
Actually, It is Kinda B.S. That Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U Exclusive

Kotaku - It's funny when anyone on the Internet flips out, but no one does it better than the video gamer. When the issue involves someone not getting what they want, when they want it, at the price they want it—and you yourself don't want it—it's entertaining as hell watching someone break into a Rumplestiltskenian fit on the way to a total meltdown and an Internet petition or two. It's like going to a dunking booth and seeing actual hate in the clown's eyes. Boy, that guy is unhinged.

Carl_Shocker4266d ago

Whats this...a logical well thought out article by Kotaku

...think I need to sit down

PopRocks3594266d ago

We clearly read a different article. You're aware this game would not even exist without Nintendo, right?

wishingW3L4266d ago (Edited 4266d ago )

who knows what the future holds. PG are a small independent company that depends on finding a publisher to publish their games and Bayonetta is one of their best, if not, their absolute best IP yet. Making it exclusive to one platform is a mistake.

What are they going to do now? Keep making more games for Nintendo since they can't find any other publishers to publish their games? Are they going to become second party or something? What else can they create that is better than Bayonetta?

PopRocks3594266d ago


"Bayonetta is one of their best, if not, their absolute best IP yet."

Which wouldn't have a sequel had Nintendo not stepped in. That's gratitude for ya.

FriedGoat4266d ago (Edited 4266d ago )

It's ok guys, with the underpowered consoles nintendo puts out, we'll be emulating it in a year. And no, i'm not talking about piracy, you can buy the game and play.

OmegaSlayer4266d ago

I find funny how everyone cheers Nintendo.
The problem is that Sega still funds Yakuza titles (that are really niche titles) and not a game that sold 2 millions of copies across 2 platforms.

SilentNegotiator4265d ago (Edited 4265d ago )

You're aware that Nintendo wouldn't have had to "save" B2 if not for the fact that SEGA ran away from a franchise that sold TWO MILLION copies on its first release, right? So cut this "gratitude" crap out. All Nintendo did was swoop in while those idiots were still banging their heads on the wall.

It's a perfectly competent franchise with perfectly incompetent businessmen.

MaxXAttaxX4265d ago

And it IS BS for all those fans that played on 360 and PS3. Now they have to buy another system just to play the sequel? I don't think so.

PopRocks3594265d ago


"Anyone could've picked it up."

But no one but Nintendo did.

The point is Nintendo are the ones funding it. And in doing so got themselves another exclusive specifically for core gamers. So two things that I've seen N4G commenters bitch and moan about were just killed with one stone.

Bayonetta gets its sequel and Nintendo gets another core exclusive. Yet all anyone can do is complain.

Well, whatever. I was getting a Wii U anyway, so I'm not going to make an ass out of myself by going to PG's Twitter and tell them how shitty they and their games are, or act like this never happens with other games on other consoles.

By the way, if players had to get a PS4/Nextbox to play this game, I guarantee there would be absolutely no complaining.

MaxXAttaxX4264d ago (Edited 4264d ago )

Nintendo did it as an act of desperation since they refuse to make new core IPs themselves.
But that's not the issue. Most fans of the original are still being screwed and would have to buy another system just to play it <- what don't you understand about that!?

This is a current gen game that could be running on current gen systems like PS3 and 360. Just like Assassin's Creed and Barman.
Your PS4/Nextbox argument is invalid, as those would be true next gen systems worth investing on for a true next gen Bayonetta.

But hey, at least now Nintendo fanboys who barely care about the game in the first place can brag about something.

PopRocks3594264d ago


This comment of yours is a perfect example of a term I've grown used to using when describing incessant haters like yourself.

"WAAAAH Nintendo has no 3rd party exclusives!"

Bayonetta 2 for Wii U announced.

"WAAAH! Why isn't this on MY console?!"

You're such a baby. Were this being announced for the PS4 or Nextbox, you wouldn't complain.

And by the way; how do you know it's a current generation game? Maybe it will use the Wii U's game pad somehow? Or make full use of its hardware (which is CONFIRMED to be stronger than what is out right now)?

And one final point I'd like to make; why the hell would Nintendo start making mature games when they can ask people who are GOOD at making such games provide the content? That's like asking Pixar to make an R rated film.

Oh but you don't care. Everything has to go your way because the world revolves around you. I tell you what, the next time a formerly Nintendo affiliated company like Rare and all of its IPs wind up on a different platform, guess who won't be seeing bitching and moaning like a little kid?

MaxXAttaxX4264d ago (Edited 4263d ago )

Wow are you ok dude? Suddenly decided to unleash your fanboy rage, huh.
You think I'm hating on Nintendo? I never even said Nintendo should make a "mature" game. I said new IP. Which is a sentiment shared with Shigeru Miyamoto himself when he said he wanted to see new franchises, but they won't because their devs' schedules are backed up with the same franchises. So to his(and mine) disappointment, the heads at Ninty won't do it, for that reason and "tradition".
I am a Nintendo fan that wants to see more from them. I'm just not a blind one.

Anyway, I made a valid point but you decided to shift the subject and attack.

I already told you that bringing up the PS4 and Nextbox is invalid, as these systems would have specs beyond current gen platforms(360, PS3, WiiU). It would be a bigger LEAP worth investing on.

The Xbox and GameCube were also more powerful than the PS2 (CONFIRMED) with better lighting and whatnot, just like the Wii U will be vs the PS3/360. They'll still run the same games.

You're an example of a fanboy that pretends to care about a game because it's suddenly exclusive.

Again, it IS bs for the fans of the first game expecting a sequel, only to find out they have to buy another console just to play a game that could run on their current platforms (as was initially planned). Clearly you're not one of them.

PopRocks3594263d ago (Edited 4263d ago )

Fanboy rage, eh? Clever argument. Oh wait.

Actually, I own the first game on the PS3 and I enjoy it. Don't make assumptions about me just because I just happen to be defending here.

Fans of the first game should be pleased since Kamiya and another of Platinum Games have already confirmed that Bayonetta 2 would not exist without Nintendo. No one else was going to pick it up despite you're idiotic insistence of the opposite. Instead all they can do is whine and complain like crybabies. Boo-frickedy-hoo. If they're such big "fans" they'd buy the console and be done with it. The same thing would apply if Eternal Darkness 2 were on PS4. So again, don't make assholey assumptions.

You can refute that all you want. The only one you're fooling is yourself.

EDIT: As for your claims about the Wii U being on par with current generation consoles, explain to me why Black Ops 2 and other 3rd party multiplatform games are running at 1080p on Wii U and not on the 360 or PS3. Bias for Nintendo? Nintendo bribed the publishers? I'd LOVE to hear your reasoning on this one.

MaxXAttaxX4263d ago (Edited 4263d ago )

Buying a new system just for one game and getting it over with must be so easy for you. It is still BS to have to do it in the first place. I don't blame Nintendo for this. But still BS.

You think I'm hating on Nintendo just because I said that? I never even said Nintendo should make a "mature games". I said NEW IPs. Which is a sentiment shared with Shigeru Miyamoto himself when he said he wanted to see new franchises, but they won't because their devs' schedules are backed up with the same franchises. So to his(and mine) disappointment, the heads at Ninty won't do it, for that reason and "tradition". Freaking GOOGLE IT.
I am a Nintendo fan that wants to see more from them. I'm just not a blind one. I'm not hating on them, I am talking about one game, period. But you just jumped all over with your fanboy outburst.

>>> I NEVER denied that the Wii U would be more powerful. The Xbox and GameCube were also more powerful than the PS2 (CONFIRMED) with better lighting, polish and whatnot, just like the Wii U will be vs the PS3/360. I NEVER denied it. They'll still run the same games. The only difference is that PS2, GC and Xbox were all released pretty much at the sane time, not 6/7 years apart. <<<

*sigh* What a raging fanboy....

Clearly you don't care much about the game as much as you care about defending a company.

ShinMaster4261d ago (Edited 4261d ago )

It's a system more powerful, BUT with comparable performance to current gen systems. It will quickly turn into a last gen system when PS4 and Xbox720 are announced. Just like the Wii.

All there will be left is the gimmick and ports.
For example, with the Wii it was the Wiimote and ports like Okami. With the Wii 2.0 it will be the gamepad and ports like Batman:AA.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4261d ago
Nimblest-Assassin4266d ago

You realize Kotaku wrote an article telling people complaining about the wiiU were wrong saying it has hardcore titles and people bitching should stop, and then they publish this

They are as good as TMZ or some other trash site... all they want to do is rile people up, so they get hits

Darth Stewie4266d ago

Wow a article about BS from a site that usually gives BS news.

cough FFvs13 cancelled cough

dark-hollow4266d ago

its really shitty for a franchise to flip flop from one console to another, but this situation is a little bit different.

could anybody blame square enix for jumping on the playstation platforms? no, because its all nintendos fault that they went with limited cartridge format while sony went with much better media format for the ps1, ffvii till ffxiii would never be the same if they stayed on nintendo platforms, it was for the better of the series, and am sure if the internet was as relevant that day as it today, it would be a major uproar from nintendo fanboys, but in the end, sure those gamers had to buy a new system to play FF but it was for the better in the end, even for them themselves!

with bayonetta case, sega simply abandoned the franchise and had no intention to release a sequel to the 360/ps3, and seriously no third major party developers would fund platinum to publish bayonetta 2 because the first one had quite low sales. nintendo i assume took it in an attempt to regain some hardcore gamers trust in their brand, while sure it wont set the world on fire, but it was basically the easiest deal they could get, and despite the sales it is a pretty damn solid game IMO.

if you are really angry at this (and rightfully so) you should direct that to sega themselves for not supporting the game in any way. platinum after all wont sit right there forever waiting for any publisher to take the rights from sega and release it on 360/ps3.

Carl_Shocker4266d ago

I could be mad at Platinum aswell for not looking for a publisher who wold release it on all platforms......someone would of done it if they looked around and had a few business meetings

dark-hollow4266d ago (Edited 4266d ago )

looking for a new publisher is not a walk through the supermarket! its not like they make an ad on craiglist "publish our game k thnkx bye"
first off, you have to consider that publishers have a lot of control and influence on the development process, some publishers abuse their developers by giving limited space for creativty, a small budget or a very short deadline, and i think you are fully aware of how a bad publisher could hands down destroy your franchise and screw you up! (activision with infinityward, EA with god knows how many developers they screwed them over, and etc. etc.) that, and am sure even though bayonetta didnt sell too well, a publisher would need to pay sega even more money for the rights of the IP. it just doesnt worth it for major third party publishers.

am sure platinum were fully aware about this problem and in the end, lets not be entitled and selfish! going with a shitty developer could end the franchise as we know it, and am sure nintendo like sony isnt the kind of publisher that put too much pressure on their studios and screw them over like EA or acti.

Sgt_Slaughter4265d ago


Going to The Hangover for this one cause I'm too sick to think of a new one...

"You are literally too stupid to insult."

smashcrashbash4266d ago

I just like how people are going ballistic about games most people didn't even care about in the first place. Bayonetta and Rayman sold horribly across multiple systems and it had nothing to do with graphics, gameplay or anything like that.And now suddenly EVERYONE is running around boasting and spitting and kicking up a fuss as if Nintendo just found gold or something. If Nintendo just said 'We are publishing the next GTA' or 'the next GT' or 'the next Gears of War' I can see why people would kick up a fuss. But so far there have been a thousands of articles about games that most people didn't even give a crap about enough to play them.

Rayman will be overshadowed by Mario and Bayonetta 2 most of the people who liked it would probably run after it while anyone else STILL won't give a crap and it will probably sell as well every other game like it like Madworld. People keep dancing around saying 'We have Bayonetta 2, what a smart and clever move by Nintendo' but in reality if it was so great and popular and system changing Sega wouldn't have thrown it out and Platinum would never have made it single platform.

So I can only assume that all these articles are being made by over zealous Nintendo fanboys who seem to think they have something or trolls who just like poking and prodding at said fanboys.Her is the latest from an overzealous fanboy. 'Maybe since Sony needs money they will start giving franchises like GOW to Nintendo and we will be able to play them on the Wii U'. Really? So can we stop the articles about a game that got tossed aside by both gamers and it's publisher and stop talking about it as if it is gold.By letting it be published by a single company they may have already lost out on the fans that own the PC, PS3 and 360 on an off chance that it MIGHT sell better on the Wii U.So can we please STOP the crying and boasting and whining and move on.

RyuX194266d ago

If you've never played the game then you can just simply ignore these articles because you aren't going to understand a damn thing about why this is important to us.

rainslacker4266d ago

Maybe you can tell us why it's important to you? While your at it you can tell us which you prefer...

Option A) Nintendo publishes the game so fans can play it.

Option B) Game doesn't get picked up and you never get to play it ever on any system.

RyuX194266d ago (Edited 4266d ago )


Okay well first off let me state that I am not one of the rabid fan boys foaming at the mouth, but I was very angry in the beginning. I am glad that this game exist, and if Nintendo truly did save the game then I guess I should be thanking them.

The problem for me is that the WiiU was never on my radar as something to buy. Never wanted it and never cared to get it because I was very disappointed with the 3DS and felt it was waste of money and I should have never bought it.

I was content with the consoles I have at the moment and I've been waiting for a sequel to Bayo since I beat it back in 2010 and when I finally get it I have to pay over $300 dollars just to get it. I don't have the money to just spend over $300 dollars on something that will most likely collect dust like my original Wii and 3DS.

Maybe in a year things will be different; the WiiU might have some games that are worth it and it might be cheaper, but right now it is out of the question. I'd love to support this game and buy it day one for $60 dollars, but since it's on a WiiU I can't.

rainslacker4265d ago

I can't really fault you for your reasons for not getting the game, and I understand why your disappointed in this situation. I think your reasons will fall on deaf ears though, as it's just kind of the way it is, and I don't believe either PG or Nintendo did anything wrong here. Unfortunately it seems the people complaining the most aren't giving this reason and instead blaming the companies for what they're doing like PG and Nintendo ran over their cat or something. Just looking at the guy calling for the boycott, his reasons are completely illogical and reek of a "look at me" attitude.

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MadLad534d ago (Edited 534d ago )

Yet the Switch is much more powerful than the Wii U - the platform the second game released on. So you're just being negative to be negative with that comment.

anast534d ago

The voice acting wasn't as good...

jBlakeeper534d ago

Bayonetta herself doesn’t even look as good design wise.

-Foxtrot534d ago

I thought they focused on big kaiju like fights which felt gimmicky and thy brought this new character in to try and get away from the leading star


I mean they pretty much killed 3 big characters. They killed Jeanne, Luka and Bayonetta herself and it's not the fact they died it's how they died, we've seen Jeanne and Bayonetta survive countless things yet they go out by the lamest ways possible.


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