
Ranking The Uncharted Series From Worst to Best

Josh from Controller Crusade ranks the four main Uncharted games of the series from worst to best.

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WelkinCole2909d ago

For me U3 was the better game compare to U2 but the thing is the jump was not as big from U2 to U3 unlike U1 to U2 so U2 made more or an impression.

Then again U1 was just jaw dropping when I first play it. Its kinda like MGS1 in that sense to me.

U4 though is rightly at the top and I think being on the PS4 and ND just perfecting everything they done before is why it is at the top.

C-H-E-F2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

Yeah, I think my favorite was U3. It had fighting down (melee), it had shooting mechanics, the story everything was remarkable. U4 took out a few good features like (dodging during melee combat, you have to roll now). I'm sure many people haven't realized it, but for me my list is as follows...

UVita(Golden Abyss)

Strange_Evil2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

I think UC3 wasn't as good as UC4 or UC2. Yes it had bigger set pieces but I think they went too over the top especially the ship scene. The end of the game kinda fell apart a little bit in terms of the story. The multi-player was dope though. Also when it first came out, it had a really floaty shooting feel which they patched later on but it left a bad taste as many people had already completed the game.

I feel UC4 although was more grounded felt like a much more mature & believable story. For me it is (best to worst)

Haven't played the Vita entry so can't rate those

TRS_Gear2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

This is a very tough, yet very easy list.

Worst to Best? Okay...




I think my list is comprised of a lot of factors to dictate my order. Yet the biggest driving one being how likely I would be to play it again, and again, and again.

I have played UC4 1.5 times, got a little sidetracked before I could finish it on Hard.
I have played UC3 about 3 times, and other than a few of the trickier parts, I have pretty fond memories.
I have played UC2 more times than I can count. It was my first Uncharted experience, I got it the day it came out and instantly fell in love with the feel and characters.
I have played UC1 about 3 times. Twice on PS3 and once on PS4, and to be honest it just feels too compressed and too small of scale. I could honestly never play it again and be happy.
I have played but never completed UC:GA. I bought a Vita just for it, but could never get over the gimmicky controls. It could be fun, but I just can't force myself to play it.

It is a VERY close race between 2,3,and 4. I really love all three of them.

Paytaa2909d ago

I think worst to best for me would be:
Uncharted 3
Uncharted 1
Uncharted 2 + Uncharted 4 tied

Never played Golden Abyss. Bought a PSTV thinking there was support for it but sadly there isn't and I don't want to spend the money for a Vita for one game.

yeahright22909d ago

I think it was because of too much touch screen integration. that and it was being given away with PS+ for so long, I doubt it sold as many copies as it could have.

blitz06232909d ago

For me: 2>4>3>1

Nothing beats U2

Darkwatchman2909d ago (Edited 2909d ago )

Uncharted 3 had awful pacing and emulated the structure of Uncharted 2 to T. The Big Bang opening followed by a flashback sequence. The mid game convoy chase. The discovering the lost city near the home stretch. The running away and plat forming as the place is collapsing. Such a retread of every beat uncharted 2 hit, but didn't have the same restraint. Set pieces and action lasted too long whereas uncharted 2 knew when to pull back on the action and slow back down before doing a gradual build up to another big action sequence.

Uncharted 3 was a me too sequel copying the second game because they were too afraid to deviate from what gave them all that praise.

That's not to say it didn't improve things. It did. It has the best puzzles of the series and the plane sequence is the most memorable and exciting of the franchise, but as a whole, uncharted 3 isn't as well put together as 2.,

Nathan_Hale532909d ago

I agree, I liked how it touched on Drake's and Sully's past, meeting each other, which that alone made me enjoy it a bit more. The plane scene is jaw dropping, just as much like the train section in 2

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2909d ago
Shaun2k52909d ago

No room for the Vita title?

Good list otherwise!

jgilbert112909d ago

I haven't played enough of it to decide where it should land in the rankings. Didn't think it would be fair. I'll have to give it a playthrough one day and maybe update. Thanks for reading!

C-H-E-F2909d ago

ahh that game was great. One of the best looking vita games, definitely makes you think "oh teh powah" lOl...

C-H-E-F2909d ago

ironically I just made a reply above putting the vita game in my list. lOl

2909d ago Replies(1)
ThePope2909d ago

Mine goes:


Never played a vita game before.

jgilbert112909d ago

Very interesting. It's cool to see what other players think for rankings.

ThePope2909d ago

I wasn't the biggest fan of 2, and 4 while very good was the same thing over and over again.

starchild2909d ago

That's exactly how I would rank them too. Assuming you're going from worst to best that is.

Uncharted 2 was just such an amazing adventure, with my favorite story of the bunch, the best pacing, as well as the most interesting locations and setpieces, imo.

So for me it's definitely: Uncharted 2 > Uncharted 4 > Uncharted 1 > Uncharted 3
But they are all outstanding games.

deafdani2909d ago

I think he's going from best to "worst", actually. And I put "worst" in periods because, really, all the Uncharted games are great.

ThePope2909d ago

I was doing best to worst. But cheers to your list too.

sirultimos2909d ago

No Golden Abyss? I liked that one the least but it still probably should have been in there.

ifinitygamer2909d ago


Not very often that the original game which was so well made and successful is the lowest on the list, but it's such a testament to the quality of the games going forward.

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2505d ago Replies(2)
gametrotter2505d ago

Chris and Jill > Leon and Claire imo

Yukes2505d ago

Ratchet and Clank are definitely my favourite duo in gaming. They're written so well, and play off each other perfectly. Banjo-Kazooie definitely up there, too.

What about Yooka-Laylee? Only kidding.

ninsigma2505d ago

Jak and Daxter are my favourite duo. Love those games.

Relientk772505d ago

Ratchet & Clank
Spyro the Dragon and Sparx
Ellie and Joel
Nathan Drake and Elena
Vivi and Steiner (Final Fantasy IX)

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