
Do You Want Your PS4 to Have a Better Operating System, or Better Games?

Bad Gamers is back, again. This time the increasingly unstable Seb and Dan discuss the PS4′s RAM and how much is thought to be put aside for the OS and why. - PSLS

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Need4Game3933d ago (Edited 3933d ago )

PhyreEngine 4.0 which help Game making Faster & Better thus making Better Games.

3933d ago
Cupid_Viper_33933d ago


Lol, buddy you're drunk....Go home!

fr0sty3933d ago

That depends. I know gaming was held back a bit by PS3's OS not supporting cross game chat. Having to use text messages to set up games was a real pain in the ass.

kreate3933d ago (Edited 3933d ago )

'Sorry guys, MS is investing 1 bil in exclusives this gen. Game over.'

This gen is still ps3/x360.
And ps3 won.
And yes game is over cuz Microsoft gave up.

Next gen is ps4/xone. And the game didn't start yet.

3933d ago
NewMonday3933d ago (Edited 3933d ago )

this time Sony are using a full feldged OS based on Unix and shares origins with MAC OS, it has a deep history of development, it's no proprietary XMB


FreeBSD is also lighter on the the system than Windows.

3933d ago
PSVita3933d ago

@catchmeonthat: get your "facts" straight please


Army_of_Darkness3933d ago

What was that fr0sty?? Gaming was held back because of the ps3's os?!?! Lmao!! Wow bro! That's just retarded talk right there considering cross game chat was never a game changer in the previous gens, nor even this gen?! Yeah, the last of us and god of war 3, uncharted 2 and killzone 2 were all held back because of ps3's os.... this is clearly why ms killed sony this gen right?? :-\

T23933d ago

Lol at the desperation here .. Frosty " using text messages to set up games was a pain" ... Wow u never heard of game invites ? Apparently you never learned to actually use a ps3 ... Did you also know u can turn it on by pushing the big button on your controller?

Elimin83933d ago (Edited 3933d ago )

Better Operating Games?

madpuppy3933d ago

"Well right now Xbox has a better operating system AND better games. So what does that say about MS? "

MS makes poorly coded, bug riddled software, Their policy of "ship it broken and we will fix it with updates when we get the time" is a well known company policy. MS sells low quality commodity operating systems and software.

This Bill Gates Hero worship just go's a little too far around here. remember, Bill G. is a business genius, not a software one.

gaffyh3932d ago

@Catchmeonthat - How many alternative accounts do you need to create??? Also, how can you talk about exclusives, when neither console is out, and neither of them have confirmed which games are coming out when?

Firstly, the facts are that Sony has consitently proven that they support their systems with exclusives, right from PS1, PS2, and PS3. PS4 will be no exception, there will continue to be loads of exclusives for the PlayStation. If MS can keep up with them, then hats off to them, but I seriously doubt they can put out as much games as Sony can.

Secondly, $1 Billion means nothing when you consider that this is for the ENTIRE generation. That's right, the entire generation, and it probably include marketing costs, exclusive DLC from third parties. It won't last long.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3932d ago
pedrof933933d ago

Does PSLS knows that the rumour was false ?

ThatCanadianGuy5143933d ago

Page clicks man, it's all about the page clicks.Integrity, honesty, investigative journalism? None of that applies to PSLS

pedrof933933d ago

I'm sorry but I think that PSLS is a very informative website for the PS world.

Or you are maybe refering to whole video-game journalism in general ?

3933d ago
Heartnet3933d ago

Sony have shown time and time againt here not software developers and the OS for ps3 and vita have been shockingly bad...

the ps3 one is so simple in its design yet so clunky to get around... There hardware manufactures and designers at the heart and thats what theyll be forever...

MS is the exact other way around which is why the 360 even with ads was a lot better fluent experience to use... i didnt feel like killing myself when i wanted to check my achievements as i had to stop playing for 10 mins for to load up...

pivotplease3933d ago

Nah the XMB blew the 360 dashboard out of the water in terms of cohesiveness and aesthetics. So much so that MS had to update their interface into more of an XMB style interface (just with a ridiculous amount of ads and a marketplace for every single medium. Why not merge them?). Cannot speak for the Vita but it reminds me vaguely of iOS with bubbles. As for X1 and PS4, only time will tell, but both look like evolutions of the XMB (with inspiration from social media apps). I expect both to control a little better (or differently?) thanks to kinecton X1 and move/the touchpad on PS4.

T23933d ago

Ten minutes .... Riiight ... With all the ads on xbl u would be lucky to find what you were looking for in ten min.

3933d ago
Megaton3932d ago

Both is what they have. These aren't mutually exclusive things. Beginning to understand why PSLS is banned from NeoGAF.

bigfish3932d ago

Sack the operating system, give me the games!!! Imagine a metroid prime style fps with ps4 graphics!!! ..... makes me faint just at the thought,,,some things are just too good to ever come true,.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3932d ago
HammadTheBeast3933d ago

Well, this is Killzone Shadowfall using less than 5 GB.




So.... I don't know. The best of both worlds.

PSVita3933d ago (Edited 3933d ago )

So you reply to my comment with "eh" and then write the exact same thing....

trancefreak3933d ago

Dang that first pic blew me away thanks for the link.

pedrof933933d ago

Well the others are amazing too.

trancefreak3933d ago

Yeah they are this will be my first PS4 title played when released..

PablitoPaperito3933d ago

Graphix r nice n all but the enviroment is very verry empty in the first screenshot.

Very few polygons being pushed.

High-res textures and cool lighting fx dont make a game impressive.

M-M3933d ago

"Graphix r nice n all but the enviroment is very verry empty in the first screenshot."

Until the player turns around.

Kietz3933d ago (Edited 3933d ago )

Those could easily pass for a 2142 mod of BF3. Not even at its finest, truthfully.
To me, it is not the graphical powerhouse people make it out to be.

Funantic13933d ago (Edited 3933d ago )

Killzone Shadowfall still looks current gen. And the AI still sucks. You can be right behind your enemy and he still doesn't notice. Compare your images to Crysis 3.


LordNikon3933d ago

It actually looks better than Crysis 3, well... from those screenshots in that link anyway.

And how do you know the AI is bad? Have you played the game yet?

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3933d ago

Im sorry, no offense but that was a fail. Im sure C3 looks good on pc max settings but those screens certainly dont show it.

In fact Id be so bold as to say that Crysis doesnt do the cryengine justice.

Funantic13933d ago

@Seathe I did see the gameplay. The AI sucks. The enemy won't notice you unless you're in the direct line of fire or shooting at them. You could walk behind the enemy, lay down, and take a nap. I want next gen AI not artificial stupidity.

LordNikon3933d ago


Could you show me in a link? You made it sounds like a stealth situation, which would justify the AI not taking note of you.

Anyway, what you saw wasn't a representitive of the final product. Only then will i give fair judgements... unlike your overreactions...

edgeofsins3933d ago

The AI is realistic. They have to see, hear, or hear from other AI that you are behind them. You must think Call of Duty AI is good because they are so static they always know where the player is.

That is how it works in real life. You don't just magically know someone is behind you and in the heat of battle not everyone will realize someone is flanking them on there own.

KillZone has some of the best AI this gen. Artificial Intelligence is not about being smart and knowing where the player is. It is about emulating a humans senses and reactions, artificially, in the virtual world and this does that great. They act like real players do. Of course if you don't play on higher settings their reaction time and reactions themselves aren't going to be as smart.

cannon88003933d ago

crysis 3 was held back by current gen consoles and to tell you the truth; it doesn't even look that good. And neither do the characters. Oh and by the way, say hi to The Dark Sorcerer. http://images.gamersyde.com...


This tech demo was still using the engine from beyond two souls and it ran between 30 to 90 frames per second because it wasn't optimized. This stuff is totally doable on next gen consoles, especially the ps4. And before you say that this comparison is not fair because the dark sorcerer is a "small" tech demo and crysis 3 is a game with huge open levels; the xbox 36o and ps3 were able to run it. Both extremely outdated.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3933d ago
Heartnet3933d ago

Ah those still screens -_-

srsly though i wudnt trust gurelia games just look what they did with kz2... looked amazing at e3 or w.e then at release it was half of what they shown in terms of graphical fidelity

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3933d ago

False. KZ2 wasnt everything they were aiming for but it exceeded the target render in some ways. People should understand what a target renders purpose is.

LordNikon3933d ago

So... you think GG would do that again? Really? You're really reaching there. Anything to make the competetion look bad right?

joeorc3933d ago (Edited 3933d ago )


"srsly though i wudnt trust gurelia games just look what they did with kz2... looked amazing at e3 or w.e then at release it was half of what they shown in terms of graphical fidelity"

im my opinion you are talking out your @ss.

An in my opinion, They were the one of the only development studios aside from , ND and just a few other's to reach d@mn near their target render.

when you state that

"release it was half of what they shown in terms of graphical fidelity"

It maybe your opinion, but it is one i do not even think is a very realistic opinion @ that.

pivotplease3933d ago

Shadowfall looks amazing. I kind of wish those guys at guerilla weren't always under so much stress. First delivering upon E3 2005 and now delivering a system seller in time for launch. Then again... KZ2 was a bit better than 3 so maybe they work better under pressure?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3933d ago
GribbleGrunger3933d ago (Edited 3933d ago )

Why compromise on either when it's a hypothetical question? Weird.

I want both to be better.

bub163933d ago

seeing as its classed as a games console. GAMES!!!!!

Heartnet3933d ago

Not alright in this generation... why would you get a games console that only plays games when there is a decent enough other console that plays great games and has other multi-media features?

they have to have both... if 1 has they all have to.. and in the recession people want things to have everything as its cheaper that way

Hicken3933d ago

So the PS4 doesn't play music or movies, or surf the web? It doesn't do Blu Ray, DVD, or CDs? It ONLY plays games, right? Not any of that stuff I've listed that Sony's confirmed it does.

Sure glad you cleared that up.

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No Man's Sky Is Easily One Of Gaming's Greatest Comeback Stories

Despite No Man Sky's rocky launch, Hello Games managed to turn it into one of the best space exploration RPGs out there.

-Foxtrot11h ago

I hate the whole concept of "comeback story" because at the end of the day it doesn't remove the core issue we had in the first place, that we were lied to, it was disappointing and it launched with bare content to what was promised for years.

Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch but for me if you launch in a terrible state then you had your chance. I can applaud you for what you've done after but at the end of the day there's not much of a choice since most gamers would blank your next product if you ditched your last game so fast, it's not about repairing the game but spending your time repairing gamers trust before you launch your next product otherwise it would be dead on arrival.

With these stories and the games being updated, the only way is up most of the time so of course it's going to improve the game and feel better over all, getting better and better as time passes. No Mans Sky, Sea of Thieves, Fallout 76 etc but then you have games like Anthem, Suicide Squad, Redfall and The Avengers where the devs just clearly moved on, now if they have another product people won't be as exited for it, I mean hell Guardians of the Galaxy was a great game but because of the Avengers it didn't help its sales since people were obviously still sour at that point.

I still think despite the improvements to games like No Mans Sky and Cyberpunk along with being better now overall the games are still not up there to what was promised and hyped as for years.

If we keep celebrating these “comeback stories” then unfortunately it only strongly supports the concept that these studios / publishers can continue to push half arsed broken products out for the sake of quick sales instead of waiting until they are fully finished. We need to condemn this awful behaviour or sadly we lose all voice and power as consumers.

Sonic188110h ago(Edited 10h ago)

I feel the same way about Cyberpunk 2077. I'm glad you mentioned that. I'm not a fan of comeback stories as well. But No man sky developer was a small indie team compared to CDPR. It's worse when it's coming from a AAA developer

Nacho_Z10h ago

"Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch"

You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal.

The reason NMS and HG are held in such high esteem and calling them liars is a weak stance is the amount of work they've put into it, for free. They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted.

-Foxtrot9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

They are liars though...

We are not revising history here, I'm sorry but we're not

They built this game up for years and they launched it knowing full well it wasn't up to scratch to what they originally showed off or hyped it up to be.

"They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted"

And like I said above most of that comes from the fact that if they had just moved on straight away nobody would have supported their next game. They've washed most of that sour taste away after supporting No Mans Sky so now they are doing a new game which more people feel like they can support and get excited for.

Anyway how can you say "You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not" and then make the point that "Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone"

This means that if a small team like this can turn a game around then big AAA games like Suicide Squad, Redfall, Anthem and the like should have been able to do it no problem, oh but that's right they didn't want to put the time or effort into it. They can do it but some people just decide not to.

milohighclub0m ago(Edited 0m ago)

Whatever happened at launch is in the past. By your logic they could have supported it for a year got it to the project they promised then stopped but they didn't. They're still supporting it to this they, they've released more content post than pretty much any game I can think off. More than most MMOs. They didn't have to go this far but they have and don't have any plans of stopping. All for free too.
Yeah they had a shit launch and they've apologised, learned and more than made up for it. I was pissed off at them at launch, but not petty enough to keep slandering them 7 years later.
You have much bigger studios releasing half assed games and fixing it later or even worse not even bothering.

thorstein11h ago

I really enjoyed it at launch and had every trophy by August 2016.

The experience I had is no longer in the game: It was just me and my ship. It was a survival game and the feeling of loneliness in the universe was pervasive. There was no way to ruin too far from your ship and, in an emergency, you grenaded a hole in the ground to survive.

I miss that aspect, but since then, I love what they've done.

Hugodastrevas9h ago

I'd say it's THE definitive comeback story

TheGamingHounds8h ago

Final Fantasy 14 takes that one imho

jwillj2k49h ago

Oh great another story about the cleanest shirt in a bin of dirty laundry.

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