
'No chance' for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 on Wii U

Coming from producer David Cox, when asked about Lords of Shadow 2 on Wii U.

Sorry to disappoint you but no chance.

majiebeast4136d ago

Doesnt look very good for wiiu with the third party support. If they cant even get games now i doubt we will see ports of ps4 and xbox next games on it.

jimbobwahey4135d ago

Anybody with sense saw this coming a mile off. They got third party support at launch because developers could shovel some old ports onto the system quickly but as the Wii, GameCube and N64 demonstrated, third party games do not sell on Nintendo hardware and once again third party publishers are abandoning Nintendo.

I can't believe people actually expected it to be different this time round, nevermind that some were crazy enough to think third party support would continue once the next PlayStation and Xbox release.

phantomexe4135d ago

OK it's not that i care all that much but i'm going use some common sense or alittle logic. These games like CV have been in delopment for a while so one would think that starting delopment on another game being it's not so easy to port games staight to the wii u..... would cost more time. Just seems preety simple as i remember ff13.

You guys love to get your panties in a bunch....My bad jimbob this was ment for all.

4135d ago
I_am_Batman4135d ago (Edited 4135d ago )

I agree. I thought that Nintendo could get more third party support early on. They miss out on some important third party games like Bioshock Infinite. If Nintendo can't get these third party games they probably won't get the hardcore gamers. It will be interessting to see if games like Bayonetta 2 (exclusive to Wii-U) will sell at all on a Nintendo console.

N4g_null4135d ago

The better question is will it come to the Grid by nvidia.

All of the sudden nintendo doesn't need direct ports just ports from other services like Nvidia's grid.

I mean come on not many people can afford 200 teraflop gaming. This service along makes the power struggle a moot point.

After tvii you can see nintendo is open to this model and The GRID is license-able.

Out of all the cloud gaming services I think Nvida may have the right idea...

jmc88884134d ago

I laugh at the ignorance, short memory, and overall mindless assertions people are laying at the feet of the Wii U.

See maybe most of you were stuck playing PS2/xbox when their successors came out. But when they did.....there were games...for the same reason...came out on PS2 and XBOX and NOT 360 or PS3.

Did you get that? Do I need to repeat it? Which means the same thing will happen on what? Wii U?

...and what? PS4 and 720.

So why is the Wii U doomed for having the same problems EVERY console has?

Please people, use your brains and try to remember the past....it wasn't that long ago.

It's simple business. 200 million or so consoles/PC's OR 2 million Wii U's. Which one is a company light on funds...i.e. these days MOST small and mid size devs....going to focus on?

Same thing will happen as games are passed over 720/PS4 to be made on 360/PS3. Because making it on the other system too soon might destroy the dev. It will happen.

People are fools if they think the 720/PS4 will be much stronger than the Wii U. It's simply impossible. But don't tell that to the people who don't understand hardware. They won't believe you. To them the past is prologue.

They can't see a situation where PC's use 700-1500 watts of power and 1000-2000 in parts to achieve what it does.

They think they can put those parts in a small little box and somehow it'll only draw 250 watts and only cost $400. ROFL. Keep dreaming. Oh and they're going to throw in a Kinect 2 with hand manipulator...yet combined with thousands of dollars of PC tech....it'll only cost $399 and the MS talked with GOD and said...GOD we need this to only use 250 watts...we can't pack 700-1500 into a small little box without having RROD style issues.

Fact is, Wii U won't be far behind. It's bang for the buck. Want something more powerful? It's going to cost exponentially more and use exponentially more power. In other words...lots more money and lots more power....for not much more performance.

Wii U will be fine, and some people need to know the limits of hardware, and simple business 101.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4134d ago
Godchild10204136d ago

I agree with others on twitter, why bring the prequel to the 3DS and not bring the sequel to Nintendo's home console.

TimeSkipLuffy4135d ago

I guess the 3DS version is simply no port but has been developed with less costs. That is why developers like the DS system. It's cheap & fast to develop for. And still sell good. While for the Vita the dev costs could be higher than what they could possibly earn... T__T

jaosobno4135d ago

The reason is simple. 3DS is a successful handheld. WiiU software attach rate is horrible and 3rd parties already started giving up on it.

4135d ago
chukamachine4135d ago

3ds is only a successful handheld because it had to go cheap enough for those with a ds to upgrade to a 3ds.

If the 3ds did not play ds games, it would not have sold.

Catoplepas4136d ago

My commiserations to any Wii U only owners.

Still, can't wait for the game. The original was terrific.

sdozzo4135d ago

Yeah, I loved the first one. Can't wait.

BanBrother4135d ago

Terrific. Funny word. Did you know that the word means very good, whilst another meaning for it is the exact opposite; very bad/unpleasant. The more you know.

Sucks for Wii U only owners, but I think that the tables will turn (or at least the sad faces will) when HD Zelda and Metroid come out.

The Wii U looks to be in a bad position, as Devs want to push out their games for the 360 and PS3 with large install bases, whilst also looking into next gen (PS3-360).

Early days, but still funny considering I played most of the Castlevania's on a Nintendo system.

OmegaSlayer4135d ago

I won't commiserate WiiU owners, because every single one of them is happy for their Marios, Zeldas and whatevs, so...who cares.
Besides the point that I never really liked any Nintendo characters and games I don't think a console deserves to be bought without at least 5 games/franchise you can play on it.

I died to play Mass Effect 1 and the Gears Of War trilogy but it wasn't enough to justify the purchase of a 360 imho and I don't care about jaggies or missing pixels...so, I guess early WiiU adopters know that their system will collect dust except when Nintendo games will come out.

If they have the money to shill, why should I care or commiserate?

ZoidsRaven4135d ago

........... And they want Nintendo gamers to buy the 3ds LOS game? LOL WUT? -_-'
I will, but only because I have a PS3. Not all Nintendo gamers have a PS3 (or a 360).
If 3rd party devs want Nintendo fans/gamers money they should stop treating them like they only deserve spin-offs, sloppy ports and remakes, because not all of them are muti-brand gamers.
I'll buy the two games for my 3ds and PS3 (hope it's fun), but 3rd parties have got to stop that (it's just as bad as Capcom's RE 'tests' on the Wii).

Fin.. 7_7

Godchild10204135d ago (Edited 4135d ago )

I wonder how well will the 3DS version do (I expect a million at least), seeing how the sequel won't make it onto Nintendo's home console.

Will the lack of sales, if it doesn't do well, force them to port it over to the Vita or the PSN/XBLA and Eshop to make up any loses?

I guess the real question is, will it really play a part on how well the 3DS version sells? The game is releasing way ahead of the home consoles version, so I don't expect to have a real major effect.

ZoidsRaven4135d ago

If that's what Konami is trying to do with Castlevania for the 3ds, they should just learn from Capcom's example.

If it's successful the first time (not that I think Konami will be as successful as Capcom's RE 'tests' for the Wii), stop the tests.... 7_7

Smashbro294135d ago

Call me when they make a real Castlevania game.

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Lords of Shadow 2 Is Castlevania's Most Underrated Title

From memorable boss fights to chilling lore revelations, here's why Lords of Shadow 2 may be the most underrated Castlevania game.

Gamerking821307d ago (Edited 1307d ago )

Well i enjoyed my time with it and thats all that matters too me, i could not care less what others thought. Please bring 3 out Konami or at least a 1 and 2 remasters.

morganfell1307d ago

Same here. I own it on PS3 and PC and love the title. The soundtrack is amazing and the tone they paint for the character of Dracula with Robert Carlyle's great voice work is perfect.

mrsolidsteel201307d ago

Same here, I’m a huge castlevania fan, have all of the games. Even the remake that was made on the Wii.

And I have the PS3 and PC versions of both games as well.

darthv721307d ago

They look really cleaned up on the xbo through bc. The LoS games are some of my favorites.

Bennibop1307d ago

Have been playing 1 and 2 on PS now and it's definitely better than i remember

FreeckyCake1307d ago

Castlevania: Curse of Darkness is way more underrated than this one

bananacrust1307d ago

it was ok. but the hide and seek BS was some of the dumbest stuff in the world.

moriarty18891307d ago

great game. have it playable on my xbox one thru BC.

rgraf771307d ago

I remember the intro being fun an action packed. Then the game became "OK" with a lame hub system and sneaking around as a rat. The modern time frame levels weren't the great either. Lord of Shadows 1 was much better and I wish they had continued with that formula.

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gangsta_red1531d ago

I'm a huge Shantae fan, but this selection is weak. It's official, MS is definitely skimping on GWG in favor of GP.

I mean...I guess LoS 2 is cool.


Don’t you mean it’s “your opinion “ that MS is skimping on GWG? I happen to like LOS2 and will be glad to play through it again. And GP is a PAID service don’t you think that a PAID service should offer better quality games? Yes yes I know XBL is also a paid service but that’s a different conversation

gangsta_red1531d ago

No it's an actual fact. Every comment I leave is a fact.

"And GP is a PAID service don’t you think that a PAID service should offer better quality games?"

Yes, I actually do think that a PAID service should offer better games, but as you also made mention and casually dismissed XBL is a PAID service and don't you think a PAID service should offer a better selection of games?

djl34851531d ago


XBL is a paid service for ONLINE SERVICES aka online multiplayer. The free games given every month is just a bonus. Stop bitching.

1531d ago Replies(1)
micdagoat191531d ago

all 4 of these are pretty good games. Not sure what ur talking about

1530d ago
Christopher1531d ago

Finished Batman TEW a few months ago. It was the second worst TT game I've played. Really didn't enjoy it.

I hope those that do play it get more enjoyment out of it than I did.

darthv721531d ago

Sonic generations and LoS2.... hell yeah. My 360 has been itching to play these.

nevin11531d ago

As a non Xbox gamer, why are the free games availability scattered around.

I mean Batman is available the whole month

Castlevania is available March to the 15th

Shantae is available starting March 16th

Sonic is available the 16th-31st.

Has always been like this?

shabz6661531d ago

Yep it’s always been like this. It was weird then and it’s weird now

SpeedDemon1531d ago

Yeah its been like that. They do 2 games at the 1st of the month and then the other 2 on the 15th, some of the games are available for longer periods, it's depends on what they work out with the publisher .

Smellsforfree1530d ago

You just have to "claim" it from the store within those time frames so it doesn't matter that much to people who are interested, but I agree it is kinda weird.

autobotdan1531d ago (Edited 1531d ago )

Awsome!! Great games!

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Terrifyingly Bad: A Look Back At the 3D Castlevania Games

If you decide to play a Castlevania game, make sure it's in 2D. Unfortunately, the series has never been able to make the jump from 2D to 3D successfully. Publisher Konami has tried. Six times in fact, but whether trying to build it in-house or with a third party developer, they never captured the essence of the series or make a good game for that matter. So just to be sure you know what to look out for, here are the six 3D Castlevania games that have been made.

isarai1665d ago

I loved the hell out of lords of shadow, lords if shadow 2 had its moments but just didnt leave as much of an impact on me as the first did, still loved it though. They are both great games IMO, maybe not the best "Castlevania" games but great games in their own right.

RememberThe3571664d ago

Yeah that first game was legit good. Really wish they hadn't taken a step back for the second, this series really looked great in 3D.

AK911663d ago (Edited 1663d ago )

According to one of the former devs of Mercury Steam the higher ups kept interfering with the sequel to the point where the game was nothing like what the dev team had envisioned for the sequel so we got the mess that was Lords of Shadows 2.

PhoenixUp1665d ago

I enjoyed Lament of Innocence and Lords of Shadow. They were entertaining titles and I wouldn’t mind trying Lords of Shadow 2 on PS Now.

Just because a game isn’t GOTY worthy does not mean it’s not worth playing. You could do a lot worse than those exceptional titles.

Abcdefeg1664d ago

Curse of darkness was ahead of its time

Hedstrom1664d ago

I really liked lament of innocence and Lords of shadow! Havent tried the other 3d games. But ive played most of the 2d games!

gangsta_red1664d ago (Edited 1664d ago )

I don't know why Castlevania: Lament of Innocence gets a bad rap. It was one of the best in the series at that time and really was a compliment to the Devil May Cry 3rd person style of action that was getting popular at that time.

I rented it on a fluke and was seriously surprised on how good it was. So much so I went out and bought a used copy of Curse of Darkness and instantly returned that trash.

The problem with Nintendo 64 games is they all tried to mimic the Mario/Zelda 64 style of gameplay and how could they not with that whacky ass N64 controller. Almost every game outside of Nintendo's own felt horrible and incomplete.

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