
Microsoft explains why ReCore costs $40 USD

Recently, the marketing manager of Xbox, Aaron Greenberg, appeared in TXR Podcast on July 14, where he talked about the price of ReCore, which will be $40 instead of $60 USD, price set for AAA titles.

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SaveFerris2894d ago

Pricing it at $40 just because it is a new ip? I don't recall The Order or Quantum Break at that price upon release. If MS considers it to be AAA, why the lower price?

Gaming_Cousin2894d ago (Edited 2894d ago )

Complaining because a game is $20 cheaper? And then you add The Order into this when it has nothing to do with Microsoft... I am lost for words

2892d ago
Nitrowolf22892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

He's not complaining about the price, he's complaining about their reason behind it.

Sayings because it's a new IP doesn't fly with him because quantum break was a new iPhone also. There was clearly more to selling it at a reduced price then simply being a new IP

Though you can read between the lines by what they mean honestly, I mean they specifically say a game like "that" and then so it has no fanbase yet. That makes sense, whereas with QB people knew what they were buying because it was basically a third person shooter,l.

As for the order, idk why he brought that up that's a Sony game

freshslicepizza2892d ago

quantum break has remedy behind it, i don't think this game is as big as that game. so let's be honest here, the budget for recore is probably much less than other new ip's like quantum break. scalebound will likely be $60 and microsoft will try and backpeddle there.

it really comes down the scale and budget of the game. something like the witness was questioned about its procing but to me that was fair. regardless, the market will speak for otself. it is why call of duty will continue to get away with half baked campaign modes because they dont have to put a huge budget in that part of the game. other games like titanfall failed commercially because people didn't think it offered enough content. so guess what? titanfall 2 will offer a campaign mode, right? then you look at evolve, it is now free to play. the market will contstantly correct itself in pricing.

dcbronco2892d ago

All of those other new IPs didn't have huge sales numbers. Sony fans will buy a new IP because its Sony. Microsoft fans act as if they need Sony fans permission to like something. If Sony fanboys hate it Microsoft fans often shun it. The main problem being no matter what Microsoft does Sony fanboys will never give them credit.

KwietStorm_BLM2892d ago

So you don't understand the context then, yes?

ULTp0ltergeist2892d ago

Or that The Order isnt' worth it's price?

Cy2892d ago

He brought it up because it was a new IP and a lot of people shit all over it as not being worth $60, and rightfully so. The Order was a DLC campaign looking for a game.

Big_Game_Hunters2892d ago

The order sucks ass it should be 15$

Artemidorus2892d ago

He/she isn't a gamer in my eyes

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2892d ago
DarXyde2893d ago

Part of me thinks this is a passive apology for Mighty No. 9.

I don't buy that it's because it's a new IP. Cheaper is cheaper though.

coolbeans2892d ago

But it's not really Comcept's decision to make, in the end.

DarXyde2892d ago


Correct, but it's entirely possible that Microsoft is assisting Inafune in undoing some of the damage MN9 did to his clout in the industry. In other words, Microsoft is doing them a solid. It's about getting good faith with consumers as Microsoft said, but I don't buy the whole "it's because it's a new IP" explanation.

s45gr322892d ago

Not really, these $60.00 games gave gamers a really barebones gaming experience:

The Order 1886
Star Wars Battlefront
Street Fighter 5

These $60.00 games have microtransactions:

Metal Gear Solid V
Dead Space 3
Gran Turismo 5

These $20.00 games or $40.00 games have way more content and replayability value:

Dust an Elysian tale

Divinity Original Sin (launched PC version) with map editor

Trackmania franchise
The Witness
Pillars of eternity
Stellaris with mod support

The AAA industry has failed, indie games is where all the innovation, creativity, and willingness to challenge the status quo is at.

dcbronco2893d ago

Because it's a Microsoft IP. Ten dollars of every game is usually a royalty fee that goes directly to the console manufacturer. So that makes the price of a game really $50. Add that it's a new IP that they apparently like or really dislike, more likely really like, and you use price to get it into as many hands as possible. Think of the way NFL 2K was sold for $20. Had it not been for exclusivity, madden wouldn't be on top anymore because people tried 2K.

TheColbertinator2892d ago

I went nuts for the $20 price point on 2K05. Only football game I bought since then.

Goldfinger02892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

"If MS considers it to be AAA, why the lower price?"

Wow! are you complaining that the game is lower than the usual $60 AAA price tag?

Maybe because MS has money to blow, that they can price a AAA lower than normal? just to give it the best chance to be successful. It's not out of the norm, how do you think 2K Sports managed to have a successful franchise in NBA 2K? Simply because they priced it at $19.99 while NBA Live was priced at $59.99. Now look, NBA 2K is the premier basketball game while NBA Live is toast. Same thing happened with NFL 2K (which no longer exist) while Madden was priced at $59.99. EA was so terrified, they acquired the NFL License so that 2K could no longer make a football game lol. If that didn't occur, Madden wouldn't be the only NFL football game to play 10 years later.

2cents2892d ago

Everything's gotta be a conspiracy.

To me recore looked ok, nothing special but I could be proven wrong. Im not gonna complain about it being cheaper on release, id rather that than pay full price for a sub-par game with sliced off content behind micro-transactions.

I paid full price for Evolve = pissed
I paid full price for Destiny = pissed

S2Killinit2892d ago

Its not AAA, didnt you see the gameplay? It was clear in the physics of the character's jumping that it was a more layed back platformer game than a AAA per se.

DaleCooper2892d ago

And how well did the order and quantum break sell at $60? :/

bf0007779662892d ago

I don't see why this game should cost more than 30$, another inafune garbage.

DivoJones2892d ago

If you'd like, I'll pick up the game for you and charge you $60 for it.

rainslacker2892d ago

Not complaining about the costs, but the more likely scenario is that this game is on a production level about equivalent to R&C was for PS4. Not low end indie quality, not quite AAA. what we used to call mid-tier back in the old days....which later got supplanted with the terms "niche" or indie(or indie crap depending on the person).

The comparisons are undoubtedly going to be made, and the last thing MS wants is to look like they're are not conscious of certain aspects of consumer spending habits.

Plus the fact that the $40 price point really helped to sell it quicker, which means MS can have a successful IP to tout going forward.

Personally, I'm all for the cheaper mid-tier games to make a comeback to the more mainstream sectors of gaming, instead of barely getting any attention on an indie digital market or small out of the way marketing exposure. Some of my favorite games were the mid-tiers of their respective generations.

OC_MurphysLaw2892d ago

@saveferris yes they priced QB at $60 and... it sold just OK compared to what they wanted. Introducing a game like this at $40 is a good way to introduce a title that isn't getting the buzz other established IP are getting.

spicelicka2892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

It's perfectly priced. Lower price doesn't mean it's not AAA. It's priced based on the content and value, and probably budget as well. The Order was a very short game and got absolutely slammed for having little content. In fact it was a good game, but the high price really affected it's rating negatively, it should've been $40. We should be supporting this practice, not questioning it.

Artemidorus2892d ago

Are you just trolling or being genuinely stupid?

Bruh2892d ago

And both of those games aren't worth $60, you can platinum the Order in under 8 hours and QB is mediocre and repetitive beyond measure. If quality is to judge the price, neither of those games make a good point. I didn't see anyone complain about R&C's $40 price tag, why the sudden bitching now?

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2892d ago
2892d ago
robtion2892d ago

Hope not. Hopefully it's similar to Ratchet and Clank on ps4. Great AAA game, reasonable $40 price.

Nodoze2892d ago

Something is rotten in Denmark here. Greenberg is the lowest form of bridge troll. If they were confident in the title they would be selling it for 99 bucks. Proceed with caution!

gamertk4212892d ago Show
s45gr322892d ago

No, $60.00 does not equal quality. Street Fighter V, Star Wars battlefront and even Overwatch are using DLC as a crutch to get more content in the game. In contrast Divinity Original Sin launched PC version for $40.00 came with a map editor, single player campaign and online co-op. Proving that $60.00 does not equal quality.

Scatpants2892d ago

It's not because it looks super crappy? That's what I figured it was.

MasterCornholio2892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

Ratchett and Clank is priced at 40$ and the game is awesome.

So no, the price doesn't mean that it's crappy.


"Yet when MS does it there has to be a conspiracy lol"

Buddy I've seen people argue that Ratchett and Clank would be a bad game due to its price tag.

Open your eyes.


If I'm not mistaken Recore only has a single player campaign just like Ratchett and Clank. With that said Ratchett and Clank did very well at its price point so I'm guessing that Microsoft believes they can achieve the same with Recore.


"Microsoft should release this particular game on Steam like Ori."

That would be great but their main objective is to push the windows store.


" I rarely visit Sony news sections."

Ah OK. I frequent Sony news section so I can tell you there were some people who criticized the low price.

candystop2892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

Yet when MS does it there has to be a conspiracy lol. They won't stop at anything to downplay anything X1 related.

Edit cornilio

"Buddy I've seen people argue that Ratchett and Clank would be a bad game due to its price tag. "

Maybe so but I don't remember it simply because I rarely visit Sony news sections.

InTheZoneAC2892d ago

they did it to reflect the original R&C price seeing how this was a reboot.

shuvam092892d ago (Edited 2892d ago )

I believe Ratchet was priced at $40 so that people would have money left for Uncharted 4, which released after Ratchet...
I can't think of any other reason..
That being said, ReCore looking like a budget title might be a reason...
Personally, I don't care how a game looks as long as it plays well...
ReCore needs to be given chance until it is released...

PS: Microsoft should release this particular game on Steam like Ori...
Seems like a perfect match...

rainslacker2892d ago

I think given that a good portion of the R&C budget was paid through the budget of the movie, and the game could use the content that was produced there, that R&C itself was probably a fairly inexpensive title to make compared to doing it all from scratch. This means Sony could sell it at $40, and still make the same as if it had been a full production and selling it at $60.

Granted, Sony does have several games that release at the $40 price point, or has had varied pricing in the past for new releases, but not typically of a game that is of the quality of R&C was, which had exceedingly high production values.

I believe since Recore is going to be most likely compared to R&C on the PS4, MS doesn't want to get into this back and forth that R&C is a better deal because the content is equal or less, and we all know it's coming given the nature of console exclusives and the absolute law that similar titles must be compared in every way shape and form.

Recore probably had a low budget, and I wouldn't doubt that $40 was the price consideration going in regardless.

The excuse that it's a new IP is completely idiotic, because that has absolutely nothing to do with the cost to produce or distribute the game, nor it's potential to sell at a set price. Plenty of new IP's routinely sell well at $60, but from what I've seen of Recore, and despite it being one of the few games I'm actually looking forward to play, it seems like it's a lower budget game that probably warrants the $40 price tag. If something like Klank were released outside the launch window at $60, people would not be looking at it. It's not that it's a new IP, it's that the production quality, and content doesn't reflect the $60 price tag.

Scatpants2892d ago

No I said it's $40 because it LOOKS crappy not all $40 games are crappy.
With Ratchet and Clank I assumed it was $40 because it was a remake of an old game.

Seriously, does it look like a $60 game to you? Be honest. It may very well be good but it just has B level game written all over it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2892d ago
spicelicka2892d ago

Seriously you dumbasses are what's wrong with the industry. Your attitude basically encourages companies to overcharge so they can rip off gamers. Half the games released aren't worth $60. Overwatch looks like turd and is $60.

s45gr322892d ago

Thank you, I bought Doom for $35.00 😀. No way I am paying $60.00. I payed $27.00 for MGS V during the Steam summer sale. Due to MGS V has microtransactions and because of that is not worth $60.00. These gamers obsessing over price are retarded. They sure as hell did not mind the lack of content in overwatch (3 game modes and 8 maps for $60.00 online only lol)

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ZeekQuattro1d 6h ago

New Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Deluxe.


We Interview: CoD BO6 Associate Director, Design Matt Scronce and Director of Production Yale Miller

David writes: "During our preview for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, we had the opportunity to interview Matt Scronce (Associate Director, Design), and Yale Miller (Director of Production) from Treyarch."

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IGN Instructed & Offered Prizes for Crowd to Cheer During Phil Spencer and Other Live Interviews

During the IGN Live interview with Phil Spencer, the crowd cheered even if the topic was about closures, and its because they were told to.

GaboonViper3d ago ShowReplies(15)
Snookies123d ago

Just reading this headline alone made me feel grimy. Disgusting, all around. Haven't trusted IGN since over a decade ago, so this isn't really surprising to hear.

Leeroyw3d ago

IGN lost a lot of credibility a long time ago. Now they're running on fumes.

MrDead3d ago

MS are buying up the industry so you need a compliant media to tell you how awesome consolidation and mass layoffs are... and they know MS is IP hunting too, they will be cut off from review copies of some of gaming's biggest IP's if they don't play ball.

peppeaccardo3d ago

The only way they can rise excitement in a crowd is paying for it. LAMENESS is MIcrosoft best product to date.

Skuletor3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I think that kind of thing night be standard. I once was in the audience for Wheel of Fortune and there was a guy that briefed us before the show on his hand signals, when we were supposed to react/applaud and stuff like that and we were told to check under our seats because one of them had a prize underneath it.

Edit: Okay, read the article, this was definitely some slimy behaviour by IGN and it sounds like it wasn't just on the behalf of Xbox either.

Also, since IGN bought Humble Bundle years ago, they stopped occasionally giving a game away for free during certain big sales events etc, screw IGN.

Profchaos3d ago

It is for say a game show or similar shows for entertainment purposes but a interview not really.

Petebloodyonion3d ago

Bruno Rodriguez confirmed that his statement applied to the entire three-day Fanfest event, not solely Phil Spencer's interview. Regrettably, this part of his response is absent from the article, which raises questions about its omission.
Here is the complete explanation

DarXyde3d ago


It is an odd omission. While I do believe IGN has some problematic biases, one can't really say it's done for Spencer in light of this information.

Good follow up.

Inverno3d ago

IGN not being trustworthy? Yeah we've been knowing that.

GaboonViper3d ago

I remember when they gave Alien Isolation a bad review because the alien AI acted like a actual Xenomorph which was free to do what it wanted and hunt you down, and docked Days Gone points because it had a white female as Deacons Girl, oh and they have one of the worst fanboys in Dustin, he has no shame whatsoever.

Inverno3d ago

Don't forget "too much water". It's like they hate hire people that hate their jobs. This is a people problem, when people aren't humbled they become full of themselves. IGN and other news publishers have been given too much sway, and too much preferential treatment. They forget they're meant to inform the people, and have instead become a tool to sell an image these companies want to portray. Perception of power and authority and influence corrupts people.

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