
Assassin's Creed Shadows: Official Cinematic World Premiere Trailer

Assassin's Creed Codename Red becomes Assassin's Creed Shadows.

Relientk77130d ago

Even if it's just CGI, Ubisoft know how to make good trailers. I'll give them that. Every Assassin's Creed trailer I've seen was sick.

CantThinkOfAUsername130d ago

They contract a 3D animation studio, Platige Image, for the trailers. They make plenty of good trailers for many video game companies.

on_line_forever130d ago

Ubisoft = good trailers and bad games

Lexreborn2130d ago

You felt that way about Valhalla, odyssey and far cry 6?

--Onilink--129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

I liked odyssey, was bored out of my mind but finished Valhalla and couldnt even get past a couple of hours of FC6, so yeah, probably not the best examples to bring out.

I think the last Ubi game I thoroughly enjoyed was Immortals Fenyx Rising (such a horrible name…). It had quite a lot of variety in its gameplay (still some Ubi bloat but mostly acceptable)

Even with its DLCs, it was an interesting approach for the most part (a focus on endgame puzzle dungeons, a completely new gameplay style and the more bland one was the Chinese mythology one, though still enjoyable)

Still have to try out the new PoP though, that one looks interesting too (same with the one made by the Dead Cells dev)

Might give Avatar a chance when its heavily discounted purely because of the overkill mode on PC that is supposed to be gorgeous

Lexreborn2129d ago

Onilink I think you’re confusing a game you aren’t interested in as a bad game in general. I played all 3 and they were good games even though they weren’t my cup of tea, immortal fennix didn’t do anything for me but if you add that in there you still can keep labeling good games they have been making.

If anything they make good games they just have some bad practices that aren’t that appealing. None of their games are unplayable and cater to their fans well. Even if I’m not particularly one of them

--Onilink--128d ago (Edited 128d ago )

I was interested in those AC games and in FC6, I have played every one of their previous titles.

Both Valhalla and FC6 suffered from an extreme amount of bloat that has become typical of almost all Ubi games for quite a few years already.

I never said they were bad or terrible games, I dont think they are good either. Games are ultimately meant to be fun/entertaining, so one of the worst sins a game can commit is to be boring.

Thats why there are plenty of 60-70 games that people still enjoy immensely, despite probably having more flaws than a totally safe by design game like AC Valhalla.

The issue with those games is that its practically bursting by the seams the whole design by checklist/commitee feel, the need to make the world bigger just for the marketing points, the terrible side quests, the useless collectibles, the repetitive gameplay to extend the duration (again for the marketing points)

A game like Immortals, while maybe not for everyone (and despite people calling it a BotW clone) had tons of variety in its gameplay and design.
The new PoP took a whole new approach to the standard Ubi template

FC6 and AC Valhalla were notable downgrades compared to previous titles, and they are not the only series to experience that (WD2 > Legion, GR Wildlands > Breakpoint, etc)

Profchaos128d ago

I tend to agree I don't think any of those are good games they are gaming junk food predictable and formulaic in their own ways.

Lexreborn2128d ago


Nothing wrong with having games you are familiar with and meet your expectations. Musuo games hit that for me more often than not. Some are formulaic and don’t jump into them, others I grind for 100s of hours.

But again I don’t believe there are any bad Ubisoft games especially off the merit of your perception of bloat and boredom. That assassins creed game may be someone’s first and it’s amazing expansive and the best thing they have seen to date.

For an older gamer like me, it may not cater to my needs when I play as when I played Origins I loved it but I burnt out fast in it. That didn’t stop me from finding what they made beautiful and a worth while time sync.

I also thought odyssey was fun until I burnt out on that too. But what I played I enjoyed, I have friends who sink hundreds of hours into them and haven’t gotten tired of a single entry. And I commend them for knowing what they like.

To say these franchise which continue to sale like crazy to the people who love them are bad is wild to me. It’s like people telling me FF is terrible even though they sell millions of copies and have a clear fan base.

We really just need to stop shitting where we sleep and gaming. Because the inconsistency will just have the executives scrambling trying to cater to be hated again and again and again

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 128d ago
Killa78130d ago

Looks great!

Hopefully it's more semi-open world focussing on content rather than size.

130d ago
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Assassin's Creed Shadows World Trailer & World / Tech Spotlight

When Assassin's Creed Shadows launches on November 15, it will be the first entry in the franchise built solely for current-generation hardware.

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meganick8d ago

The bots on the YouTube world premiere video seem to love it. Can’t wait!

Demetrius8d ago

I been playing ac syndicate and unity, I'm definitely ready for some more parkour time in a brand new ac, it's so fun running across roof tops. I'm 31 and still have a helluva good time doing that like when I first played ac 1 lol


All PS5 Pro Enhanced games listed - titles so far

Here is a look at all the confirmed PlayStation 5 Pro-enhanced game that are know of so far, featuring first-party games, and more.

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darthv7212d ago

Sadly... no bloodborne on that list. I feel it may never be.

darthv7212d ago

Reading more about PS5 Pro Game Boost... it wasn't what I initially thought it was. I was thinking it would be like FPS Boost but it is specifically for resolution, not performance.

"PS5 Pro Game Boost Explained

Like the PS4 Pro, the PS5 Pro will also include a "Game Boost" mode that retroactively enhances older games on the console. This applies to PS4 games as well, utilizing PSSR upscaling to boost image quality. PS5 Pro's Game Boost will apply to more than 8,500 backward-compatible PS4 games on the console, improving their resolution. The feature will also apply to PS VR2 games, as revealed in CNET's hands-on preview of the console."


MrNinosan12d ago

But the blog writes:

"Other enhancements include PS5 Pro Game Boost, which can apply to more than 8,500 backward compatible PS4 games playable on PS5 Pro. This feature may stabilize or improve the performance of supported PS4 and PS5 games."

Stabilize or improve the performance is what I read as framerates?

Profchaos11d ago

Boost modes can not break a frame rate cap something like bloodborne van be brute forced to maintain 30fps but never go above.

Best example of this is fallout 4 on PS4 when it's boost mode was enabled on the pro the game ran much better and maintained its 30 cap whereas before it would stutter and struggle.

darthv7211d ago

^^ "supported" being the key word. So things would be status quo as they are for performance but resolution improvements looks to be across the board.

Cacabunga11d ago

PS4 Pro was promoting the not yet released heavy hitter games at that time, like God of War, Horizon, Days Gone and of course improving VR quality experience. It just made sense..

PS5pro is flexing using last gen titles. Absolute joke.
First time ever a Sony console is an easy pass for me.

fr0sty11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

PSSR can upscale both frame rate and resolution. Being that PSSR works on the game after the engine renders the image, there is no reason why it couldn't generate extra frames as well as more pixels before sending it to the display.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 11d ago
BeRich23311d ago

They have to sell u a remaster first, and then a remake.

neutralgamer199212d ago

Did I read this right that some of the partners will release free updates so others might charge for it? This level of greed is getting absurd. Many games got paid next generation update so I guess now that’s a thing

northpaws12d ago

I think it was the same for PS4 Pro.

darthv7212d ago

I dont recall paying anything for an upgrade on the PS4 Pro. On PS5 I did buy into the Spider-man upgrade as well as Ghosts of Tsushima.

Tacoboto11d ago

There was never a PS4 Pro-Enhanced Premium Upgrade.

jznrpg12d ago

You make an assumption then get upset about the assumption. Just wait and see. So many people get upset so easily. Life is short try to enjoy it

neutralgamer199211d ago

No assumptions since Sony themselves said some partners meaning not all will release free updates. And we have already seen next generation updates cost money coming from PS4 to PS5

Yes you are right we should enjoy our hobby and I am not upset. Just really tired of all the greed that has entered this industry over the past 10-15 years. Just look at sports titles which have become mini casinos with all the micro transactions

Inverno11d ago

Gotta pay 10 bucks to enhance the 10 bucks you paid to enhance the 60 bucks you paid for a PS4 game. Whatchu wanna bet that this will lead up to a new 80 dollar price standard? Im almost entirely sure that GTA will be the game to set the higher price standard.

neutralgamer199211d ago

Oh yes that’s coming. You are being in the low end with $80. GTA6 could be the first game to do $99.99. Sell less make more. With budgets for games going to in 100’s of millions we will see the cost go higher. That’s just the sad reality. Way too many suits got involved with our hobby and realized this industry was making billions more than any other entertainment industry. And now it’s all about spreadsheets

Christopher11d ago

They can't dictate if they charge for it or not, sadly.

neutralgamer199211d ago

That’s true and whatever they know they charge for and get away with they will. This isn’t just about PlayStation that’s gaming in general

crazyCoconuts11d ago

@neutral - companies selling things to consumers that are willing to pay for them... Goes beyond gaming even

northpaws11d ago

Even if it is true, Sony has no right to dictate whether a third party would provide a update for free or not.

outsider162411d ago

Rdr2 comes to mind. So far Rockstar also hasn't releasedany 60fps patch. Are they gonna charge u for it i wonder?

rob-GP11d ago

I highly doubt you heard this, because its simply not true.

*If* you read or heard anything, it will have just been "some partners will release free updates that enable PS5 enhancements..." that's it. Then, you fabricated that if it's not free then it's a paid upgrade, when in reality they mean some will release patches and some won't - the same as last gen.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 11d ago
Retroman11d ago

In my personal opinion
I see NOOOOOOOOOO difference in graphics comparing it to regular PS5 graphics...I'll pass until PS6

jwillj2k411d ago

Thats because youre watching a 1080p compressed video curtesy of youtube.

TheKingKratos11d ago

I watched in 4k and didn't see shit .. Even in their own video they needed to 200% zoom in to notice something different in a Fking Draw distance lmao 😂😂
Only for 700

Neonridr11d ago

frame rate aside, you aren't really going to see much visual improvements. Unless you are like Mark going nuts because the foliage in the distance is a little more rendered.

Eidolon11d ago

I think they compared games, with PSSR that looked better and ran at 60fps vs 30fps on base PS5.

jwillj2k411d ago

@ TheKingKratos

The video was streamed at 1080p by sony. Doesnt matter what the youtube settings are.

sagapo11d ago

It’s a bit dumb by Sony to go into detail on gfx differences and stream the whole thing at 1080p don’t you think?
But I’m sure sites like DF will come with proper videos for that.

Juiceup11d ago

The only difference that will sell me is 60+ frame rate. If lots of new games will release running 60fr close to or equal to Fidelity mode like they are saying, it's probably worth it to me. But I detected a lot of 'business speak' bs in that 8 minute video. I honestly care very little about what it can do for games I've already played my fill of.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 11d ago
victorMaje11d ago

The number of physical games I own that are enhanced.

DiRtY11d ago

I didn’t watch the reveal, but expected ~100 games on that list. There are only 14 titles?

WTH were they thinking?

Zeke6811d ago

They said at least 50 titles at release in November, still not a huge number but a little better...

Zeke6810d ago

For the downvoter, troll your way over to Cnet and see what Sony said to them. ;)

EazyC11d ago

Perhaps a slower than anticipated long term release schedule forced them into playing their hardware hand

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Ubisoft Publishes Letter to Placate Japanese Community Concerned By Assassin’s Creed Shadows

TNS: "Ubisoft issued a statement regarding Yasuke in Assassin's Creed Shadows and apologized to the Japanese community."

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Berenger59d ago

So....."The Tyranny of George Washington" wasn't a problem....but Yasuke is? Gotcha

-Foxtrot59d ago

Wasn’t that a vision made by the Apple of Eden to show a possible future?

Washington rejects it once he’s free of the vision, claiming he never wanted it then tells his men to dump it into the sea.

Profchaos59d ago

I don't think the Japanese population really cares about how Ubisoft decides to represent Washington this is a letter addressed to their Japanese player base directly and government

anast59d ago

They are only apologizing because they don't want to lose money.

Tankbusta4059d ago

Sad thing is DEI makes money...Ubisoft knows this a small apology letter means nothing to them.

Gameseeker_Frampt59d ago

Will we also be getting an apology from Japan and Platinum Games for their map of the United States in Bayonetta? The Shaft and Joe Pesci stereotypes were one thing, but they couldn't even get the map correct and had most of New England as part of Canada. It looked like something a kindergartner would draw.

Profchaos58d ago

Nope Japanese culture don't play these pander games that everyone else will. You get what you get and don't get upset there

59d ago
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