
Xbox One is a Day One purchase... but the PS4 can wait

Megabits writes: "The next few months will sure be interesting. Expect many more announcements, arguments and controversy. For me, it's the Xbone that's going to be first out the box - purely because its promise and potential seems far greater. The PS4 can wait..."

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ape0073993d ago

both systems look amazing but ps4 for me at first, xbox a bit later

NewMonday3993d ago

"For me, it's the Xbone that's going to be first out the box - purely because its promise and potential seems far greater. The PS4 can wait..."

umm... wouldn't it make more sense to wait for the console with the supposed "promise and potential" if he was getting the 2 anyways.

3993d ago
Haules3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

@ the person who wrote the article,

Let me put it this way (from a gamer prospective)...

PS4 + New video card for my PC = Day one!

Xbox one = Not wasting my money on a SkyBox that has most of its "exclusive" games on a gaming platform called PC.

nirwanda3993d ago

I have a raspberry pi for all my media, so I will be going from a 360 to the ps4 purely based on the fact most people seem to suggest that it has the best gpu.

nirwanda3993d ago

Although forza 5 looks like being the best launch title.

NewMonday3993d ago


play TV right?!

I stopped watching broadcast television looooong time ago.

so shoehorning a dying entertainment method is actually a negative for me.

zebramocha3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

The guy who wrote this must've never seen this.


3993d ago
fei-hung3993d ago


You mean how PS3 offered more than the 360 out of the box n regards to being an entertainment centre as the 360 lacked a BluRay drive and how it allowed you to install your own HDD so you can install your music, photos etc without paying silly prices for memory or how it gave us a browser to watch anime and the likes way before the 360?

You mean how all these features will still be on the PS4 and more as it will have social integration (that should address your communication issue).

I would totally understand if someone said something down the lines off, "I prefer the XBOX ONE to the PS4 as that is where my loyalty lies," compared to just to talking nonsense and passing it as fact about 2 consoles which haveot even been released yet and where not all features are confirmed.

By the way, if you are really considering entertainment as a selling point, how abo having entertainment without it being locked behind a paywall?!

dennett3163993d ago

@Edonus, what makes you think the PS4 won't also have Netflix and other video on demand services (hint, it will), it will also play blu rays, it will also feature Skype and various other forms of social communication - both regular, and linked to games via the share button.
It also has cloud streaming, and the potential for cloud functions built into games...just like the Xbox One. The only thing that Xbox One does that PS4 doesn't, is the live TV pass through. For me, that is next to useless as a remote control is faster at changing channels than the Kinect voice commands....it just is. Using the controller to play blu rays and navigate the system menus is also faster than relying on Kinect gestures. So for me, it's a non-starter.

The PS4 offers cloud streaming of PS3 games, giving at least some backwards compatibility. It offers much the same online features as the Xbox One in terms of cross game chat and the like. It is also the more powerful of the two consoles in terms of faster Ram, and a more powerful GPU. But fact is, the difference will not be absolutely massive between the two - fancier effects, more particles and shadows, more enemies onscreen etc. It will basically have the edge in terms of 3rd party games the way the 360 does over the PS3 in most cases. PS4 is also a fair bit cheaper than the One - £80/$100 cheaper.
The two features that One has over PS4 - Live TV pass through and Kinect - are not something that sells the console to me. You may be different, but try to think of any really good Kinect games from last generation, and think if using your voice to control your console is enough of a selling point. Web browsers being side by side with a game or movie is a nothing feature IMO, on PS4 you could flick between the two instantly anyway...and a software update could be made in order to allow shared windows if Sony really wanted to, the system is easily powerful enough for a feature that has been present on PC for years.
If the Xbox One game line up is what sells you on things, then fair enough...buy it for the games. But you can't really argue that the One really does "more" than the PS4...other than the nonsense of Live Tv anyway.

JokesOnYou3993d ago

These articles are pointless, I suspect most Xbox fans will again buy a X1 and most ps fans are again going to buy a ps4.

BABYLEG3993d ago

Article is right. I buy things my whole family can use. Ps4 is just for people who likes to sit in front their tv forever. Xbox one is for people who likes video games as well as everything else.

and to the guy saying ps4 has all the entertainment as Xbox one does.. Yea right. Call me when you have xfinity/hbogo among others. Its great to hope it will have these features but it won't. The NFL alone sold me on Xbox. Thing is, I expect great games on both systems so now I have to look elsewhere for value. The ps4 should be 100$ cheaper, it has so few features compared to Xbox. Ex) voice and gestures. I know I know, you foolish gamers dismiss anything that you don't have, but these are just some things. There's countless more. We have voice control on the 360 for fucks sake, and none on the ps4. That's ass backwards

DragonKnight3993d ago

This article is funny. Did you read the reasons?

"Kinect is Mandatory"

-Yeah, because that's a GREAT reason not fraught with Kinect's terrible history of being terrible for games.

"The controller is king"

-Subjective thus irrelevant but hilarious. Also, "teh 40 improovmunts." Please.


-This is where it gets really laughable. For one, nothing in the Xbox One is innovative. I could show lists of things more innovative that are older, or why what's included in the Xbox One has already existed even in gaming.

"Not only was this a machine capable of better-looking graphics..."

-Compared to what? Not the PS4 because that's a lie.

"A Blu-Ray player is included."

-Welcome to 2006.

"The cloud means game worlds can be dynamic and constantly updated, and that a lot of that boring old processing can be done remotely and in the background, giving your Xbox some extra capacity to do more important calculations and technical stuff."

-Don't fall for that. It won't work that way.

"HDMI in"

-So a cable box is what's exciting you.

"Xbox Live still trumps PS+"

Sorry but, not anymore. PS+ literally has everything Live does, offers newer free games, and you're still falling for the cloud hype that's not yet been proven and thus can't be counted until it is. Oh, and PS+ is cheaper than Live, doesn't lock out apps behind the PS+ paywall, allows for asynchronous online play for free which Live doesn't, and is being designed to allow free-to-play and MMO's among other models.

"The games look great"


In the end, it's like JokesOnYou above said. Pointless article. Fans of the brands will buy what they are comfortable and familiar with. I personally however felt your list was wrong or filled with the kind of subjectivity that makes one question why you think the PS4 can wait if the options chosen make no difference, are hype up promises, or are identical to what the PS4 offers.

NewMonday3993d ago


the TV has other channels right?

a console is supposed to be an easy device to use and move around from room to room or house to house, many do this on a daily basis, constantly rewiring doesn't sound friendly or intuitive.

and I have a cumbersome device plugged to my TV, it's called a PC.

dantesparda3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

PS4 is a Day One purchase... but the Xbox One can wait....til pigs fly

Mounce3993d ago Show
dcbronco3993d ago

I love the way fei-hung mentions all the ways the PS3 was a better media player than the 360 and he gets all of those people that agree. But it's somehow MS that gets all of the heat for being a media machine.

Gotta love it when pure logic is used.

gtarhro73993d ago

@dcbronco cause no one cared about them last gen and no one will this one. Only fanboys comparing features and what not. I had a 360 and a PS3 rarely used the media features. I have my PC, Laptop and TV for that.

RumbleFish3993d ago

How can one even consider buying a M$ console again after knowing what they wanted to do to gamers?

CerebralAssassin3993d ago

@haules not everyone has a pc that could run titanfall and other games. I used to play on pc but I got tired of upgrading my graphics card and adding ram. Also started working more so keeping up with pc tech can be challenging and ultimately became pointless to me. A lot easier to buy a console. I know it will play wut I put in the system. And the xbone can do everything the ps4 can do essentially. And more. Whether you like it or not.

MysticStrummer3993d ago

@edonus - "Unless all you do is play video games on your TV your point is moot. And I would hope so because if all you do is play video games that is a really sad life."

lol There you have it folks. A life can be labeled as "sad" based on the type of entertainment the person enjoys.

If you don't consume every form of visual entertainment available to you, you lead a "really sad life".

I've seen some ridiculous statements on this site, but that's a potential Hall of Famer.

I haven't watched traditional TV in years. I guess I might as well commit suicide.

3993d ago
Dee_913993d ago

lmao @ edonus
Like jack said.MSFT basically copied Sony's 2006 conference.Too bad your gonna have to pay extra for those apps, unlike on ps3 and ps4.

gaffyh3993d ago

People who think the PS4 WON'T be an entertainment center, are complete idiots. The PS3 is an amazing media center, far better than the Xbox 360, and is the most used device for things like Netflix. PS4 will have ALL these features and more.

On topic - PS4 has already got better confirmed Day One games than the Xbone. Halo and Titanfall are late 2014 games, so why would anyone with a bit of common sense think the Xbone has a better launch line up?

loulou3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

if that was the other way round, then n4g would love it..

i just looked at the comments on link lol. looks like some people from here commented to set the record straight lol

SlyFoxC3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )


and some of this goes too @ edonus
(PS3 was an entertainment hub from the beginning and, <fun fact> microsoft actually made fun of sony for being an "entertainment system" and not a video game system. the PS4 will pick up where it left off.)

where do you get your information that ps3 has no features...

i would like to point out that it has:
NFL Ticket
Hockey Channel
BestBuy Cinema Now
XOS College Sports
Laugh TV
Neon Alley
(RedBox soon)
With many many more .....

so please before you point fingers....take your hand of microsofts d**k and think about what you are saying....

and to your comment about "the so few features"

-Voice and Gestures? really?? why the hell are you even mentioning these.....you can do everything you can do with voice and gestures with a controller...and who knows...the ps4 may do this...so dont say stuff that you dont know

these two counsels will do the same things in theory just with different support. i.e. Ustream vs Twitch.

please dont try to push your fanboyism onto other people. dont tell false information and dont use the internet if you dont know what you are talking about.

X1 doesnt let you use Netflix for free
X1 doesnt let you use cross game chat for free
X1 is less powerfull 40-53%
X1 is 6 months behind with production
X1 doesnt listen to feedback..only dropped DRM ____because sony has more preorders
X1 will bring DRM back..if they can take it out ____with a patch...you bet they can put it back
X1 is down 2 to 3 in sales
X1 will still sell but because fanboys cant ____except another great console

the only thing that the x1 does that the ps4 doesnt is passthrough hdmi...

but do you really think moms and dads are going to plug in their cable box to their xbox to watch cable?

No...they will buy the x1 for their kids and they will be in their rooms not in the living room...

stop your fanboy ways and appreciate each console for what it does...

Gaming/Entertainment/Social Media/Social Interaction


Get over yourself

<you are the resistance, SlyFoxC>

dcbronco3993d ago

gtarhro7 you're really brainwashed aren't you. Ratings agencies and polls showed that people used their consoles as much for non-gaming features as they did for games. The PS3 was shown through both polls and ratings to be used more for non-gaming than gaming. So someone cared.

But you're so stuck in consoles are for games only mode because someone told you to think that way that you ignore that you use your laptop and PC for media. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you think it's sacrilege to use a laptop or PC for games. Or is it everything in the world can be used for multiple things except a console. Because those were the marching orders you were given and you won't disobey until you get new orders.

Kinda sad. Kinda really, really sad....really, reallly, really...

CryofSilence3993d ago

The weaker system has more potential?

hduce3993d ago

I preordered both so the only wait for me is their release dates.

miyamoto3993d ago

Who in his right mind can expect anything good from this backstabbing evil company who tried to screw him in the first place but when no ones wants to buy their product suddenly say I am sorry I am not gonna screw you this time. Please buy?

tuglu_pati3992d ago

definitely will get both, X1 first though, Ps4 a year from launch.

Heartnet3992d ago

No cause to unleash the potential; MS needs to see interest and profit for the console to evolve and improve..

if no1 buys it they will put less effort into it

user55757083992d ago

all in one entertainment is a joke

you cant even game and watch tv at the same time how about that feature? all that nonsense talk about multitasking and they leave out the remote play feature

ya know the thing the WiiU controller and ps4(with vita) can do?

Urusernamesucks3992d ago

Kinect will alow you develope Games with your finger tips. Dont belive? Just watch the project spark tutorial demo. It also allows me to paly two games at a time, for example lets say im waiting for a match pick up in halo, so i launch minecraft to kill time or watch some tv without having to replug the inputs. Then when the match is ready, i could just go back at the command of my voice. The xboxone can pretty much do everything the ps4, it can actually do more things than the ps4.

YNWA963992d ago

Jeez.... I am getting both systems, but prefer multi plat games on xbox controller.... If new ps4 controller feels better and actually feels like it has weight, maybe things will change but people, please.... Argue over relevant things in life, this is just entertainment....

justastranger103992d ago

Xbox One is day one for me. Might get a PS4 a few years down the line. Will be a bunch of used games at great prices for me.

The_Con-Sept3991d ago

Someone wants to pay 500 dollars for an achievement. I also sell achievement points... Want to buy 10,000 GS for $100,000? Call me :P.

PS4 is the only "one" I need.

+ Show (33) more repliesLast reply 3991d ago
fluffydelusions3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

Same here. PS4 for me but you know opinions and all. If someone rather an Xbone I don't care. The only game that interests me Xbone is Titanfall but that will also be on PC which is where I'll play it.

dolkrak3993d ago

And on PS4 too one year later, it was basically confirmed.

IcyEyes3993d ago

Why people still give click and write tons of comment to this "blog" ?

"News"like this are plain poor and lame.

JsonHenry3993d ago

This gen my PS3 mostly collected dust unless it was playing an exclusive like Uncharted or (currently) the Last of Us. My X360 however got plenty of usage.

Next gen.. for me at least, the xbox may not even make it to my living room. It is a personal choice and one that might change eventually. But at this time I just can't get excited about the X1 even after the policy change.

Jaqen_Hghar3993d ago

Well you can just use the PS for multiplats instead of Xbox and there goes the dust

Consoldtobots3993d ago

dumb post that guarantees you will get far more disagress than agrees

UnSelf3993d ago

Which is sad considering all he did was share his opinion on a free, public gaming site smh

dantesparda3993d ago

This gen my 360 mostly collected dust, while my PS3 got plenty of usage. Only way i'd take a X1 is free and even then cant say it get much usage

karl3993d ago

yeah.. but how? by playing Multiplatform titles that are on ps3 aswell?

it can collect as much dust as u want but the fact that i plays the same games plus all the exclusives that u mention and more

makes it all that much more worth it than an xbox..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3993d ago
President3993d ago

How is this news? I mean what makes an opinion piece newsworthy?

Triforce0793993d ago

Smart tv's will do everything xbox 1 can do plus i'm never in a position where i need to say skype someone while watching tv how stupid everything it does is just pointless giving you features you have to go out your way to use no thanks.

extermin8or3993d ago

Smart TV's do I've seen multiple adverts for Samsung and Panasonic TVs that have a camera and face recognition and voice and gesture control lately... And they were around about the same price as the Xbox hell... The Samsung one had android games and something about PC games via GAIKAI deal... Lol

3993d ago
kickerz3993d ago

@ tit force
so smart TVs play halo and titanfall and deadrissing 3 and killer instinct on their own now? that is smart

DonFreezer3992d ago

I would like to get of this site since the amount of butthurt ps drones is astonising and I'm fuckin bored with them.So please bubble me down and mark me for trolling so that I can stop commenting.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3992d ago
darkslayer2083993d ago

me too already preordered Ps4 will try out Xbone later .. will probably buy xbone in a year or two ..

Cha0tik3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

I'm with you and rather grab a PS4 on day one. Microsoft has been fucking over consumers for far too long and getting away with it because the consumers play into their games including myself. Just because they removed something or added something doesn't mean they did it for us (Speaking about DRM and online check ins). They did it because they saw the gain in PS4 sales and the loss they were going to have if they didn't make a change. I'm still deciding if I'm going to grab a Xbox One in the future because I buy a game console for games and not fucking TV features that you just wasted 3GB of ram putting such unnecessary gimmicks into the OS instead of leaving it to the developers. When the company forgets that it's the gamers that made their console what it is today then try to fuck those people over is when you lose my support. No, I'm not a fanboy... I just hate being fucked over by a company I've spent my money to support. Who knows... If an update can remove DRM who doesn't think that one day they may force it on us and take the system back to its original plans. It would be too late because you would already have the damn console then.

andibandit3993d ago


Watch the youtube video called devils halibut.....then come back here and tell me ms is trying to fuck gamers

Cha0tik3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

@andibandit lol Yes they are and that was the biggest waste of time ever. He says at the beginning that it isn't directed to console gamers but directed to PC gamers. Even if you were to use that against what I said it wouldn't matter because console gaming and what I call "Steam gaming" aren't the same at all. Plus you can share your games on steam but it requires you sharing you account with a friend who can then download any and all of your games and play them while still on your account even though two people can't be on the account at the same time it's still sharing. Once again MS is trying to screw you over especially since console gaming is mostly disk based and even then you can share your digitally purchased games (PS3) if you pair 2 other consoles with your account and then leave the account paired to the console. Care to waste my time anymore?

Edit: and if what he was saying were actually 100% accurate then the gaming industry would have fell a long time ago. Regardless if you buy COD used or new you still have the OPTION of downloading DLC. Keep in mind Sony also said "We will leave it to publishers if they want to enforce the DRM" meaning that once the game is released on a disk they can pair it to a account which would still be able to be shared by accounts.

Cha0tik3993d ago

And if you want to have a friendly debate about it you can add me on Steam... same user name but as soon as you get disrespectful I'm deleting you because I don't care if people don't agree with me.

donman13993d ago

PS4 is clearly the next gen console to get. I have no plans on getting both (nothing for the Xbox One impress me enough to invest another $500 for it). WiiU/PS4 will take care of all my gaming needs. Not to mention I also own a powerful PC.

CerebralAssassin3993d ago

Theres nothing clear about next gen. This is a marathon. Not a sprint

b3ast3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

Why people support MS I don't get it too many fools in this world!

3993d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3993d ago

@Rave So people can play video games and MS has a gaming machine?

I don't know what's foolish about that.

kickerz3993d ago

Speak for yourself xrave.
we support xbox because we like the games, just like nintendo guys support nintendo cause they like mario and stuff. Microsoft was thinking of the future, trying to innovate digital gaming. you cry babies wernt ready so they listened and changed pollicies. what does PS4 do over PS3? its more powerful and now u pay to play online thats pretty much all the innovation there. in closing whichever games u like get that console but please dont call us a fool.

Urusernamesucks3992d ago

Its about supporting ms at all...

Gamers just love to own better games.
The xbox one offers alot of great stuff but haters always try to downplay its advantages.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3992d ago
Hellsvacancy3993d ago

Its great how theres 130+ comments all based on a minor opinion

Geezus3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

@dennit316 lol the ps4 wont have skype its owned by microsoft and the xbox one has snap mode and hdmi in and something imprtant people glance over is dedicated servers for all MP games no more seriously laggy matches. on the other hand on the ps4 unless the publisher provides dedicated servers like B4F your stuck with laggy p2p on big games like call of duty and other MP's . 300000 servers for the winzzzzz.

Cha0tik3993d ago

Doesn't matter if it's owned by Microsoft and a prime example of that is Blu Ray is owned by Sony but included with the Xbox One. What it all comes down to is money.

Triforce0793993d ago

Video chat is video chat which ever way u look at it,Uchat on wiiu is good and soon it will be on pc and ps4 will have a video chat i'm sure.

AngelicIceDiamond3993d ago

I seriously can't pass up: Quantum Break, Ryse, Deadrising, Killer Instinct, titanfall.

Interested in Black Tusk's new game.

Insomniacs new game. Which looks like it could be a L4D first person team shooter with other existing teams and players in the world.

That's too much to pass up.

isa_scout3993d ago

Doesn't matter if it's owned by MS or not. I skype all the time on my Vita.

kickerz3993d ago

WEll said Angelic Diamond,
those games look awsome. im getting a xb1 day 1.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3993d ago
Geezus3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

@azuke bluray is owned by a conglamerate of companies of which sony happens to be a part of.. and trust microsoft is not letting skype go to any of its biggest competitors in the gaming industry thats why it never came to the ps3 and isnt on the wii u and why it was a part of the 360 and is intergrated into the One allowing you to game and videochat with multiple freinds at the same damn time via snap mode. its only made its way on the vita cuz they dont compete with it directly it being a handheld and all.

Cha0tik3993d ago

This didn't really prove anything. The point is these are companies. They will allow Skype to be used for the right price.

extermin8or3993d ago

Actually they have to honour existing contracts they already have from when they bought the company as Sony had a deal for PS vita and PSP I wouldn't be surprised if it were on ps4 too after all the only reason its intergrated into xbl now is because it'll encourage some people to make phone calls using it... Earning them money so an app for ps4 doesn't seem outside the realms of possibility ..

isa_scout3993d ago

Sony and MS are only competitors in the gaming space. Besides for that they're actually very friendly business partners in the PC market. MS just like Sony would will take any oppurtunity to help SKYPE grow in the market, whether it's gaining memebers from the Vita, the PS4, or the Xbox One.

imdaboss13993d ago

lol only mindless stupid fanboys would get the xbone..drm will return well its still there till the patch is release..but mark my words they will make another u turn and it back..ms is a piece of shit..fuck kinect and them tryin to mess up the gaming industry..the controllers looks the same only minor changes..

PigPen3993d ago

Cause he didn't prefer your favorite console of choice he is a mindless stupid fanboy. Microsoft is a piece of shit is your opinion. He gave his opinion why XB One is a day one purchase and you're mad cause the PS4 won't be a day one purchuse. I not buying the PS4 at all. Lol

isa_scout3993d ago

While the PS4 is my console of choice at launch(I will get Xbone around income tax season)calling anyone a mindless stupid fanboy for preferring a different product than yours is in fact immature and petty.

Parapraxis3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

I'm glad this guy is getting Xbox One first, I hope he loves it and never gets a PS4.
I'd rather not bump into delirious people during my games.

Most of the people on here who still don't have their facts straight or who are drinkin' the MS kool-aide are welcome to do the same.

loulou3993d ago

how really sad and pathetic somne people are on this gutter site. so now anyone getting an xbox are delirious, dont know the facts, are drinking the ms kool aide orperhaps what you really wanted to say is that they are stupid? right?

god, you pathetic little fanboys need to give yourselves a shake... and no i dont mean the five times a day shake you are already giving yourselves.

i know loads of people getting xboxes, people that aint pathetic little fanboys that spend their days on n4g writing the same rubbish over andnover again. or writing their silly little love letters for the other turds to agree with.

dantesparda3993d ago

Who are you calling a fanboy? You're obviously a diehard MS fanboy, and if this place is such a "gutter" then what are you doing hanging out in the gutter? you like hanging out in the gutter do you? And sad and pathetic? you're the one who sounds like he's about to cry over nobody liking his stupid little xbox. How anybody other than fanboys and oblivious people can think the x1 is a better deal than the ps4 is beyond me. I go with whoever has the best product, fanboyism be damned! It makes you look pathetic

Urusernamesucks3992d ago

That last statement best implies to people like you. There is so much about the xboxone that you dont know, and if you do know you'll always try to make it look like its not worth it.

greenlantern28143993d ago

As a gamer the fact is that is kinda the problem with Xbox. Ms is philosophy is to build an all in one entertainment hub. Sony's is to build an awesome gaming machine. While sony focused on making a system that devs love to work on, ms tried to cram a bunch of useless features into the Xbox1. They are useless to anybody that owns a smart tv. And people saying stupid Crap about Netflix, hulu plus,etc. My ps3 currently has all that. Netflix, hulu plus, Amazon prime, crackle, downloads movies and music. So why wouldn't ps4. And I know sony isn't talking about that stuff because they made a gaming machine. And unless you really love forza then most of Xbox1 games are next year. And it seems by and large the public has said ps4, if you go by what any pre orders have said. Amazon, gamestop.

DarkHeroZX3993d ago

"Xbox One is a Day One purchase... but the PS4 can wait"

Says no gamer anywhere. Seriously Sony already stated they can do cloud computing. And once the PS4 is established as a game console first then Sony will focus on the secondary media functions as they should.

medman3993d ago

I look at the strength of Sony's first party developers and say to myself...the author of this article is no fan of gaming. That is for dead sure. Now let me get back to The Last of Us.

ZombieKiller3993d ago

....and this guy writes about video games for a living...goes to show what kind of a joke gaming journalism is. You would think these guys would be well informed too. So buying an Xbox on launch after the RROD and the DRM crap they talked about would be a smart move? I'm going to wait and see what sort of "policies" Microshaft comes up with after people start buying their system.

Till then its PS4 on day one....which ACTUALLY shows promise for the future.

Doctor_Freeman3993d ago

Like always, I wait awhile for both systems to mature and pick the one that best suits me. Its all about the games for me, and I'll go wherever the best games and prices are.

Cueil3993d ago

I'm getting both at the same time I'll plug my PS4 into my Xbox One... that way I can play my PS4 while I wait for a match on my Xbox and can talk to both friends list at the same time ^_^

Anon19743993d ago

The 360 was a day one purchase for me, needed to be replaced 4 times and cost me $350 for two of those repairs before Microsoft ever bothered to extend the warranty, and then I had to fight like hell for a year to get them to give me that $350 back, because the "Had no record of the repairs." One of those replacements was a disk gouging unit too, that Microsoft then refused to take back despite having just sent it to me until I brought up my extended warranty which I had purchased between the 2nd and 3rd replacement.

Even if I was in the market for an Xbox One, there's no way it would be a day one purchase for me until I was sure the hardware was sound. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

showtimefolks3992d ago

Good for you I guess I will be buying a ps4 and passing on Xbox one. Not gonna pay for PSN plus and xblive when I barely have time for one console

So to each their own but for me it's ps4.

Also if Xbox defense force is mad now just wait till after release, with a system that's $100 less and offers more Xbox one will struggle. I have about 6 friends who were Xbox 360 only now switching to ps4

RedHawkX3992d ago (Edited 3992d ago )

yep you get the cheaper system first because thats the console everyone will be getting and using for online. ps4 will have the bigger online playerbase. you alos get the system that has a headset included and the ps4 does so the commmunity will be even better with talking in multiplayer. you get the most powerful system first which is the ps4 so you can get that next gne graphics feel.

playstation fans arent fanboys they use there brains when making purchase to get the best system for there money and xbox one fanboys dont. their is no logical reason to get xbox one day one over ps4. if your reason to get an xbox one day one is to continue your achievements or because you think live will be the most played and best online then you are stupid and wrong because thats not happening, and all those exclusives for the xbox one are timed exclusives just like bioshock, mass effect, etc. you need to use the past, present and future when making decisions if you do that ps4 is the obvious choice. if your a fanboy you will pick the xbox one.

nosferatuzodd3992d ago (Edited 3992d ago )

listen to this guy xbox one game look great of course they look good when youre running you're game on a nvidia card that's almost 3times moor powerful than what you're system is suppose to be

Pocketaces1113992d ago

@BABYLEG your funny you make no sense but thanks for making me laugh.

"Article is right. I buy things my whole family can use. Ps4 is just for people who likes to sit in front their tv forever. Xbox one is for people who likes video games as well as everything else. "

What an oxy moron. xbox only works on tv's you dummy so if you like either the ps3 or the xbox TOO MUCH all you do is sit in front of your TV. I on the other hand don't care to talk to my tv so I use the PS3 and in future the ps4 and when I want to talk I have great conversations with my wife and daughter or friends and family not my tv. My whole family uses my ps3 for netfli, hulu games streaming content from computer as well we go outside play board games as well as many other things together.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 3991d ago
Chaostar3993d ago

Under "Innovation" the author has put Blu-Ray, just thought I'd point that out because it made me chuckle a little.

Bojeeva3993d ago

Good point! I meant that it was among the notable new features - alhtough I guess it is an innovation for Microsoft (they probably still wanted HD-DVD!!!)

NioRide3993d ago

You mean DVD right, because not one game was ever put on HD-DVD.

CaEsAr-3993d ago

Nobody cares about your opinion.

Master-H3993d ago

Didn't you get the memo ? Blu ray is cool now since Microsoft is doing it /s

Veni Vidi Vici3993d ago

He also said Xbox Live trumps PS+ but fails to say why. He just goes on to say that it's now giving away free games too and even admits they're old ones.

If you want to persuade people that something is better, at least give examples as to why you think it's true. And by examples, I don't mean something that's not even as good as the competition (i.e. 2 free OLD games).

Here, I'll even give an example. One thing that's better is the fact that Live lets you keep those free games forever. Even if you stop the service. PS+ doesn't do that.

Admittedly, that's not that big of a deal because most people will just buy the service for the life of the console anyway but it's at least a better example than what the author gave.

iceman063993d ago

Nor does he state that he has played on the new and supposedly improved PSN. He just assumes that PS3 will just be thrown on the same network that exists right now...despite Sony saying otherwise. Everybody is entitled to an opinion but, for arguments sake, it could have been more thought out.

kickerz3993d ago

I agree theres no way to tell yet if the Xbox one network is better then the ps4 network BUT if Microsofts 300 000 servers and cloud improve online gaming greatly (which we have to wait and see) then yes Live will trump Plus. If not then they will be similer

greenlantern28143993d ago

Yeah look Xbox fans here is this bluray player it was very advanced tech 7 years ago. that all of you said didn't matter when it was in ps3, but now is a sweet addition to your console since it is gonna be in the Xbox1.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3993d ago
Automatic793993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

Xbox One has some excellent key features. Most importantly I like the launch and post launch games.

NewMonday3993d ago

i'll be waiting for a price drop and Kenict removal.

fact is for me Kinect is a bigger problem than price, even if they force it in the bundle just don't make it mandatory.

buynit3993d ago

Oh get over the kinect..the damn thing adds to the experience. i plan on getting a ps4 first not sure if i will ever get a xb1 but i cant hate on what kinect can do. I mean damn all you have to do is pick up the controler and it logs you in! The thing does some impresive stuff.. If i ever do get a xb1 it will probably the kinect that wins me over and since everyone will have it devs will def. Use it...

NewMonday3993d ago


I use band aid to block the camera on my laptop, would do the same to Kinect id it didn't have an always listening microphone, I'm not trusting MS with my privacy and security.

If it styles like this the only way I can play the XB1 is by plugging/unplugging Kinect every time I play.

JokesOnYou3993d ago

"I use band aid to block the camera on my laptop, would do the same to Kinect id it didn't have an always listening microphone"

-lol, Wow bro that says alot about you.

DOMination-3993d ago

MS do not care about what you do in front of kinect.

Every phone call you make is saved. Every text you send is saved on a server. Your phobe tracks your movements and the front camera is always watching you. Of course like kinect there isn't a man sat in an office reading all your data. They have computers looking for keywords etc. If you're not planning a terrorist attack you really have nothing to worry about.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3993d ago
Jaqen_Hghar3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

All games on a system are launch or post launch!

gamertk4213993d ago

There are always a few games you can grab days before system launch, tho. So technically, he is correct!

jessupj3992d ago

Well I have a gaming PC and we know a lot of those so called xbone exclusives are timed, so I'll be getting a PS4 and won't be missing out on much at all.

Also, there is a notable difference in the PS4's raw power compared to the xbone, so it will have superior multiplatform games. Unless of course MS decide to be children again and force developers to downgrade the PS4 version to be the same quality as the xbone games.

Another big plus by supporting Sony is that I don't have to worry if they'll stop releasing core games half way through the generation, unlike a certain other company did.

The PS4 is clearly the much better console.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3992d ago
Prcko3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

xbox one can wait,ps4 is day one
how can xbox one be day 1 when you have to give 100$ more for weaker console,you can't play games in most countries around the world(40% of Europe is affected,and who knows how much more around the world...),you need to conect on internet for day 1 patch and you don't get epic exclusive games?
it's hard to believe that people gonna buy xbox one before ps4,only few brains think xbox one is better than ps4
also preorders: ps4 is alrdy 2nd best selling product this year,xbox one is on approximately 70 place...
nuff said

A-laughing-horse3993d ago

Damn kid , butthurt?

It's a toy

Besides. Ps4 has 2 launch exclusives. 1 is. Fps.

Enjoy your selection. Your not swaying anyone's opinion.

Prcko3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

maybe,but we will see how many exclusives after 1 year on market,mister smart guy...

ThatCanadianGuy5143993d ago

Day one launch titles

The Witness
Diablo 3
DC Universe Online


Dead rising 3
Killer instinct
Kinect sports

Both launch lineups are pretty weak.PS4's is just much less weaker.

imt5583993d ago

You have no idea which PS4 exklusive is a launch game, right?

DeadlyFire3993d ago

Funny PS4 has 29 launch window games XB1 has 24.

Sony promising 40 exclusives between 2013 and 2015.

Microsoft is promising 18.


..... where did you get 2 from ?

vega2753993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

you mean



Dead Rising 3
Killer instinct
kinect sport
Project spark

everything else is already out on pc and/or is not exclusive

buynit3993d ago

I knew i would get hate..

Yes a flipping smart tv can do it i agree, but not everyone has a flipping smart tv and currently only one flipping console can do that.

Its a innovation for consoles like it or not..

ThatCanadianGuy5143993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )


Where did i say anything about exclusive? I'm talking Day one games available at launch.

Dude said there is no selection.There is more selection on PS4 then Xbox U.

That is simply a fact.

vega2753993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

@ Dayz

regardless if you didn't say exclusive. most of the games can already be played on the pc. so there's no need to wait for the ps4 to launch just to play them on day one. when you can play them now. which makes the ps4 launch titles look very small because it is. proving his case.

the only game would be the witness and again it's not exclusive if it's coming to other platforms.

if you would have just list the games you were going to purchase with the ps4. then fine. but you listed them like they was some kind of exclusive to one system just to pad your list to compare them to what the xbox one would be releasing one day one.

ThatCanadianGuy5143993d ago


None of what you just said applies tho.
His point was there is no selection on PS4.

I just showed him there is.You're making this out to be something it's not, for whatever reason.

vega2753993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

killzone- shooter
Driveclub- arcade racer
Outlast - survival horror
Knack - adventure


Forza- sim racer
Ryse- hack and slash
Lococyle- motercycle racer
Dead Rising 3- open world survival horror
Killer instinct- fighter
kinect sport- famly
Project spark-sandbox

so again who has more selection. the other games you padded your list with can be played on other platforms. which is my point regardless if you said exclusive or not. you don't need the ps4 to play those games when you can play them now

and as you said "That is simply a fact"

greenlantern28143993d ago

You don't know what your talking about. As clearly stated by a couple of others already.
Spark is not a launch game. And Kinect sports really.

Skips3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )


Says the person who pads out their list with garbage Kinect games and a crappy F2P fighter that nobody likes. lol!

Killer Instinct?
Kinect Sports?

Wow!...Just WOW! When you take away those, the only decent ones actually WORTH anything are Forza, Ryse, Dead Rysing 3. Spark is coming to PC so FAIL at doing the VERY same thing you bashed DayZ for doing. XD http://www.cinemablend.com/...

And not to mention, Xbox fanboys bring up games that'll be on PC ALL the time like Titanfall to try and spin and justify a "better" lineup of "exclusive" games and when somebody does the same for the PS4 list showing BETTER console exclusive titles like Planetside 2 and whatnot. Xbox fanboys flip the hell out. XD

"so again who has more selection."

Launch day 1, games that are actually WORTH mentioning???

1 or 2 games won't really make a difference. But when you look at the LAUNCH YEAR. LMFAO! Completely different picture kiddo.

If we don't count any PC games... Like you want...

Xbox One = 15 Exclusives from 1st party in developement and out in first year...

PS4 = 40 Exclusives from 1st party in developement and 20 out in first year...

As people kept saying "Bu bu but WAIT FOR E3 for Microsoft to bring out the gaaammes!!!"

Microsoft has already shown like what??? 3/4 of what they have to offer???

Sony has shown what??? 1/4 only??? Just wait for the blood bath at Gamescom and TGS. XD

vega2753993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )


yes kinect sport really since he was the one that added it in his list of xbox one games in comparison to the ps4 of who had more selection of games. All i did was remove the multiplat games that can be found on the pc. which shows he's padding his list. if you want kinect sport removed then he shouldn't have used it in his list.


i didn't pad kinect into the list of games. if you would have looked at his list you would have saw he added it himself to say ps4 had more of a selection of games compared to xbox one. which simply isn't the case as i have proved. i simply removed the multiplat games since sonyfanboys have been crying "only exclusves" "only exclusives" when they feel it fits their agenda.

but instead you got defensive and want to start calling games crap before even playing them. which is your opinion. even if you take off project spark (which i will be happy to do)xbox one still has more of a selection of games coming at launch.

i didn't add titanfalls so because it's not exclusive nor was it on his list of games. so get the stick out your @ss and stick to the facts.

you can harp all you want about 40 games exclusive but
1) you don't know what any of them are.
2) will they be any good.

Skips3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )


"xbox one still has more of a selection of games coming at launch."

LMFAO! Only if you take away the console exclusives like Planetside 2 and Warframe that CAN'T be played on Xbox One, and never will. XD

"you can harp all you want about 40 games exclusive but
1) you don't know what any of them are.
2) will they be any good."

And you get to harp on two day 1 shovelware games, that aren't even worth mentioning. lol! (Killer Instinct, Kinect Sports) XD


Day 1: (Xbox One) 6 > 4 (PS4) only when Planetside 2 and Warframe are taken away.... Great???

Year 1: (PS4) 20 >>>>> 15 (Xbox One)

In developement: (PS4) 40 >>>>>>> 15 (Xbox One)

^ Those are facts. XD

vega2753993d ago

@ sonic

your right about one thing
" Planetside 2 and Warframe that CAN'T be played on Xbox One, and never will"

but here the thing. i don't need to buy a ps4 to play them. in fact i have Planetside and warframe and even DC universe already installed on my pc right at this very minute thru steam.

so what is the purpose of spending $400 on a system when i already have those games and the witness is also coming to PC. why for 4 exclusives????

you know last gen. you was claiming in PM's to me how 360 had no exclusive games that couldn't be gotten on PC. now your using the very claim you kept bashing the 360 for as something to compete against the xbox one. that pathetic on your part and hypocritical.

it makes me wonder will those 40 games will be exclusive or are they multiplats. if that's the case then i can save my $400 now and just update my PC.

Skips3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )


"it makes me wonder will those 40 games will be exclusive or are they multiplats."

LMFAO!!!! You obviously can't read huh???


"40 first-party games in development for PS4"

Because Sony's 1st party studios like SSM and ND would release their games on Xbox One or PC right??? LOL! Sure buddy, sure!

"so what is the purpose of spending $400 on a system when i already have those games and the witness is also coming to PC. why for 4 exclusives????"

More like 40. -___________- Guess you won't be willing to spend $500+ on only 15 right? Not to mention a good chunk will probably end up as shovelware (if you actualy looked at Microsoft's studios' portfolio)... XD

"you know last gen. you was claiming in PM's to me how 360 had no exclusive games that couldn't be gotten on PC.

No, more like the 360 barely having any exclusives AT ALL for the latter half of this gen. You'd have to be a complete FOOL to not see Microsoft 1st party support drop the second they came out with Kinect and other casual garbage.

Good start yep??? Even I admit the 360 was simply AWESOME in it's early years due to so many. Did the exclusive new IP's keep coming. LMFAO! Hell no.

Willing to bet it will be similar for next gen too. Good start (luring the core gamers in), until they practically abandon them for for casual crap like TV, Kinect and whatnot. Only standing on and rehashing the same 4 franchises year after year. -_-

Fool me once... Microsoft...

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3993d ago
buynit3993d ago

To be fair.. Xb1 is bringing more inovation atm, you may not like them but at the very least they are trying harder..

The just went too far with the 24 hr check in or you cant play at all, that idea should have never been entertained and the used games restrictions should have just been for DD games only with the family share plan..

Imo ms was close to something huge but at the end started driving to and thrue a tunnel. If you want to fight used games sales or in other words you want money from the sales.... Then build your own DD network to allow gamers to trade, sell, and borrow DD games with a fee of course and give in network credit.

Do you have to be a genious to do that? I seriously dont know but im going to go out on a limb and say it can be done. The first company to do that will have the lead in a whole new DD games sales.. And by sales i do mean sales like what steam has. If they can afford it so can nintendo sony and ms..

Build your own damn networks idiots, yes the whole world isnt ready for DD but i am and im sure im not alone, im not getting any younger waiting for everyone else to "catch up".. Ms had something new and theyaintevenknowit.. Or got scared if that the case they could of had two skus... I hate the stupid name, xbox one xbox two.. Xb2 could have been the one to test all the " servers" and test the water for the DD sales market. Can i take dons spot? Cause that guy bombed! Lol


More inovation?... 80% of the stuff that people are calling inovation a flipping smart tv can do

kneon3993d ago

There are TVs with voice and gesture control along with Skype, Netflix etc. My cable box does more than the Xbox One does, and it doesn't need yet another box to operate, other than the TV of course :)

I see little innovation in their TV features.

JokesOnYou3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

I don't know if "innovation" is the right word, surely that word is thrown around waay too much, but I don't care what you call it theres no denying that love 'em or hate 'em micro was at least and is still in alot of ways trying to do MORE with the X1 than sony is with ps4....and I'm just talking about on the gaming side. ps4 is the status quo= lets give gamers great games, which is great, X1= lets give gamers great games and emulate IN SOME WAYS how Steam works, imo the sharing was a plus over Steam. No doubt it had negatives and positives, but imo the positives outweighed the negative.

buynit3993d ago

Well excuse me.. I didnt know other CONSOLES can do that.. Be honest how many of you have a smart tv that does all that and ties in great games..

So its not world shatering new inovation but to not give it credit for doing it so smooth is just beyond stupid.

Petro3993d ago

Well PlayStation 3 does have PlayTV http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... so Sony already did make smart TV functions on consoles before Microsoft. :)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3993d ago
ExtoVert3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )


Dont forget one of PC's best F2P game: Planetside 2

and before anyone says it yes its not a platform exclusive but do some research and see who develops PS2....SOE (Sony Online Entertainment)

PFFT3992d ago

Funny thins is that those so called 40 exclusives about 20 or so are indies PSN titles.......YAY for you. Guess ill stick to XBO on launch. Then once The Second son releases ill get my Ps4.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3992d ago
FrigidDARKNESS3993d ago

Absolutely day one for me. The games are awesome and all the features it has.

WeAreLegion3993d ago

Do you even like video games?

Kingdom Come3993d ago

Quit with the animosity, both system's have great line-ups...

WeAreLegion3993d ago

I agree, but FrigidDARKNESS has no objectivity in him. He sees "Xbox" and clings to it, no matter what.

No_Limit3993d ago

" He sees "Xbox" and clings to it, no matter what."

Like the same way you clings on to "Sony" no matter what. Hypocrite much?

A-laughing-horse3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

How dare you not like lord Sony !!!!

I Agee with you. I like the more launch exclusives.

Sony kids still have to switch between channels.

I have both orderd day 1

Cnt wait

@ legion

It's not the same thing. Even remotley

WeAreLegion3993d ago

Switch between channels? My Wii U already does the cable thing. I can just type the channel into the Wii U or click an icon of the channel/show and it goes straight to it. Do you know how often I use that feature?

NEVER. Nobody uses that feature. Because it's ridiculous.

awesomeperson3993d ago

Switching between channels with your voice.
The feature that makes a more expensive underpowered box, just that much more with it.

Both launch lineups look good, the XBOX One perhaps has the upper hand in some respects. That being said, I have no doubt Sony has many more exclusives planned for the launch window, with a steady stream to follow throughout the next seven or so years.

If this gen was anything to go by, it should be great.

While only buying the PS4 at launch, I will most likely buy the One once it has an established game library, and the hardware has been proven to be something worth getting. Possibly with a price cut.


because gaming is all about seeing how many channels you can flip through while you are trying to headshot someone..

I can't believe some of the stuff people are saying to try and justify their purchase these days.

Rivitur3993d ago

Lol good luck switching. between channels without paying a little bit extra.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3993d ago
Stryfeno23993d ago

I don't get why people gets mad on others personal choices. Im getting the XBO because I like what I saw. Plus the CRM removal sealed it...No offense to Sony but all they showed me was lackluster games.

PigPen3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

Your choice is your rights.

hakesterman3993d ago

I think you meant DRM ( Digital Rights Managment) Just Saying!

braydox213992d ago

becuase people cannot understand the reasoning of the purchase. you see all these articles that are pro xbox one and alot of their reasoning isn't justified. with the 180 that microsoft did with its policies the xbox one it definatley looks more appealing becuase its games looked good. Sony's lineup was smart that it brang in some new games and games that we know and understand so we know what were getting with the ps4. MS was similer but with the shadow of its policies behind them it kind of devauled their show. one thing im kind of concerned about is wether or not they are still saying that they have the right to change their policies, so after people buy one they can change it back (im not sure wether they have changed this or not) i mean the games may appear ack luster to some but im pretty sure that it will only get better as it build up strength like the ps3 while the xbox 360 started strongish (hardware failures) but then it started to die off while the ps3 just got stronger and then some. im going to buy a ps4 because its focus on gaming and sony's actions have me sold on one but then you take MS which i already doubted then they shot themselves during conference, during E3 they removed the bullet which made it look better, which then they patched up the hole with the policy change which has left me feeling the same as it id when the next gen xbox was being rumored/known doubt, confusion, while sony has just been building and building not just the hype but increasing the reasons why i should get a ps4.

Stryfeno23992d ago

I don't care about anyone choices...Of you're getting a PS4. Great! However, you want see me here trying to justify anyone purchase. But as for me, MS showed me their console is enjoyable with games (which they showed with Titanfall and Killer Instinct) and outside of gaming.

I want a console that gives me option and right now the PS4 isn't it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3992d ago
Show all comments (421)

Why The Mass Effect Series Is Still The Best Western RPG Trilogy

The Mass Effect trilogy shines as one of the only Western RPGs to give an immersive and unforgettable experience.

Terry_B1d 6h ago

Your Opinion is wrong. (Witcher ftw)

Sonic18811d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

The Witcher trilogy is my favorite but I know everything is subjective.

thorstein1d 3h ago

Balder's Gate trilogy is the best.

shinoff21836h ago

There's much better wrpg series. Mass effect dumbed down after the first one. Seemed a but different going from the 1st to the second, not in a good way.

Knightofelemia4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

My favorite trilogy will be the Ar Tonelico trilogy, Xenosaga trilogy followed by the ME trilogy.

Nittdarko4h ago

How can it be the best trilogy when the 3rd one is terrible and the only thing it had going for it was the multiplayer?
Considering all 3 witcher games are better
Considering all 3 Dragon age games are better
Considering all 3 Baldur's gate games are better

Weird choice

ChasterMies23m ago

Witcher 1 looks like ass. Until we see a transfer, there is no getting around it.

Are Dragon Age games and Baldur’s Gate games a continuation of the same story or at least the same character? Even still, need some connection to make a trilogy. Lord of the Rings is a trilogy. Star Wars is a trilogy. James Bond 1-3 is not a trilogy. It’s just more movies with James Bond.

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How to unlock Magneto in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3

X-Men's Magneto is the bonus skin in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3, here is everything you need to know to unlock the latest Marvel skin.

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Where to find Oscar in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3

One of the bosses from Season 1, Oscar, has returned in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3, here is where to find him so you can get his Shotgun.

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