
Stellar Blade and Helldivers 2 , How Badly PlayStation Is Fumbling Its Dominance

Helldivers 2 and Stellar Blade have been at the top of the news cycle lately. And no, it's not for good things this time around.

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TwoPicklesGood28d ago

Mistakes are ok as long as they learn from them. Sure they shouldn’t have happened like this but no company is perfect.

Hugodastrevas28d ago

I'm willing to forgive and forget... After they fix Stellar Blade

outsider162427d ago

What's wrong with Stellar Blade?

Hugodastrevas27d ago

@outsider1624 besides some censored outfits, gore and graffiti after they promised there would be no censorship anywhere, not much.

MrBaskerville26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Sony can't do much about decisions Shift Up made.

Hugodastrevas26d ago

@MrBaskerville you expect me to believe the devs launched a game with suits one way while promising they would be uncensored in all regions and then censor it in the day 1 patch and Sony the company famous of pulling stunts like these had nothing to do with it? Come on man, be real.

MrBaskerville26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

If they themselves made these miniscule changes because they prefered it that way, then why should they change it back? It being censorship doesn't make any sense considering every other fucking costume and game out there. But people refuse to use their brain because everything has to be a battle.

Just admit it, this whole retarded thing only happened because the game journalists didn't dunk on the game. Gotta keep the angee flowing, so let's complain about some other stupid thing

God, I wish this energy could be used for something that wasn't idiotic for once.

Hugodastrevas26d ago

@MrBaskerville censorship is censorship, they promised no censorship in all regions, the only uncensored version is the Japanese one.
It has nothing to do with the amount of censorship, we just want the product as advertised and sold, that's all.

shinoff218326d ago

The censorship the devs were speaking of is probably not the same censorship yall been overreacting to.

1 out of 2 ain't bad.

Also did the devs really say this. Did they say it in English could something not have been translated right. Was it Sony or the devs? That it's a question how can you blame one 100 percent.

VariantAEC19d ago

From Game About:
Kr: "- 앞서 창작의 자유에 대해 언급했는데, 그에 따라 이번 작품에서 표현하지 못했거나 그려내지 못한 것이 있나?

김형태 대표: 창작의 굴레가 최소화되는 것이 굉장히 중요하다고 생각했다. 어느 나라든 심의라는 것이 존재하는데, 심의로 철저하게 플레이할 수 있는 연령대를 구별하는 건 긍정적이라고 생각한다. 하지만 최근에는 성인 등급은 성인이 플레이하는 것을 전제로 해야 하는데 청소년 플레이를 전제로 심의하는 경향이 있다. 이런 부분에 대해서 제대로 적용되는 것이 중요한 것이지 내용은 어느 정도 스스로 리미트를 걸지 않도록 자유를 주는 게 좋지 않을까 생각했다."

En: - I mentioned freedom of creation earlier, so is there anything you haven't expressed or drawn in this work?

CEO Kim Hyung-tae: I thought it was very important to minimize the limits of creativity. There is deliberation in any country, and I think it is positive to distinguish the age group that can play certain games. However, in recent years, adult ratings should be based on the premise that adults play, but adults tend to allow on children to play. It is important to apply this properly, and I thought it would be better to give freedom not to restrict content to some extent.

I've been active online on YT in saying that Korea is different, but this guy just wanted more people to play the game. Basically it has an M-rating for non-sexual themes and loads of violence.

Later in the interview...
Kr: "- 데이원 패치를 통해 검열 이슈가 된 의상이 있다. 의도한 사항인가?

김형태 대표: 데이원 패치 이후가 최종 결과물이다. 최종적으로 유저들에게 전달하기 위해 조절한 결과물이 데이원 패치, 혹은 그 직전에 들어가 있다. 의상도 무조건 야하다고 좋은 것은 아니라고 생각하기도 하고 퀄리티를 위해 수정한 부분이다. 그로 인해 에로티시즘이 덜어지거나 강조되는 부분도 있다. 의도된 결과로 보여주고 싶은 최종 프로덕트이다."

- There is a costume that has become a censorship issue through the Day One patch. Is it intended?

CEO Kim Hyung-tae: After the Day One patch, this is the final result. The result meant to be delivered to users is included in the Dayone patch. I think that it's not good to be sexy unconditionally, and it's was revised for quality. As a result, eroticism was reduced or emphasized. It is the final product that I want to show with the intended result.

Kim Hyung-tae says this is the intended result, not censorship he explicitly says sexuality for sexualities sake is basically not healthy, this is part of Korean culture. As I said Korea is more conservative and that's ok.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 19d ago
isarai27d ago

Problem is we have not seen any signs of them learning anything. Censorship still out of hand, GAAS push is still delaying everything, still leaning on sweet baby inc and their lazy writing. We'll have to wait till Jim Ryans replacement is found and see what their plan is, cause all we have is the temp guy for now

Extermin8or3_27d ago

There was no fucking censorship. Censorship would have been changing all the outfits. The Devs have Ben clear that a version of the outfit that was not the final version was on 1.00 of the game by mistake and the pre launch patch corrected that, that one skin then covered up slightly more of the main character. Plenty more revealing costumes are there untouched.

CrimsonWing6927d ago

Hey, tell @Extermi8or3_ you’re the Queen of England. He’ll believe it because you said so regardless of what we see and know.

lucian22927d ago


you live under a rock, the game was censored, blood was toned down and plenty of outfits have cheap patch jobs that look bad because of the rushed last minute censoring, such as clothing being painted on skin rather than an actual texture, when the original didnt have it.

Please actually at least play the game yourself or do research

Hugodastrevas27d ago

@Extermin9or3 censorship is censorship, it doesn't matter if it's one outfit or all of them.
If it's so small as you say they should have no problem restoring it to normal.

isarai26d ago


You do know they've censored plenty of other games, im not even referring to just SB other games like DMCV, LISA, and Doki Doki literature club among dozens of others are also censored only on PS5. They even admitted to censoring by offering a refund, wouldn't need to do that if nothing was changed. Several outfits were changed, and gore was reduced, you can literally prove it yourself by playing it unpatched

MrBaskerville26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Out of hand?!!! They added 1 mm of fabric. There's bouncy tits and ass cheeks all over the game. There's a skin suit. but they went too far with this extremely minor change, that original costume was too saucy for sony, though they apparently didn't give a shit about the rest. Not to mention nudity in other games. But censorship is rampant, yeah right.

And then there's the blood. Game i super gory, but apparently also censored? If the devs make a change before release, it's censoship.

Sony censored wall running in Cyberpunk. There's a subject for you

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 26d ago
vTuro2426d ago

Sure they'll learn from it. They'll learn that the way they went about their censorship and forcing a psn account down everyone's throat was bad so they'll do it differently next time so people won't immediately notice and roast them to hell and back for it. Stop defending these dumbass corpos, they're not your friend.

TreMillz26d ago

I can't believe yall really made because you can't see a virtual vagina..... The blood and gore OK I get that, but cmon now

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 19d ago
MrDead28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Stellar Blade complaints is just a bunch of incels following whoever tells them to be outraged, I have never been so embarrassed to be a gamer than when the Stellar Blade bs broke. Pathetic divorced Dads and incels losing their minds over a small bit of pixilated cloth over the cleavage of a couple of outfits in a sea of of outfits that show you everything.

Tacoboto27d ago

The outfit I'm wearing in that game is far more revealing than what they "censored".

Unstable fanboys making a victim of themselves for not having the slightest clue what "censored" actually means.

Helldivers 2 controversy - justified. Anger at the MS news today - justified.

Stellar Blade's 10th most revealing outfit getting a bit more cloth - what kind of loser do you have to be to throw a hissy fit over that?

derek27d ago

@taco, stellar blade "censorship " is the perfect example of the tendency these days by some gamers to use trivial issues to create fake outrage campaigns.

Demetrius27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

Grown men simping over a fictional character lmao just imagined wtf they're doing with the money they make in real life probably onlyfan subscriptions and more, most guys love being slave to women& their bodies lmao

Eonjay26d ago

Thank you guys for talking sense. The stellar blade thing was all about making yourself into the victim. They don't even realize that it's emasculation to claim harm when their is none. A man doesn't loose it over tiny pieces of cloth on a digital avatar. A man doesn't feel harmed if potential racist comments are removed. A man can accept the decision of others even if it contridicts his own. They aren't men. They are empty shells the internet and scam artists have tricked into victimizing themselves.

shinoff218326d ago

Exactly. This is fake outrage, seemingly to bring their politics into this.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 26d ago
-Foxtrot27d ago

Regardless how you feel on it at it's core they said something was going to be uncensored, people bought it, they found out they censored stuff and they were p***** off.

Maybe be up front with people or how about with Sony's weird censorship rules maybe lay up on it. We can get Abby in TLOU2 being raw dogged by a drunken Owen but some clothing is suddenly bad? It's cherry picking sometimes.

Even an physical art book for a game Tsukihime was censored on PS4 (yet the game was not)


Tacoboto27d ago

I'm gonna take the word of the director over the word of lonely bitter losers crying about digital cleavage.

Again. If you play the game instead of posturing and whining about it, you too can enjoy far more risque outfits than the stupid bunny outfit you're having a tizzy over.

-Foxtrot27d ago (Edited 27d ago )


Rather than being an asshole about it, maybe if you re-read what I said above, I agree things are silly but I'm talking about the idea of censorship in general not specific to one game or situation over that said game. Censorship is an issue that's been an issue with Sony for years now and you never know what they'll take aim at next.

Tacoboto27d ago

Sony's tried taking aim at direct access to titles they list in countries they don't have any intent on actually providing support to.

And yet you're still arguing about cleavage being "censored" from one outfit when there's still more revealing outfits in the game.

I will not be less of an asshole when *this* is the molehill you're choosing to make out to be Everest. You're clearly not playing the game.

shinoff218326d ago (Edited 26d ago )

There are more revealing outfits in the game though. Why is it this one outfit when there's worse causing so much chaos. It just does t make sense.

As far as censorship I do believe Sony needs to lighten up a bit. Mugen souls never got a release on ps4 because of this but there's a switch port. Wtf Sony. In reality it's not that bad even though I would've bought the game. So I'm kinda in the middle.

This particular issue though I just find dumb asf considering there's worse in the game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 26d ago
HankHill27d ago

Divorced dads? What are you on about?

jznrpg27d ago

Divorced Dads is the best card game ever made

jambola27d ago

If you need to insult the other side to try and make a point
It just shows how dishonest you are

MrDead27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

I don't need to insult incels to make my point, they're doing it themselves. Hence my embarrassment at being a gamer when the Tater Tots start crying.

shinoff218326d ago

Come on dude the other side does nothing but insult. Seriously

Gameseeker_Frampt27d ago

Incels perfectly describe Stellar Blade and the country that created it. South Korea has the lowest birth rate in the world. Like many Asian countries, misogyny is still a problem and women have pretty much given up on relationships with men. It has gotten so bad that the government has just ended a ban on sex dolls so that the men of the country can have something to screw. Stellar Blade is a product of that environment and it amazes me to think that some want the rest of the world to be more like South Korea.

26d ago
Gameseeker_Frampt26d ago

South Korea birth rate - https://www.reuters.com/wor...

South Korea ending sex doll ban in 2022 - https://apnews.com/article/...

South Korea 4B movement - https://www.thecut.com/2023...

Over 150 elementary schools have no 1st graders = https://www.koreaherald.com...

VariantAEC19d ago

What those articles don't tell you is why this is happening. Firstly, I couldn't find much on 4B from Korean sources online. That doesn't mean this couldn't be a huge movement, it might be but from what I've been able to find it amounts to a news article and a couple (and I do mean a couple) blog posts. Why is this happening in Korea (and also Japan and China)? Poor economy. The same things driving low birth rates in the west along with replacement. The native populations are being replaced by foreigners in the US and across Western nations while economic strife has plagued South Korea for 3 decades. Young college educated women are being told life is bad and they use the few examples of actual violence against women as a means to push up their 4B movement. South Korea had a female president like 4 years ago... women can do most of the stuff men do and men could stay at home. Thing is most women don't want to be the bread winners and those that do are upset they can't be everything. Men aren't everything. We are wage slaves to our women if we can afford to be that we are. It's worse when we can't provide. Women feel like they are forced to do it all and they're forced to do just as much as men in the workforce but still struggle with the reality that if they do get pregnant that businesses don't care. Where do they? Do female led businesses care? Nope. So what makes them think this is the work of tue big bad patriarchy? Marxism. As usual. It's an ideology and like Christianity Koreans are just as susceptible as everyone else.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 19d ago
jambola26d ago

Tater tots? Incels?
Yeah if you want to have a discussion like a normal human being, feel free
Until then, I'm out and you're weirder than any of the people you mock lol

vTuro2426d ago

You have no arguments so you go straight for personal attacks. Classic. How deep up Sony's ass is your head? Do take it out every now and then for some fresh air, will you?

MrDead26d ago

I didn't aim what I said at a person, so where is the personal attack?

"How deep up Sony's ass is your head?" That's a personal attack.

Look kid if you get angry over a bit of pixilated cloth covering the cleavage of two of the least revealing outfits in the game then go outside and touch some grass and ask yourself if it's censorship then why not censor the revealing outfits?

VariantAEC19d ago

💯 Embarrassed to play to some extent because people are so petty about this anyone who catches wind of the 'censorship' will think it was a game made for perverts in the first place, when that was never the case.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 19d ago
Knightofelemia28d ago

I just hate the fact I buy and pay for a game rated M and Sony takes it upon themselves to censor a game for me. So Eve wears a little revealing suit don't care. If I wanted to buy the censored version I would buy it for the NES or SNES. Modern women wear more scantly clad outfits then that in a mall, gym, school, the store and other places. As for Helldivers requiring an account should only be tied to Playstation. Ways to kill the hype of a game is to piss the customer off.

jznrpg27d ago

There is no other version on NES or SNES. Just saying. Also if you bought it physically you don’t have to download the patch if it really matters that much.

Knightofelemia27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

Think about it during the golden Nintendo era what was Nintendo known for when it came to games. I'll give you a hint a difference between Mortal Kombat on Genesis and SNES. Still don't get it it's called censoring.

Tankbusta4026d ago

He used Nintendo for stuff like refusing red blood in Mortal Kombat etc

Moegooner27d ago

Sony has nothing to do with Stellar Blade's patch incel.

Levii_9227d ago

Oh god. Why.. then WHY wouldn't the director of the game just revert the outfits back after the big shitstorm it created and hurt the sales of his own game potentially and also the Shift's Up reputation? Stellar Blade outifts changes has Sony written all over it.

RNTody27d ago

I get it, you need to detract from all the terrible news going on about Microsoft.

The Helldivers 2 issue is over, fans have already dropped 200k positive reviews on the game as an acceptance that the mistake was rectified. There is no fumbling as the game hasn't failed yet.

Stellar Blade...that's yesterday's news. Try to keep up.

amazinglover27d ago

You do know not every article needs to be written about the MS fuck up.

In fact this very website has several articles on their homepage discussing the MS fuck up.

So how exactly is this detracting from anything.

jambola27d ago

Everything negative about Sony is just Xbox fanboys coping apparently

shinoff218326d ago

And there's several articles about this.

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HELLDIVERS 2 - PATCH 1.000.305 - Steam News

Earlier today, Arrowhead Game Studios released the 1.000.305 update to fix the issue with the Operation: Enduring Peace mission that was causing enemies to spawn on the drill, causing it to be destroyed quickly which prevented players from completing the mission.

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Yup, one could say bugged to go with bugs.


Helldivers 2 has caused over 20,000 Steam accounts to be banned

Valve is cracking down on Helldivers 2 players trying to get around the PSN restriction and banning accounts.

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thorstein3d ago


Videogamer: "Trust me, bro.

H91d 15h ago

Aren't you the guy that said Steam's database information is lying about the game being pulled from 170 stores

thorstein1d 11h ago (Edited 1d 11h ago )

No. I am the guy that said an anonymous user made a readout that named 170 territories AND countries total (which is what it said) is where the game was pulled. Not 170 stores. Not 170 countries.

Since, PSN is in 73 countries, and there are 195 countries on Earth, YOUR math still doesn't work.

And Ghost of Tsushima is available in all of them because GoG and Epic Games Store.

1d 6h ago
1d 3h ago
Extermin8or3_1d 16h ago (Edited 1d 16h ago )

I'm this is abit different to the headline. If says that it's just people in Russia and Ukraine experiencing this. Given restrictions mean their can't legally operate in Russia and bns belarus

H91d 15h ago

This is about Russia and Belarus and the war on Ukraine, however I don't know why the ban is happening now? The people in these countries have been using VPN for ages now

Extermin8or3_16h ago

Maybe the shitstorm around the PSN thing drew attention to the matter?

anast1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

People will outsource their thinking to AI, they will give all their information and location to TIKTOK and other social media platforms. They allow Valve to own their entire game collection that they bought. But a PSN account is where they draw the line... (this is for the westerners)

For the non westerners, Sony should let them play games. There's a war and times are tough. People need an outlet.

gold_drake1d 9h ago

if times are tough then the last thing they're gon a buy is a ps5 and games ha

just_looken1d 2h ago

Many out there can not buy the console or its worth more than 2 months rent.

When ever i see america cry about $400 console or $70 games i roll my eyes like a post out there talking about 18 eggs for $7.

Were i am at its $100 games $600+ for console and $10 for 12 eggs

But america is the world now people go oh anywhere out there our prices are the same because i am american.

anast18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

Most are PC gamers, I would assume. It is a Steam/PSN thing. Obviously, the people running for their lives are not gaming, but there are many on the fringes of this stuff that are still having a tough time that have PCs and would like to game.


@just_looken bro your eggs are that high for a dozen, I get 18 eggs for $2.08, when there isn't a sale. 1.50 when the grocery store runs a deal in my area. I live in a metropolitan city as well!

just_looken1d 2h ago

You do remember they sold this game to 180 countries for months took there money then pulled the game but now if you have the game you can play online but risk a account ban like what happened to these reported users.

Also i know this is shocking news to millions out there sucking trump tit but america is not the only country out there yes 80% of streaming apps are region locked to usa and yes usa can invaded any country with 0 legal action taken against them but the whole tick tok/ai talking that is mainly usa.

Many many people only buy stuff on steam with fake id's to those bs launchers something you can not do with psn and you should not need a psn account for single player games even hell diver's is just a coop/sp game.

Popsicle15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Wait…there are other countries beside the USA?

As an American, never knew this? In fact, in my school days we only had one country on our map in geography class. 🤔

All problems are relative to a persons specific situation which is why you keep ranting about Americans. Yes my country has problems. A lot of problems and a lot of sins, but we aren’t the only country with problems and sins.

anast14h ago


No use of getting upset. People are randomly born in countries. As far as I know, souls don't line up and choose which stork basket they want to get into. Patriotism is fools gold.

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Helldivers 2 devs are aware of the issues with the current MO; fix being worked on

The latest Helldivers 2 MO is full of bugs that aren't Terminids. The devs are aware of these issues and a fix is currently being worked on.

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SeraphTeran3d ago

A fix is now being worked on as stated by Baskinator a few moments ago.