
How the PlayStation 3 Won the Current-Gen Console War

Gi - There’s no denying it was a slow start for Sony‘s PlayStation 3 console. The console launched over a year after Microsoft‘s Xbox 360, it was way more expensive than its competition and it was in short supply at launch. However, those early adopters knew they were onto something very good, and for many it was the home console of choice.

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Jadedz4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

From a financial standpoint; it's the Wii. The PS360 are more supported 3rd party-wise, but Nintendo made bank with the Wii on day one.

-Mezzo-4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

Financial standpoint: 'WGAF'

I really enjoyed my countless hours with PS3.

Jadedz4038d ago

''How the PlayStation 3 Won the Current-Gen Console War''

Based on ''gamer appreciation?'' Back in the day, winning a ''console generation'' was measured by ''how many units a console sold,'' that's why the PS2 is considered the ''greatest system of all time.''

I'm not belittling the PS3 in any way - just calling out the ''moving goalpost'' article I'm commenting on.

andrewer4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

As I enjoyed my countless hours with Wii. What I'm trying to say is, for me, this argument - your own opinion, experiences and fun - is a real argument for the best console, not sales or graphics or power or whatever. I don't care if a console sold more, if everybody around me have and like it, what matters is my own opinion, and that's why its impossible to have a "winner" console...ever.

GamersRulz4038d ago

To be honest, Sony achieved one hell of accomplishment this gen, I mean no company can face all those hurdles and survive.

-Higher price throughout the generation.
-Difficult to program for console.
-Competition has a year and half head start.
-Continuous bashing from the media.
-Being hacked mid-gen.
-BD diod problems reduced launch units from 2 million to 400k only.

Despite all that they were able to sell as many units (even slightly more) than Xbox360 in a shorter time frame!. This can tell you volumes about Playstation brand strength. Job well done Sony

BattleAxe4038d ago

The PS3 easily won this generation hands down, and the only people who don't think so, never owned one.

Best Hardware Technology: PS3 (Bluetooth, Blu-Ray and The cell Processor)
Best Multimedia Functions: PS3
Best Controller Configuration: PS3 (DS3)
Best New IPs: PS3
Best Game Selection: PS3
Best Award system: PS3 Trophies
Best First Party Studios: PS3
Best Graphics: PS3
Best Online Subscription Service: PS3 (PS+)
Most Players in Multiplayer Games: PS3 (M.A.G.- 256 Player Battles, Resistence: Fall of Man - 40 Player Battles and Resistance 2 - 60 Player Battles

Looks to me like the PS3 won by a landslide.

dedicatedtogamers4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

Depends on what "win the console war" means. Wii not only sold the most, it also set the most trends that other companies followed. I still think the two handhelds are the true winners last gen (yeah, I know the title is "console war"). Consoles had it easy: they were mostly just competing against one another. The DS and PSP were fighting one another as well as the surging smartphone/tablet market, yet the PSP sold 80 million and the DS sold 150+ million, and each system had so many must-play games.

When it comes to quality titles, Sony and Microsoft were fighting tooth and nail for years but after Kinect came out Microsoft just sort of stopped trying to gain/retain hardcore gamers, so in that sense the PS3 "won" due to forfeiture. If Microsoft had put more effort into the 360 in its latter years, it would still be a hot debate which console "won", but at this point it's pretty clear that the PS3 will coast to victory as we move into the next generation. And I don't mean that in a good way. It would have been better if Microsoft tried to put up a better fight.

SixZeroFour4038d ago

@battleaxe - why are you trying to pass off opinion as fact?

best hardware - it was so good that they decided to continue with it on to next gen....oh wait
best controller - this is and always will be preference
best award system - how do you even evaluate this?
best online service - this is all opinion and preference (considering you chose to use ps+ and not psn in general, you are talking about more than just the online portion of the online service)
most players in a multiplayer game - this doesnt mean anything other than design choice (how many players online in one game on the 360 version of defiance?)

Kevin ButIer4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

I love the PS3, but saying that it actually won the current gen... just no.

Gamers won in terms of general improvements all around the consoles service. MS and Nintendo enlarged the pie and took a piece from Sony. Sony wasn't dominant to actually be declared the winner. Its amazing how much popularity MS and Nintendo won in this gen.I think Sony set the basis for an amazing PS4 launch.

SolidStoner4037d ago

you know why PS3 won??

because my FAT old 60 gig PS3 is still going hard! and its waiting for its big brother arrival with full power and great games (even those who got delayed sadly) but you have to respect the big brother!! :)

Amsterdamsters4037d ago

This is in regards to BattleAxe's comment. I've owned all the systems (including PS3), and I in no way agree with your point that the PS3 won this generation. I can't even begin to figure out why you think it did. As far as I'm concerned, all the systems did great, but the winner would be the Wii. It sold more, it brought more people into gaming etc... The PS3 sold the least, and many of those were mainly for a Blu Ray movie player. So, you spin what you said....The Wii won this generation and the only people who wouldn't think so don't own one.

BullyMangler4037d ago

its not about the sales, its about the >> content << not sales. >>>games<<.

I have a ps3, and with a controller like that, the ps3 wins nothing . . ps3 got's GREAT exclusives, AMAZING ONES, but which Video Games GAMEPLAY from SONY or MICROSOFT is MORE IMPACTING and MEMORABLE than Metroid Other M for wiener wii? (: :) :) (:

odd because not even the gameplay and camera angles in God of War 3 can dethrone Metroid Other M Gameplay Mechanics. < Fact . . and that is what matters most in Gaming Land, the GamePlay .

Nintendo wins this last generation of gaming before wiiU with the wussy wii?.. . we don't know just yet, as ps3 and X-box 360 still got a few more tries if that's what they want to call it, a competition. Or is it too late for Microsoft and Sony ? Oculus Rift vr set??

InMyOpinion4037d ago (Edited 4037d ago )

Sony lost a lot of market share this gen compared to last with the PS2. Nintendo and especially MS gained market share this gen.

I guess that makes the PS3 the winner.

It must have been Sony's plan to go from outselling everyone last gen to being neck and neck with the 360 this gen. Makes perfect sense from a business standpoint.

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Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

@ jadedz No it wasnt the wii because most people who bought the wii bought 1 maybe 2 games ,it missed out on SO MUCH SOFTWARE SALES I cant believe hardware sales covered the money they missed out on from having hardly no worthy software plus pretty much no online infrastructure, it had no I buy 2 games a month gamers as they were on ps3/360 and it was probably the most traded in console in history, one of the only things it had going for it was it was cheap but it had no 3rd party support at all and was easily nintendos worst ever home console and was pretty much the first console I never bought (played a bit of smash bros and that was it) it did not deserve the sales it has imho and btw I have nothing really against nintendo just I hated the wii with a passion.

Imo the ps3 is a worthy mention due to games like mgs4, infamous1+2, uncharted 1+2+3, heavy rain , demon souls, valkyrie chronicles and so on

Jadedz4038d ago

Though if you look at the top selling games of this gen, you'll notice a lot Wii titles atop the list. The Wii also has a couple of the highest rated games of this generation.

SIANSLOW4037d ago

Mario kart sold more than all those games combined, heavy rain sold about 1 million copies, you give an opinion of a console you played 1 game on and then state bullshit facts, ps3 and Xbox owners don't buy games unless they are used or cheap, how many studios have Sony closed because nobody buys their games

cee7734037d ago (Edited 4037d ago )


Heavy rain sold over 5 million lol it broke a million in sales 1 month after release and yeah Ninty's first party sold millions we get it but what about third party that's the difference everybody eats on playstation first,second and third party

Ezz20134038d ago

well, i know which console was the best for me
this gen.....it was PS3

but sure others will have different opinions

ILive4038d ago

I second that, brotha, I second that. It was the reason I enjoyed gaming again.

JamieL4037d ago

I agree with "but sure others will have different opinions", I actually play my 360 more, to which I can thank Sony for anyway. I was waiting for the PS3, and never even considered getting a 360, until the infamous (no pun intended) E3 when they dropped the $599.00 USD, along with the "people will get 2 jobs" comment. That is why I went ahead and got the 360 and I am so glad I did. I did eventually get a PS3, and Wii as well, but Sony is why I even tried the 360 out.

irepbtown4037d ago

I was a bit late... a year late this gen (UK release was March, 2007), however I payed £400 (With a couple of games & controller) for my 80GB fat PS3 (still going strong) which was very expensive. However I don't regret it the slightest bit. Every year Sony bombard us with new exclusives and I thank them for it.

2008-2013; I know I'll be getting PS4 day one.

insomnium24037d ago (Edited 4037d ago )

So Jamie went with the "you know things break"-console eh?

For me it was all about the games and Sony has that in spades.

JamieL4036d ago

@ insomnium2
Yep I sure did, and while you were playing Resistance over and over again at the start of this gen I had a whole lot to play, and by the time Sony got out of its slump I had the PS3 too, so I haven't missed any games at all, unlike you PS3 groupies that would take Sony any way Sony wanted to put it on you. Don't come in here and try to act like you're better than somebody because you have a different preference of Gaming machine. I did have a couple of RROD's too, but I sent it in on their dime and got it back on their dime, yes it was frustrating, but not as frustrating as breaking down and paying $599 getting YLOD and being told I have to pay for it. I know you don't like my views I could tell when you PM'ed me and then blocked like a little bi$&h, but if you don't like me that much why do you pop up in most my post? Get a life man.

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evilunklebud4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

Jadedz n4g.... that happens here.

I enjoyed all three!

4038d ago Replies(1)
scofios4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

What did you expect its a Playstation after all.

Mounce4038d ago

'Winning' a console war has nothing to do with financial success.

It's how much it won the hearts of the Gamer.

PS3 struggled, it was expensive, it had a rough time adjusting with a bigger crowd and larger competition. However, the praise that is being sung is that even after all of its original hardship it still ended up being the console of Actual choice.

When I say console of choice I mean especially since it surpassed 360 sales when it had a year head-start. PS3 gained a great library as PS1 and PS2 did in its own way. 360 also ontop of 'Sales' counted sales through however-many hundreds of thousands or millions of consoles that died and were re-purchases or replacements. Wii can barely count because Non-Gamers bought Wii, elderly-homes and nursing homes bought Wii for health-exercises that was unrelated to Gaming as a whole. Wii if anything showed that Nintendo was slowly losing grasp of the hardcore market that they HAD catered with ever since the NES, SNES, N64, and even Gamecube, being the final console for the Actual Gamer. That and Nintendos handhelds have at least strived for Gamers in mind and I will refuse to believe 3DS was made for Gamers, it launched with 50% of its 'Wow-factor-features' being Gimmicks of 3D just as Dualshock 3 for PS3 was mostly a gimmick of 'SixAxis', but at the very least it was a controller-strictly-Gimmick, not as if 50% of the PS3 was a gimmick or 50% of the Vita is a gimmick, Vitas' only 'Gimmick' is really the backpanel.

Either way, to me? PC-PS3 'Won' this generation entirely. Owners of a PC that can play most of this generations titles and those who owned a PS3 definitely got a majority of what this generation offered. I myself getting a 360 for ONLY.....Only Lost Odyssey, I'm quite happy :D

tonywood4038d ago

Decent point....however, your missing an important point:
Wii cost vs both the ps3 and 360.

Wii cost was $199 and later, $149.....the other consoles sold for much more. 90plus mil at this price isn't the same as 75plus million for the others. Also...the other platforms sold expensive games with dlc. (Including bigger and more blockbusters)

And although I'm not sure about the 360....ps3 will sell about 3-5 more million more. (Last of us still coming out this summer) Wii did well though, all consoles made money.

WiiUsauce4038d ago

the Wii was 250 when it first came out and it stayed 250 for a very long time. The reason why Nintendo made the most money even though the 360 was 400 dollars and the PS3 was 600 dollars was because the Wii was dirt cheap to manufacture. Wii's hardware is only slightly better than the original Xbox's hardware and by 2006 the parts inside a Wii were cheap to make, so that meant a shitload of profit for Nintendo.

Also, because the Wii couldn't do a big budget game with state of the art graphics, it also meant that development costs for games was also much cheaper and that also allowed for more risks to be taken. So Nintendo was saving money on all ends + their virtual console digital distribution (selling you games they've already sold you before, minus the cost of packaging and retail).

Nintendo never sold the Wii at a loss and it made them profit from day one. Sony sold their PS3 at a loss and hoped to make it up in software sales and they lost billions of dollars, because of that. I'm not sure if Microsoft did the same or not, but even then, they have millions of Xbox live gold subscribers anyway, so they're banking a ton from that alone.

Sony made the least amount of money this gen. Fact.

ajax174038d ago

Screw the financial standpoint!!! From the creative standpont Sony won, no doubt.

NastyLeftHook04038d ago

well ps3 has the highest rated hd exclusive

sold more than the xbox360

has more exclusives

free online

Dmagic4037d ago

gt5 says sit down lil guy

JamieL4037d ago

@ Dmagic
It may say "hi", but only out of respect to halo 3 for selling more. Your wrong Halo 3 smoked GT5 too.

MEsoJD4038d ago

The wii was a success from a short term perspecitve and console sales, but was a failure for 3rd party(most). The ps360 had the longterm in mind and are still selling and have software support today. The wii is basically dead now.

Tsar4ever014038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

I'm a proud playstation 3 owner too, but hey, to the guy at gamingillustrated who made this artical. Do us all a solid. JUST SHUT THE HELL UP! And knock off these pointless post just to get hits! PS3 has NOT won this gen. Wii won the sales, X360 owns the popularity and PS3 just....stood it's ground, in fact, running DAMN strong, even caught up close to X360's sales.

Neither wii nor xbox were able to bump PS3 out this generation like the ps2 bumped out the dreamcast and defeated xbox 1 in sales & popularity during the gen before this one.

What the hell is this guy talking about? Is he such a fanboy that he just refuses to acknowledge the obvious truth?

4038d ago
Anon19744037d ago (Edited 4037d ago )

"There’s no denying it was a slow start for Sony‘s PlayStation 3 console."

No denying? How about looking at the actual sales data from Sony's official reports? I'll never understand how this myth started. For almost 2 years the PS3 sold nearly on par with what we saw from the PS2 in it's first two years despite the PS3's high price point.

The PS3 was happily moving PS2 type numbers until the recession and market crash hit in 2008, and that's when, if you're directly comparing sales figures, the sales charts from the PS3 and PS2 diverge, towards the end of their second year. When you compare the PS3's launch to the 360, again, the PS3 sold more consoles even with the high cost of the unit.

And yet, over and over the media has been force feeding us this myth of the PS3's "slow" launch. Slow compared to what? The Wii, which was half the price? I just don't get where this "slow PS3 launch" notion came from, because it sure wasn't the PS3's actual sales figures.

4037d ago
brich2334037d ago

lol at the ps3 fanboys in denial. Although Wii sold more consoles, which company made more money? Microsoft has made a ton of money on xbox live, i think more then Sony and nintendo combined.

MYSTERIO3604037d ago (Edited 4037d ago )

Sony may not have ''won''financi ally this gen compared to the competition but they did manage to win over gamers trust and favoritism, more so then their nearest competitor.

Eck04037d ago

wii won for most systems sold.. but between 360 and ps3.. think about how many people had to buy 2 or 3 or 4 360s because they got RROD.. so i would say ps3 sold more than 360 if u count how many 360s are still functional..

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Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

I think the ps3 and 360 will outsell the wii eventually, but I dont think a winner of a console gen should be just about hardware sales, it should be everything each console had to offer to gamers with games being the number 1 differenciater .
@jadedz Yes it had a few high selling games but I wouldnt exacly count wii-fit as that debatable wether its actually a game and it came bundled with pretty much every casual that bought the wii, for every wii game that sold well (which were mostly the odd 1st party game) the ps3/360 had ten games 1st party/3rd party to sell well.

tonywood4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

We all know the Wii U won't outsell either the ps3 or 360. (Let alone the next gen platforms.)

DEATHxTHExKIDx4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

Terms of sales wii. Gaming experience PS3. lol even tho I mostly play 360 cause most of my friends play it cause voice chat halo,gears,etc. PSN FOR sure has better offers/deals with PS+ than XBl. And does have more exclusives.

Ill admit tho I buy all my 3rd party games for 360. MY PS3 is for exclusives and blu ray player. That said PS3/360 combo worked for me this gen. So ill probably go with PS4/720 combo next gen.


I agree with you %100 percent , but I also own a 3ds,ps vita, Wii and Wii-U. Starting to play less on the computer though, most my friends and cousins have the x360 cause of party chat,Halo,gears and call of duty. I wish more of my peeps played Battlefield 3 ,Killzone and Resistance multiplayer cause I like those games alot. Hopefully next gen they pick up the ps4 also cause the new Killzone looks badass ! Glad to see you're picking up both systems instead of being a fanboy !

MysticStrummer4038d ago

Depends on who you ask and how they define winning.

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KentBlake1d 8h ago

This game deserves a remaster for current consoles. It was awesome on PS3.


Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B2d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv722d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii2d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast2d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife1d 13h ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit1d 8h ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife1d 7h ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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