
Phil Spencer Will ‘Absolutely’ Buy The NES Mini, Greenberg Says They Have ‘Big Plans’ For SDCC

The big news today was that against all odds, Nintendo will be launching a new console this Holiday season after all- it just won't be the NX.

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darthv722893d ago

I'm thinking this holiday, the top system sold wont be a sony or MS one. NES mini is where it's at.

BlackTar1872893d ago

It's $60 right?

i can't wait to buy one of these and show my kid the great past of Video games

darthv722893d ago

I started my kids on the 2600. Playing combat and space invaders. They had to play their way up the ladder like i did. Not sure if it really gave them the same sense of appreciation in gaming as it did me but they loved it and we still play classic games now and then.

81BX2893d ago


Rofl thats too funny. Well played sir!

Ulf2893d ago (Edited 2893d ago )

Way, way too cheap. I would have paid $80. Maybe $100.

Usually my words have /s, but not this time. I am serious.

FITgamer2893d ago

At $60 dollars I wouldn't doubt it. If they can keep up with demand.

martinlovegoodie2893d ago

Oh! those 16 megapixels are going to look so good and sharp on my 1080P tv/
The whole point of playing your original Nintendo console was so that you could use your old static Television set that would hurts your eyes when you play video games. Lets be real.
Would it look better to hook up Vhs to an HD tv? or using an old cosset tape and using an HD surround sound system to listen to it. no! there is money to be made on stupidity. think about this and you relies how stupid it is,

psplova2893d ago Show
OoglyBoogly2893d ago (Edited 2893d ago )

"Oh! those 16 megapixels are going to look so good and sharp on my 1080P tv/"

You do realize that 16 megapixels is 4920 x 3264, right? Maybe you meant "16 pixels" as a way of trying to be sarcastic?

And no, you play the old games because they're fun, who cares what display is being used. I literally just finished playing Super Mario World on my BlackBerry Passport. You know what? Made no difference to me.

rainslacker2893d ago (Edited 2893d ago )

It'd be better to keep a CRT TV if you're serious about the quality of the picture. However, a decent upscaler can actually make it look pretty good. My Pioneer receiver can upscale my retro analog output systems to 4K, and it looks fine, so I took the CRT out of my game room...or rather it for something else in that room.

This particular system will output HDMI. Not sure if it does any upscaling or processing on the image itself.

In any case, this isn't for people looking for the most awesome graphics. It's for the people that want to relive the NES era. A lot of what this does can already be done on the WiiU, so if someone has a WiiU or unless one really wants to play with the original NES controller, it isn't actually necessary.

Beyond that. Stop being so elitist about it. Learn your tech. There are solutions out there if you want it to look good on your TV. Just because Sharp has crappy upscalers, doesn't mean that the games themselves are bad. The Virtual console releases don't look bad on HDTV screens, so no reason this would since it's using those releases for the software.

Ingram2893d ago

Amen, this thing is sweet, form factor is just classic and the games are all fantastic. This is retro done right atm, but reliability and fidelity are the main course; I'm eager to see some gameplay,, let us hope it's not botched!

rainslacker2893d ago (Edited 2893d ago )

I think it's going to do quite well. These kinds of consoles aren't anything new, but this is an inexpensive officially branded product that just screams "stocking-stuffer" fare, plus it's more versatile than some of the other official offerings that other companies released.

I'll buy one if the HDMI in it can be used to retrofit my actual NES console for HDMI(hopefully made to look better through processing techniques) because I have tons of NES games on carts.

I might buy a second for VC, but realistically, I can get that on other Nintendo systems already, although would be cool to use the original controller instead....although there are mods for that.

Will definitely get a couple of the controllers either way though. Would be awesome if it also supports the other NES peripherals that were out at the time. Could break out my ROB, and light gun for some duck hunt action, not to mention the awesome power glove, or the ever popular Power pad.:)

darthv722893d ago

Just get one of those HD nes boards I see on youtube. A few solder points and a bit of case cutting and you can retrofit any NES with HDMI.


rainslacker2893d ago

They do a crappy job at up-scaling though. Unless some new one's are out. I already know how to retrofit an HDMI controller into the board. Already retrofitted some SVideo outs to some of my systems in the past. More interested in if the output would be more akin to how it is on the virtual console on the WiiU, where it actually looks pretty good.

Other than that, it's more to free up some analog connectors because I use switches for that as my receiver only has 2 RCA inputs, but copious HDMI inputs. It does the upscaling fine, but if the controller they use is better, then might as well go with that.

I actually play enough retro games on the NES the $60 price point won't hurt me, and I'll just use the controller elsewhere.:)

BattleAxe2893d ago

I'll be picking up two of them with a bunch of controllers. The NES is in my top 2 favorite consoles of all time. I still have my original, and I still go around to retro game stores trying to find game cartridges and controllers that are in top shape. I honestly never thought that Nintendo would actually release another product that I would be excited to buy ever again. Great times!

_-EDMIX-_2893d ago

Lol I think it's going to do well amongst nostalgic Gamers but I think it's extremely unlikely that it's going to be out selling the Xbox One or PlayStation 4 this fall.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2893d ago
ocelot072893d ago

I don't get the appeal to this. You can emulate these games on phones, tablets, PC's, laptops. Why pay £60 for only 30 games?

darthv722893d ago

well, i have the full rom set on my modded wii but I'm still getting this because i think it's cool as hell. I like the appearance and how it looks like a classic nes in mini form. the only thing to make it even better is if the cart door opened to reveal an SD or CF slot.

The appeal is for those who just have that good old nostalgic bone in their body. It's why i have the other plug and play "flashback" systems as well even if i have the real systems and variety of games. They are just... cool to have.

gamer92893d ago

Convenience and looks. I don’t want to emulate on a laptop and hook that to TV every time to play these games. I want to just pick up the controller and play

ziggurcat2893d ago

I think they said you can download the NES VC games, too. It's a good deal to start with.

HisRandomFriend2893d ago

You can't, they said it can't go online

81BX2893d ago

For a lot of us this system represents some of the greatest gaming memories weve had with brothers/sisters and friends. That alone is worth the respect of a proper NiN release not some stupid @$$ emulator!

rainslacker2893d ago

I'm getting one for the HDMI chip if I can put it into my NES console and it does a good job with the output.

If I can't do that, then I'll get one, because it's pretty cool. Have something similar from Sega, although it can accept carts. If I can do the first thing mentioned, I'll buy two.

Beyond that, Virtual Console works for me for games I don't already own.

ocelot072893d ago (Edited 2893d ago )

Don't get me wrong. I have noting against this. After reading a lot of comments I can see why people are looking forward to this. Am just not a Nintendo guy my self plus for someone like me who has a PC hooked up to a TV. It is something I simply don't need.

Now if Sega was to do a Sega Saturn / Dreamcast re-release I would buy one in a instant.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2893d ago
RosweeSon2893d ago

Amiibo's last year, NES Mini and new Pokemons this Christmas, New Zelda, NX March 2017, new handheld Christmas 2017?!... All I know is Nintendo are gonna have some serious coinage incoming.

2893d ago
n4rc2893d ago

For $60 I get 30 classic games with a HDMI port that will play on my led.. I'm sold

They won't be able to keep up with demand imo..

martinlovegoodie2893d ago

martinlovegoodie16m ago(Edited 10m ago)
Oh! those 16 megapixels are going to look so good and sharp on my 1080P tv/
The whole point of playing your original Nintendo console was so that you could use your old static Television set that would hurts your eyes when you play video games. Lets be real.
Would it look better to hook up Vhs to an HD tv? or using an old cosset tape and using an HD surround sound system to listen to it. no! there is money to be made on stupidity. think about this and you relies how stupid it is,

2893d ago
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Sakurai Completes Final YouTube Video Amidst Next Super Smash Bros Game Rumors

Super Smash Bros creator Masahiro Sakurai has finished recording his YouTube video series amidst rumors of a new entry in the series.

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ZeekQuattro1d 5h ago

New Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Deluxe.


We Interview: CoD BO6 Associate Director, Design Matt Scronce and Director of Production Yale Miller

David writes: "During our preview for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, we had the opportunity to interview Matt Scronce (Associate Director, Design), and Yale Miller (Director of Production) from Treyarch."

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IGN Instructed & Offered Prizes for Crowd to Cheer During Phil Spencer and Other Live Interviews

During the IGN Live interview with Phil Spencer, the crowd cheered even if the topic was about closures, and its because they were told to.

GaboonViper3d ago ShowReplies(15)
Snookies123d ago

Just reading this headline alone made me feel grimy. Disgusting, all around. Haven't trusted IGN since over a decade ago, so this isn't really surprising to hear.

Leeroyw3d ago

IGN lost a lot of credibility a long time ago. Now they're running on fumes.

MrDead3d ago

MS are buying up the industry so you need a compliant media to tell you how awesome consolidation and mass layoffs are... and they know MS is IP hunting too, they will be cut off from review copies of some of gaming's biggest IP's if they don't play ball.

peppeaccardo3d ago

The only way they can rise excitement in a crowd is paying for it. LAMENESS is MIcrosoft best product to date.

Skuletor3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I think that kind of thing night be standard. I once was in the audience for Wheel of Fortune and there was a guy that briefed us before the show on his hand signals, when we were supposed to react/applaud and stuff like that and we were told to check under our seats because one of them had a prize underneath it.

Edit: Okay, read the article, this was definitely some slimy behaviour by IGN and it sounds like it wasn't just on the behalf of Xbox either.

Also, since IGN bought Humble Bundle years ago, they stopped occasionally giving a game away for free during certain big sales events etc, screw IGN.

Profchaos3d ago

It is for say a game show or similar shows for entertainment purposes but a interview not really.

Petebloodyonion3d ago

Bruno Rodriguez confirmed that his statement applied to the entire three-day Fanfest event, not solely Phil Spencer's interview. Regrettably, this part of his response is absent from the article, which raises questions about its omission.
Here is the complete explanation

DarXyde3d ago


It is an odd omission. While I do believe IGN has some problematic biases, one can't really say it's done for Spencer in light of this information.

Good follow up.

Inverno3d ago

IGN not being trustworthy? Yeah we've been knowing that.

GaboonViper3d ago

I remember when they gave Alien Isolation a bad review because the alien AI acted like a actual Xenomorph which was free to do what it wanted and hunt you down, and docked Days Gone points because it had a white female as Deacons Girl, oh and they have one of the worst fanboys in Dustin, he has no shame whatsoever.

Inverno3d ago

Don't forget "too much water". It's like they hate hire people that hate their jobs. This is a people problem, when people aren't humbled they become full of themselves. IGN and other news publishers have been given too much sway, and too much preferential treatment. They forget they're meant to inform the people, and have instead become a tool to sell an image these companies want to portray. Perception of power and authority and influence corrupts people.

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