
Ghost Of Tsushima PC Port Soars Through Steam Sales Chart After Official Reveal

The Ghost of Tsushima PC port exploded in popularity after the Steam reveal. The pre-orders made it become one of the most selling games.

purple10188d ago

one good thing about Sony releasing on pc late, in this case, (Ghost of Tsushima was released 2020)

Is 4 years have gone by and technology moved on, so now, almost any pc, will play it on high/ultra high settings.!!!

itsmebryan87d ago

What do you mean? The same way R&C could only be played with PS5's "SUPER fast SSD then even PCs with a slow mechanical hard drive was able to play it. PCs will be OK. Smh

LucasRuinedChildhood87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

PCs with slow HDDs would stutter and freeze trying to catch up in heavy moments when rifts are used.

Regardless, your point is random and has nothing to do with the topic.

purple101's point is just that more users will be able to play the game at the best settings now versus if it came to PC in 2020 which is objectively true. You're being weird.

Goosejuice87d ago

Also at the time when RC released it was only possible on ps5 at the time. Direct storage was not implemented onto pc at the time which is why it works now. Direct storage is the only reason why it works on pc with hdd

ThatArtGuy87d ago

Ghost was initially made for PS4, not PS5.

Markdn87d ago

It was proven that a standard HD didn't do very well at all with r&c So your comment is mute bryan

outsider162487d ago

"a slow mechanical hard drive".
What about all that PC is best place to play? All that talk about pc is better and playing on an HDD? People are lying to themselves if they say hdd and sdd are the same.

fr0sty87d ago

You mean play R&C at 720p 30fps and still have stuttering on mechanical HDDs... Fixed that for you.

Ps5conehead87d ago

Sony must of hurt your feelings. They said it couldn’t run on ps4.some pc have faster drives and ssc and m.2 drives. Where ps4 dose not

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 87d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

PS5 isn't really that high spec, any PC from the past 6 or so years (providing those older PCs used higher end hardware) should be able to play it easily in high/ultra high, the only extra thing people may have to pick is an SSD. You're overestimating the PS5 and underestimating PCs.

raWfodog87d ago

The original game came out almost 4 years ago, and the Directors Cut was released almost 3 years ago. Why do some PS fans hate that this is coming to PC?

In my opinion, this is a good way to build more of a fan base in preparation for the sequel.

purple10187d ago

Don’t know. Who says they hate it coming to pc, if you see where they are il go ask them why, no qualms

FinalFantasyFanatic87d ago

Try the Steam forums, half an hour after announcement, and it's a sh*t storm, I would not even bother going there right now.

FinalFantasyFanatic86d ago

Where is the lie? That's exactly what happened.

87d ago
thorstein87d ago

No one hates that you get to play an amazing beautiful game.

itsmebryan87d ago

The reason they hate it now is because when Microsoft put games on PC Sony fans would say "Xbox has no games. " But, I don't hear them saying that anymore especially when Sony doesn't have any 1st party games scheduled till next year.

For some reason they feel games are better if they are only on PlayStation and when it goes to PC they feel less special .

raWfodog87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

I could understand it more if it was released on PC the same day or even close to the original PS release date. You’d like to think that was the reason that you invested in buying PS, to play their ‘exclusive’ games. But I would think 3 or 4 years is long enough to make you feel ‘special’. It shouldn’t take away your love or enjoyment of the game because PC gamers will be able to enjoy it now.

Ps5conehead87d ago

I’m a big time ps5 person. It dose not bother me at all. I might get it for my pc that’s decked out with a 4080 and play it again . It gives others a chance to play on pc. It also gives Sony another revenue source . Then they can make mote games with a higher return on investment .

helicoptergirl87d ago

I'm being very honest. I have really not seen a single PS fan, at this point, upset that it's coming to PC. Doing this helps Sony fund their massive budget GOTY contender games that we ALL love.

raWfodog87d ago

I’m sure some of the 10 million purchasers of Ghost are not happy it’s going to PC. Some people are just like that. My question was just more wondering why that is. It’s not as if it takes away the fun that you had with the game. It just simply comes down to being petty I think.

87d ago
helicoptergirl87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

@ Alatreon, there is no outrage from 99% of PS fans i bet

Ironmike87d ago

Is this joke this site being full of ppl whinging g about it coming to pc

helicoptergirl87d ago

No there aren't. Next to no one is arguing about it coming to PC. People are happy it's coming to PC. now if it was going to Xbox, then that'd be a different story I would think.

Sephiroushin87d ago

oh go steam forum or here, see the dislike people get when they ask the fanboys why they are upset that the game is coming to PC, a couple of months before ghost 2 gets announced for ps5 by sony ...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 87d ago
InUrFoxHole87d ago

Probably talking about the only exclusives matter crowed. It's a fanboy arguement. When xbox started on pc the console war goal posts shifted and it was .... xbox has no exclusives because I can just skip xbox and get a pc. But now the same could be said for a Playstation. It's a stupid argument 🙄. Give the gamers options. Some people forgot they were the consumer and fed into the companies hands.

raWfodog87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

If a company is trying to push their consoles, then exclusive titles are a must. That’s why PS and Nintendo are killing it in their console sales. PS still has exclusives for a while before they are dev’d for PC, and that timeline is becoming shorter these days. I personally think that’s a winning formula for pushing both hardware and software, rather than releasing day one on PC. You’ll always have consumers who’ll want to play the game as soon as possible rather than wait for an arbitrary PC release date.

InUrFoxHole87d ago

I don't think these companies will care too much longer about consoles. You're gonna be able to play psn and xbl on a TV.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 86d ago
TheColbertinator87d ago

The graphics of this game will finally get to shine on a proper platform.

thorstein87d ago

This game is beautiful on PS5. What are you talking about?

TheColbertinator87d ago

I am merely stating the truth. No further discussion is required.

KillaJamm87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

The presentation is very decent in most areas on PlayStation, but god are some of the textures pretty bad. The mountain sides and rocky terrain stand out the most, but the foliage is some of the best I've ever seen, especially with the leaves blowing in the wind. The lighting was superb as well. Will love to see the Digital Foundry comparison when it's released.

DazaMc87d ago

You're welcome to our table scraps

RaidenBlack87d ago

The gap's diminishing for newer releases. Forbidden West PC coming 2 years after PS5 and TLOU 1 Remake: 6 months after. And PS live-services are coming day 1 to PC.
All the "PS will never do ____ " claims are being proven false gradually ... just because: business.
So not saying that it'll happen soon .... but one day, most PS releases will launch simultaneously on PC and PS5/6.
And if not day 1 ... then at most, only 6 months apart.

fr0sty87d ago

6 months after, for a remake of a years old game, not the best point to make.

fr0sty87d ago

Sales and reviews couldn't disagree more. Definitely an opinion of the vocal minority.


Ghost Of Tsushima Tops God Of War To Become Steam's Biggest Single-Player Sony Game

The new milestone by Ghost of Tsushima sets it apart from many other PC ports launched by Sony, showcasing the game's immense success.


Ghost of Tsushima gives players the best of both worlds with DLSS and FSR 3 frame gen together

It looks like FSR 3.1 implementation is now a reality, allowing for DLSS and FSR 3 frame generation at the same time in Ghost of Tsushima.


Ghost of Tsushima is being review bombed on Steam due to PSN controversy

Ghost of Tsushima is being negatively reviewed on Steam due to its forced PSN requirements similar to Helldivers 2.

Read Full Story >>
_SilverHawk_20d ago

I don't know why sony would want people to sign into their service as if sony ownS the game.

gold_drake20d ago

not sure if sarcasm or not, but they do own the ip tho. ha.

thorstein19d ago

They're review bombing because PSN is required to play multiplayer.

Unlike some sites have claimed, it's not a launcher, it's just an overlay.

It's a bizarre thing to review bomb over since anyone can play it the single player game without it.

It's a single player game. The MP is bonus material.

StormSnooper19d ago

I know it’s not like every other company requires people to sign into their account. S:

GamerRN18d ago

They are doing it because if Xbox creates a PC hybrid console they want a way to prevent them from accessing their games.

DarXyde18d ago

They deserve it. They've made it clear this is not necessary.... So don't force it.

Zenzuu18d ago

Sony own's the IP, Sucker Punch is Sony's first party developer. So yeah, they own the game whether you like it or not.

InUrFoxHole18d ago

Are you saying gamers should just be happy with 3/4th the product?

thorstein18d ago (Edited 18d ago )


Ghost of Tsushima released as a single player game. The MP was added later.

MP is available in 73 countries.

MP is not 1/4 of the game. It's closer to 1/50.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 18d ago
TheEroica18d ago

Careful! You don't want to take Sony to task in a chat filled with corporate shilling Sony fans... God forbid we call out obvious bull from our favorite plastic box overlord....

derek18d ago

@TheEroica, only childish brats whine about such things or the occupy Wallstreet crowd such as yourself, lol. Its always laughable seeing westerners claim to be against "corporations " when the entire population across western civilization is steeped in corporate culture/product use.

thorstein18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

I reported it as Old and gave that exact reason because the claims were outdated.

My report was removed.

Einhander197218d ago

I don't think I have ever agreed with anything you've said, but on this issue we're on the same page.

gold_drake20d ago

just make it an option, not a requirement.

StormSnooper19d ago

Yes just because all other companies require you to log in doesn’t mean PlayStation should be allowed to do the same.

gold_drake19d ago

thats a weird thing to say. if all the others require you to do it, why should they not be allowed to?

how about we dont make it a requirement, period?

OWCY19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

You keep saying this. But research first maybe. Most company's have wide reach so they are pretty much everywhere, psn has like a 62 country reach, so it's alienate all the other countries that doesn't have psn access...

antikbaka18d ago

do other companies ban 170 countries from buying the game?

outsider162418d ago

Hold up. Is it a requirement to play the single player? Or just multiplayer

peppeaccardo18d ago

As far as I understand at the technical level is to have the cross play features active between pure PSN and new Steam users, as the developers explained: "Legends co-op multiplayer mode requiring Windows to access PlayStation Network integrated features". I have purchased played and finished this game and its dlc on Playstation together with each and every exclusive and I can wholeheartly say that this is a fantastic game with amazing esploration, combat story graphics and ALL which includes a fantastic and unique multiplayer mode. Whining back at a company which is actually bringing innovation and a pletora of great games for everybody to enjoy is a bit lame and shows a bit of immaturity in my modest opinion. NOT buying this game because people do not want to sign up for PSN is a great loss in terms of enjoyment and pure discovery of a great game,

outsider162418d ago

Yeah, i don't get either. If the game were to require online to play a single player game then by all means, yes we need to call them out. But a multiplayer requiring a psn connection for online gaming isn't much is it?
I'm asking for those that have a problem with it. Like what exactly is the problem here(i don't game on pc btw)
And aren't we required to sign on psn on ps anyway?

Christopher19d ago

Sony made the mistake of requiring a login for their service like EA, Take2, Microsoft, Rockstar, and more and by being named Sony.

I'd be more supportive of this drive to push back against secondary logins if people were actually criticizing the biggest offenders out there. But this is just controversy for Sony, not for the plethora of other companies.

19d ago Replies(1)
19d ago
19d ago
19d ago Replies(9)
H919d ago

Why can't you just recognize this as a step forward, why because it's Sony everyone need to prove their loyalty to the cause first before they attack them, Sony always needs to come last for you

Christopher19d ago

Because they immediately stopped at Sony. I wholeheartedly support the movement, but gamers aren't moving forward with it. And that's why I'm rolling my eyes at gamers who think they're fighting the good fight. They're not. Just pounding chests and letting the worse offenders get away.

DivineHand12519d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Were you living under a rock when it was reported that PSN is only available in a limited amount of countries? Compared to the other companies which greatly support more countries.

Because of Sony's requirement, their games like Helldivers 2 and Ghost of Tsushima have been delisted in over 170 countries. These restrictions would not have been in place if Sony didn't suddenly mandate those logins.

19d ago
thorstein19d ago

According to Steam, Sony, and Arrowhead, HD2 and GoT is available in 73 countries.

There are 195 countries on Earth.

Skuletor19d ago

Christopher is definitely aware of that situation, he's acting like Will Smith when he slapped Chris Rock right now, performing selective outrage.

19d ago
Magatsuhi18d ago

That's a stupid reason to be upset about. It doesn't affect you so stop crying. It is sonys decision to handle their games the way they want to. If it's not available in certain countries it's not because they don't want to sell there, it's because there are laws in place that prevent them from currently selling there. That is none of your business and entirely sonys business.

You don't think they want to sell more? They're eventually going to do it so stop your nonsensical crying about stuff that doesnt affect you.

Shiore2u18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

"It doesn't impact you so screw everyone else you may know that it does impact."
Cause nobody has friends or family in other countries. They can't enjoy a game with online coop all because Sony, ineptly with limited network range and poor planning, wants to artificially boost their PSN numbers to impress shareholders.

Those people should have just been born in a different country(/sarc) despite this wasn't a legal problem before rather always a lacking infrastructure on Sony's end that Steam's larger network circumvented.

Huey_My_D_Long18d ago

I'm definitely a Playstation fan, but I'm gonna call you right the fuck out.
"If it's not available in certain countries it's not because they don't want to sell there, it's because there are laws in place that prevent them from currently selling there. That is none of your business and entirely sonys business."
I'm sorry, but I'm gonna need to see receipts on this claim. What laws? I'm not familiar with Japanese law so hey maybe you are correct, but I really feel as if you just made that whole statement up just to....defend a corporation. Please Show me. Because holy shit there is corporate simping but this feels past that more like "yes more daddy yes i'll do ops whenever you want uwu"

Christopher18d ago

***Christopher is definitely aware of that situation, he's acting like Will Smith when he slapped Chris Rock right now, performing selective outrage. ***

The lack of awareness is amazing. I'm the one being performative while I can't get achievements in Mass Effect LE because EA app login requirements break Steam features.

Here, let me rephrase this for people who lack reading comprehension:

"HEY, GAMERS! Can you take this motivation to go after shit login needs and go after EA, Ubisoft, Take2, Rockstar, and more? Can we not just focus on one company that started what others have been doing for years, some for over a decade?

Thanks, me, Christopher"

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 18d ago
JEECE18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

When you realize that most people's internet anger is governed by what their favorite influencers/YouTubers tell them to be mad about and not by principles, it makes a lot more sense when they don't act with any level of consistency.

It's not just the recent anger at Sony over the PSN requirements, you see this all the time. People who happily play multiplayer-only games will join a dogpile on an upcoming game for lacking a "campaign" if the internet tells them to be mad about that. Similarly, people who are fine with certain games being digital only will swear they'll never buy a different game that is digital only (you saw a lot of this recently with Alan Wake 2).

derek18d ago

@Jeece, yep. I hate the outrage culture in gaming. A bunch of phony's grandstanding about issues none of these dopes really care about.

shinoff218318d ago

Idk I've been against digital only since it was a thing. Still against it and won't be buying Alan wake 2. I think that particular situation is some of us being legit pissed.

thesoftware73018d ago (Edited 18d ago )


Why do you completely keep ignoring PSN is only available in a more limited amount of places?

Why don't you understand that HD:2 was sold to people then taken away after they paid?

Why don't you understand that you sound ridiculous, and sound like a child...look, look, they are doing it so I can too mentally...you ever heard the saying '2 wrongs don't make a right"? Talk about Sony like you do every other companies, instead you deflect to other companies...the people that are complaining are obviously Sony fans or fans of Sony games, that want to play Sony games on PC, this shit got nothing to do with any other company...they don't like Sony doing it, you know, the company that is a cut above the rest, why can't you see that?

Again, screw MS, Ubisoft, EA or anyone else, Sony fan don't want Sony to do this, people that want to spend money on Sony games, you know the #1 gaming company in the world, they shouldn't stoop to a practice that YOU, yourself said is not good...you should be upset, not pointing at other companies.

Your post are not even saying Sony is fucked up for anything, but saying people should go after other companies...it just comes off as so damn fanboy. It's becoming harder and harder for you to hide bro.

derek18d ago

It wasn't taken away, get real. They're just not selling anymore copies in those regions. People who have already bought the game will continue to play it as there is no psn login requirement.

18d ago
Christopher18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

*** Why do you completely keep ignoring PSN is only available in a more limited amount of places? ***

I'm not.

*** Why don't you understand that HD:2 was sold to people then taken away after they paid? ***

I do. And I'm happy they reversed their decision. I also understand that those people who bought it at release were asked to login to their PSN account, but it was disabled until they could fix whatever they needed fixing.

***Why don't you understand that you sound ridiculous, and sound like a child***

Yes. I'm the one who sounds like a child. Considering absolutely nothing you brought up is to do with Ghost of Tsushima. I'm also the one calling other people children rather than having an argument relevant to the comment to which I'm replying.

***Talk about Sony like you do every other companies***

Sony has shit first party support for the last year and no news on what's coming up. Third party support is a crutch that they don't deserve praise for. Sony's decision to focus on GaaS is dumb. Sony shouldn't have layed anyone off since the decisions affecting them were the fault of Jim Ryan and not because they failed to create what they were asked to do.

All things I've said about Sony recently.

***Your post are not even saying Sony is fucked up for anything, but saying people should go after other companies.***

You need to read more of my posts. You have no clue about me other than the posts you choose to reply to.

shinoff218318d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Idc either way but it is confusing as to why people ain't using the same energy for ea, ubisoft, Ms, etc. Sony certainly should find a way for people everywhere to play. Whatever reason psn isn't available in said countries. The more the merrier

Notellin18d ago Show
rippermcrip18d ago

Why are you posting this blatantly false article? Oh we know why.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 18d ago
Sonic188119d ago

Hey Sony, At this point either make it an option or don't release your games on PC

blackblades19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

I mean they review bomb all they want it still the #1 selling game at the moment on steam. Its best for Sony to stick it out and let the login normalize it. If those pc user really wanted to play there games like they said they did at one point. They'll comply with the login and stop being a B* about it and stop using the Sony hack 20 years ago as an excuse to not want a psn account. Matterfact just heard the game is already being pirated. This is the reason why there should be something to stop them or make it hard for them.

TiredGamer19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

The review bombing is childish behavior and it’s only serving to undermine the “review” system in the end. If you don’t like something, don’t buy it. It’s okay. You don’t have to go out of your way to sling mud and burn down couches in the street to express your displeasure.

TiredGamer19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

How about this… if I create a product, I am allowed to sell it the way I want to sell it. Sony’s not requiring a login just because they want to be funny or to piss people off. They are establishing an ecosystem and there is rationale, some known and some unknown to us, for why they would want to do it. If a consumer does not agree, they have the option of not buying the product. Seems like a fair situation.

Sephiroushin18d ago

They are allowed to sell it the way they want… We are allowed tk not buy it…

But you know what the consumer is allowed to do in case they didnt like it as well? To make a negative review, and that is a fair situation…

And its not being review bombed anyways, its sitting at very positive.

CrashMania19d ago

Is it? Currently only just over 2000 reviews at 83% positive.

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