
New Battlefield 3 Patch Incoming

DualShock Nexus: Battlefield 3's Armored Kill Expansion Pack is almost here, and so is a new patch. Confirmation has been made on the exact release date for PlayStation 3 players, but will this patch include fixes from the list of tentative changes written a while back? Let's hope for some early patch notes.

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TheFreak4281d ago

They are as always only releasing patches when new DLC's are dropping, and are often making the game worse. Fix the game already you money hungry whores you have almost had a year now...

BattleTorn4281d ago

Oh please. Each patch has been an improvement. (along with it's own set on nw problems)

Let me guess. Rent-a-server broke the game in your opinion, right?

TheFreak4281d ago (Edited 4281d ago )

Huh have you played the game? I have put in 400-500 hours in the mp. There are bugs that have been in the game from the start for example: sound disappearing, guns reload without animation, game freezes, op metro roof glitch etc.

Frag rounds was facked for months, it got fixed only they broke the dart in the process so that was facked for months. The dart got fixed only they broke aug a3 smoke.

These game breaking glitches took them months to fix, and do you know when they released the patches that fixed/broke the game, yep you guessed it around DLC time.

10V3N0M014281d ago

Is it me or am I the only one that comes across the glitches on the rarest of occasions. My sound has never disappeared, handful of crashes(seriously, probably could count on one hand) that wasn't related to the Server crashing or being taken offline. Even this major dart bug wasn't as bad as people said, you get killed in under a second with a M16 with heavy barrel and a good shot. The only one that has gotten to me is when you are revived your menu is still up, actually pretty funny though, a challenge to see how long you last ;). DICE are still getting to grips with the engine and together with some stupid mistakes there will be bugs. Come on people, just get down and play the game.
Just by the way I have played for about 600h so don't say I haven't played enough. :)

seanpitt234281d ago

The audio loss pisses me of so much i mean how hard is that to fix and that glitch on operation metro is so annoying i messaged a person why do you cheat and use that glitch and he said its not cheating its glitching well i rest my case lol.

ian724281d ago

I have had sound going off problems a lot, seems to happen when respawning. And I can't remember how many times multiplayer has froze and I've had to re-boot, as its been too many.
I have played around 150 hours and use PS3.

BosMa4281d ago (Edited 4281d ago )

to "TheFreak"

Wow over 500 hours of gameplay, well one has to assume something is working out well 4 you , i mean i cant play a broken or "bugged" out game for longer than 5 hours unless the games "bright side" can forgive such bugs i.e fallout 3.
You cant have your cake and eat it too, seriously over 500 hours? Well some mmorpgs dont get to see as much investment now-a-days, so i would say you got your monies worth. Also Dice has done a good job listening to thier community, sure i agree bugs are still present but compare to when the game was released, then compare to 1st patch and so on, its hard not to notice that many problematic issues of the game are gone and sure some are still there.

Im always here with my arms wide open for patches, to me this just tells me that something is getting tweaked/fixed and whether dumbing down certain guns etc are a good or bad thing is a matter of opinion, if one tends to spam rape w/ usuck and explosive/frag rounds then yes that person would have a dif feeling to those who get raped by them. I think it was wise to nerf the frag round as they did, took them a while to do so because when it comes to touching a weapons stats, gamers will always be unhappy and from reading the forums within these "months" leading to the patch it was greatly debated "dont touch , please touch" It wasnt because Dice was lazy , they know "making tom happy would make bill angry" It is an area devs tend to not visit , weapon stats.. But they have and on more than one occaision and i applaud dice for this.. Some devs leave the guns broken, even if the majority wants change and community is nothing more than noise to them.

"Money hungry whores" i can agree with, but broken gameplay? well i beg to challenge that, if so broken then why the hell do people dump hundreds of hours into battlefield 3 and why not invest that time in a "less broken" game unless battlefield 3 is the only game one owns and regardless of what the circumstance is one must question the love hate relationship, love to rip game apart but hate being away from the game.

So gameplay can be absolutely spot on w/ a game that is graphically sub par and has issues elsewhere? absolutely.. Im not saying this is the case w/ battlefield 3, it goes for video games in general. I have problems w/ battlefield 3 "money hungry whores" is good way to sum up one of them and what didnt come packaged in this game is another. (SQUAD)
But TheFreak its confusing to hear you talk about how bad the glitches are/were "gamebreaking" bad but you have well over 500 hours in and i bet you could tell me every weapon stat and best map pints to snipe and best way to approach a map in conquest.
Im not trying to be a jerk nor am i dismissing you or your thoughts, im just trying to get a better understanding.
I just cant fathom how one with so many hours in would not see many bugs and major concerns by the community fixed or "better" over time. Sounds like you have been there every step of the way so are you overlooking the many bugs they did patch or do not agree that they have patched any at all? If the glitches were "game breaking" how did you survive getting through months of such?
"Game breaking" may be a bit excessive.

Sure dlc time, i agree the timeframe is always questionable when patches only come at dlc time but his is not the case, Dice is actually not bad when it comes to listening to feedback and applying fixes, EA on the other hand is the master puppeteer, please also keep that in mind.

BosMa4281d ago

I agree, improvements have come w/ patches and the nerfing etc is just a matter of gamer opinion..

Rent-a-server didnt break the game, it did make it harder to find offical dice servers although one can search them it seems there are a bunch less..

Winter47th4281d ago

Why won't they release a PROPER anti-air patch for infantry?

You cannot down a chopper/jet unless the pilot was retarded, you try to lock on with the Stinger and the pilot can simply ECM/Flare/get below radar/fly way high for you to lock. That's BS.

ShadowKingx4280d ago

I think The Freak is just a COD Fanboy.Because he can’t be a hero every map.

shackdaddy4280d ago (Edited 4280d ago )

^ They do have to fix the stinger badly. It pisses me off how it's so useless...

SolidStoner4280d ago (Edited 4280d ago )

only problem I have on BF3 ps3 online, is no sound or some sounds glitch.. everything else is very good, and scale of online is still top notch, I forgive for some bugs time to time. Still hope they make the game even better.. but this far I like it very much!

EDIT: I also hope that Battlefield will improve in game balancing, what I mean is they should create hardcore mode better or another mode with simply no balancing, all weapons as real as possible. I know, to kill and to die will be much easier, and some weapons would be much stronger than other, but I dont want to shoot with stinger so many times, or shoot with pistol more bulets (in real world you should not care to die from 9mm or 50. cal sniper, it would kill you or at least disable you for sure) game over :)

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4280d ago
Trenta274281d ago

That's what EA does. They did that to Sims 3. Right now it's pretty much unplayable. A update will come out right before the next expansion, though. All it will do is make things worse...

Flavor4281d ago

Call of Battlefield 3 modern warfare

NickTheHitman4281d ago

That was the worst diss I have ever seen. Please dont try again.

MattyG4281d ago

Wow that was... completely off topic and unoriginal. Try harder next time.

h311rais3r4281d ago

Guess u haven't actually played battlefield 3.

sovietsoldier4281d ago (Edited 4281d ago )

patch summary: more nerfs more buffs more bugs.

CaptCalvin4281d ago

Also come bloated with all the DLC content that you wont get access to unless you pay.

SJPFTW4281d ago

So as was stated months ago seems like M16 will be getting a nerf while the m416 is getting a huge buff. Recoil lowers, accuracy increase and faster reloed... this means m416 will be hands down the best gun in the game.

No Way4281d ago

I have almost always used the AEK.. I took a break from BF3..
Then when I came back a few months later, it seemed everyone uses it.

KwietStorm_BLM4280d ago

The AEK is surely not the best gun in the game.

No Way4278d ago

It's definitely not, but in the Assault.. it's my favorite, so far.

Plagasx4281d ago

So does this mean the pack drops on the 4th??

WillGuitarGuy4281d ago

I'm still waiting for the August content drop.

Jumper094281d ago

for ps3 on the 4th and on the 11th on xbox and pc

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

Whether it comes through remakes or a new game with a similar style, DICE should aim to revive the glory days of Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2.

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masterfox545d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia545d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad544d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

544d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin544d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad671d ago

There's fun to be had here.
