jazzking20014447d ago

an't wait for Halo 4 to release. Hopefully tomorrow's embargo lift will see the release of some good stuff for the game.

DarkBlood4447d ago

this is the only game where i wonder what the multiplayer is going to be like as well as the single player

360 is not my go to system but the halo games so far is my go to competitive multiplayer

da_2pacalypse4447d ago

343 is a lot more talented than people realize. Microsoft actually didn't cheap out this time, they went out and hired a lot of experience people from very well known companies. I can't wait to see what they've done with the franchise!

Halo reach's multiplyer was not very competitive which kind of turned me off from the game altogether, from the things I've read that 343 has said, they're really looking to change that.

Drake1174447d ago

Yeah Reach was def a step down in competitiveness from H3 and def H2 but hopefully 343 can bring something back that increases the skill cap.

Gaming1014446d ago Show
starchild4446d ago Show
EVILDEAD3604446d ago (Edited 4446d ago )

The twit has already been debunked as NOT aiming to start the usual flame-bait console war banter.

She is simply proud of what her team has accomplished thus far and that saying ALOT considering how 343i has got to be arguably the most ambitious collection of development talent in the history of gaming.

When the embargo lifts and ultimately down the road when the game releases this holiday maybe we all will share her sentiments.


joab7774446d ago

Didn't the article also say best looking on any console. That is saying something for halo. I hope they are right.

Trebius4446d ago Show
Gaming1014446d ago Show
solar4446d ago Show
Deputydon4446d ago

Not going to lie, the graphics look a lot better than Halo Reach. As much as I hated Halo 2's single player, and loved Halo Reach, I still sold my 360 recently because it just became a large USB charging port for me.

No offense to the 360 owners, it's a great console overall, the games that were coming out just weren't to my liking, and I've never been a fan of motion based stuff. The last time I turned my Wii on was Super Mario Galaxy 2, and I never did finish it. The PSMove isn't to my liking either.

I was going to pick up Gears 3, but was broke around release time, then it just failed to grab my attention enough later when I had the money.

I hope Halo 4 turns out to be the game every true Halo fan wants it to be. Halo 1 had one of the best FPS single players out there, only behind the Half Life series, Bioshock, and arguably Metro 2033. It also had some of the best offline multiplayer as well, and Halo 2 has had some of the best console FPS multiplayer as well. I wasn't a fan of Halo 3, and Halo Reach had far too many hackers (i'm referring to the obvious hackers, not just me sucking).

In the end, it's nice to see MS isn't ruining the franchise (so far at least), but it would have been nice if they don't focus it around Master Chief. Seems almost like an insult to Bungie. Speaking of Bungie, I can't wait to see what their new game will be.

Anon19744446d ago

Ugh. I despise the "OMG! This game will have the best graphics evar!" trends. I don't care what platform we're talking about.

And how many times do we have to suffer through this. Crysis 2 was going to be the best game graphically on the 360 and raise the bar. Or was it Alan Wake? Or was it Metro 2033? Or was it Halo Reach? Or was it Ninja Blade?

Back in 2006 when Gears blew us all out of the water, I expected that this was it. That was a turning point. We now know what the 360 is capable of and Gears raised the bar and all other games would start pushing the graphical envelope. Then I sat with my 360 and waited for those games to come. And waited.

Eventually, Gears 2 came out and was a graphical improvement over the first. Then Gears 3 was a bit better than 2, although that's arguable. Other than that, how many games released on the 360 realistically look better than even the first Gears? It's been years now and it's time to admit the 360 hit it's graphical ceiling a long time ago. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Halo 4 will not set some new, graphical benchmark. If it were possible, we'd have seen tonnes of games the same graphical quality of Gears over the years. We haven't.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4446d ago
gamingdroid4447d ago

I'm not a member of the press, so didn't know there are some info scheduled to be released. I can't wait to see what it is!

Please make it an in game trailer! :D

Paradicia4447d ago


Frankie's post at the bottom of the page.

"Corrine is expressing pride in the team in a twitter character limit, mostly to her colleagues. At no time will you ever hear us 'officially' represent the game in those terms. So uncrank your hype handles a couple of turns.

Like how my three year old is the cleverest girl in the world. Let us revisit my statement after she graduates from DeVry."

Keep your hype in order guys. Also notice how msxbox-world left out the final word in her tweet "sorry" which was aimed at a troll.

Paradicia4447d ago Show
Drake1174447d ago Show
Gildarts4447d ago

This shouldn't come as a surprise,As most of 343i developers come from high-ranking studios including gearbox,id software,kojima productions,treyarch, guerrilla games and bethesda

A lot of them come from Id software and guerrilla games, according to wikipedia.


Gamer19824447d ago

yeah you got your info from wikia.com NEXT!

Arnon4447d ago

As opposed to finding this info out from where else? You would be surprised in my statement that a lot of the big wiki pages are written by the companies themselves.

I guarantee you they're not going to let their name on a website and have false info spread about them.

ChiVoLok04446d ago Show
Spydiggity4446d ago Show
Deputydon4446d ago

Wikipedia is actually one of the most accurate sources of information. I remember when I was in High school we had a debate class, one student wrote a direct debate to our English teacher about how Wikipedia is indeed a very reliable website.

He actually provided multiple facts and sources that showed, on average, how quickly a false piece of information was correctly changed. Any thing from a recently created Wikipedia page to something as old as how bread was created.

In the end, that English teacher now allows for Wikipedia to be used as a source, as long as you also provide the link to the source that wikipedia provides at the bottom of the page.

And actually, there were several key members of GG that left after KZ2. A couple of them joined the design team for Bethesda's Brink. I'm sure now they probably regret it, since that game turned out to be complete crap. But they probably also get paid more.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4446d ago
fluffydelusions4447d ago

I still say best looking 360 game is Alan Wake

Gildarts4447d ago

How can you say that when you haven't even seen halo 4,How do you know that that Trailer was not in-game?

And Gears of War 3 has best graphics on Xbox yet.

fluffydelusions4447d ago

^^ in game really? Not on current gen consoles...sorry.

JellyJelly4446d ago

Imo Gears of War 3 and Rage are the best looking 360 games.

E2M4446d ago

gears 3 is the current best looking 360 game in my opinion. It would be awesome for halo to even have graphics on the same level of gears let alone be the best looking 360 game

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4446d ago
Gamer19824447d ago

come on was 343 gonna say it wasn't? Also can they really make a better Halo than Bungie? Computer says no... Especially since nobody can even get native 720p out of exclusives like Halo. I seriously doubt Halo 4 will be native 720p either.

kaveti66164447d ago

A small drop in resolution allowed them to add HDR, 4 times the texture resolution, large-scale areas, advanced particle effects, etc.

They can make a 720p game if they want. It just won't have a stable framerate.

Arnon4447d ago

I can live with the Halo franchise not having a native 720p resolution. The micro-detail placed into Halo: Reach was a pretty big testament to what the Halo series can look like. Also, the incredible anti-aliasing and character models helped as well.



Jazz41084447d ago

Not that it matters but neither console can do 720p and good fps without causing issues and the ps3 due to its limited bottleneck ram is worse then the 360 in this dept. Unless its a linear game and then they both do ok.

BattleAxe4447d ago

Should be interesting, although I'm wondering if Microsoft would want to release this game along side Windows 8 instead of just releasing it on the 360. Either way it will be interesting to see what 343 Studios has done with the series.

Patriots_Pride4446d ago

That would actually be a good idea, not that they need to do it to sell W8 becuase a new windows will always sale.

Unfourtunatly MS will not do this day one but might do it a year later.

Who knows maybe 343 can make majic and make it look 5 times better on the PC than on the 360.

StraightPath4447d ago ShowReplies(2)
caperjim4447d ago

Hopefully this halo will be available for PC since windows 8 and Xbox live will be combined. Might find out this week during GDC. Halo 4 maxed out on PC sounds pretty good to me.

caperjim4447d ago (Edited 4447d ago )

Double post

Joule4447d ago ShowReplies(1)
4446d ago
4446d ago
+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4446d ago
-Alpha4447d ago

Cool, but I hope the world feels as awesome as it was in CE. Great Graphics are nice and all, but for some reason I never got that sense of awe playing Halo 3/Reach like I did when I played #1.

gotgame19854447d ago

I agree with you about halo 3 but to me reach was the best game so far this gen.

WitWolfy4446d ago

Yeah Reach was what I would've liked HALO 3 to look like when it first released... The time Reach released the graphics still looked last gen but looked 10 times better then what HALO 3's engine looked like

ThichQuangDuck4447d ago

I more want a Halo 2 feel in multiplayer and single-player. The Halo games this generation have felt like they were trying to match competitors too much rather than do something new in the Halo world.

TENTONGUN4447d ago (Edited 4447d ago )

the first day i bought a xbox, i knew nothin of halo. it said goty on the box so i bought it. enjoyed the hell out of it, so much so the moment i beat it i started a new game and kept playin. halo will be very hard to top even with sequels imo. cause of halo i love fps on consoles and have a pretty good skill set to this day

Gamer19824447d ago

-alpha I agree graphics dont make a great game and the best devs realise that. Shame not many great devs around nowadays. Gameplay over graphics any day of the week.

kaveti66164447d ago

Halo 2 was much better. The Quarantine level in Halo 2 was a legitimately creepy level.

Bathyj4446d ago

I agree.

Halo 1 was the last time Halo graphics impressed me. I went straight out and bought an xbox the first time I saw it.

dantesparda4446d ago

@ Alpha

I agree, Halo 1 was the best so far. I think they've been getting worst with each consecutive release

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4446d ago
TheGamingArt4447d ago ShowReplies(1)
Muffins12234447d ago (Edited 4447d ago )

Not surprised,ive seen the members of the this game developer.Some of the most know and talented people in the gaming industries are working on this.Also they have ex nasa people who work on the coding it.They have some people from pixar,mass effect,metal gear,i mean. Almost every famous person in the gaming industry is working on this game,i can not wait for this :)

gotgame19854447d ago

yea but with all these famous people yhey rreally have a lot to live up to, they said there goal is to become the very best game studio in the world, they certainly
have the potential with all yhe talent they have but only time will tell.

Gildarts4447d ago (Edited 4447d ago )

I just hope they don't stick with Halo so much as Bungie did.

They should make a new IP just to mix things up,Make use of all that talent.

And the one from NASA your talking about is Corrinne Yu, she is the female John Carmack

Parasyte4447d ago

343 Industries was created for the sole purpose of overseeing the Halo franchise since Bungie is with Activision now and not Microsoft.

m234446d ago

343 Industries is called 343 Industries for a reason.

Avraj454447d ago

I can't wait to see the return of MASTER CHIEF!

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Master Chief Became More Than A Machine In 343's Halo

In Halo 4, 5, and Infinite, Master Chief became a more nuanced, human character.

In spite of the Halo series’ struggles, 343 deserves praise for adding nuance and characterisation to the ever-beating heart of Halo - The Master Chief. Playing through Infinite, it's abundantly clear that the events of the current and previous trilogies have irrevocably changed the iconic hero. He’s no longer the ‘blank slate’ that was previously presented by Bungie. He’s a fatigued, damaged and fallible protagonist, and one who is meandering through currents of grief, while reveling in his newfound agency. Giving the Chief a compelling and meaningful voice was no small feat, and 343 should be proud of that victory.

Read Full Story >>
kingnick419d ago

This article completely misses part of the appeal of the original iteration of character in the original game trilogy. It was the Chief and Cortana vs an entire alien collective. The blank slate Bungie displayed in their games was genius, he was an mysterious hero a wide audience could identify with because he wasn't as clearly defined as most characters.

The books added a lot of lore and backstory but most Halo players just want a fun game with exposition that doesn't get in the way of gameplay, it's why the Cortana level in Halo 3 was derided.

Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty.

BandarHub418d ago

A lot of people give the 343 version of Master Chief a lot of slack.
But Fundamentally he is still the same character, he just has a couple more dialogues. He has not changed in terms of attitude.
"Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty."
And that's what he has done at the end of the day, he did his duty. Watch his partner die, and was ready to destroy the weapon in Halo infinite....he is still the same soilder that everyone remembers

Halo Infintes one was a nice balance between both.

slate91418d ago

Chief and the halo franchise became a joke under 343

Sciurus_vulgaris418d ago

The 343i Master Chief has is based on the books. However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion.

Obscure_Observer418d ago

"However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion."

Which is awesome! I love how Master Chief become more John and less soldier.

Sciurus_vulgaris418d ago

I didn’t even notice my typos,lol


Halo's Identity Problem Began With an Admirable Mess

It’s a law of nature that eventually, every long-running game franchise will have a particular entry that gets dinged for straying too far from what made it so fun in the first place. Your Super Mario Sunshine, your Dragon Age II, Assassin’s Creed III, and so on. Whether or not that opinion changes more favorably over time, the initial specter of negativity will forever hover it. Microsoft’s Halo is no exception, except that negative specter hasn’t hovered over one particular game, but one whole studio.

The3faces539d ago

True Halo 4 was a sign of 343i's incompetence and the decline of Halo.


10 Years Later, Halo 4 Proves Itself a Disappointing Omen for Halo Infinite

Halo 4 released 10 years ago today, and its disappointing reception was just an omen of things to come with 343 Industries at the helm.

Read Full Story >>
Sonyslave3547d ago (Edited 547d ago )

Halo 4 and infinite have a 87 on metacritic and five a 84🤣. 343i need contents and everything else will play it self out.

ChasterMies547d ago

Halo 4, 5, and Infinite reviews are good examples of the pressure on review sites to score everything between 8-10 out of 10.

ChubbyBlade546d ago

As if reviews scores are any indication of a franchises health.

Halo has been in shambles for YEARS

-Foxtrot547d ago

Halo 4-6 are like the Star Wars sequel trilogy

They all just seem like a brand new games with small connections to the last one but no solid arc connecting them, you’re just told stuff that happened off screen in between the games and nothing makes sense

It’s like they didn’t plan a new trilogy out

CoNn3rB547d ago

That's actually a pretty good way to sum it up

LucasRuinedChildhood547d ago (Edited 547d ago )

I would argue that the new Star Wars trilogy is still better. lol

Most Halo fans would kill for the equivalent of The Force Awakens at this stage (a competent rehash of what came before it). Halo Infinite tried to be that but was undercooked and failed. Halo 4 wasn't that either - they started messing with the formula straight away although the story was okay.

There was nothing particularly compelling about Halo 5's story besides the fake plot they advertised. The Last Jedi is a divisive movie but as RedLetterMedia would say, it was "sporadically interesting" because it tried some new things and set up things that could have been great (like Kylo teaming up with Rey after backstabbing Snoke). That conversation with Yoda is great and it felt like the real Yoda, not that CGI thing in the prequels.
- "Skywalker, still looking to the horizon. Never here, now, hmm? The need in front of your nose."
- "The greatest teacher, failure is ... Luke, we are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters."
- "That library contained nothing that the girl Rey does not already possess." (because she already took them, haha).

The Rise Of Skywalker is the only one where loads of stuff happens off screen ("Palpatine has returned") in between and nothing makes sense because ... they just needed a main villain and 100 star destroyers to blow up. They could have done something much better.

MrChow666547d ago

no, all disney star wars sucks also disney marvel and everything godamn disney touches

547d ago Replies(3)
Yui_Suzumiya547d ago

Um, didn't Halo 4 have the best campaign out of the new Trilogy? Lol

ChubbyBlade546d ago

Yep and even then it wasn’t very good.

Levii_92547d ago

I'm getting a good gaming laptop soon and i'm finally going to play through the Halo franchise again plus Infinite but i never played Halo 4 before .. can anyone tell me how's the campaign in comparison to the games before it and compared to Halo 5 ?

Stanjara547d ago

Halo 4 campaign great, multi bad.
Halo 5 campaign trash, multi good.

Best Cortana halo 4.

ChubbyBlade546d ago (Edited 546d ago )

Halo 4 was when they started turning it into a “modern” game. Aka taking tips from CoD.

The older titles were sandbox based with weapons that all filled a niche and vehicles that did the same. Open levels with multiple ways to approach in different spots with different weapons etc.

Halo 4/5 doesn’t have that. It’s a linear shooter and nothing else. The story is alright but that’s about it. If it wasn’t a halo game, it would be ok but because it is a halo game, it’s outshone by the previous games.

It’s a hell of a lot better than 5 though. I found infinite pretty meh

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