
CRank: 11Score: 39740
Joined 11 May 2018 ( 2325d ago )
Last seen 13d ago
Gender m
Location Palma
Birthday 28 Dec (96d left)

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Final Boss is your home of all things geek & pop culture. From the biggest TV shows and blockbuster movies, to the newest innovations in tech and latest gaming releases, we’re here to bring you our own brand of content. Forget dodgy click bait and forget generic rehashes of news, at Final Boss it’s all about authenticity and real insight. Looking for crackpot theories about your favourite shows? Honest looks at the latest movies? Maybe you’re after some hilarious gaming commentary? You may have just found your new favourite place on the internet. At F/B, we don’t post every day, but when we, we promise to always bring high-quality content that takes a deeper look at your favourite pop-culture properties.