
PS4's 'Better Terms' Make Xbox One Less Attractive

NowGamer: "Gone Home developer Steve Gaynor explains why Microsoft's ID@Xbox programme could cause problems for smaller developers."

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XiSasukeUchiha3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Sony, successful status over 9000!

truefan13759d ago Show
Ripsta7th3759d ago Show
Shnooze3759d ago


Are you drunk?

QuickdrawMcgraw3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

I know this is a overwhelming MS site,But it's getting so a Sony supporter can't say anything positive about said company with getting hammered here on N4Xbox.

MysticStrummer3759d ago

I'll go ahead and try your girlfriend out, truefan, but I don't see what that has to do with anything.

Prime1573759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Truefan1, for studios with a limited budget, it's a negative clause, I'm sorry you don't get it.

Has everything to do with Sony, Nintendo, pc, android, ios, anything else you can game on, but you just misinterpreted it as ps4 fanboys. You are what you criticize, making you a hypocrite.

lawgone3759d ago

@Quickdraw OK, you have GOT to be trolling with that statement.

On a side note, this is a stupid fanboy article. Nothing more, nothing less. But some of you guys fall for it every single time.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3758d ago
Blaze9293759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

lol are we 'still' talking about how Microsoft's ID@Xbox is "bad" for indies? When will the hate stop?

@InTheLab "When Indie devs stop complaining about it? When it stops being a major issue for developers in general?"

riiiight...them anonymous sources, i mean developers.

InTheLab3759d ago

When Indie devs stop complaining about it? When it stops being a major issue for developers in general?

XabiDaChosenOne3759d ago

"Gone Home developer Steve Gaynor"
How is this an anonymous source? LMAO!!!!

pyramidshead3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

""If you’re talking to Sony and Microsoft, and Microsoft is like, 'well you can’t be on Xbox if you’re on PlayStation first', but it’s easier to be on PS4 because they have better terms, then you’ll be like, 'okay lets just be on PlayStation'."

Do you honestly think this sort of thing does more good than bad for indies on the Xb1? lol It's a ridiculous policy that MS has in place.

also lol @truefan1's irrelevant analogy up top there. Jeez, the apologists are RIFE.

GTgamer3759d ago

You called a Developer anonymous lol your inner fanboy is showing :/.

Why o why3759d ago

Damn blaze.....lol...some real good reputation management there

ShwankyShpanky3759d ago

"Anonymous sources" like Steve Gaynor, Rami Ismail, Jonathan Blow, Sanatana Mishra, Byron Atkinson-Jones, and Dave Mitchell?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3758d ago
miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3759d ago

LMAO.. so many Sony is better than XB1 stories.. so many sites trying to tell people what is better.

NPD really rattled people. People are amazed that the XBOX ONE sells so great. Selling GREAT!

MasterCornholio3759d ago

And I'm more amazed at how well the PS4 is selling. The only console that has extremely dissapointing sales is the Wii U!

FITgamer3759d ago

Yeah because you know people are gonna be shook up over ONE month of sales in ONE country. It's like bragging because you scored more points in the second quarter, but still down by 20 at the half.

pyramidshead3759d ago

Don the tinfoil hats, lads! The developer of Don't Starve obviously saw the NPD and decided to besmirch the Xbox's good will with this statement! *rolls eyes*

Maybe a less obvious try-hard comment next time aye? :P

dedicatedtogamers3759d ago

You're darn right NPD rattled people. In a region where Xbox outsold Playstation 2:1 the last gen, PS and Xbox are now neck-and-neck.

GTgamer3759d ago

Yuuuuup were all so rattled that the Xone won one month in one country when the PS4 is sold out everywhere I can see the riots now -_- .

Evilsnuggle3759d ago

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF yes xbone and Sony both sides has it's base of fans. Once xbone fanBoys buy out I don't see how any non bias or preferential customers would choose Weaker more expensive hardware over the PS4. Xbone is sold 1.2 million less than a sold out unavailable console congratulations Lol lol lol.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3759d ago
cbuc11253759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

@XiSasukeUchiha---Captain Ginyu: "150,000!!!" Scout shatters into pieces.

dsswoosh3759d ago ShowReplies(1)
TheXgamerLive3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

I believe that clause is only for indies who accept free Xbox One/s to develope from, so that is an acceptable term imo.
People need to stop. Right now
MS has a huge amount of indies in development as i assume sony does as well.

ShwankyShpanky3759d ago

Mm-kay guy.

It applies to all ID@XBOX applicants. It just happens that part of being accepted to ID@XBOX is getting access to free dev kits, so there's really no separation. Thing is, Sony is also loaning out tons of free dev kits to indies, so it's not all that "acceptable" a term when only one platform holder is implementing it.

If "Sony goggles" means I favor a level playing field, so be it.

Angeljuice3758d ago

It's just Microsoft being Microsoft, they use any means to gain an advantage in the market even if they have to break the law to do so.

This is tame for Microsoft, compared to when they blackmailed computer manufacturers saying if they bundled Netscape Navigator rather than internet explorer, Microsoft wouldn't renew their Windows license.

They were found guilty in court and ordered to split Microsoft up into separate companies making Bill Gates break down and cry in a board meeting (the order to split the company was later revoked).

Microsoft are the Nerd mafia, they are just a scumbag company that sees themselves as gangsters (albeit physically underdeveloped, pimpled, bespectacled gangsters with greasy limp hair and terrible dress sense).

They have a long history of dubious/illegal business practices, this clause is tame for them.

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OutcastMosquito3758d ago

Why the hell are you always the first comment? Do you sit there all day waiting for new articles so you can purposely do that?!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3758d ago
Chaostar3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Microsoft could get away with the parity clause last gen because they held a sales lead for most of the generation. This time developers are speaking out against it after seeing the more favourable terms offered by Sony and the sales advantage they have taken early in the gen.

Another factor is how much emphasis Sony is putting on Indie games themselves, even showing them live at big events.

Microsoft have made great strides in turning around their attitude towards Indie studios but they still need to make a lot more effort if they are to look as attractive to those studios as the Playstation platform.

mewhy323759d ago

PS4 is going to be the more attractive platform. First it's a very straight forward platform with unified GDDR5 RAM and most powerful console GPU on the market. Secondly Sony is much more friendly toward Indie devs than microsoft. Both of these reasons mean that indies will more than likely choose Sony and the PS4.

norman1233759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

MS is an American company who know its turf and its dev most. Moreover, MS got deep pocket.

GarrusVakarian3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

"MS is an American company who know its turf "

Obviously they don't know it well enough, because their main competitors are outselling them on it.....just saying.

"Moreover, MS got deep pocket."

There's more to making great games than just throwing money around and getting people to sign exclusivity deals. The PS3 proved that. They could have never ending pockets, the PS4 is still selling the most....and Sony are supposedly in "great financial trouble". Money can't solve all problems.

djplonker3759d ago

All that plus it has the most units sold and the psn store is alot nicer to indies!

I cant remember how many times microsoft hid the indies section in the XBLA burying it under loads of their games!

djplonker3759d ago

"MS is an American company"

Which is one of the reasons I picked a ps4 what with the nsa forcing company's to give out peoples info!

I am not from the usa but yet it is legal for them to spy on me if it is american hardware / software.

If I started spying on the usa like they have done to me and countless other people then we would be deported to the usa and locked up.


Kinda off topic but that has put me off anything from the usa like mcdonalds xbox and starbucks (not contributing much anymore huh?)

Bdub20003759d ago

@djplonker: Yeah, NSA is dying to spy on all us gamers because of all the Intel we have. Way to make a stand, wouldn't want the US to eavesdrop your trash talk...

Why o why3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

'Moreover, MS got deep pocket.'....

Yet fall off funding games and studios not too far after mid gen. Whats the point lauding their wealth if you dont actually benefit from it....its not like you can play that 'deep pocket' game.....

Dont get me wrong, give em a chance to prove themselves but ms's past practices makes it hard for me to be overly optimistic.

norman1233759d ago

Sony can win the battle (this gen) but could lose the war (Sony corp). money can't solve all problem but not having money is the problem to begin with. that is the problem Sony has now.

norman1233759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Sony came out with Move controller to catch up with Nintendo Last gen. but Sony is too scared to take the risk to continue improving it this gen. They gave up their initial investment. MS is willing to take the risk and continue improve Kinect, not quitting.

PS4 is more like a 3-year old computer, there is no innovation about it.

if you are going to say that Kinect is gimmick. Save it. All three console makers spent alot of R&D on this motion tech and they know it work for casuals.

djplonker3759d ago

@bdub2000 It would be a different story if it was china spying on us citizens but you dont care because your the most arrogant people on the planet!

Not even my country has the right to spy on me and yours certainly dont!

Prime1573759d ago

Bdub2000, so naive. You probably think that the x1 is the most technologically advanced thing, ever. All those voice commands... ooooo.

I'm sorry, but fundamentally, Microsoft has always been an intellectual property owning company, and not a friendly company. That's why Sony is more appealing to more and more people who are waking up to this.

Tctczach3759d ago

Money solves all problems. You just have to know how to spend it is all.

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DanielGearSolid3759d ago

I think that's what makes me the happiest this new generation... MS can't bully any devs or publishers

It's funny that small indie devs where really the first to man up.

GarrusVakarian3759d ago

It makes sense, indie devs are small, they don't have as much to lose as big devs who are much less likely to be ballsy and take risks.

Power to the indies! *Rasies fist*

fattyuk3759d ago

but but what about tv!?

only joking

Volkama3759d ago

I imagine most devs will see the free dev kits, unity license, dev support and of course opportunity to make money and then decide that they can take the hit.

However if we really see the good stuff skipping the One then the policy will change pretty quickly.

n4rc3759d ago

That's just it..

They are providing a ton to these devs in exchange for a few compromises.

Accept it or dont.. You can't always have your cake and eat it too.. So to speak

Freedomland3759d ago

"Accept it or don't"

You don't do business like this.
Customer is always right in business otherwise you can't run a successful business in a tyrannical way, you would lose it.

n4rc3759d ago

They aren't a customer.. They are a supplier looking to use a retailers supply chain.

You think manufacturers tell amazon how to run their business? Or agreements To not sell cheaper elsewhere etc aren't common place? You don't like their policy, sell your crap somewhere else..

Prime1573759d ago

Freedom, I agree with you, but not everyone thinks with a win-win mindset.

They shouldn't. Yes. But they do.

Look at restaurants, if they tried to practice service like Microsoft's, then no one would eat out.

Bdub20003759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

All that extra power and we still haven't seen a single Screenshot look better than the x1... Add that "it's gonna look better!"

IRetrouk3759d ago

Did you not see any of the faceoffs? Ac black flag, cod, nfs, battlefield 4, they all look better on ps4, if that isnt seeing, what is?

GarrusVakarian3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Ive seen tons, you obviously haven't been looking.

Take a look in that thread and see if your statement still stands. Add to that all the Eurogamer face-offs that have said the exact opposite of that you are saying. The Killzone SF screenshots in that thread will blow your socks off, seriously.

When you have a game like Killzone SF, that has larger playable areas than RYSE, dynamic lighting, ray tracing/real time reflections, particle effects, high res textures all while running at native 1080p and running between 30-60fps in the singleplayer compared to RYSE which is super linear, runs at 900p and STILL dips into the teens....how can you sit there and say the power difference isn't noticeable? The difference between exclusives and multiplats is plain as day to see to people who aren't blind or ignorant.

Devs aren't making games sub-1080p on the X1 and native 1080p on the PS4 to troll us, they are doing it because they have to...due to power differences. It's that simple. The 2 best looking games from each system (RYSE and Killzone) are prime examples of the power gap.

Bdub20003759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

I've seen the face offs, Yeah, I've seen real comparisons, and anyone saying ps4 looked better is fooling themselves. And from personal experience, AC4 looks better on x1. Oh man, this is gonna start another pointless argument... I've seen the truth, but argue your invalid point anyways!

Edit: @lucas, I followed that link and saw a lot of good looking ps4 screens, but no side by side comparison photos... My argument stands.

GarrusVakarian3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

" And from personal experience, AC4 looks better on x1."

What little credibility you had is now lost with that sentence....smh. There's just no way that's true. 900p is simply not as sharp or as good looking as 1080p. Fact. Add to that the horrible sharpening filter the X1 has that makes the jaggies even more noticeable and darkens the image by crushing the blacks.

" I've seen real comparisons, and anyone saying ps4 looked better is fooling themselves."

Somehow....i don't think you have. And the only one fooling themselves is you if you think 900p RYSE has better textures, res,framerate,lighting,particl e effects,real time reflections than Killzone, you are in denial....or have simply not seen Killzone in action in person. RYSE has much better character models and animations though, i'll give it that.

"but no side by side comparison photos... My argument stands."

I didn't say there were going to be side by side comparison photos, i posted that link so you could see how blatantly superior Killzone is graphically. Lol, you don't have an argument, you are plain wrong.

n4rc3759d ago

Still arguing the contrast.. Lol

Look.. People need to stop pretending a number makes a better game.. And also stop comparing two completely different games..

I'll speak on what I've played on both.. Bf4.. I'll take it on x1 all day long despite a number telling me it can't be a better experience.. It plays better and while they do look slightly different.. Its hard to say which looks better.. It becomes a preference

Talk to people that aren't so invested in their side winning.. Better yet, try it for yourselves..You start to see how evenly matched these two systems are once you leave n4g and GAF.. Lol

GarrusVakarian3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )


"It plays better "

But that's simply...not...true. It doesn't hold 60fps as gwell as the PS4 version, just watch the eurogamer comparison video, it hardly ever holds 60fps. Less smoother gameplay = plays worse.

" Its hard to say which looks better"

It's really not, 1600x900p is better than 1280vs720p from whatever angle you view it from, and it shows on screen. X1 version is more jaggy and especially objects in the distance suffer a lot more because of the lower res.

In no way does the X1 version play better than the PS4 version, simply not possible....unless you like framerate dips? People like you need to stop downplaying this, you bought a $100 more expensive console that doesn't run games as well as it's cheaper rival. Face that fact. All we had last gen from Xbox fanboys was "360 games look better lololol", now it's "numbers don't make a game".....lol.

MysticStrummer3759d ago

@Bdub - You're just making yourself sound ridiculous man. The comparisons were done and PS4 won. Move on and enjoy your console.

Prime1573759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Lukas, it's quickly becoming apparent that these people are ignorant. That, or they bought a budget tv with bad response times or shaved resolutions or anything of the like.

They probably never game on a pc to understand what is going on to stress a hardware part and see how the different settings affect the game.

8-9 years on one generation does that to some people, I guess.

IRetrouk3759d ago

@ prime,

I agree, for people to try and downplay the diffrences is funny, although it doesnt actually mean much, the power diffrence has already been shown, does it make the xbox one version any less of I game? I dont think so, but it is nice to see some fish flop, if you know what I mean.

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