
TSA Review: DC Universe Online

TSA writes: "It’s been at least two years since I last walked the streets of Paragon City and rode the planes of Azeroth, and ever since leaving both virtual realms there has been an MMO-shaped hole in my gaming routine. Sure, there have been games which offer elements akin to MMOs, such as Call of Duty’s dynamic progression system, and Resistance 2’s instance-like co-operative missions, but there has yet to be a successful full-on MMO for home consoles."

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colossalblue4850d ago

Great job on a very thorough review :)

JoeReno4850d ago (Edited 4850d ago )

TSA rocks! One of the very few sites I trust the reviews of. Always deep, well thought out, and well written reviews.

Death24944850d ago

I'm actually going to be picking this game up. I enjoyed the beta quite a lot. It sucks that you reach the level cap at 30 but I'm hoping that they'll expand it in the future. SOE only needs to sell 67,000 copies to be successful.

67,000 x $15 sub = $1,005,000 a month.

Simon_Brezhnev4850d ago

but once you get to level 30 you it will take you like 3 weeks just get Tier 1 armor so you can do good end game missions. You also have Tier 2 i bet that takes like 2 months of nonstop grinding to get.

despair4850d ago

not that simple, the game cost estimated 50 million to make and upkeeping cost run a lot higher than 1 mil a month so from what

I read elsewhere you need minimum 100k subscribers to maintain your servers and basic upkeeping, more for the additional content and updates and even more to actually turn a profit. Don't know how good that estimate is though.

Booyah4850d ago

Yeah... also gonna go pick it up.

Death24944849d ago

Yeah I understand where you're coming from. Well they exceeded that anyway so I'm sure they're going to be just fine.

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hellzsupernova4850d ago

wow 9/10 thats an awesome score! I didnt think it would score that good anywhere especially with such a thorough review. nice :) now i want this game even more shame my internet sucks

gamingisnotacrime4850d ago

hooks me like no other. my first mmo experience and im loving it

P_Bomb4850d ago

Great review, the most objective one yet. Sees the game for what it is, doesn't bring personal bias into it the way GiantBomb said they don't like superhero games and Eurogamer predicted community doom just 1 week in despite the game selling out (oops).

Too bad metacritic is so fast to post those reviews and stupid user ones on the front page giving the game 3/10 because they died in the 1st mission or on PvP (I'm not even kidding), and not the good ones from Examiner, Metro GameCentral, Gamingbolt, Gamingtruth and now SixthAxis.

It's a good game especially for comicbook fans.

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