
Medal of Honor: Warfighter - Alpha Video Leaked - Just A Call Of Duty Clone?

Here is a brand new gameplay video of Medal of Honor: Warfighter from the alpha version. Is the upcoming Shooter from EA just a Call of Duty Clone? What do you think? Check out the video after the break!

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Muffins12234312d ago

Looks like the guns have alot more recoil than cod and it looks like its a bit more realistic

PoSTedUP4312d ago (Edited 4312d ago )

it looks hot. the graphics look ok but its hard to tell on this vid. im hoping the best for them, i haven't bought a MoH game in a long time. i like realistic feels to games, (especially an all realistic game like OPflashpoint and arma2) crysis2 is awesome, i havent played BF3 yet. i cant wait to get another HDtv i havent had one in a year.

PS: i'm probably more hyped for Farcry3 than any other FPS... the runner up being Blackops Declassafied

BattleAxe4312d ago

Far Cry 3 is going to be awesome. As for CoD, it has become a tired game that I have no interest in anymore, and MoH: Warfighter looks like a poor mans CoD.

PoSTedUP4312d ago

i hated and didnt play MWF2 so i really like MWF3 and black ops was great and a breath of fresh air. and yeah farcry3 is going to be intense.

WeskerChildReborned4312d ago

I'm still skeptical about getting Far Cry 3 cause of Far Cry 2 but i'm really hoping MOH is not a clone cause no FPS has to be a "cod" to succeed.

irepbtown4312d ago

MWF2/3 Do you mean MW2/3 (Modern Warfare)? slightly confused.

I have the latest Medal of Honour and I like the story. I hate online, it is so bad. It would be great if they included Co-op, preferably the campaign co-op. I personally think every game (or most games at least) should have Campaign co-op. Being able to play the story with your friends would be a huge bonus for any game.

StoneyYoshi4312d ago

@ irepbtown

MWF means Modern WarFAIL.

PoSTedUP4312d ago

yeah i meant MWF2 & 3.

and i dont touch MWF's single player it sucks, i didnt even beat cod4's single player, i just jump to online and play BF's single player (bad company's too)

Azmatik4312d ago

obviously the author hasnt played MOH cause its nothing like CoD or this was purposely made for hits and flame bait

Getowned4311d ago (Edited 4311d ago )

I think there is room for cod and many other shooters in gaming, but what I dont like is how every shooter now a days is trying to be like cod. Whats the point of making every game like cod, to me that just means more of the same old same old. We need lots of variety not just a bunch of cod clones. That being said I hope they don't make MOH:WarFighter a cod clone. No one wants to play the same old game over and over again. We have Call of Duty already, give us some thing new!

By the looks of it, I dont really think it looks like COD tbh, it actually looks like a more speedy version of battlefield without destructible environment(which makes me sad, I like destructible environments) seeing that hellicopter makes me want the destructible environments :( .. Dice wheres BC3.

Edit: The Game play really looks nothing like cod imo

irepbtown4311d ago

COD4 is an extraordinary game. It is almost perfect (obviously considering it's a 2007 game). It was revolutionary at the time however Activision just destroyed it. The single-player was good, online was/is great. I still play it today, one of my favourite FPS ever. Same can't be said for WAW, MW2, Black Ops, MW3.

And why do you say MWF instead of MW (just curious)??

PoSTedUP4311d ago

yeah cod4 is a great game, i just though the single player was bland and lacked character compared to a lot of other fps. and i say MWF cuz i guess it looks cooler idk bro lol it just makes sense to me

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4311d ago
solid_si4312d ago (Edited 4312d ago )

Its BF trying to be COD again, no suprise here. Dice tried to beat COD but failed so did many others. BF: Medal of Honour gets a shot this fall. Just copy it to its fullest.

Watch BO2 rape it this fall, EA epic fail. I hate it when games these days all try to be COD more or less.

svoulis4312d ago (Edited 4312d ago )

I agree about Dice trying to make BF3 similar to COD. There are a lot of differences and at least it didn't become an actual clone and they are actually 2 separate games they don't handle the same at all. Medal of Honor (2010) was the closest thing to COD clone that EA put out. You got kill streaks, the maps were smaller, the guns were easier to handle.

sourav934312d ago

Well BF3 and CoD are pretty different. How do I know this? I suck at BF3; k/d ratio of 0.65, whereas in CoD it's around 1.4. However, I only play rush and CQ on BF3, and I love it. Plus I play way more BF3. CoD just feels really easy after BF3. So my point is, even though they might have slight similarities, they are significantly different.

StoneyYoshi4312d ago

Why does everyone act like sales matter. it would probably be the same if it was battlefield being successful first and then COD would be a battlefield clone.

To be honest. yes BO2 will probably outsell BF3 and MOH but that doesnt make a game any better than the other. its all about peoples comfort on certain franchises. COD was successful first so everybody has grown to it. many have seen that COD has been complete crap since MW2. But more people have been blinded by it being easy to take on and satisfy them wich has kept the sales great. its not like BF3 was a complete fail. Bf3 has sold 6.5 million games worldwide. Thats a Great success especially competing against MWF3.

Irishguy954312d ago

Solid_si is not talking about Battlefield, he's talking about Medal of Honor By Dice, which seems to be some type of BF Cod crossover than just doesn't work.

AIndoria4312d ago (Edited 4312d ago )

SinglePlayer? Maybe. Multiplayer like CoD? Lol idiot. How do All Call of Duty versions combined together compare to a single Battlefield 3 multiplayer match exactly?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4312d ago
pompombrum4312d ago

Unless it's a space shooter, I doubt guns could have less recoil than in COD to be fair.

Parasyte4312d ago

I'd still take it over CoD!

BX814312d ago

Yeah im looking foward to medal of honor. I just hope the mp has been worked on a lot more. The last one was a good starting point but needed drastic work. All i can say is... Rockets in the spawn!

Parasyte4312d ago

Yeah. The spawns in the 2010 MoH were atrocious!

morganfell4312d ago

The biggest issue by far that destroyed MoH MP was their implementation of sniping. It was point and shoot. Whereas other classes would have the best people top out with 17-20 kills, snipers would finish a match with 45 or more. Sit back, snipe, snipe snipe, Mortar Strike. And they just kept building on that ruining every single match because they were so overpowered. As stated above, Rocket strikes in the spawn, JDAMs, etc.

Kabul was the only map where they did not run rampant and stupidly it was the main beta test map. Had they picked any other map Dice might have seen the damage coming. Instead the game launched and I have never seen one class so overpower a game. The message boards on every platform were full of people providing videos, stats, etc. They loved the MP but it was broken.

Unfortunately by the time Dice rectified the problem, and it took months, people had enough and moved on to other prominent title that had launched.

dcortz20274312d ago

Better graphics, better engine, it can't be Call Of Duty! Medal Of Honor: Warfighter looks promising, I don't care what you COD fanboys say, COD is outdated trash and this is coming from an ex-COD player.

Kurt Russell4312d ago

Looks like the same old crap ... I have played enough samey war games this gen to bother with this one.

Revvin4312d ago

I'm hoping its going to be the answer to the stale Call of Duty franchise. Don't get me wrong I enjoy both series but CoD is built on an aged engine and its not really evolved its just got more gimmicky. I'm hoping for a bit of a reboot to the franchise after Black Ops II with a new engine but until then I think this new MoH game will fit the bill- built on a more modern game engine. The last MoH game was fun but didn't take off like it should have, maybe not enough multiplayer maps and game modes?

kB04312d ago

Ppl assume every game with a gun, iron sight and explosions is call of duty.

Cosmit4312d ago

I couldn't agree more with you.

Rhythmattic4312d ago

Lets get this straight.

1st Medal Of Honour Released in 1999

1st Call of Duty Released 2003.

Maybe COD is the clone?

Rhythmattic4310d ago

people disagreeing with facts. OMFG

Google it ffs.

Tonester9254312d ago

That's why I don't like reading comments on games like this.

"OMG another COD clone!"
"Battlefield 3 has Close Quarters was because COD!"
"DICE made BF3 easier because the COD players are going to start playing"

I think people are just saying they hate COD because that's the movement right now. COD is a good game to play because it's fun.

BF3 put in close quarters because it's fun enclosed battles that require different strategies.

I like both games.

StoneyYoshi4312d ago

Ive hated Cod since MW2 so "the moment" is not the reason for everybody.

codename134312d ago

Totally agree with you. Seems like now a days ppl really do not know the difference between 'genre' and 'clone'.

AusRogo4312d ago

Am I the only one really hyped for this game? I loved the first one, even that was more enjoyable then cod. Warfighter can only improve from the first one so its a win for me!

Parasyte4312d ago

I'm with you on that. I had my copy pre-ordered as soon as they started accepting them.

Cosmit4312d ago

I'm actually hyped for this game. Well based on the trailer that is. But I could say the same thing for the MOH 2010. And that turned out to be REALLY disappointing. I'm hoping I'm able to try this before it releases.

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knifefight2836d ago

Doom 2 was the one that opened me up to the genre. Still love it.

lastking952836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

Halo ce
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 4
Before i liked halo
007 goldeneye
Doom 2
Crysis 3

NukaCola2836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

Killzone 2
Turok 2
Medal of Honor
Time Splitters
007 Agent Under Fire

robtion2836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

Old school would be Wolfenstein, Doom, Hexen, Duke Nukem, and Rise of the Triad.

More recently Half-Life 2, BioShock (original), Wolfenstein the new order, Timesplitters 2, Medal of Honour.

Some personal favourites Singularity, Resistance series, Killzone Series, Bulletstorm, Dishonored.

Kallisti2835d ago (Edited 2835d ago )

Duke Nukem was a side scroller on Dos

@robition Duke Nukem wasn't a FPS 'til the 3rd one, Duke Nukem 3D

robtion2835d ago

Sure. Talking about FPS's here though.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash2835d ago


robtion2835d ago

Great concept(Nectar) and fun but a bit of an iffy execution and didn't live up to its promise. I finished it at launch. Shame they didn't quite get it right.


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Stupid2890d ago

Assassin's Creed series was ruined after Black Flag, Ubisoft made it annually game. I played Dead Space 1 and 2; were awesome but Dead Space 3 failed to make gosip. As MOH Warfighter was good game

NukaCola2890d ago

Black Flag was the redeemer after 3. ACIV is my favorite of the series. Unity was bad, Syndicate is actually pretty good. So they are up and down. As for Dead Space, I thought the original was like Uncharted series. The first one was a great story and a little rough, but #2 was incredible through and through. Uncharted 3 is awesome, unfortunately DS3 was indeed a terrible terrible game. Warfighter was a good game, but aren't we all burned out on shooters???

Stupid2890d ago

That's right Assassin's Creed series had awesome games till AC Black Flag, AC III was terrible

monkeyDzoro2890d ago

I disagree on AC Black Flag. Black Flag was a good PIRATE game but a very mediocre AC.

2890d ago
CoNn3r_B2890d ago

I preferred Revelations over Brotherhood. AC Brotherhood had such a boring story while AC Revelations tied everything up very well for Ezio and Altair, if I was going to pick a game where it all started going downhill for me it would be AC 3 but despite that AC 1,2, Brotherhood, Revelations, 4, Rogue and Syndicate are all good games.

RondoMachete2890d ago

Lost Planet as far as I remember went like dead space with the third game (round based type play) it just felt like it was just a map clearing game with multiple horde survival. Call Of duty went and died long ago. Ghosts didn't help its cause but now we have three development houses it's going from bad to worse. GTA to me anyway was saved with five to me the driving up until then was awful. Mario and sonics died along time ago to in my eyes.

Bobafret2890d ago

These titles get worse and worse.