
Xbox Execs on Forza Motorsport 6: "No One Is Gonna Be Disappointed;" Coming This Holiday Season

After the reveal at the Detroit Auto Show, Microsoft has been mostly silent about Forza Motorsport 6, but yesterday Xbox EMEA Social Marketing Manager Graeme Boyd and Xbox Global Director of Games Marketing Aaron Greenberg talked a bit about the game.

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RG_Dubz3410d ago

30fps = disappointment

All racing games need to be 60fps.

Abriael3410d ago (Edited 3410d ago )

I disagree. Racing games aren't the twitchiest of experiences, and if 30 as a simulation frame rate is enough for the developer to calculate physics (and there are no reason why it shouldn't, especially for an arcadesim), I'd rather have more immersive graphics, weather, night/day and my pipe dream, more cars on track.

If they can achieve that with 60, great, but if they need to drop to 30 for that, great anyway.


Forza 5 was 1080p 60fps....i do not see forza taking a step backwards 2 years later.

Naga3410d ago

It will be 60fps, just like the last one in the Motorsport series.

And as a general pont, I agree - 30fps is perfectly fine for most arcade racers. 60fps much more necessary for those simulations in which every frame counts. Though it isn't tied to calculations per second - Forza Motorsport has a long history of calculation speeds being more than double the graphical frame rate.

Yi-Long3410d ago

I don't really care about 30fps or 60fps, cause Driveclub has shown it can be very smooth and fast while 'only' being 30fps.

I prefer a gorgeous looking game at 30fps over an empty/dull looking game at 60fps.

When it comes to Forza, I'm much more concerned about all the DLC-milking the series has gotten to be known for.

I LOVED Forza, and I actually still love Forza, cause it's got great graphics and gameplay, but the DLC-milking had actually turned me completely off of the series.

I'm really hoping games like Project CARS will offer much more content and much less DLC-milking, while also delivering in the gameplay-department, so games like Forza and GT finally have some decent competition, that hopefully will force them to also 'up' their game, not just in gameplay and graphics, but also in how they treat their customers when it comes to the DLC.

Utalkin2me3410d ago


And had to cut alot of corners to do so.


3410d ago
JackBNimble3410d ago

I bet most of you couldn't even see a difference between 30fps and 60 fps, or have ever seen 60fps.

otherZinc3409d ago (Edited 3409d ago )


Forza Motorsport 5 WAS 1080p 60fps; Locked,
At Launch!

Forza Motorsport 6 will use Windows 10 and
DirectX 12. Forza Motorsport 6 will hit
1080p 60fps with ease!

You're saying 30fps is ok because Drive Club can't hit 1080p 60fps. Racing games that aren't open world, must be 60fps! Racing games are best at 60fps, like Fighting Games.

I would like a return of NASCAR.

Formula One was ggreat, however, NASCAR is my favorite.

Dee_913409d ago (Edited 3409d ago )

Abriael believe it or not Forza isn't an arcade sim.It may not produce 1:1 real world physics like all racing sims strives for.But that doesn't make it an arcade.Arcadesim comes up in conversation when comparing sims, but its a vast over exaggeration. I play iRacing, Assetto corsa, GT6, forza 4, and pCars and the differences in the physics are so miniscule that only real professionals or experts can point them out..
Now regarding 30fps, i'm not sure what you mean by "the twitchiest of experiences" but if you mean little need for quick reaction then you couldn't be more wrong.Quick reaction is racing.During one of the gt academy qualifications ,I think there was a bug in the game and the fps would drop in a few areas on Silverstone, this added milliseconds on to people's times, which is massive considering the time split between 1st and 50th could be 2 seconds..You need that 60fps to get near perfect reaction time.Need for speed shift 2 is a prime example with reaction time.The console version was 30fps and had massive input lag, a complete mess basically, but the pc version had 60fps, and the input lag was less noticeable.Now it may not be necessary for casuals, but for core racing sims fans 60fps is a must, I personally can play at 30fps, because I don't strive for lap times and I drive like a grandpa, but for racing fans this will be a huge deal if its 30fps.I think for the fans it would be best for them to find somewhere to cut to get the resources to achieve 60fps.Or at least have changeable settings... That is if it is 30fps, I don't see where they stated it would be..

Abriael3409d ago

Dee_91: Forza is definitely arcadish. I've played many sims since GP Legends, and Forza doesn't get even close simulation wise.

That's definitely not an issue. Full fledged sims would probably not work very well commercially on consoles, but Forza simply isn't one.

Dee_913409d ago (Edited 3409d ago )

You're talking about Motorsport not horizon right? The fact is, it strives for realism, it should be classified in such manner.Arcade racers don't have real tire models, laser scanned tracks, and proper transmission, and suspension tuning, even if arguably its not 100% identical to real world calculations doesn't make it an arcade.Like I said this whole arcadesim classification is only a thing when comparing it component by component to other sims like iRacing and alternate versions of iRacing that actual racing drivers use to practice.But standing on its own, it is a simulator, and even comparing console simulators to pc simulators they completely hold their own.I couldn't say the same 10 years ago. This whole "console sim racers can never be as good PC sim racers" thing needs to stay in the ps2 xbox era, because now they are much closer in many aspects.
People have been telling me Gran Turismo isn't a true sim like iRacing since 2010, they made the differences sound so major when in reality, after playing iRacing the differences are so insignificant to a casual racer.Granted PS2 and earlier era the differences were major.

Jazzuri3409d ago

try turning off the assists in FH5 and then try comparing it to an arcade racer.

Abriael3409d ago (Edited 3409d ago )

Dee_91: if you think Forza Motorsport (or Gran Turismo, at that) is a simulator, you never tried driving a tail-happy high performance car in real life.

The model is based on realistic physics, but so do many other arcade/sim hybrids, it's toned down a LOT to make it more enjoyable, even with full assists off. Cars are glued to the asphalt in comparison with reality.

I'm sorry, but if you really think the differences with iRacing are "insignificant," you either never tried iRacing (especially past the few basic super-slow cars), or you don't really know how to compare.

dRanzer3409d ago


"Driveclube cant hit 1080\60"
you say it like if this game will go to xbox one then he will hit 1080\60 - and we both know this is not true.
froza 5 hit 1080\60 becouse the low visuls the game had
pepole here acting like froza 5 was the best game visuls on the planet,and truly this is not the case.
cant see froza 6 with level of visuls like driveclub hit 1080\60,unless they using dx12,not really,just kidding :P

user55757083409d ago Show
Dee_913409d ago (Edited 3409d ago )

I've driven my cousin's corvette around pacific raceways,I race karts on occasion, my daily driver is a dodge challenger.I have experience with cars that tend to oversteer to say the least.Thats beside the point.. Which you seem to continuously gloss over considering you used comparisons in each of your comments lol ..If I was to compare iRacing to real life, I could call it an arcadesim..
Arcade racers vaguely base their models on real world physics..
"or you don't really know how to compare."
Oh do you mean like when I said "the differences in the physics are so miniscule that only real professionals or experts can point them out" or "the differences are so insignificant to a casual racer" Yea you may have a point there, considering i'm not claiming to be a pro in that department.I can't explain my point anymore than I did, so I will just leave it.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3409d ago
christocolus3410d ago (Edited 3410d ago )


Depends on the type of racer and usually it also depends on what the developer is aiming for with the game.. Forza Horizon 2 is open world 30fps and it runs and plays like a dream. Forza Motorsport on the other hand has always aimed for 60fps with great physics and customizations and i don't think that will change with FM6. Dan Greenwalt and his team are extremely talented and its been a long time since the Xbox One launched and so much has changed so i expect FM6 to be a lot better than FM5.

mcstorm3410d ago

I agree. For me Forza 5 felt abit like GT5 did when that came out where it was unfinished but it was also a early gen game which we dint always see a big jump in graphics etc.

I enjoyed Forza 5 but it did not feel as good or as big as 4. Horizon 2 on the other hand I can't get enough and when I thought PG could not top horizon they did with 2.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of Forza 6 and this is one of the games I will be interested in getting this year.

fanboysmackdown3410d ago

Where in this article does it mention anything about 30 fps?

Baka-akaB3410d ago (Edited 3410d ago )

No 60 fps for racing is a boon , but most console racers havent been 60 fps actually . It's a trend that started late on gamecube with F zero , and followed solely by a few ips without most console gamers noticing . We can mostly hope and expect that it stays the norm for series that are already running at 60 fps

NeoGamer2323410d ago

That was a value-less, stupid, and uninformed fanboy comment.

Forza Motorsports 5 was 60 FPS... Why do you think Forza Motorsports 6 would be anything less?

They have better SDKs now, more available resources on the machine, probably DX12, and will have spent two years optimizing their Forza game engine.

I don't see how this game could be anything less than 1080p and 60 FPS.

Insomnia_843410d ago ShowReplies(2)
u4one3410d ago

forza motorsport has always been 60 fps from the first version to the last. and i would say all racing sims need to be 60 fps. the horizons, driveclubs, need for speeds don't really matter as much to me because you're not playing them for the physics.

GenuineGamer3410d ago

Forza 1 was 30fps. Forza 2 was the first 60fps motorsport title.

MasterCornholio3410d ago

And it will be 1080p 60FPS. The only Forzas that are 30 are the open world ones.

annoyedgamer3410d ago

Forza Motorsport games are 60 FPS.

TheCommentator3410d ago

The numbered part of the Forza franchise has always been 60fps. Additionally, since Forza 2 the physics have run at 360fps. Besides Project Cars, I've not heard of any other game doing this. Only the open world Horizon games are 30fps. Please grow up and quit flaming.

Hanuman3410d ago

You're comment is disappointing. Nowhere is stated that the game will be 30fps.

GearSkiN3410d ago

Try again, looks like u know nothing about the game.

mhunterjr3410d ago

There is never been at Forza motorsport game to come in under 60fps... I doubt they'll start now...

Magicite3410d ago

Those who dont have an Xbox also wont be disappointed? Great to hear!

iamlegend99993409d ago

If i don't play a game because of some resolution. You shouldn't even call yourself a gamer

memots3409d ago

Again with this 30fps B.S

Where were you last gen? You do know that about 10% of games where made to reached 60fps.

This stupid l33t attitude is so bad.

PGR Racing 3 and 4 2 of the best racing game on console last gen where fast racer. And yup you guessed it 30fps.

TheXgamerLive3409d ago

Rg, you do know that Forza 5 is 1080p 60fps. Forza Horizan 2 is an open world game so yes it was 1080p 30fps. Big difference. Forza 6 will have some DX12 emplimented so yes its going to look better than any other racing game to date.

RG_Dubz3409d ago

You do know Forza 5 was compared to GT6 (A Last-Gen game) and GT6 actually looked better in a lot of areas.

I don't even consider that a Current-Gen game.

Also I guarantee it will not look better then Driveclub, Unless it runs at 15fps. lol

You highly overestimate XB1's hardware capabilities.

Foehammer3409d ago

Forza 6 will be awesome, I don't know why RG is here?

First RG makes a non sequitur statement about 30fps when there is only one console racer that runs at 60fps and 1080p, and it's Forza 5.

Then RG makes a statement about a comparison between F5 and GT6.

That is true

But the results are not what RG sad they are:


"you can see that it's still miles better than its previous-gen rival, Gran Turismo 6."


"Forza 5's cars look incredible. Given the next-gen advantage, I'm sure GT6's cars would look just as nice. But, right now, Polyphony Digital's work can't touch Turn 10's."

3409d ago
VealParmHero3409d ago

Just to add my opinion, 30fps is not a disappointment in general, but for Forza 6 it might be. I have gone back and forth from Forza Horizon to FM5 and the difference is pretty huge. So to be fair, FH2 is great at 30fps, but after having FM5 at 60fps, it would be hard to swallow a change back to 30 for the next FM title. I bet that at this point they could hit 1080/60 and match or likely beat the E3 build of FM5. It might not be be quite on par with a game like driveclub graphically though, but should still look great. We need an impressive looking game with 60 frames and great physics, even if it's not the "most" impressive looking in the genre.

GNCFLYER3409d ago

I used to think that RG. Then I got a hold of driveclub and realized it's not the case.

Gamer19823409d ago

No one is gonna be disappointed?? Nintendo WiiU only owners who are interested in it will be.. :P. I couldn't help it.. It was there..

d0x3603409d ago

Main series forza has always been 60fps so what are you going on about

Svinya3409d ago

Forza has never been anything other than 60fps so why even mention it?

xtremeimport3409d ago

releasing a game annually and I'm already disappointed.

Professor_K3409d ago

Every year you are dissapointed because you cant play them.

xtremeimport3409d ago

I like the idea of making a game last longer than a year. giving us half backed games instead of one that took years to develop is a bad trend this industry is taking.

tee_bag2423409d ago

I agree, all serious racers should be 60fps. No where in the article does it say it will be 30fps.
All the Forza Motorsport series have been 60fps.. Including the older 360 releases. On the spinoff Horizon series with dumbed down physics and frame rate made the 30fps compromise.

angelusbrz3409d ago

You're right but casuals or people who don't know what they're talking about will down vote you.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 3409d ago
3410d ago Replies(4)
gamerfan09093410d ago

Turn 10 is the best racing dev since Bizarre Creations. I don't doubt these dudes with anything. Them and Playground just consistently produce nothing but quality racing game after quality racing game.

SoapShoes3410d ago (Edited 3410d ago )

Well as far as FM goes I'll look forward to it. Idk about project cars.

Sitdown3410d ago

"From what I’ve seen, no one is gonna be disappointed about that game."
-that is the full sentence from his quote, pretty sure you already know why the article title cut out the first piece.

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Xbox Game Studios Publishing Team Visits Kojima Productions to 'Kick-Off an Exciting Journey'

Kojima Productions' Hideo Kojima and Microsoft's GM of Xbox games marketing Aaron Greenberg via Twitter revealed the Xbox Game Studios Publishing teams have visited Kojima Productions.

"Our first visit to Kojima Productions with our Xbox Game Studios Publishing teams," said Greenberg. "Bringing engineering, cloud, marketing & production teams together to kick-off an exciting journey ahead."

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Obscure_Observer480d ago

Definitely curious to know more about this game.

Probably a survivor horror game powered by Azure just like Flight Simulator.

porkChop480d ago

He had a cloud-based horror title in development at Stadia but Google cancelled the project. Idk. He could bring that to Xbox but he also might be making something else. I just don't know what cloud would bring to a horror game.

Obscure_Observer480d ago

"I just don't know what cloud would bring to a horror game."

It´s Kojima. He can create a cloud-based Pac Man. Lol.

Tbh, If you tell me MS were planning to release a cloud-based Flight Simulator a few years back, I wouldn´t know what to expect either.

He´ll be working with Kim Swift (Portal creator) so I´m expecting something big!

EvertonFC480d ago

Can you offload things like lighting or RT etc to cloud?

fr0sty480d ago

RT, not really, as we expect 60fps,and low input lag, and good luck getting pings good enough to refresh that.

cthulhucultist480d ago

I can think 3 possible uses, although I could be wrong:

1. Dynamic weather and time of day depending on your region. For instance real-time weather and time-of-day information, which can be used to create dynamic environments that change depending on the weather and time of day. In addition various festivities (such as halloweed) can be tracked to add additional background features such as new times, layout and decorations.

2.Cloud-based servers can facilitate shared experiences in horror games so that players can share real tine journals around the world for other players to find (similar to demon souls messaging system)

3. Crowd-sourced decision making when it comes to important world altering decisions. In that way players can decide using polls, on the direction of certain events.

All the above apply to multiplayer horror game scenarios

porkChop480d ago


I see where you're going but those 3 scenarios don't actually need cloud technology. We could already do those things with an online connection. For Kojima to say it's a game he's always wanted to make but that it isn't possible without cloud... Idk man it sounds like he's talking about some wild shit lmao. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Obscure_Observer480d ago


"Can you offload things like lighting or RT etc to cloud?"

Yes, you can offload anything CPU-intensive to the cloud. Xbox Game Studios already confirmed that Ray Tracing is coming to Flight Simulator at some point with the DirectX 12 Ultimate update.

I_am_Batman480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

@Everton: Offloading part of the rendering pipeline to a remote server isn't a viable solution for latency sensitive real time applications like games. Bandwidth isn't high enough and latency is way too high. There is a reason why GPUs have multi-level cache hierarchies. Local cache/memory latency is measured in nano seconds, a server ping in miliseconds. You're talking orders of magnitude difference in both latency and bandwidth. At that point you'd be better off letting the server do all the computation and streaming the finished frame which would just be plain old game streaming.

fr0sty479d ago (Edited 479d ago )

It's SO obvious which people in this conversation have any idea how game development works... lol.

No, you cannot do cloud assisted ray tracing. 60fps updates every 16ms. So, within 16 ms, your must tell the server you need a frame, and what that frame needs to be, Then the important part... the server has to have the time needed to render that frame, and then it has to be able to send that frame back to you. A perfectly average ping in the year 2023 is 20-50ms... and even if you get lower than that sometimes, you won't stay that low all the time... especially when connecting to servers over large distances. see the problem there?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 479d ago
blackblades480d ago

Bad quality photo, like show some respect to the guy. Can report for bad quality picture.

Stanjara480d ago

Photo probably taken with Kinect.

onisama480d ago

the original on twitter kojima with the team xbox, this photo is zoomed

YourMommySpoils480d ago

Phil is going to start slapping and spanking Kojima, when he finds out the developers have been working on a Sony game this whole time, instead.

Aloymetal480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

Lol, well you're kinda right since he's been working on DS2 aka his baby and I say his baby because it is his main priority plus when I saw the tour he made of his studio in Japan, everything inside is decorated with Death Stranding and all that stuff. Amazing studio by the way.

Obscure_Observer480d ago

"Lol, well you're kinda right since he's been working on DS2 aka his baby and I say his baby because it is his main priority"

Lmao! Sure... whatever helps you sleep at night, dude. XD

Kojima wants his new game on Xbox to bring a revolution! From the man himself:

“It’s almost like a new medium. If this succeeds, it will turn things around – not just in the game industry, but in the movie industry as well,”

"Kojima: I tend to get easily bored. Part of why I've been able to make games for 30 years is because new technology replaces the old so quickly. The tech you use today may not be applicable tomorrow, and I'm interested in figuring out ways to incorporate the new. Making the wrong choice can result in failure, of course. It's a bit like a space program in that way. The project we're working on with Microsoft is one I have been thinking about for five or six years already. The project required infrastructure that was never needed before, so I discussed it with lots of different big companies and gave presentations, but they really seemed to think that I was mad. It was ultimately Microsoft who showed that they understood, and now we're working together on the project, including the technology front."

“It’s a completely new game, one that no one has ever experienced or seen before. I’ve waited very long for the day when I could finally start to create it.”


mkis007480d ago

Sony would normally accept anything kojima would put out if they were even one of his potentials. Leaves me with 2 options: Sony literally couldn't say yes to it or 2 it is more unusually than death stranding.

Obscure_Observer480d ago


"2 it is more unusually than death stranding."

He said that every publisher which he proposed his new game (Sony included), says he gone mad except Xbox Game Studios.

If this game is not been in development for the PS5, Sony is the one to blame.

sadraiden479d ago


always take Kojima's hyperbole with several thousand grains of salt. He famously said DS was a new game genre. Turns out it was a 3rd person action game with asynchronous multiplayer. Still fun and engaging, but not really as innovative as he was pitching it.

DOMination-479d ago

DS is the only game they’ve released isn’t it? I have a feeling that’s the most logical reason why tue studio is filled with stuff from that game

YourMommySpoils479d ago (Edited 479d ago )

In other words, there is no Xbox game. "!" over the head.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 479d ago
sadraiden479d ago

Phil never put a ring on it. Kojima is his own publisher. I think he holds most of the leverage, and in this case Xbox wanting their own Kojima exclusive is exactly the reason why he won't spank him.

Traecy480d ago

They want to follow in Sony PS footsteps...lol. Smh.

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Aaron Greenberg Promoted To Xbox's VP Of Games Marketing

If you're a close follower of the Xbox team, you'll be well aware of Aaron Greenberg. He's a really nice guy who is always busy promoting the latest game and hardware.

It seems he's recently been promoted - with his LinkedIn profile revealing how he's gone from Xbox Games Marketing General Manager to Xbox Games Marketing Vice President.

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Knushwood Butt652d ago

'He's a really nice guy who is always busy promoting the latest game.'.

He's had a quiet year then.

-Foxtrot652d ago

Just spinning on his chair randomly thinking "I wonder who can swim faster, a horse or a dog"

651d ago
NotoriousWhiz651d ago

^ While that's a funny thought. The facts are that the more people that like your favorite plastic box, the more people that will spend money on the plastic box, and the more money spent on that plastic box, results in more support going to that plastic box, which ultimately results in more games for you to play on your plastic box.

So that bit of marketing does help you in the end. But don't let those facts get in the way of a good funny.

*takes off nerd glasses*

MoonConquistador651d ago


I like many people, probably overuse lol's in my online messaging, but I genuinely laughed aloud with that comment.

MadLad651d ago

2023 is coming.
The tone of this place will go from "Xbox has no games" to trying to explain why everything they release is terrible. No matter the reviews or sales. Or trying to convince everyone how Gamepass is killing the industry.

Aloymetal651d ago

''2023 is coming''
I know right, I've been seeing the same slogan since 2014.

651d ago
neutralgamer1992651d ago


Man stop it as a Xbox fan I am tired of waiting till next year. It's time to have some amazing games that are high in quality

CrimsonWing69651d ago

I feel like they said that back in 2021, then 2022, and… well you get the picture.

651d ago
STARS651d ago


2023 is coming, in three and a half months. What about in the entirety of 2022, or in the last 10+ months? How have those award winning, MS studios been looking in that time frame? 🤔 Yeah, no matter the reviews or sales, sounds a lot like TLoU Part 2 from you for 2 years running. 🤡

651d ago
godofboobees651d ago

So it's no longer "wait till e3" but so and so date is coming? Gotcha

651d ago
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651d ago
651d ago
651d ago
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651d ago
Hofstaderman651d ago

E3 is also coming. What a joke.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 651d ago
Automatic79651d ago (Edited 651d ago )


Depends what quiet year means to you.

Didn't he just finish promoting this summer E3, High on Life, Naraka Blade Point, As Dusk Falls, Forza Horizon 5 HotWheels, Redfall, Starfield, Pentiment and Grounded. Plus he was Gamescom with games like Lies of P, The Case of Benedict Fox and more. I don't consider that a quiet year.

Congratulations Aaron.

Elda651d ago (Edited 651d ago )

Lies of P is a multi-plat game with no release date. The other games you've mentioned are mostly low-budget/AA lackluster looking games with the exception of Forza. Redfall & Starfield have no release date. As an XBSX owner that's nothing to be excited about.

darthv72651d ago (Edited 651d ago )

@elda... so you upgraded your free xmas party series s to a series x now? Gamepass has a way of doing that. And lies of P is a nice get for the service. Of course Greenburg will promote games and the service.its his job.

Lightning77651d ago

I'm not a Greenburge fan myself but whenever someone lists the games. It's always "AA low budget lack luster games" but yet go crazy over a Cat game that nobody's talking about anymore. AA is only OK if it's only exclusive to their platform, anywhere else it's lackluster.


651d ago
XiNatsuDragnel651d ago

The problem most of these are timed exclusives or multiplats. Not AAA or AA, I care about exclusives which the competitors have.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 651d ago
deadfrag652d ago ShowReplies(2)
XiNatsuDragnel652d ago

Oh congrats Aaron but imo I want a new team rather than the same people start fresh.

Si-Fly651d ago

Yeah why aren’t they promoting an intern to VP?

XiNatsuDragnel651d ago (Edited 651d ago )

Or fresh blood

ED-E651d ago

Can't really tell how Greenberg is today, but back in my Xbox360 days (oof, we're talking 10+ years ago), he had such a pervy douchey vibe, I couldn't stand him. So I might have been wrong all along.

God, I miss my Xbox360 days, but I hated the Metro-UI change in 2012(?) so much. It was one of the reasons I switched to Playstation with the next generation.

MadLad651d ago

It might be time to switch back, honestly.
I'm mainly a PC gamer, but I've owned every Playstation console since the PS2.
I was one of the few that managed getting a PS5 day one.

They've been anti-consumer idiots this generation. I don't want to support them as a company at this point. I've been buying used anything that I want to play.

I'm watching Microsoft improve their games division in many ways, while watching Sony test how much they can fleece their dedicated fanbase.

Aloymetal651d ago

''I don't want to support them as a company at this point. I've been buying used anything that I want to play.''
Don't do that, PS needs you, they'll be doomed if you don't support them...

Elda651d ago

At least Sony continues to release AAA exclusives,they've released AAA exclusives throughout this year whereas XB has not...not one.

MadLad651d ago


Whatever you insist, guy. I know the drill. Everything Microsoft does with their games division is trash.
Everything Sony does with their games division is totally amazing. It's actually kind of creepy.

Doesn't matter what Sony does, and it doesn't matter the improvements Microsoft is making.

The PS6 could announce at $1000, the games could now be $80, they could double the base price of PS Plus, and you would be doing your best to celebrate and defend it.

651d ago
651d ago
Crows90651d ago

Name me one game this supposed games division improvement has created.

651d ago
651d ago
Gamingsince1981651d ago

MS haven't improved their games division at all, they have spent more money than anyone else on buying up studios and still have nothing to show years on. Gamepass is rubbish and that's all they have.

651d ago
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gold_drake651d ago (Edited 651d ago )

"been watching them improve their games division in many ways"

really? might be time for some glasses then ha.

AmUnRa651d ago (Edited 651d ago )

Here whe go again....but but but i have always own a PS, but Sony are anti consumer idiots. Dude give it a rest whe dont believe your drivel time for the mods to do theyr job.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 651d ago
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Xbox Games Marketing Boss Debunks Speculation About Event Coming Soon With Big World Premieres

There has been speculation floating around about an Xbox event, especially in relation to a reveal of From Software’s Elden Ring. Turns out it's false.

jairusmonillas1211d ago ShowReplies(2)
Orchard1211d ago (Edited 1211d ago )

Honestly, after all of the rumors from “insiders” about the Nintendo & Sony events being false - I’ve given up believing any of these rumors - just wait for the real event to take place - otherwise you’ll likely be disappointed.

lifeisgamesok1211d ago

Fake insiders and hype from MS tricked me for many E3's until I said enough is enough

Viking_mo1211d ago

Game awards is what made me say enough is enough. God of wsr debut gameplay, silent hill trailer and MGS trailer too.

lifeisgamesok1211d ago

@Viking_mo I remember the Uncharted 4 and Spider-man demos made me so envious of Playstation fans before I got my PS4

moriarty18891211d ago

talk is cheap.....put up,or shut up.

bleedsoe9mm1211d ago

Could be lying like he did before the game awards

AngelicIceDiamond1210d ago

He smartly swerved everyone at the VGA's. Who knows if he's doing it here as well but my expectations are extremely low anyway.

bleedsoe9mm1210d ago

Better is over deliver than under deliver