
Square Enix Points To PlayStation Exclusivity As A Key Reason For Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Success

Now, as Square Enix is embarking on a journey to remake one game with three games, we’re learning why Square has decided to keep all three of these games exclusive to PlayStation consoles.

In an interview with the Washington Post, producer Yoshinori Kitase cites keeping Final Fantasy VII: Remake, Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, and seemingly the third game exclusive to one platform has been a core part of the success of the first two games so far.

Snookies1290d ago (Edited 90d ago )

I don't really think that's true. I went out of my way to buy a PS5 to play FF VII: Rebirth. So, it's the other way around for me lol. I would have bought another Xbox (after trading mine in not too long ago) if it was only there to play. Final Fantasy's name recognition, on top of VII's renown in the gaming world is why it's moving a lot of units.

90d ago Replies(3)
Nitrowolf290d ago (Edited 90d ago )

Did you not read it or just not get past the title?

The PS5 in the headline is obviously because it's what's exclusive platform it's on, but this is pertaining to the games scope and how being on a single platform really helped them build this world. That has played to it's success, otherwise it possibly wouldn't be getting as good as reviews. Good review and having good things to talk about your game bring in sales.

It could have been exclusive to any other platform, they're just pointing out how that really helped them, versus setting resources and time aside to developing another platform at the same time, that would have ultimately downgraded what they could have done, or delay the game out to who knows when.

Ironmike90d ago

It's only a timed exclusive it ends in May feel free to check

mkis00790d ago


Let me know how remake plays on xbox will you? Are the controls good?😶

Babadook790d ago (Edited 90d ago )

“It's only a timed exclusive it ends in May feel free to check“

And if Rebirth is like Remake don’t count on the game actually coming to PC in May. Who knows how long it will take to develop. Remake took longer than the exclusivity deal. There’s no announcement either.

Christopher90d ago

***It's only a timed exclusive it ends in May feel free to check ***

SIE says they're not timed. Feel free to check.

Asterphoenix89d ago


It will be the same case as with FF7 Remake. It will drop on PC sometime after the PS timed exclusivity is up. The recent news of it being a PlayStation console exclusive is highly likely true with lots of Sony people had a hand in support the development of these titles. Which is shown in the credits of those titles which other Square multiplatform titles don't.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 89d ago
blacktiger90d ago

But you went out of the way,

KwietStorm_BLM90d ago

You either didn't read the interview at all or you just didn't get it.

Juancho5190d ago

Just cause you don’t think it’s true doesnt make it so. Final Fantasy 7 and other titles have been Sony exclusives and have utilized the hardware and systems specifically so they could push boundaries and not succopmb to lowest common denominators. Sony’s partnership with them on these projects is very obviously breneficial to the game and the gamers alike, the final product is a testament. We all played FF7 on PS1, if i didnt already have a PS5 i would’ve bought one just for these titles because of how much i loved ff7.

derek90d ago

@Snook, not saying your opinion is irrelevant but SE opinion holds way more weight.

Michiel198990d ago

Square has more incentive to lie/give a skewed view though, they are the one benefitting from it the most.
It's kinda insane how you all gobble up pr talk like hungry turkeys. No matter the result of their partnership, they would have always talked positive about it. No company would ever say anything negative, especially not so short after launch or you might as well start pouring gasoline over your money.

Games_People_Play90d ago

That nice little 💰 Sony gave them for exclusivity, probably didn’t hurt either.

z2g90d ago

I agree. An exclusive intentionally limits who can play it. You’ll get disagrees because loyalty supersedes logic amongst the diehards. What’s objectivity, anyway….

lelo2play90d ago

Square Enix basically belong to Sony...

DarXyde89d ago

Well known fact that games sell hardware. But it is also true that people look to maximize their hardware investment over the course of a few years and buy in before there's much to play yet.

We'll get an idea of how much Rebirth drives PS5 sales by end of March. Since it's a late month release, we'll have a better idea in March.

If PS5 sales are high, we can assume people held off on getting a PS5 until Rebirth.

If PS5 sales remain within the typical estimates with high Rebirth sales, the game is likely being sold to an existing install base.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 89d ago
Tacoboto90d ago

FFXV was open world and released on the weak as heck Xbox One S day and date with everything else.

Ubisoft titles... Red Dead Redemption 2... Hogwarts Legacy... GTA V on the 360 and PS3.

No. Being exclusive isn't the reason it's a seamless map.

90d ago
MrNinosan90d ago

Just admit you have not played Rebirth, if you compare it's open world with FFXV.

Tacoboto90d ago

I haven't played yet - decided to start Armored Core VI instead, but the Special Edition came in and is awaiting install.

But I have been playing games, that have been multiplatform and open-world, since the 360 era. This developer comment makes no sense and seems insulting to the dev team actually.

Barlos90d ago

That's a laugh, because that was also the reason why FFXVI didn't perform as well as expected wasn't it?

Rocketisleague90d ago

Yeah, that was the excuse.

Ff7 is a system seller. Simple as.

Barlos90d ago

Definitely. Always has been.

Ironmike90d ago

I don't think it is and I own both games remake and rebirth but iam only giving my op of remake as I haven't played rebirth yet but remake is notva system seller its good game and actually got me into the franchise

Rocketisleague89d ago (Edited 89d ago )

Nobody cares what you think of the game ironmike, or me for that matter. It is factually a system seller. Final fantasy in general used to sell systems. Ff7 in particular is the one that made final fantasy a system seller in the first place. Hence a good remake pushing the nostalgia drug trip over those who didn't get ps5s yet.

Ff16 was actually the point at which I finally got a ps5 myself.

Shane Kim90d ago

You must be delusional if you think it being on xbox would make any difference. FFXVI was sadly written off from the get go.

Barlos90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

It wouldn't. Xbox doesn't do JRPGs. I did think it was a great game though. Sure it was a departure from typical FF formula, but it was no less enjoyable. To me at least.

FinalFantasyFanatic89d ago

Considering Rebirth's success, I sometimes wonder if FF16 isn't as good as people make it out to be, I haven't played it so I can't say for sure.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 89d ago
slate9190d ago

Yeah the lump sum they're getting from Sony is definitely key to their success.

DarkZane90d ago

You're incredibly delusional if you think it would have made a difference if it was on Xbox.

slate9190d ago

Selling anything to an install base of 30+ million will make a difference. This website got you gassed up.

mkis00790d ago

Go look up sales splits for games, then go look up sales splits for japanese games...xbox sells like a tenth of what the same japanese game sells on playstation.

Sephiroushin90d ago

if we go by crisis core numbers not even a margin of error difference!

porkChop90d ago

Considering Xbox isn't getting the FF7 remake trilogy, did you really expect the Xbox fanbase to buy the prequel?

Sephiroushin90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

are you asking me, really?
Well, I dont expect xbox fanbase to buy them at all even if it was coming to xbox same day release... now a days xbox gamers would first ask if it was coming to gamepass, get told "no", then proceed to wait for it to come to gamepass sometime ...

MrNinosan89d ago

Crisis Core has nothing to do with Remake.
It's a prequel to Final Fantasy VII, which is available on Xbox, but that didn't sell either.

S2Killinit90d ago

I think anyone who wants to minimize costs of production would be smart to release on PlayStation, as opposed to xbox.

Considering that xbox base doesnt play games like FF relative to PlayStation or Nintendo, why would they want to release on xbox with its 30 million instal base? It would be wiser to release on PlayStation and invest the savings into making a better game.

Incidentally, thats what he is saying in the interview. But someone has to spell it out to people it seems.

Alos8890d ago

@slate91 Not when the platform in question has a historical indifference to japanese rpgs. Xbox only ever accounted for about 30% of FFXV's lifetime sales, and it's likely Sony's cash incentive for exclusivity more than made up for that.

MrNinosan89d ago

FFXV didn't even stand for 10% of the sales on Xbox compared to Playstation.

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anast1d 6h ago

So far, it doesn't look like it.

dumahim1d 2h ago

I dunno. Might actually be better than Forza Motorsport 2023 was at launch.

dumahim21h ago


Yes. All of the ones on Xbox since the beginning. I even have the original Best Buy demo copy and FM2 limited edition that they didn't even sell in the US.

BeHunted13h ago

Did you actually read the article? They're talking about open world games like Forza Horizon, The Crew, etc. Not circuit racers; otherwise, they'd mention Gran Turismo.

MrBaskerville8h ago

Unpopular opinion it seems. But yeah, Forza Motorsport was the worst game in the series since Forza Motorsport 5. Huge letdown. Did they ever rework it? absolutely hated the campaign progression and the rpg systems relating to upgrading cars. Ended up just going back to 6 and 7 instead, those two also had a LOT more stages.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 8h ago
Jingsing1d 5h ago

Only a competitor if your game works fully offline and isn't some service.

DigitallyAfflicted1d 4h ago

it sounds like this game is stuck in last generation.

Skuletor1d 4h ago

Personally, I wouldn't want my game compared with The Crew at all, I certainly wouldn't be the one making the comparison either.

ElaBosak16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

How so? It's a very successful and popular racing franchise. Any game entering the genre is competing with racing games including The Crew.

Skuletor15h ago

It wasn't very long ago Ubisoft shutdown the original The Crew's servers, making every copy unplayable. I wouldn't want to be associated with that controversy.

gold_drake1d 2h ago

yeeaaa thats a no for me ha

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