
Talking To The PS4, Hints Of Rockstar's Agent And Other Secrets

The mysterious figure known as Superannuation digs through the Internet to find secrets companies don't want to announce yet.

All of what Superannuation finds is available to the public. Are these true gaming secrets?

NYC_Gamer4145d ago

Agent is never ever going to be released

MrBeatdown4145d ago

If that was true of every Rockstar game that took forever to release, we wouldn't have any Rockstar games.

GTA5, LA Noire, Red Dead Redemption, and Max Payne 3 all took years to develop. Two of those were announced five years before release.

Rainstorm814145d ago (Edited 4145d ago )

.....and it's been 6 years since Agent was announced.....so where's gameplay or ANYTHING.

Last years E3 made me give up on these Vaporware games

And if these 2009 screenshots are to be believed it didn't look promising


MrBeatdown4145d ago (Edited 4145d ago )


It's been four years. It was announced at E3 2009. In 2007, all that was announced was that Rockstar had a deal with Sony. For all we know, development hadn't even started.

It took Rockstar five years from showing the first footage of RDR to release. It was "Rockstar Old West Project" in 2005. And we didn't hear a thing about it until 2009 (four years!) when RDR was formally announced. Four years of silence, and when we finally heard something, it still took over a year to release.

LA Noire was talked about as far back as February 2004. It got it's title in 2005. Rockstar announced they were publishing it in 2006. Yet we didn't even see the game until 2010. And it still took another year to release.

Rockstar was far enough along in Max Payne 3 to put it in Game Informer in 2009, with a full, in-depth cover story. Then it still took an additional three years for it to release, and there was so little information following the reveal that there was even speculation it was cancelled. Oh, and in 2004, Take-Two's CEO confirmed Max Payne 3 was happening. Eight years later it released.

GTA4 went through two years of absolute silence after it was announced at E3 2005. We didn't hear a thing until spring 2007 when Rockstar did a countdown to the first trailer. And it took another year to release.

Hell, Rockstar even went an entire year without releasing any GTA5 information aside from a screenshot or two after releasing the first trailer, and it had to have been in development since 2008.

I'm not sure why you think Agent is non-existent, considering the ridiculous track record Rockstar has. Just about everything they've released, aside from GTA this generation could have been considered vapor or cancelled at some point, and was talked about waaaay too early. Absurdly long development times isn't the only thing all those games have in common... All of them were eventually released. There's no reason to think Agent will be any different.

Rainstorm814145d ago

Yet Agent breaks precedent, I'm a huge fan of Rockstar and have no doubt IF this game gets released it quality will be excellent....Yet this game only screenshot is from a devs resume? I'm Sorry until I see something Official from Rockstar this game is dead to me.

But by all means keep hope alive .....

abzdine4144d ago

there is so MUCH hype around the PS4, i hope Sony will keep the promises because if they do, PS4 will be the best console ever released.

Let's also hope for a 399$ price point!

loulou4144d ago

R* have bigger fish to fry, and more money to be made from a multiplat GTA V.

the agent, if not vapourware, will come next gen... to both ps4 and nextbox

minimur124144d ago


its being dev'd by rockstar north, they've got their hands full with GTA V at the moment so thats proably why its on delay.

princejb1344144d ago

at least when rockstar announces a game we here news about it every other week to keep the hype up, we havent heard anything about agent except that is coming sometime in the future
we heard of agent way 6 years before gta5 was announced

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4144d ago
Blaze9294145d ago (Edited 4145d ago )

Oh Agent will be released, on multiple platforms. Now, commence the delusional disagrees captain.

AnotherProGamer4145d ago

Well Rockstar owe Sony a exclusive since Sony funded LA Noire and that went multiplatform

rocky0475864144d ago

That's not going to happen. Sony is funding this game. That's like saying that Resistance can suddenly now be on Xbox since the devs are creating games for multiplat now. If Sony is giving Rockstar money to make them an exclusive game, it will remain exclusive. The ONLY way this game would see another console other than a Sony one is if Sony stops funding it and takes its' money out of it and Rockstar continues developing it with their own money.

CEOSteveBallmer4144d ago

The only one delusional here is you. How stupid is that, funding a game and it will become multiplat?? Genius comment troll

Blaze9294144d ago

@griever137 @rocky047586

lmfao uhh, LA Noire???

Codey474144d ago

@ AnotherProGamer
Sony pulled out of L.A. Noire's funding many moons ago
Apparently due to Rockstars' broken promises and allegedly "bad blood" between Phil Harrison and Brendan Mcslavedriver.

@ Rocky
Well Fuse is going multiplatform, as most of us know, due to Insomniac owning the rights to it's new I.P.

The rights to the Resistance franchise is wholly owned by SCE

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4144d ago
GribbleGrunger4145d ago (Edited 4145d ago )

What do you mean Mr Bond? I've been playing it for years.

Rainstorm814145d ago (Edited 4145d ago )

I agree and anyone who think otherwise is delusional.....we don't have a single screenshot or ANYTHING to suggest that this game will ever see the light of day.

Even RDR, GTAV, MP3, LAN, had tangible evidence that they were in development. As of right now the FF7 remake Last Guardian and FFvs13 has much more hope of releasing before AGENT

I mean come on all we have is a premise and a title graphic. RDR had more than that before it had its Title.......... The game was Announced in 2007....6 YEARS AGO!!!!!!

T3MPL3TON 4145d ago

Yeah. People need to stop even talking about it. It's not coming out. Agent will never happen. At this rate we'll have HL2:EP3 before we get Agent.

rocky0475864144d ago

Did you not read what was above? There was 5 years in between Rockstar announcing Max Payne 3 from them even saying it existed in 2009. Without a single screenshot or anything "tangible" to say it existed. Same thing with LA Noire, Red Dead Redemption, and GTA4 and 5 as well. They just take forever showing and releasing their games and we know why, because they are perfecting it.

And no, you're wrong. Red Dead had nothing more than an announcement. And this Agent game was announced in 2009 not 2007. Get your facts straight sir.

Rainstorm814144d ago (Edited 4144d ago )

@ rocky RDR had a trailer when it was formerly known as Untitled PS3 old west project or Red Dead Revolver 2....in 2007


I'm sorry every other R* project has had some kind of official release by this time.....but as I said before.....By all means Keep hope alive

TwistedMetal4145d ago

yes it will and once again another playstation exclusive to add to the list with the other 100 on the n4g site while the xbox 360 has none. can you show me andy new xbox 360 exclusives that are new and coming out on this site because theres a million playstation ones plastered all over. no reason not to have one especially with blueray capabilities.

BlmThug4144d ago

Please stop trolling -_- you can make comments without sounding like a child

brave27heart4144d ago

You're an embarressment to the Sony family. Please stop, you're making us look bad.

Cam9774144d ago (Edited 4144d ago )

I guarantee that it was put on hold so they can improve GTA:V.
Look at RDR, I think that was first shown in 2005 - I may be wrong.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4144d ago
Godmars2904145d ago

And so is Duke Nukem. The other was just a publicly released beta.

Root4145d ago

Well it has to be....they still owe Sony something after they paid for L.A Noires development.

Nitrowolf24145d ago

LA Noir was an awesome game, I really hope they do another one.

Root4145d ago

I liked it but because you were a policeman and you couldn't do a GTA or even Red Dead where you could go around and do what you wanted with it's MASSIVE map....it got pretty boring.

Plus I never liked that stuff like wooden fences weren't able to break despite smashing into them with your car.....it would of came in useful for those car chases.

I just hope AGENT being a fully developed rockstar game will offer a GTA like experience where there's lots to do

T24144d ago

La noire is unique but ya it could have been bit more open

jaymart2k4145d ago (Edited 4145d ago )

Agent was a PS2 game originally. It's the next Duke Nukem when it comes to delays.

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard Preview BioWare's Back, Baby | CGM

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Juvia1h ago

It looks awful. RIP Bioware.

jznrpg1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Graphically it could look better as I’m not a big fan of the WoW color palette but the gameplay and rpg elements look good. The graphics are decent enough that I can look past them if the gameplay makes up for it. In no way do I think it looks awful just not my kind of art style

SimpleSlave46m ago

Looks fine to me. Not super Current Gen graphically, but that's fine. Well, except for that hair physics. That's actually pretty current gen. But as long as it has a good main story, plenty of choices for the player to make and it's not bloated with crappy fetch quests like the third one, this should be good to go.

SimpleSlave15m ago(Edited 0m ago)

The reality is that aside from MAYBE Dragon's Age Origins, this series has never been that good. Fun, sure, but great? Far from it. So they certainly have their work cut out for them. And I get it. This is certainly not the old OLD - pre Knights even- Bioware we're talking about here and they sure are hell ain't Larian Studios. But if they can get close enough to Baldur's Gate 3 or at the very least Origins, then that's a win right there.

At least, when it comes to the Art Direction, this is certainly the most appealing Dragon's Age. With the second one coming a close second, character wise at least, but falling WAY short on account of being a half baked game in every respect. The first one being an abhorrent looking abomination, even when it came out, and the Third one being Good Looking but generic as fuck.

So we'll see.


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LightofDarkness3h ago

They’re taking them all offline and replacing them with UT99 servers for the foreseeable future.