
PS4 'light years ahead of anything else we have seen in the console industry,' says indie dev

Grip Games,who have worked with PS3 and Vita and who is currently working on a PS4 game, talk about its experience with Sony's next-gen machine.

GarrusVakarian3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

Awesome to see all these different developers praising the PS4. Makes me even more satisfied with my pre-order than i already was seeing it getting praise from professionals who work with it everyday.

GarrusVakarian3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

November the 29th for me :(


Yeah i agree, they couldn't have made a better decision asking devs what they wanted. Made it better for devs and better for us at the same time.

Ezz20133852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

i really lost count of all the developers who are saying nothing but praise about ps4

not a single developer saying other wise
sony was smart for asking the developers what specs they want in PS4 hardware

abzdine3852d ago

i want that monster, NOW!!!

sincitysir13852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

I love indie developers and their games. They honestly make some of the best games because its dedication that fuel them! Not saying big budget games aren't great but indies have a lot more freedom to express themselves! Lone survivor. Velocity ultra. Super stardust. Mutant blob. Hotline. Resogun. Flow. Flower. Journey. Limbo. Machinarium. I could honestly go on and on.

meatysausage3852d ago

Remember, remember the 15th of November,
But unfortunately I have to wait another 2 weeks on top of that

strifeblade3852d ago

awesome , lets not respect john carmack, lets respect random indie dev.

Super awesome guys this is real classy. Support anytthing that agrees with our fanboy logic.

Ezz20133852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )


1.Off topic

2.this is not just a random Developer and he's not the only developer saying that
here more for you

3. carmak didn't say anything bad about ps4...did he ?!
also can YOU prove other wise, MR. logic ?!
plz tell us what's wrong with ps4 and why every one should disagree with those developers?!

and yes, i don't respect him for alot of reasons of my own

Braid3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

I have no doubt it's a faster, more powerfull machine and that's one of the main reasons why I'll be choosing PS4 over its competitors (along with great exclusives), but I have to be honest here- "lightyears ahead" sounds like an overstatement to me as I fail to see some visual difference of a "lightyear" between next-gen and old-gen games. Sure they look great, but not that great.

It's a good thing devs are praising the hardware, though.

TheDevKit3852d ago

Please stop using hashtags.

UltimateMaster3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Not sure how an indie developer would convince me that it's light years ahead of it's time.

It was the case for the PS2 that was much faster than PCs at the time.

But again, not many PC GPU has 8Gb of GDDR5 built to increase graphics, not for software TV shit like Xbox One.

For Games: PS4 >> Xbox One.
For kinect motion shit and TV: Toilet > Xbox One.

nukeitall3851d ago


I couldn't agree more!

No indie developer with limited access to perhaps one console, let alone the ability, technical skills or even resources there to exploit the full power of a console.

At best of what I have seen, indie games are Wii graphics quality and complexity games.

It might be the most powerful to you, since you have seen anything else.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3851d ago
Angainor73852d ago

Yeah but all these great different developers have something in common. They are all under Sony's payroll. Wake me up when you hear such statement from a "big" developer/publisher...

meatysausage3852d ago

They are Indie Devs, there not associated with anyone. They can make games for whatever consoles, they just happen to all agree that PS4 is great to develop on

WarThunder3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

Do you know what indie means?
Indie dev mean independent developers

DO you know what independent means?
It means,Not influenced or controlled by others

So basically they are NOT under Sony's payroll. Now go back to school...

I rather have Indie developers opinion than a "big" developer/publisher opinion who only care about $$$...

liquidsnake3852d ago

That's the exact opposite of what you said. Indie means indapendent wich in turn means that they are not controlled by any publisher/coorporation. They are free to say and do whatever they want.

Clarence3852d ago

What about the other big developers who are saying the same thing about the ps4?

Plus indie means independent smart guy.

4Sh0w3852d ago

Warthunder I'm sure the ps4 is a great console but you and anybody who believes that just because a dev is called a indie they are "Not influenced or controlled by others" is foolish, check this right after the headline it says:

"Grip Games,who have worked with PS3 and Vita and who is currently working on a PS4 game"

Yep thats influence right there because its in their best interest to praise sony since they have a game coming to the platform. Also I keep hearing "all the devs" praise ps4 yet all I've seen are a few sites referencing "annoymous sources", or john blow who hates micro, or rumors or devs praising both. Any links to a indie dev or any dev working on both who has said one is much better than the other? Links and qoutes please.

NeoTribe3852d ago

indie is independent... Xbox gets indies also.

Ezz20133852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

did you read this ?!
those are few of them
Indie Developers don't work exclusively to sony

since the offical specs are out
show how much more powerful ps4 is in both GPU and RAM
no rumors ...no any thing
it's a simple FACT that ps4 hardware more powerful console and the best part about it is how how easy to develop on it
and not one single developer saying otherwise about PS4 since that what developers asked for
so, Let me ask you this
can you tell me what disadvantages ps4 have or why should developers say otherwise than what was said?!

because no one can find any thing but hardware advantages in ps4 favor

LordDhampire3852d ago

Your not going to hear anything like that from a big developer because they don't want to step on any toes.....be it sony or microsofts there are big repercussions for praising a specific side, especially if its against microsoft

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3852d ago

Seriously.. Oh really? A dev working on PS2 and PSP/Vita games is saying something nice about the PS4?

Color me shocked.

DigitalAnalog3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )


What's this? An Xbox apologist trying to find issues to anyone supporting Sony? Color me SURPRISED! Definitely on MS payroll for sure. Right?

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3851d ago

I wish I was on the MS payroll. Or Sony's.. .it would help me pay for the PS4 or X1 I'm giving away at my own cost.


DigitalAnalog3851d ago

^^^I think you kinda missed the point I was trying to make. But to clarify, you don't really need to be on someone's "payroll" to support a company. Just take a look at N4G.

pete0073851d ago

What else do you expect from someone only working for sony?
Give them an xbox and they wont even know what to do with.
And i guess with all the delays, they stoped with the easiest platform to develop to crap only psfbz believe

Army_of_Darkness3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )


You just made yourself look like an idiot. .. an independent idiot at that ;-)

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3851d ago
DonFreezer3852d ago

Well that's why they have all those indie games.Now I get it. Microsoft gets support from aaa devs and that's why they can't make everyone speak of the truth. On the other hand Sony supports indie devs and pays/money hats them so that they can spread their lies.All that's left is EA telling us that the PS4 is more powerful than a GTX 780ti desktop.

sincitysir13852d ago

Relax. If it upsets u so much don't read so much into it. Jeez tigger

liquidsnake3852d ago

Someones emotions are out of control.

Kayant3852d ago

Right because people won't be able to play Fifa 14, BF4, AC4, etc on PS4..... oh wait...

CGI-Quality3852d ago

You really don't know what you're talking about.

OT: Praise, praise, praise. All I hear from DEVS, not just Indie developers (who will also receive my respect as, because they are working hard to bring the goods, as well).

Brix903852d ago

I guess Sonys paying PC developers for praise too...huh? lol

Freedomland3852d ago


You will find out soon enough but at that time you won't have money to buy PS4 because you already spent it on X1 so please come to your senses and break free out of your frenzish delusion.

AceofStaves3852d ago

PS4 will be getting AAA titles as well. It's not as if Sony has reduced the number of AAA titles it will release on the platform. Instead, it has forged strong relationships with small-team, independent devs to ensure a constant flow of new content.

Having a strong stable of indie games isn't a negative for PS4. It's a positive.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3852d ago
Saviour3852d ago

I havn't seen any light year game which is better than Ryse, Forza? maybe they time travel and confused ps200 with ps4.

MysticStrummer3852d ago

"I havn't seen any light year game which is better than Ryse"

You're certainly welcome to your opinion, but it's a weird one in my view.

xXxSeTTriPxXx3852d ago

That's because sony doesn't blow their load on launch lineups and forget about the future.

I bet you a hundred dollars to a bucket of sh#t that rsye is pretty much it for x1(just like gears for 360) with minor improvement in the future (better hope that cloudz is up and running by then).

And kzsf is gorgeous and plz stop saying forza the game does nothing next gen.

Only thing I can agree with is the lightyear thing until proven.

Pintheshadows3851d ago

Ryse and Forza are shamed equally by KZSF, Second Son, and The Order.

Just go and watch the trailers and gameplay and make a comment from an informed standpoint.

This isn't something where you can argue an opinion. Those three games are head and shoulders above what Ryse is doing for example in terms of effects, textures, lighting, animation. The misconstrued fact that the character models in Ryse are the most detailed ever. No, one of them is. The one whose back you will be staring at as you play. Honestly, Ryse is nothing special from a visual standpoint, it just looks like a good PC game. The lighting in Ryse doesn't look as good as in Crysis 3 on PC when you crank it).

Unless your eyes are broken all three of those games are far superior to everything on the Xbox One from a visual standpoint.

boneso823851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Has no one picked up on this yet?

A "light year" is a measurement of distance, not time... Stop making time travel references...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3851d ago
mediate-this3852d ago

Indie devs, not really pushing any hardware hard.

DigitalRaptor3851d ago

Perhaps. Perhaps not. It really depends.

For example, RESOGUN. This game my look like a simple sidescrolling sh'mup, but it's not something that would be possible on current gen hardware, if you analyse its systems and what it's rendering during gameplay.


Elzer3852d ago

It's awesome to see "indie devs" praise ps4. Has nobody notice that 99.9% of devs that talk highly of the ps4 are Indies . Seems kind of fishy. Indie games of the ps4 don't even come close to the best games of last generation. "fact" so with that in mind indie dev's credibility of acknowledging strengths of a system is quite irrelevant if you ask me.... "Ask me."

wishingW3L3852d ago

because indies aren't held back by the PR team of game publishers. So they can do and express whatever opinion they want.

Sono4213852d ago

What are you trying to say exactly? That all indie devs conspired together to say PS4 is better? lol what? Listen to yourself.. your not making sense mate.. get off the Microsoft Koolaid and logic will come back to you naturally ;)

nosferatuzodd3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

yep thats what i like to hear, but read the story above this one Microsoft edge out Sony because of the cloud that the stupidest thing I've ever heard

dmeador3852d ago

These comments just fall into the bag of "overblown". Implying that nothing can touch it voids any creditably they had, even though people will jump on it as true if it falls in line with what they believe. They developed for the PS3, and from what I checked they have always been on the Sony train, so of course they are going to want to stay on the good graces of the company they depend on and have a relationship with.

They are also looking to get publicity from this, and it looks like its working

DigitalRaptor3851d ago

Make a list of all of those indie devs, investigate all of their previous ties to Sony, and if you come back with a list where the majority of those indie devs have worked with Sony on several projects before, you would actually have a point.

However, I could also probably name you about 10 developers off the bat that have never worked with Sony before and are praising both the hardware and the simple, no-barriers process that it takes to submit your game to a Sony platform for release.

"They are also looking to get publicity from this"

Get out of here. This is what all gamers believe - that because someone is talking about their games, it means they went out there and was looking for publicity. It's definitely not curious journalists going out there and contacting developers making games for a system that their site is covering. Definitely not. /s

boneso823851d ago

Are you saying the dev is making stuff up? Are you saying the PS4 is not the most powerful console made so far?

If you are then you must be smoking crack... Or sucking off Major Nelson!

ZombieKiller3852d ago

I agree, it is nice to hear someone other than an employee from Sony talk good about their system.

Can't say the same for the other guys...

Syntax-Error3852d ago

PS4 'light years ahead of anything else we have seen in the console industry,' says indie dev POSTED BY PSU.COM

Well of course

Hicken3851d ago

Because PSU.COM quoted themselves, as a developer, saying that...

Syntax-Error3850d ago

Says an idie developer to a PS website journalist. Do you think he would say that to an XBOXTREME.COM journalist?

madpuppy3851d ago

I have had my PS4 and KNACK paid off for a while now decided to add the camera and another controller, paid them off over the past few weeks....added Killzone:shadowfall, paid THAT off today and than added the PS4 Controller dock/charger. Man, I'm gonna' need help when I pick this up at 12:00AM On the 15th!!

bigfish3851d ago

Please define the meaning of light years relative to computer graphics speak?? How can you use a measure of distance to judge the aesthetic fidelity of an image?? please explain

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3850d ago
jonnyvito3852d ago

Seems a lot of the indies are loving PS4.

Dark_Legend3852d ago

I honestly dont understand why someone disagrees with you :D

CapsLocke3852d ago

"Indies" are no one, they being payed and they tell what they told to.

Idba3852d ago

Indie=Independent=Not under anyones payroll.

Haules3852d ago

I know MS fanboys are Stu**d but your ridiculously stu**d...

Learn what indie mean you MS tool.

Campy da Camper3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

I think you might have a misunderstanding of what "indie" means. Hint: its the exact opposite of what you just said.

SoulSercher6203852d ago

Do you even know what indie means?

CapsLocke3852d ago

You all are so blindly naive, living with your pink glasses on and thinking the world is full of justice and good.

ZombieKiller3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

....and MicroSoft employees aren't paid to talk up their system?

...if we are all so naive, and such fanboys, then why are you here if this site is apparently predominantly Sony fans?

My pink glasses are telling me that Sony's PS4 is miles better than Microsofts ONE.....and with all their policies, the past treatment to fans, and all their PR bullshit, if you truly believe that MS is NOT like this, then I think you need a new set of pink specs.

Regardless of being a fan or not, it doesn't take a goddamn Helen Keller to see that the PS4 is the lesser of the 2 evils.

Silly gameAr3851d ago

What a pathetic way to think. Were indies no one when people were praising xboxlive games at the start of this gen? All we used to here is how awesome the downloadable games were on live.

Guess where most of those games came from? Indies.

boneso823851d ago


Your no one, what you say has far less weight than someone who is developing for and has actually used the console the article is relating too. Who's paying you for your N4G comments? No one, so you can make up whatever crap suits your agenda, and.... Oh look, you have done just that! Lol

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3851d ago
NatureOfLogic3852d ago

Sounds like PS4 is the console to have this holiday. How could any gamer miss out.

Ezz20133852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

it is the right choice for me, i can't think for a single reason as of why i would buy any other console
Sony's unmatched 1st/2nd party studios

Ofcourse that's just me though

meatysausage3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

I wouldnt mind picking up a Wii U somewhere down the track
it would be a good change and something different to accompany the ps4

Campy da Camper3852d ago

@meaty. I bough a wiiu a couple months ago. Its a great system. Not tons of games but they are coming. The tablet controller is so awesome as is being able to play off screen. Its the perfect 2nd console. I will be getting the ps4 day one and it will reside under my 55" LED Samsung in the living room. After an all day session of hardcore gaming I can now retire to my bedroom and unwind playing Mario kart 8 on my 44" plasma. If the hawks are playing no problem. Just play off screen laying in bed on the gamepad. With the game on TV. This...is awesome. All day gaming on ps4...relax in bedroom with wiiu while watching football and a plate of nachos resting on my stomach.

Life is complete.

Pogmathoin3852d ago

Due to the PS4 and its policies, X1 may also turn out to be an incredible console, thanks to forced policy changes, and, more importantly, open to indies too. Bottom line is, to real gamers anyway, is that we are entering a great time in console gaming, and should be a win win for all.... for those who persist in petty fanboyism, enjoy what you did get, but leave out the stupid remarks, comments. Still though, where is Fallout 4 news???? Next Gen Fallout, can it get better???!!!

cell9893852d ago

what PS4 policies are you referring to?

Pogmathoin3851d ago

Good stuff... Relax, Its stance on DRM, indies.....used games... Not always online...

CRAIG6673852d ago ShowReplies(2)
Steven36573852d ago

To think, some people still try to say that the other console is near enough equal.

etownone3852d ago

As of now...

The games speak for themselves. And Xb1 games look amazing.

In due time, I guess we will all see the differences.... If any.

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3852d ago

etownone + 10h ago
As of now...

The games speak for themselves. And Xb1 games look amazing.

In due time, I guess we will all see the differences.... If any.

marked for trolling.

Sitdown3852d ago

Your assumption is that they have had experience with the other console..... from the article, they have worked with the vita and ps3 in the past. So toys could be an isolated experience that has no bearing on the other console. In addition, what is light years for one, could be baby steps for others. What's his frame of reference?

thejigisup3852d ago (Edited 3852d ago )

When I read the title that was the first thing I thought. What have you seen that you could use as a comparison. I understand it was just a figure of speech. But we can't use figures of speech in the gaming community we must be concrete, obvious, and to the point lest we beg the fanboys and trolls to come out.

n4rc3852d ago

First thing I thought too... Its great they aren't having issues etc

But what reference do they have? I can think my Hyundai is the best car in the world if u had never driven an Audi..

Now I'm not using that as a real comparison for these consoles.. But all this article really says is..

We are working on the ps4 and its awesome..

That's it and that's all..

Irishguy953852d ago

Oh hey, another fanboy jumping to conclusions without even reading the article. Yesterday it was the Warhound article....whats next?

Show all comments (172)

GG Bundle 2015 Is Now Available For Xbox One

The GG Bundle 2015 includes four titles from Grip Games. Included in the bundle are Q.U.B.E: Director’s Cut, Tower of Guns, Jet Car Stunts and Unmechanical: Extended.

Read Full Story >>
elarcadia3070d ago

Anyone play any of these games? Is this a good bundle to keep an eye on for future deals?


Grip Games new project will be shown at MS E3 Conference

Grip Games (Tower of Guns) has just announced via twitter that the unveiling of their next big project will be at at MS E3 Conference.

Eonjay3266d ago

These guys did Tower of Guns. A game I like alot.

christocolus3266d ago (Edited 3266d ago )

Yeah. the game is fun.Downloaded it for free on my PS4. its amazing how some remember the names of most of these developers.There are so many of them now.

AngelicIceDiamond3266d ago

Should be interesting. Looking forward to see what they cook up.

3266d ago
MasterCornholio3266d ago

Well I did enjoy Tower of Guns so hopefully this game comes to the PS4 as well.



Hugbots and Unicorn Vomit: A Conversation with the Minds Behind Grip Games

In an exclusive interview, COG chats with the guys who brought you Tower of Guns and Unmechanical: Extended to get an insider’s view of the fascinating world of indie game publishing.

Read Full Story >>
WizzroSupreme3286d ago

Man, so THESE are the minds that came up with all that. Dang.