
Helldivers 2 Delisted For Over 100 Countries on Steam

Helldivers 2 controversy continues as the game has been delisted on Steam from over 170 regions that are not supported by PlayStation Network accounts.

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OptimusDK27d ago

Sony they saivior if gaming based on comments on n4g.


Yeah, this site is crazy with the love for Sony. I normally just find it funny but in the latest HD2 stories I find it incredibly sad and frustrating. First and foremost, we are all consumers and we should fight for each other, not corporations that only care about your wallet.

Terry_B27d ago

Just some days and a solution is found.

Cacabunga26d ago

Not our fault there is nothing to like on xbox..

Petebloodyonion26d ago

Your comment is rich considering that this topic is related to PC gaming :)
Care to elaborate on what Xbox has to do with PC gaming or this discussion.

TheEroica26d ago

Sony is a mess... Have been for years. Only their corporate shilling fanbase doesn't see it.

anast26d ago

Who else is doing it better?

XiNatsuDragnel27d ago

Yeah no Sony here messed up if they were going to do this you should've gotten support for psn in those 170 countries so yeah Sony take this L. Arrowhead I'm sorry guys.

Extermin8or3_26d ago

The lack of support is mostly down to legal reasons. There are only 197 countries on earth, no way 170 countries lack support.

MrDead27d ago

It's easy to fix, just don't go ahead with the subscription requirement. This is money men wanting numbers

TechRaptor26d ago

There is no subscription requirement there - just an account.

Part of the problem is how few countries PSN officially supports, and that if you sign for a different region Sony has the right to ban your account. There are also some issues about Sony's history of very poor data security.

Steelerman26d ago

There isn't currently a subscription requirement, you're right. But I foresee this becoming a thing they push a subscription for. They will require all pc games from sony to have the sony launcher/account and then force a subscription to play online multiplayer on those games. It's the only reason they'll hang on to this if they do.

DOMination-27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

And yet, 91k players currently on Steam.
13th with only legendary games like DOTA2, GTAV and Counterstrike above it

Controversy my arse.

27d ago
26d ago
purple10126d ago

yeh true, it has fallen out the top 10 though with the ban hammer coming down on those countries. terrible decision

PhillyDonJawn27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

Boycott Sony till they allow ppl to play without account

CornholioX26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Try it with EA and Ubisoft. It's just the same. you buy games on steam that comes from other publishers, you need an account too to play.

BeHunted26d ago

Sony launched the game globally, and it was purchased by people on Steam. Sony mandated linking the game to a PSN account months later, then proceeded to delist the game from over 100 countries, thereby revoking gamers' access. Next Level Scam.

Neonridr26d ago

it's one thing to require it BEFORE you buy a game. Instituting it afterwards is shady AF.

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Helldivers 2 devs are aware of the issues with the current MO; fix being worked on

The latest Helldivers 2 MO is full of bugs that aren't Terminids. The devs are aware of these issues and a fix is currently being worked on.

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SeraphTeran1d 4h ago

A fix is now being worked on as stated by Baskinator a few moments ago.


New Helldivers 2 Major Order is set to bring The Illuminate to the game

The latest Major Order has been released in Helldivers 2 and it is set to see The Illuminate finally arrive in the game.

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Magatsuhi1d ago

The illuminates have been coming since the game released and I'm already bored with the faction.


If people keep giving up on the Dark Fluid missions, then we’ll never even manage to blow up Meridia…

No irreversible destruction = No alien attention

jznrpg23h ago

It’s doable just need to use stuff we normally don’t use as much. Spawn points could be better but not impossible


The arc thrower is my go-to to keep them off the drill.

StormSnooper14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

I hope they make the illuminate a little less apple iPod and a little more Protos-like .

In the OG Helldivers, I sometimes felt like I’m shooting at Apple products.


Helldivers 2 Players Worship a Monstrous Automaton

Players are singing praises to a certain Automaton from Helldivers 2. Fans are excited over a possible return of an old enemy.