
EA Charging $4.99 for Demos on Xbox One

Hardcore Gamer: The demo for FIFA 14 and EA Sports UFC are currently $4.99 on Xbox One. That's right -- EA is charging for demos.

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XiYakushijuAkeginuXi3731d ago (Edited 3731d ago )

This better be an error.

This also wouldn't surprise me either if EA's intention was to test and see if people would pay for the demo and then in the future charge users for it. EA charges everyone for everything. They recently removed pools from Sims 4 and are adding it in a DLC. Seriously these guys are very sh*tty people. They just don't give a crap about the gamer. And that Peter Moore guy really is beyond a moron

And if it isn't an error, then both Microsoft and EA should go to hell. But I bet that EA is trying to see if people actually buy it

Matt6663731d ago

Are you sure about the pools if so where did you hear this and can I have the link.

Hydrolex3731d ago

It's not EA's fault... it's always the fans fault, they need to step up and not do whatever these greedy companies want them to do

STOP Paying !!! They will learn their lessons

bouzebbal3731d ago

nice move from EA.. even if i think this must be a mistake i still believe they didnt do it on purpose.
there will always be some stupid pigeons who are ready to pay.

alexkoepp3731d ago

Before too long we are going to be asked to pay for EA trailers, and viewing EA advertisements lol....

This company is digging it's own grave they just don't see it yet.

pompombrum3731d ago (Edited 3731d ago )

Funny really, any other company done this you'd give them the benefit of the doubt assuming it was an error but with EA, you can never be too sure.

In fact, I'm going to make a prediction and say they're testing the waters with doing exclusive demo access where people can pay a fee and get demos two weeks before they are released to the public. They were having the system implemented now ready for Madden/Fifa etc and this is just a glitch currently. Once again, you'd think nobody would have the audacity to try that, EA though would sell their own Mother for $$$

headwing453731d ago (Edited 3731d ago )

Wow, that's really too bad, I guess I'm never buying an EA game again.

It's a shame, because I would have bought ether another Mass Effect game or a Titanfall game, but seriously, what the fuck EA???

MajorLazer3731d ago

Wow! Just when I thought EA could not stoop any lower... pure scum!

ALLWRONG3731d ago (Edited 3731d ago )

EA charging $4.99 for a demo would be bad if they actually did it. Not nearly as bad as charging $4.99 for 4 hours of gameplay on last gen games, which did happen.

headwing453731d ago


There a difference between a demo and a full game, take your fanboyism elsewhere.

Darkstares3731d ago

If this turns out to be true and it's to test the waters they have hit a new low.

pompous3731d ago (Edited 3731d ago )


You do realize that that 4.99 for 4 hour rental is not meant for people to actually rent a game for 4 hours, right? It's a sales tactic that all companies do to push the consumer to the next price point or above. For example movie theaters do it with the small sized soda and popcorn that is usually almost the same price as the medium size or large sizes. It's not Sony being greedy it's to force you to the next price point. It's literally a basic sales tactic(Sales101)

OT: This is some greedy shit. I hope it is just an error, but at the same time I could see EA or even MS being at fault here.

UltraNova3731d ago (Edited 3731d ago )

hahahahahahahaahahahahahahaaha hahahaha

Sorry I couldn't help it...

EA you have just painted a huge red target on your forehead...

Steady, Aim, Fire!!!

Edit: Didn't Konami attempt something similar with Ground Zeroes? hmmm

Blasphemy3731d ago

some people play the demos and never buy the game understandable

llMurcielagoll3731d ago

According to Polygon from a search I have done just now, it is said that is is a system error and not intentional.

However it is still EA we are talking about and I really won't be surprised if they actually do this.


CertifiedGamer3731d ago (Edited 3731d ago )

EA is testing the IQ level of X1 fans because they know PS4 fans are far too wise to buy a demo. After all do you blame EA for trying this on X1 customers who bought an X1?

Bigpappy3731d ago

I think the Metal Gear demo is gave them the confidents to finally move forward with having gamers buy demo's. That demo sold quite well and a ridiculously high price.

The whole idea of the gamer paying to have the product he might buy marketed to him, is kind of offensive to me. I'll pass on ever paying for a f**k**g demo.

kreate3731d ago


'EA Charging $4.99 for Demos on Xbox One'
is the title

why would u bring sony into this? geez..

awi59513731d ago

This is typical of console gaming anyway. You pay more and more for things that were always free and you guys cheer them on.

weekev153731d ago

Its gone now, lets see if they offer a refund to anyone who paid for the demo. If they dont, id say this is about to become an actual thing. Stick the beta on console online marketplaces 1 month before release and make people pay to test the game.

This is why I dont buy from EA....This and because I only own a WiiU ATM...

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3731d ago
No_Limit3731d ago

It is a glitch and it is already fixed.

At the time, FIFA 14 and EA Sports UFC were $4.99 just for the demo. Demos are supposed to be free, so this came as a surprise to some people. The pricing error glitch didn’t last long as it seems Microsoft saw it quickly and reverted the demos back to being “free”. I’m sure someone wasn’t dumb enough to actually pay for the demos…

Jdoki3731d ago (Edited 3731d ago )

It's unfortunate that in this day and age, it's quicker and more profitable to write an article than actually apply journalistic integrity and check sources / get comment first.

If only they were so quick to update the story with a correction...

Kayant3731d ago

"It is a glitch" -

A glitch in other stores in different countries -


Am not buying it. It still appears as that for me and why is there a low price glitch for demo in the first place for a game that came out months ago (Fifa 14)? They are experimenting.

Volkama3731d ago

It's a pretty weird glitch... Someone has "accidentally" put in those very specific prices.

Having said that, wasn't there a study that confirmed releasing a demo actually reduces sales rather than increasing them? I always found that sports games, particularly for a game like FIFA, if you actually enjoy the raw gameplay (which I don't) then the full game offers very little over the demo.

If EA were to ditch the demo idea and stick out $5 "samplers", with that $5 contributing to the the purchase of the full game, that wouldn't so ethically dubious. That would fall comfortably within the "experimental pricing model" field.

They couldn't very easily switch existing demoes onto this model, and would get a lot of ill-will if they did this on one platform but not the other.

BadlyPackedKeebab3731d ago

I hope Microsoft will give as affected users a refund*


FAT MAN GO BOOM3731d ago

It is not a glitch... it kills me that people think this is a glitch...

This is a test Bed.

They put it up to see if people would buy demos..

If enough people do pay for it! Guess what they will put up demos for a price...

If you think this is a glitch, or you believe them that this is a glitch you are a Moron... a knuckle dragger, the king of pond scum and should be forced to wear a helmet.

This is a vertical slice for the board members to say yea or nay too. If the test comes back with enough money they they will do this world wide, on ALL SYSTEMS, PC, XONE, PS4, IOS and so on...

rocketpanda3731d ago

Glitch my ass!

The price says it all. Why $4.99? The price was set low for a reason to test to see who bites. If it was a glitch I reckon it would of been a higher price, like mistaking a demo for a full pricee game.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3731d ago
SolidStoner3731d ago

it started with DLC's and add ons.. now pay for demos? :) soon EA will make us pay for in game foot steps and each digital bullet only for 3.99 $!

Tetsujin3731d ago

I can see it now in Mass Effect

$3.99 for Paragon
$2.99 for Renegade

$1.99 for *character* to join your group

Shazam763731d ago

Yep! Agreed! Look at how the fight night series ended up... You can buy your way to a stronger fighter. Not even mentioning the fighting system that they broke. Repeatedly.

weekev153731d ago (Edited 3731d ago )

They are bringing retro arcade style games back. Like when you have a timer running down to complete the level "Bad luck your out of time, to continue enter your credit card details and say 3 times" I love Satan" thanks for playing"


URNightmare3731d ago

Microsoft and EA testing waters. What an effing disgrace these two companies.

Half_Minute_Hero3731d ago

When in doubt, always blame MS!

AtomicGerbil3730d ago

When somebody blames Microsoft, have a little cry!

mcarsehat3731d ago

I remember only playing Demos on my ps1, didn't have that much money to buy a new game every time it came out so we had to buy the magazines. I had a better time then than i am today, we could just dot he same thing over and over again and be happy.

mcarsehat3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

It was a better time lol. Tbh i thought more people would react to this comment but i don't think half of the users of the website were even born :S

MuhammadJA3731d ago

AND, People will still buy and defend EA's decisions like the sheep and goats they are.

"don't like it, don't baaaaaaaaaaaaye it"

headwing453731d ago (Edited 3731d ago )

Comment removed

InTheZoneAC3731d ago

don't worry, people will pay

Visiblemarc3731d ago

Yeah...EA makes it so hard not to hate them.

geddesmond3731d ago

I firstly blame Kojima for the 30 Euro MGS hour long Demo and I then blame all the people who bought ground zeros for showing that it's acceptable.

EA make mostly crap games anyway. If it wasn't for Bioware I don't think I'd buy any EA games at all to be honest.

3-4-53731d ago

K that just does it.

Like seriously.... THAT...THIS is THE thing that I'm just not going to stand for.

I don't download them anyways, but just out of principle, to even try and do this is shysty and slimy and sneaky and weasley and just everything bad.

Whoever approved this....allowed this, needs to be fired now.

* How dumb can Microsoft Be ? How dumb!?

* Demos = more game sales

* Person A plays demo, likes game, and then goes and spends $40-60 on the game.

* If I'm committing $5 to try a game out, it's because I'm buying it new or used.

" Here!, try our unfinished product with Bugs & Glitches for ONLY $5!"

What a load of Horse Crap.

I loved my 360....Have yet to get an XB1. They are starting to make that decision for me.

Halo Collection kind of won me back, and then this...

Nope..No...Just...just..no EA!

kinisking3731d ago

First if all its back to normal, second how do you know this has anything to do with ms? Ms fixed it. It wasa a bug or something . calm down

Bobby Kotex3731d ago

Ubisoft was giving them serious competition for worst video game publisher of all time.

Godmars2903731d ago (Edited 3731d ago )

Would say don't buy the full game much less this demo, but given that this the general rather than gaming market, then its likely going to work out for them. That its going to be the general consumer who unfortunately makes this a thing.

F*** those people.

randomass1713731d ago

Get the heck out of here EA. No one wants your paid demos.

randomass1713731d ago

Bubble up for being helpful. Thing is EA is so screwy, I think anyone could believe they would charge for demos. XD

Eejanaika3731d ago

If this is true, leave it up to EA to mess something up thats supposto be free

Magicite3731d ago

Why would anyone pay for a demo, oh wait *cough* MGS Ground Zeroes *cough*.
But yeah, EA are Entertainments Abomination.

WonderboyIII3731d ago (Edited 3731d ago )

Konami did it before with MGS. Must be a trend now. A scumbag trend. And the phone microtransaction model is finding it way to consoles. Prepare to be robbed.

EliteGameKnight3730d ago

love how you got a well said for that :)

just when you think EA has gone as far as possible, they just come back and do this

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3730d ago
ValKilmer3731d ago

If they're going to do this, they better give you the $5 off the full price of the game.

Beastforlifenoob3731d ago (Edited 3731d ago )

full game doesn't suit standalone EA games, more like 60 dollar base+ 50 dollar premium as well as the slew of bugs (SURPRISE at least the bugs are free (-__-) that never seem to get fixed, bad customer service and horrible employee conditions/relations...

brish3731d ago

"at least the bugs are free"

I assume EA will soon try charging gamers for bugs. It is EA after all!

Bobby Kotex3731d ago

How about we control things with our wallets and not buy the stupid demos in the first place?

3731d ago
windblowsagain3731d ago

They must be charging for demo's because MS has allowed it and MS must be charging too much for allowing demo's on there.

Kran3731d ago

You know nothing, Wind Blow.

AcceptedWalnut3731d ago

I read that in the voice of Ygritte lol

die_fiend3731d ago

@ Acceptedwalnut
*Shakes head in astonishment*

Trekster_Gamer3731d ago

Windmills again.. you are a pathetic troll

Rimeskeem3731d ago


EA...... why you do this????

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EA Sports UFC 4 CheatCC Review

EA Sports UFC 4 is back, but is it better than ever?


EA Sports UFC 4 PS4 Review - PlayStation Universe

From PSU: "Without a doubt the best MMA videogame ever made, EA Sports UFC 4 supplements a welcome array of new offline and online modes with a revamped and endlessly sophisticated combat system that everybody can enjoy. For MMA fans it doesn't get any better than this."

Alexious1498d ago

Hmm, sounds worth a try for sure.

1498d ago Replies(2)
BenRC011498d ago

Strange as a lot of YouTube beta players hated it. They've had years and just copied and pasted ufc 3 ith a few new haircuts

yeahokwhatever1498d ago

its not fight night, so not buying it. do boxing or go home.

nowitzki20041498d ago

Go home and wait for Fight Night.

ActualWhiteMan1498d ago

Same... although they long ago fired all the developers that made FN great. So it would likely be terrible if it came back.

MadLad1498d ago

Comes to a UFC related game to whine about it not being a boxing game.


FlavorLav011498d ago (Edited 1498d ago )

Well, for context EA did put in real boxers Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua in the game, and Isaac Frost and Andre Bishop from fight night champion in the last game. No getting around it, they have been c@ck teasing boxing fans for years with this sh!t pre-order dlc

yeahokwhatever1498d ago

these UFC games are trash, they play terrible. UFC is not really a good choice for a game because of the limited inputs controllers have. But EA got the license on the cheap, so they've been shoveling this crap at us for years while we wait patiently for a fight night that will probably never happen until Mayweather is dead or runs out of money.

zeroskie1498d ago

Same. I want another fight night so badly.

yeahokwhatever1498d ago

my wishes:
fight night primarily focused on online, like gt sport.
ONLY stick controls. No button mashing. if you try to mash buttons, your characters head explodes and he's permanently deleted from the game.

nowitzki20041498d ago

Same here, I love boxing more than MMA but I also want a good MMA game as well.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1498d ago
shaunh201498d ago

I agree with this review, I tried it only because it's free on EA Access and figured I'd hate it like I did the other games but lo and behold I loved it and plan to buy it now. The game is so much more fun now that they've made it so much less complicated and inaccessible to non-hardcore fighter fans.

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Not all outdated football games are worthless

Games Asylum: "Outdated football games are a common sight when scouring jumble sales, car boots and charity shops for bargain price video games. Entire shelves filled with decade-old FIFA and PES games spread across a dozen formats. Often they end up in bargain bins, sitting alongside unwanted celebrity fitness DVDs and seemingly random TV show box sets. But here’s the thing. Not all football games gathering dust in the likes of Oxfam are in fact worthless."

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lptmg2318d ago

International Superstar Soccer 98 is still my fav