a long way to go, hopefully people dont buy into these ridiculous prices so good changes happen

Dontworrybhappy3566d ago

Agreed. It should not be 4 hours rather it should be a day for 2 bucks. The other prices would make sense if they were NEW games. But they are not.

Clogmaster3566d ago

Yeah, I used to rent PS1 games for a day for $2.50 from a local video store.

xxBiG_BoSSxx3566d ago

most of the prices do break down to $2 a day or less, from what I can see. The F1 game for example is $11.99 for seven days.

A lot of fuss has been made about the ps now pricing, mainly based on how ridiculous the 4 hour fees are. and they are ridiculous. and publishers/sony know they're ridiculous. The lower tier/smallest time frame pricing of services like this always sucks, because they want you to see the value of paying more.

That 4.99 exists purely to shock you into paying the 8.99, the 15.99 for the longer term. $2 or less a day is not much if you like F1 racing.
I don't like it, so I wouldn't pay it, but I might for darksiders 2.

AndrewLB3566d ago

Dontworrybhappy- Most people would play through an entire game in a single day. So $2/day is ridiculous.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3566d ago
Corpser3566d ago

this is not good value for Playstation fans

Angels37853566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

This is a BETA where the prices are nowhere near final and the subscription service is not implemented.

@ below

That is exactly what I'm I don't get the point of your argument. People are still complaining about prices...therefore in the final they will be adjusted.

That's why I said "Where the prices are nowhere near final" I never said people cant complain or tried to downplay the fact I want people to complain! Means we all get a better value in the end!

The only reason Sony is coming under fire is because they are showing their hand too early...and people live in the here and now...and the prices are high. But it is smart of Sony to test the waters. Imagine if they launched as it currently is?

marlinfan103566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )


so? these are still the prices they're giving us right now, i think were allowed to say something about it. if we don't they wont change them

Gh05t3566d ago


Relax it was a joke put at the expense of Sony in reference to EA Access which I might add is also a BETA.

Death3566d ago


How do you know these aren't final prices? These are clearly the prices Sony wants for the service. This isn't a "beta" anymore than the last firmware update for the system either. Sony can call it beta all they want, but it's a working business model with monetary transactions. This is PSNow.

Novistador3566d ago

I don't get it... if it's a beta why not make it free to play? They are going to miss so many bugs putting this behind a paywall.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3566d ago
DLConspiracy3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

Subscription based or failure. Its not gonna work until they do. Don't care if its a beta the end product still won't work till its on par with Netflix only for gaming. If they do that... THEN it will be a huge success.

BattleTorn3566d ago

I don't care if it becomes subscription based, from what I played for free I can tell I don't like streaming games.

I'm gonna be sticking to buying cheap used games if re-playing older titles is what I want. I'm much happier sticking a disc in and having a install

AndrewLB3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

Sony LOVES it's fans and you will all LOVE Playstation Now! Just do as you're told and nobody gets hurt. I hope you remember the safe word.

Sayai jin3566d ago

Spot on!

On topic, if they lower the prices and look at the hourly requirement to will be more enticing. It's still a new program so people should be patient. Nice to see the beta in the works!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3566d ago
SuperBlur3566d ago

wtf i thought they would atleast put some titles for free.. im not gonna pay for something that may not work properly and i'll never get my money back

no thank you , paid beta is not my thing

S2Killinit3566d ago

the games on offer will work. they have already done the testing phase, this is just a reaction phase. You wont loose your money if you are ok with the prices, then you will get what you pay for.

SuperBlur3566d ago

If they were done with the testing phase , it wouldn't be called BETA. I'm not gonna help fund this project , my wallet is not a charity

Ashlen3566d ago

Work and "work in a playable fashion" are two totally different things.

S2Killinit3565d ago

what are you two talking about? Im playing a game on it right now. It works just fine. Come on guys, put your biases aside and stop hating. No body said your wallet is a charity, if you like one of the games on offer get it, if you don't like any of them, no one is forcing you to. is that so hard to understand?

jwk943566d ago

I was in the closed beta. The service performs really well as long as you pass the connection test.

ginsunuva3566d ago

Open Beta in services world = first version of full release, except there may be more bugs than usual.

For example, GMail was in beta from 2004-2009.

SuperBlur3566d ago

Gmail didnt ask me money to send emails

fr0sty3566d ago

Don't act like you've never seen a beta force you to buy another game to get access to it... monetizing a beta is nothing new. Part of the testing phase for this service is determining pricing and subscription service structure, so of course they want to see who is willing to pay for what.

tommygunzII3565d ago

I've been in the beta since March, it works. I also told them to keep prices low and the service would eventually become profitable, but I'm just one person.

NeoGamer2323565d ago (Edited 3565d ago )

People have to realize that these services cost a lot of money to provide and run.

Sony has to pay for:
- The servers to run this
- The Internet connectivity to provide the service
- The ongoing development of the service
- The electricity, administration, facilities, and management of the service

None of these costs disappear when they offer games free over the service. So there are losses everytime they do that.

I know a lot of people are upset about the pricing and based on the price of physical games and the used game market the costs are ridiculous. But, the costs are reflecting the cost to deliver it.

That said, I think that this service is dead in the water. I applaud Sony for wanting to do this and to give it a try, but, the costs to deliver it are just too high for it to be feasible. Really this is just a business mistake and an over promise they made. I don't think gamers should be hard on them for trying...

To make a comparison it would be like one of those companies that are booking space flights for 100's of thousands and millions of dollars. Sure the cost are astronomical and if they priced them at $500 they would have filled seats for centuries, but the reality is they just can't deliver the service for that kind of cost.

PS Now is the same thing, but it's consumer target is a bunch of people that won't spend that type of money when they can walk to gamestop and get a much cheaper (and arguably) better experience (no latency, guaranteed game access, and not a rental).

Gamers need to face realities. These things are not free. And every company has a right to make money on the services they provide. I doubt they are gouging here. This is just a cost reality.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3565d ago
Bonkerz3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

And they had the balls to say EA Access was a bad deal... These prices are outrageous, get it together Sony.

@Arkard, you are making it feel like they have the right to insult another companies program. If they have the audacity to insult EA's program by claiming it is a "bad" deal, how can they publish a program that is obviously much worse?

arkard3566d ago

Sony has stated prices are set by publishers. Quit trolling and acting like Sony has all the power here.

2cents3566d ago

They had the power to say no to EA's service.
They have the power to outline the price points for their own streaming service.

This is Bull, I own at least 40 of those games on disc. I will not be paying these ridiculous prices to play them on my PS4. Day light robbery.

hello123566d ago

Doubtful isn't the service been run by Galkai? Sony owns it so they must be incurring costs somewhere.

Xb1ps43566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

We'll... It is called playstation now, introduced by Sony and owned by Sony.. I would hope they have the power to call shots..

SoapShoes3566d ago

This being poorly priced in the BETA doesn't make EA Access any better of a deal.... One being bad doesn't make the other bad option good.

Dontworrybhappy3566d ago

Lol true dat Soap. I dont think 30 dollars a YEAR is bad for BF4, if it worked properly -_-

Gh05t3566d ago

Nope but when you say the better of the two bad options is not good enough and release your own worse crap and tell people it will smell like roses later what do you have.

Sitdown3566d ago

From here on out....anytime a console war breaks out in a thread, I need you to run in and quote your last line.

Spinal3565d ago (Edited 3565d ago )

Soap stop being a stupid fanboy.

PS NOW offering is TERRIBLE as it stands right now.

EA Access is a great deal at $30 for a year access to all next gen games fifa 14, BF4, UFC 2014 and Madden 25. And thats downloading an playin em not STREAMING old gen games.

I don't even own an xbox one. I got a PS4 and my PC rig.

But I can see the difference between a good deal and a shitty one.

I'm jus gonna enjoy my last of us remastered tonight as it will be my first playthrough an looking forward to Destiny. PS Now can die with fire for all i care at those prices.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3565d ago
EData3566d ago

They probably felt that a streaming service for ONE publisher was the part of the deal that was bad with EA. I like the idea of PSNow much more, but I absolutely agree that the pricing sucks.

arkard3566d ago

I didn't realize EA's program allows you to play games from Ubi, or Activision. Oh is Capcom or Konami on there to? EA is one subscription, now let's put all the other developers in there. So 30$ a year and then multiply that by every publisher that you want to play. Your paying 30$ a year for the "privilege" of 10% off a digital game. DRM hidden under the guise of a discount. I use the Best Buy unlocked program, 120$ for 2 years. It's 20% off, I still get a physical copy I can sell. Not to mention between the pre order incentive of a 10$ gift card on most big AAA games and the points you earn towards rewards certificate. I save a lot of money this way. And can still sell my used games.

At least with psnow it is on a lot of systems. Hell, if you have the right TV all you need is a controller. Once it comes to vita I could play games anywhere with WiFi.

A subscription service has yet to be announced but I think for the hard-core gamer that's looking at psnow, this will be the way to go. I don't see it as a 10$ service. I would expect to see it closer to 30 or 40 a month. People keep comparing to Netflix but this isn't the same thing. They are not just streaming video, they have to have computers in place to register button presses and constant user input, process it and send it back to the user. Sony has never said that games you already own will be free to play on psnow. I think everyone had such huge expectations cost wise. Sony have to make this sustainable and currently it seems at the price point they are currently at.

Antwan3k3566d ago

Even if I paid $30 a year for services from EA, Ubisoft, and Activision, and more it would still cost less money on average than PSNow with these prices.. Especially if we are supposed to accept that PSNow is a $30 or $40 a month service as you are implying..

tommygunzII3565d ago

EA is a stain on the industry. If you can't see that there is nothing we can tell you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3565d ago
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Nanukas451d ago

Good, i want sony to feel heat. Ordinary people win from good competition.

BehindTheRows451d ago

“Good competition” is not something Microsoft offers often. You should want THEM to feel enough heat to actually do better.

Nanukas451d ago (Edited 451d ago )

Agree. I wish sony would be more afraid of gamepass to get better games on ps+

Obscure_Observer451d ago (Edited 451d ago )

"You should want THEM to feel enough heat to actually do better."

Phil Spencer started to acquire studios back in 2018, after that, Xbox Studios only had 5 studios. Now Xbox has 23 almost 5x more studios. Not to mention third party exclusives like Flight Simulator, Contraband and Project Dragon.

Plus, unlike Sony, Xbox Studios won´t be distracted with things like VR, all of their first party efforts goes towards Xbox first and foremost.

Sony so can expect a much more robust Gamepass in terms of first party and third party exclusives games from Xbox from now on.

Since Sony have less studios and won´t release their games day one on PS+, they better make sure andl deliver high quality games like Ragnarok. Because so far, 2023 hadn´t started well for them with Forspoken.


Sony spent millions to secure a AAA third party exclusive game build from the ground up for PS5, not to mention more millions spent on market to be outperformed by a AA game which costs less than half on Steam, had an EPIC day one surprise announcement AND release with ZERO money invested on promotion and marketing.

If that´s not good competition, I don´t know what it is.

BehindTheRows451d ago


It isn’t.

Obscure_Observer451d ago (Edited 451d ago )

"It isn’t."

Oh yes, it is. You can bet your life that both companies cares about their money and investments.

The simple fact that Sony continues to pay multiple publishers to keep games out of Xbox forever, is nothing but a reaction to Gamepass.

Imo, Sony now fears that once their timed-exclusive contracts ends, those games will be available on Gamepass the moment the said games hits the Xbox platforms.

Sony fears the scenario where gamers realize that it´s not worth to invest in every single game released on Playstation at full $70 once they´ll be getting it for "free" on Gamepass eventually, just like Yakuza, Dragon Quest, Octopath Traveler, Nino Kuni, Persona series and more.

ARK 2 (exclusive on Xbox consoles), S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2( exclusive on Xbox consoles), Flintlock, Wo Long, Atomic Hears, Lies of P, Eiyuden Chronicle, Hollow Knight: Silksong. Minecraft: Legends, MLB 23...

Those are just some of the games that Xbox players will be getting for "free" day one while Playstation gamers will have to pay for all of it.

So at least you´re rich or something, Xbox players will be getting way more NEW games to play than you. That´s just facts.

BehindTheRows451d ago (Edited 451d ago )


I can bet that one company brings actual competition, isn’t afraid to share losing numbers, and doesn’t buy huge publishers due to said weaknesses. That’s what I can bet.

As a fan of theirs, you should want them to do better and offer more than subscriptions services and unfulfilled promises.

tay8701451d ago (Edited 451d ago )

@obscure. Well Sony can't control 3rd party games quality, but their 1st party certainly trounces MS's. Spiderman 2 is going to a absolutely dominate the holiday season, just like ragnarok did this past holiday season. Sony easily has the best gaming studios out of the big three. It's.not Sony who has to worry about their 1st part output, it is MS.

MIDGETonSTILTS17451d ago

@Obscure: what AAA games would I buy an XsX today to play?

I own a ps5 and XsX, and I don’t know of one game that would have motivated me to buy an XsX ( I bought it to appease my dumb Xbot friends).

I bought a ps5 for Demon Souls (best looking game on consoles), Returnal (top 10 game of all time for me), and Dualsense upgrades for shooters (completely changes R6 for me).

So, can you illustrate how XsX is competing? I liked HiFi Rush a lot, High on Life too, but neither make we happy about the $500 I sunk into the hardware to play them.

Mr_cheese451d ago

Obscurer, you're saying an awful lot without talking much sense at all.

VR isn't a distraction, neither does it take games away from playstation. Sony have been building and harnessing studios just for this while working on their 1st party none VR titles.

Microsoft is fully committed to gamepass and that's fine for them and those that like to game that way. It will be an even better product if Microsoft can nail their 1st party games.

What I'd hate to see are more moves like the Activision and Bethesda purchases and attempts because it destroys the gaming ecosystem. I'd say the same for Sony as well because once the ball is rolling, they'll all start buying and diving gaming.

Obscure_Observer451d ago (Edited 451d ago )

"I can bet that one company brings actual competition, isn’t afraid to share losing numbers, and doesn’t buy huge publishers due to said weaknesses. That’s what I can bet."

Unfortunately for you, MS or Nintendo aren´t forced to play by yours or Sony´s rules. Fyi, Sony used to buy publishers back in the day. The only reason they aren´t doing it now is simply because they can´t.

As it is, Sony already owns 14.09% of Kadokawa´s shares while Tencent acquired 16% of the company's shares, which means 1/3 of the entire company ownership.

The only reason why Tencent owns more than Sony is because Sony couldn´t pay more for it. So spare me from this "victim complex" bs defense for Sony.

Phil acted as the "nice guy" for too long. To the point where stupid fanboys were all happy when Xbox acquired new studios and publishers, because the idiots were under the illusion that all future Xbox games would become multiplatform and be released on Playstation.

Yeah, they were stupid to the point of thinking that MS would turn into a third party developer for Playstation.

Reality hits hard and here we are. Now that they KNOW those games aren´t coming to Playstation, all that they can do now is cry and moan over games paid and developed by Microsoft to not be on their platform of choice.

They think they´re entitled to have anything and everything otherwise it´s not good competition.

Phil Spencer won´t stop. Be the Activision/Blizzard deal approved or not, he can just go after a single studio like CDPR for example and you´ll be here crying all the same.

I don´t care if Sony or Nintendo buys SquareEnix, From Software or even SEGA tomorrow. Because I have no problem buying products from those companies if they have the games I want. I care about games first and foremost. So don´t expect me to be on your sad place complaining about big a$$ companies running their business as they see fit.

Lightning77451d ago

"You should want THEM to feel enough heat to actually do better."

But when they do attempt to do better ppl complain about it.

BehindTheRows451d ago


What genuine attempts have people complained about?

Lightning77449d ago

With the whole Bethesda thing. There was article on here not too long ago talking about how Bethesda investment will pay off for MS. The whole comment section everyone was whining about how MS was taking games away. So when MS competes everyone here complains on here. No matter what MS hurts feelings. It's quite funny actually.

BehindTheRows449d ago


In other words, outside of publisher acquisitions, they have not really attempted to compete.

And "whining" happens on both sides, so I hope you are just as entertained when people bitch and moan about moves Sony makes.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 449d ago
Crows90451d ago

Ps+ extra already has better games than gamepass. Just look at the highest scoring extra has more of them.

Obscure_Observer451d ago

Lol. What a joke.

PS+ relies on old games. Gamepass not only has day one first party games but also day one third party as well. Even from Sony. XD

S2Killinit451d ago (Edited 451d ago )

Exactly. “Day one” is a buzz word that makes these guys think they have a better line up but it has not amounted to much. If you look at what they have at any given time on their service its not that rosy. Not to mention “day one” also exists on PS plus just not for the first party AAA story games (which is fine w me as long as they continue making the hits).

Check out their list of day one releases for all the years they had gamepass. Its a joke.

Crows90451d ago (Edited 451d ago )


I'd take good old games then new Bad games. Besides that wasn't his point and that has nothing to do with what I claimed. The op said that they should offer better games but they already offer better games. He did not say new games. Or even New Quality games. But to your point, I know that game pass lovers do enjoy their day one bad or mediocre games. It's all about value with you guys and not quality

GamingSinceForever451d ago

Some are going ape shit over Hi-Fi Rush but completely forgot about the Tokyo Wire dud the same developer last released. My point being there are hits and misses.

451d ago
451d ago
Obscure_Observer451d ago (Edited 451d ago )

" It's all about value with you guys and not quality"

Lol. Your false narrative didn´t aged well.

All Metacritic scores for day one first party games
Ori and the Will of the Wisps 92 on Metacritic
Flight Simulator 90 on Metacritic
Forza Horizon 5 92 on Metacritic
Halo Infinite 87 on Metacritic
Grounded 85 on Metacritic
Pentiment 87 on Metacritic
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition 87 on Metacritic
Hi-Fi Rush 88 on Metacritic

And that´s only from first party games/IPs on Xbox series consoles.

So much for your "quality vs quantity" BS narrative.

Oh, and we "Gamepass Lovers" also love old quality games as well. I also can give you a large list of high quality third party on Gamepass. Just ask. ;)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 451d ago
GamingSinceForever451d ago

@Obscure_Observer… Forspoken was not a 1st party game from Sony nor should it be treated as such. Square Enix will comeback nicely with FFXVI I’m sure.

Besides Sony is entitled to some misses here and there because they actually take chances on new titles and release them regularly.

Bu the time Spiderman 2 releases everyone will have forgotten all about this terrible start you’re claiming.

Crows90451d ago

They're so anxious to try to nail Sony on something that they'll even bring up third party developers not under Sony. Oh look this time's exclusive that wasn't developed by a Sony studio was bad so Sony doesn't know how to do good games.

451d ago
Obscure_Observer451d ago

"@Obscure_Observer… Forspoken was not a 1st party game from Sony nor should it be treated as such. Square Enix will comeback nicely with FFXVI I’m sure."

In no moment I said it´s a first party game. Both Forspoken and FFXVI are exclusive Playstation 5 games which Sony invested large sums of money to secure to their platform. Just like the original Spiderman from Insomniac. (which till this day Sony fans treat it like a first party/IP)

So it´s pretty obvious if the game fails, Sony also fails and loses tons of money which could had been invested on first party games.

"Besides Sony is entitled to some misses here and there because they actually take chances on new titles and release them regularly."


"Bu the time Spiderman 2 releases everyone will have forgotten all about this terrible start you’re claiming."

Also true. The same can be said about FFXVI, imo.

Abear21451d ago

The leader, Nintendo, doesn’t care what the competition does.

Obscure_Observer451d ago

"The leader, Nintendo, doesn’t care what the competition does."

Couldn´t agree more

BehindTheRows451d ago

The Switch is leading the PS5 because it launched three years prior. PS4 won last gen is all forms (money made, units sold, software totals).

No hate for Nintendo though, as they are another company who actually puts out quality games in high numbers, but just a little perspective.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 449d ago
Orchard451d ago

“In 2022, Microsoft took the lead with 60-70% of total MAUs”

From 20-30% up to 60-70%? That’s some crazy growth. Probably thanks to Fortnite.

SurgicalMenace451d ago

That's what's up, young fella. You feel better now?

The Wood451d ago

All the other stats dont matter. Especially the ones where ps is tearing xbox a new one

451d ago
Obscure_Observer451d ago

“In 2022, Microsoft took the lead with 60-70% of total MAUs”

Probably one of reasons why Sony won´t return Activision´s calls.

BehindTheRows451d ago

Oh, yeah, THAT must be it….

Outside_ofthe_Box451d ago

You're not asking for numbers now, I noticed? 🤣

Orchard451d ago (Edited 451d ago )

Oops, somebody didn't read the article.

This isn't a "YoY increase". It's market share, so we know they had 60-70% of the streaming market.

MIDGETonSTILTS17451d ago

That’s why we game: to celebrate YoY growth!

Three cheers for first-party content-starving fueling third party max’s and subscriptions.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 451d ago
Tacoboto451d ago

What a clickbait headline. Why mention 2021, when the tides turned in 2022 for the obvious reason of one company making the Cloud service one of their biggest marketing pushes throughout the entire year while the other company was able to promote the games they had coming out?

And it's imprudent to suggest crazy growth when we only know proportions - did Xbox grow its proportion by attracting from the competitors' bases, did their marketing pay off and attract new users, or did cloud gamers on competitors just not play as much? The MAU figures don't point to shifts as significant as the Cloud proportions do, and Microsoft's lack of raw subscriber numbers that they happily boasted about in 2021 is telling too.


56 Games to Leave PS Now in May Including Metal Gear Solid 4

The PlayStation Brahs:

"Playstation Now will soon cease as exist as it combines with PlayStation Plus to be one super subscription, titles that won't carryover to the PlayStation Plus revamp will begin to leave the service in May."

Read Full Story >>
Orchard740d ago

Wait, what? I thought PS+ premium would carry over the games from PSNow?

Also this basically leaves MGS4 dead in the boneyard unless you play via RPCS3…

TGGJustin740d ago

That was never going to be the case. Sony said that Premium would have 340 PS3, PS2, and PS1 games. There are like 400 PS3 games alone on PS Now right now so it was obvious some of them weren't going to carry over.

darthv72740d ago

If they are just combining forces... there is no reason why any games would leave. Unless they were already planning on removing them regardless of the merge (licensing issues).

Orchard740d ago

MGS could be licensing I guess - isn’t the HD collection still unavailable / in licensing hell?

I’d like to think Konami are yanking everything MGS because they’re about to announce a 1-5 collection but… we know Konami better than that.

TGGJustin740d ago (Edited 740d ago )

I forgot to include PSP in my comment. So yeah you can see that when Sony says there will be 340 PS3, PS2, PS1, and PSP games while there are currently 400 PS3 games on PS Now that a good chunk of those current PS3 games are going away. They aren't just rolling them all onto the new PS+ otherwise the number would be much higher than 340

Orchard740d ago

Yeah I guess I just never really did the math on the numbers they announced so this caught me off guard.

Eonjay740d ago

PSnow is a platform and it will not exist after next month. Them being on one service doesn't automatically mean that they will be on another service. Contracts are drawn up and compensation may include things like per player reimbursement. Therefore you shouldn't automatically expect a game to go from one platform to another.... if Sony can strike a deal with Konami then the game will come to plus (if it already hasn't been decided).

But to be clear all PSNow games are leaving the service because the service will cease to exist.

JackBNimble737d ago

400 ps3 games that you have " no Choice" but to stream, doesn't make me want to upgrade ps+ . As it is , if you keep the basic ps+ you're going to lose1of the 3 games a month to begin with.

Nothing here for the new upcoming service seems like a worthwhile subscription.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 737d ago
ApocalypseShadow740d ago (Edited 740d ago )

Or, you know, you could play it on an actual PS3.

If you don't have one there's almost 90 million systems to track down, cop one and do that.

Here's the game too

Orchard740d ago

Is that you Don Mattrick?

The ideal solution would be a proper back compat implementation.

I shouldn’t have to crack out my 16 year old console to play a legendary game like MGS.

Also MGS was basically a PS franchise yet somehow it’s now basically an Xbox franchise if you want to play it nowadays.

Hopefully the new “preservation” team at Sony tackle this problem.

mkis007739d ago


4 isnt on xbox. Incomplete series on xbox. Pc you would need now.

Orchard739d ago

@mkis The PC is always the place where you can get everything thanks to emulators etc.

But still, XSX and XB1 plays substantially more metal gear games than any other recent console, so my statement stands true.

King_Noctis739d ago

Or you know, you could play it on the console that you ACTUALLY HAVE without having to resort to ebay to buy a a console from two gen ago with scalper’s price.

itsmebryan739d ago (Edited 739d ago )

I have a OG PS3 (big boy) just gathering dust. I think it even plays PS2 games. I guess I'll put it on eBay.

thornintheside739d ago (Edited 739d ago )

so basically throw money at the problem.

sure it works, as long as not everyone is doing it. Is it ideal?....maybe for the sellers

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 739d ago
ApocalypseShadow740d ago

Oh. So orchard can lie and say that the only way to play the game is through an emulator. Which is false.
Here's a console for $50 and 7 games. Buy MGS4 above and that's 55 bucks before shipping. Can play it forever.

Orchard740d ago

“Also this basically leaves MGS4 dead in the boneyard unless you play via RPCS3…”

Looks like what I wrote is accurate if your only alternative is to go on eBay and buy a console from 3 generations ago which is no longer manufactured.

Thanks for reinforcing my point.

TravsVoid739d ago

I agree you should buy a PS3 if you are really interested in it's games but don't come on here linking to a eBay auction that has a price that will definitely increase before it ends and act like that is what they sell for. More accurate prices seem to be around $100.

Only reason I want PS3 emulation on PS5 is because a lot of the original games aren't even 1080p, some even sub 720p and we could see these games up to 4k and smoother framerates on PS5.

Z501739d ago

He forgets. Some of us still have PS3's. So, RPCS3 is NOT the only way.

SonyStyled739d ago (Edited 739d ago )

Orchard, PSNow has 800+ games. PS+ Premium was announced for 700+ games. Some games were expected to be removed as one service cancelled and combined for another, and now we know which ones. What are you so surprised about, or did you not know PS+ Premium was loosing 100 games from PSNow while simultaneously being compared to a Gamepass competitor?
And yes actually, a lot of lifetime PS gamers have a PS3. I have one in my living room with the rest of my consoles and one in my bedroom. They aren’t like ancient record players today like their competing consoles. The PS3 came with features we expect today in a new device that were very premium for 2006 hardware. I can use my PS3 as a blu-ray player in 2022. I can’t with my 360 since 2005. I can also put MGS4 in my PS3 in 2022, or any of my 220+ on the game shelf.

I think you’re scaling PS gamers abandoning their prior consoles at the rate Xbox gamers did with the 360 and One. If you are a gamer and enjoy PS, chances are you don’t have to ‘crack’ out a 16 year old device and suffocate on the floor in a web of cords around your neck wishing we were loyal to Phil Spencer to swoop in like Superman to save us from imminent death

739d ago
outsider1624739d ago

I sure hope MGS4 comes to PS pass or whatever. It's the one game i want to replay. Man i loved that game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 737d ago
Petebloodyonion740d ago

It's actually a lot of games that will leave at the same time.
Probably to leave some space for the PSP games that are gonna be added to the premium service.
As for MGS4, I would expect Konami to be behind the move.

TheColbertinator739d ago (Edited 739d ago )

Unfortunate that MGS4 is leaving regardless. Played it with PSNow on PC and enjoyed having one of my favorite PS3 games to play again.

TravsVoid739d ago

It's going to suck if these PSP and PS2 games they are referencing are the few already released on PS4 store which were included with PS Now.

Cackocacho740d ago

Ah, yes. Bask in the "service" era. Where what you see today, is not what you'll see tomorrow, thanks to an overcomplicated system.

The "service", is simply, off the charts.

gangsta_red739d ago

Complicated how?

Also, you can always buy the game. Just like other services that offer third party content, they are on their for a limited time or however long the contract holds.

BrainSyphoned739d ago

Well, yes, when I subscribe to a service I hope to have different games cycle through. PS Now gives you a time frame to finish the games you want to try and Xbox is generally a year for most titles. They both give warning when titles are leaving. There are multiple web pages dedicated to each service if you need help figuring out which carton of milk needs finished first.

TravsVoid739d ago

Big difference between PS Now games leaving that are only available for streaming and games you can purchase even if they leave the service. Every game on Game Pass you can purchase without a subscription unlike PS Now.

thornintheside739d ago (Edited 739d ago )

im not really sure how the complexity of the PS3 architecture, and the "service" era are related. They seem like two completely separate entities with no interaction worthy of mentioning. Maybe you meant it as a problem that can exists in both entities.

Vengeance1138739d ago

So when games leave PS Now, it's a huge issue but when games leave GamePass it's just fine? All subscription services have games / movies leave all the time.

Vengeance1138739d ago

Everyone whining and crying in this comment section?

TravsVoid739d ago

You can still purchase every single Game Pass game regardless of if it's on the service. If a PS3 game leaves PS Now it's gone for good, do you understand the difference?

Bathyj739d ago

I do.
You're saying owning a game is better than renting it. I agree.

King_Noctis739d ago

I think it is the other way around.

GoodGuy09739d ago

This is why I dislike subscriptions lol.

Show all comments (47)

This PlayStation Now 12-Mos. Sub Link Is Still Live at $59,99, and Nets a Huge PS Premium Discount

Get PS Plus Premium at half off the price by subscribing to PS Now for 12 months! Sony has pulled the annual offer on PSN, but here are live links offering it for US and UK.

Extermin8or3_763d ago (Edited 763d ago )

Umm ever consider it will probably just give you the basic ps plus for one year and you will need to upgrade to get the premium one?

porkChop763d ago

No, I believe Sony stated that existing PS Now subs would be converted to PS+ Premium subs.

Nitrowolf2763d ago

they confirmed that PS NOw Subs would convert into Premium. So essentially pay $60 now and come June u get PS Plus, and all the other perks in premium at half the original cost

Gamer75763d ago

For us here in Aotearoa PS+ Premium isn't going to be available straight away so we will have the deluxe version of it instead

Teflon02762d ago

You can ignore the fact they literally specified PS Now users will get converted to premium at no extra cost lol

Silly gameAr763d ago

They could give it to us for a dollar to get those numbers up before it launches.

Just kidding.

Andrew336763d ago

Hahahah so funny.

Just kidding.

Silly gameAr763d ago

Hey, I give 2 ishs what you say!

Just kidding.

rippermcrip762d ago

Microsoft has been way more desperate than that. All you have to do is let your subscription lapse and you can sign up for $1 again.

They've had countless promos giving away free weeks and months with all kinds of crap (cereals, poptarts, drinks, chips, candy).

brewin762d ago

You think that's desperation but it's how you get people hooked on your service. Once people have it for a while they're going to want to keep it. I don't know a single person that has a game pass subscription that has let it lapse. I've been out of my free zone for about 6 months now. I keep finding the 3 months cards for 20 bucks so every time I see that deal I buy 2 or 3 more more. I'm sure Sony will have some promos for their service too.

rippermcrip762d ago

There's a difference between a free/discount trial for new subscribers vs letting a user let their subscription lapse and then immediately sign up for the free trial again.

No subscription services do that except GP.

Everyone you know has signed up for GP and then never let it go? Ya right. They'd have 100 million active subscribers if that were true.

gerbintosh763d ago

Don't let the link open in the app, it doesn't work. Open it in a web browser and it will work

excaliburps763d ago

This. You need to open in a web browser or it won't load.

theindiearmy763d ago

The link in the article goes to a page that says "Not available for purchase." When I click on the link from the Twitter post, it works though.

IanTH762d ago

Good catch. I even almost went ahead and did it, but I question if I really, truly need any more games to play than I already have lol. I tend to kind of underutilize subscription game services.

theindiearmy762d ago

At the end of the day, it's $60 for PS+ essentials to play online multiplayer anyway. So may as well stack up on this and get access to the games for nothing more.

jlove4life762d ago

App won't load and ps Now Not available for purchase upon opening website

IanTH762d ago

See theinidarmy post above, clicking the link from the tweet actually does work. So if you're interested, give it a shot.

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