
Sony Are Racing Into the Lead

MasonicGamer: With Microsoft keeping schtum on their next console Sony are taking all the thunder. As our current console cycle comes round to closing time, it seems that in many ways Sony lost the race with the PS3. Coming out after the 360, and unclear on what it’s edge was over the Xbox 360, it was like the PS3 never hit its stride.

This time it feels like the tide is turning for Sony, or that perhaps it already has.

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MariaHelFutura4182d ago (Edited 4182d ago )

The PS3 never hit it's stride? It outsold the 360 coming out a year later, taking more chances w/ software, spending a billion less in advertisement all while focusing primarily on the "core gamer" or whatever you wanta call it. The PS4 is the continuance of that stride and everything is looking great.

iGAM3R-VIII4182d ago (Edited 4182d ago )

"It outsold the 360 coming out a year later,"

No actually, it sold out the 360 early this year or December/November 2012

Anyway, I think that Sony learnt from their mistakes and know what to do this time around. It is like they chose some of the best PS3 gamers and asked them what should be in the PS4 and the PS4 IS built by gamers and is for core-gamers. Nevertheless I think when a company makes a mistake, they don't make it again(unless you are EA). I cannot wait until E3 comes or that rumoured PS4 reveal event before E3

iGAM3R-VIII4182d ago (Edited 4182d ago )

And before you people decide to disagree my comment, you should read the entire comment. and I am on SONY's SIDE

EDIT: I already have 6 disagrees, I actually think you only read the first 2 lines of my comment and then decide to disagree you Sony fanboys. I'm on your side so why disagree. I don''t know if I am right or wrong about the beating Xbox in sales. READ MY FULL COMMENT "DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER"

BitbyDeath4182d ago (Edited 4182d ago )

Maria wasn't meaning overall sales.

EDIT: No probs ^_^

iGAM3R-VIII4182d ago

@BitbyDeath Thank you, at least someone can correct me

iGAM3R-VIII4182d ago (Edited 4182d ago )

^lol you people even disagree with this comment *sigh*

boldscot4182d ago

I'm pretty sure some people just come on to this site to disagree with people.

krepler4182d ago

You see what happened here, you told the people here not to disagree with you until they finished reading your entire post, so that's exactly what they did, they read your post first and THEN disagreed with you. You didn't even give them the option to agree with you.

Apart from that, telling a fanboy to read altogether was your other mistake.

BoNeSaW234181d ago

The second you call out your disagrees everyone starts disagreeing with your comments because you are acting like a whiner. Just sayin'.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4181d ago
GamersRulz4182d ago (Edited 4182d ago )

To be honest, Sony achieved one hell of accomplishment this gen, I mean no company can face all those hurdles and survive.

-Higher price throughout the generation.
-Difficult to program for console.
-Competition has a year and half head start.
-Continuous bashing from the media.
-Being hacked mid-gen.
-BD diod proplems reduced launch units from 2 million to 400k only.

Despite all that they were able to sell as many units (even slightly more) than Xbox360 in a shorter time frame!. This can tell you volumes about Playstation brand strength. Job well done Sony.

blackbeld4182d ago

Playstation forever my friend.

PS4 will kick asses.

miyamoto4181d ago

PlayStation: Unstoppable since 1994.

nukeitall4181d ago (Edited 4181d ago )

"It outsold the 360 coming out a year later, taking more chances w/ software, spending a billion less in advertisement all while focusing primarily on the "core gamer" or whatever you wanta call it. The PS4 is the continuance of that stride and everything is looking great."

It outsold the Xbox 360 competing on essentially price and is the least profitable platform of the three (if there is even profits). It started off this generation as the strongest brand name we had ever seen in consoles yet it is barely outselling the Xbox 360, and even that is up for debate.

The PS Vita was focused on the "core gamer" and we see where that is heading.

If you want to talk about chances, MS took plenty with Kinect, and it's core focused Kinect games. Those are high risk, costly and large changes to the industry.

Point being, if you love gaming you want to see it survive even if it isn't targeted at "just you". A PC is a multi-function device, and it does fine having gaming capabilities.

That said, the PS4 from what has been "said" does look great, but like I have always said. Sounding great and reality can and oftentimes is very different.

Greatness is relative to your competition. Similar to how PS Vita looked great, and was cheered upon like the second coming of Christ. The price was applauded, but upon release, there was an expensive memory card requirement and the platform so far hasn't taken off. While the 3DS was almost completely opposite, but that has taken off and doing well for Nintendo.

Announcement meet reality and execution!

GalacticEmpire4182d ago (Edited 4182d ago )

I've been saying for weeks that MS's silence on the Xbox 3, or at least the rumors swirling around it, would only act to damage their image with gamers and the media. This is happening right now and if MS continue to ignore the situation more and more people will turn to Sony/Nintendo.

It's like they just don't care anymore, like losing their year head start of sales completely has drained them of the will to even try.

Sony have made themselves clear, they are in this to win it and all with gaming at the forefront of their ambitions. If MS wish to ignore this and hand the generation over to PS4 on a silver platter, then so be it.

I_am_Batman4182d ago

I agree that Microsofts silence brought them a lot of bad media. But I wouldn't say it'll damage their image unless the rumours come true. If MS gets it right with the Nextbox announcement and if they wipe the rumours out nobody will remember the bad media by launch.

Though they'll have to do more than that to get people interessted. The PS4 announcement was very well done by Sony and it had a clear message. I think That's what MS needs to do as well. The 360 started out as a console for hardcore gamers with a lot of exclusives. Then Kinect came and they changed the focus to the casual gamers alienating it's early adopters. Making clear what they focus on with the Nextbox is very important for them.

UnwanteDreamz4182d ago

I think they saw what MSFT did with the hype and head start. Consumer buzz about the Xbox360 hit a fever pitch before you could buy a PS3. Sony to their credit learned from that mistake.

ApolloTheBoss4182d ago

They were always in first place.

Dan_scruggs4182d ago

Yeah as long as you don't look in Nintendo's direction they are totally in the lead. Then again the Wii was so far ahead I can see Sony forgetting they were in the race too.

I_am_Batman4182d ago

Nintendo was very far ahead but the Wii isn't selling good anymore while the PS3 still sells a lot. I'm not saying that PS3 will outsell the Wii in the end but it won't be the dramatic lead it once were (not to mention that this gen is already pretty even in sales compared to earlier gens).

Jaqen_Hghar4182d ago

A man wouldn't speak too soon. Wii is currently getting exponentially outsold by PS3 and may lose it's lead entirely by the time the 7th gen stops (not the same as when the 8th gen starts). Sony sold about 1/3 of PS2s after PS3 came out. Even if PS3 only sells 1/4 of its total numbers past this fall, it will still be at about the Wii's current 100m. A man suspects that, since it hasn't even hit $200 yet which PS2 did in it's 3rd year on market and its main competitor (as in competing for the same audience) the 360 has been $200 since what? 2008? That means there's a lot of room for PS3 to still grow and with LoU, Puppeteer, Beyond, and possibly GT6 coming out in the future along with price cuts and selling to developing markets like PS2 still does. A man predicts PS3 ends up at 105-110m by the time it's discontinued along with Wii ending at about 102-105 (not really selling much anymore and has about 700k to go before reaching 100m).

CGI-Quality4182d ago

Nah, the Wii is ahead, yes, but nothing like what the PS2 did to the GameCube and Xbox. THAT was so far ahead that they were basically in their own race. Nobody has ever achieved 70% of the market, except Sony.

I don't expect similar ratios with the PS4, but I can see them winning the 8th gen.

Typical-Guy4182d ago

With all the approaches Sony is taking, imagine if they allowed game mods on their system. And had their own workshop and called it "Playstation Extra" or "Playstation Beyond" .... Terrible names I know but still it would be another major reason to own a Playstation ....

It's just me hoping !!!!

PirateThom4182d ago

Sony could basically stand still and win this race as it stands at the moment.

It's actually quite worrying.

BitbyDeath4182d ago

Sony won't stop they need a good win to get back ontop again and they are going all the way.

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard Preview BioWare's Back, Baby | CGM

CGM got a very extended hands-on look at Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and it looks like BioWare has made good use of the last ten years.

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Juvia1h ago

It looks awful. RIP Bioware.

jznrpg1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Graphically it could look better as I’m not a big fan of the WoW color palette but the gameplay and rpg elements look good. The graphics are decent enough that I can look past them if the gameplay makes up for it. In no way do I think it looks awful just not my kind of art style

SimpleSlave47m ago

Looks fine to me. Not super Current Gen graphically, but that's fine. Well, except for that hair physics. That's actually pretty current gen. But as long as it has a good main story, plenty of choices for the player to make and it's not bloated with crappy fetch quests like the third one, this should be good to go.

SimpleSlave15m ago(Edited 0m ago)

The reality is that aside from MAYBE Dragon's Age Origins, this series has never been that good. Fun, sure, but great? Far from it. So they certainly have their work cut out for them. And I get it. This is certainly not the old OLD - pre Knights even- Bioware we're talking about here and they sure are hell ain't Larian Studios. But if they can get close enough to Baldur's Gate 3 or at the very least Origins, then that's a win right there.

At least, when it comes to the Art Direction, this is certainly the most appealing Dragon's Age. With the second one coming a close second, character wise at least, but falling WAY short on account of being a half baked game in every respect. The first one being an abhorrent looking abomination, even when it came out, and the Third one being Good Looking but generic as fuck.

So we'll see.


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Epic Games has important announcement regarding Fortnite servers

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LightofDarkness3h ago

They’re taking them all offline and replacing them with UT99 servers for the foreseeable future.