
CRank: 5Score: 6760
Joined 25 May 2010 ( 5265d ago )
Last seen 3227d ago
Gender u
Birthday 01 Jan (68d left)

Gamer Tags



I hate pretty much everything the average gamer loves and praises to the moon. Halo, God of War, Metal Gear, Killzone, Gears of War, Call of Duty, Little Big Planet - If I wanted to play dress up I'd buy some Barbie's. I hate Grantourismo - Look out, innovative left turns coming up! I hate Mass Effect & GTA games. I hate anything done by Insomniac games - Cause they suck monkey F*CK. I loath them with a passion. They're about as good as good can be in a midget factory where everything is standard height. I also hate online games and gamer's idiotic need to have it in every game regardless if they play it or not. I hate motion gaming and 3-d gaming. I hate long games and feel every game should be 3 to 5 hours long and cost about 30 bucks. I hate retail disc based games. I think it's too cumbersome to put one in and can't wait for everything to go Download only. This would also cut Piracy out all together. I hate gamers more than anything, though.