
CRank: 6Score: 92260

well, outside of Halo and Forza (and Perfect Dark Zero lol), just about every exclusive on the 360 is third-party developed. true, Microsoft may have published a lot of them, but they had no hand in development, which is why you're seeing a lot of previously "Only-on 360" games creep up on the PS3. so yes, given their sheer dearth of in-house development, this generation Microsoft seems way more reliant on third-party games, at least more than Sony.

given the two a...

5911d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well, from what i've heard both Barlog and Jaffe (Jaffe for certain) have expressed genuine interest in being involved with GoW3. given how closely the two are associated to the GoW series, as well as the series importance to the PS3, i'm sure Sony will let the vets back on the project in some meaningful fashion. i remain highly optimistic about GoW3

5911d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

that's what happens when you have a casual system with a bunch of casual games. now excuse me while i go play my non-casual Gears of War for an hour or two, then switch to my non-casual MGS4.

5912d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i just don't understand how such simple logic escapes a high level exec. if they knew they were gonna have a problem getting PS1 games on PS Store, they shouldn't have ever started the service in the first place. dare i say it: Microsoft doesn't seem to have a problem getting classics on Live.

still, i can't complain too much. most PS1 games i want i already have on disc. i'd still like to get my hands on Vagrant Story, Tobal, Lunar SSS and EB, Suikoden 2 and other hard to ...

5912d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

forget the first Killzone for a minute. please tell me you're not taking any of these reviews (be they good or bad), based on a few minutes of gameplay seriously are you? how would you expect people to react if you said a game sucked and you hardly even gave it a try?

5913d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if the four new exclusive games rumors turns out to be true, then Sonys' conference has already won in my opinion. its kinda sad though, because outside of announcing FFXIII as an "Also-on 360" game, Microsoft's conference was pretty bland. but people will never see nor admit this, and it will only deter from Sony's conference. Sony needs a major announcement. God of War 3 will help, but its still not enough. they need a headline grabber, like "GTAV exclusive to PS3" ...

5914d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

who are you congratulating?

i personally don't care which system it sells the most for. i'm getting it on my PS3 because of my preference for Dualshock 3 over the 360 controller. Vader is just an added bonus (though Kratos would've made a world of difference)

5919d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

i think price has a lot to do with Wii's success too. it came out at a mass market price, while the PS3 and 360 launched with price tags only die hards could digest.

personally, and i hate to say this because i don't like ragging on systems, but i couldn't tell you why the Wii is so popular. we've had one in our household for about 3 months. except for the few times i played Wii Bowl, and the one or two times me and my girlfriend played Twilight Princess, our Wii has done ...

5921d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its only in the US that the 360 has a big foothold with its install base. if you need proof of this just notice the tone of Greenberg's first few comments, where he focuses primarily on US sales.

everyone can agree that last year the 360's line-up was much better than PS3's, yet the PS3 still outsold the 360 worldwide. the PS3 has trounced the 360's install base in Japan and trounces it on month-to-month sales; it is neck and neck to the 360 across Europe while maintaining ...

5922d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

...i'm a bit miffed about their reasoning for the lack of third-party exclusives on the PS3. the philosophy itself would be sound if not for the simple fact that 360 continues to get third-party exclusives, a lot of which are jrpgs.

plain and simple: Sony refuses to buy exclusives. granted, as a gamer i myself am against the practice, but as a PS360 owner i would at least like to see Sony make a concerted effort to keep the playing field leveled in the third-party arena. if ...

5922d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

my top ten favorite segments in this generation's best game are:

1. Act 1
2. Act 2
3. Act 4
4. Act 5
5. Act 3
6. the cutscenes subsequent to taking down Beauty and Beast (especially Laughing Octopus...*drool*)
7. the first Raiden vs. Vamp fight
8. Snake vs. Liquid
9. fighting with Rat Patrol in Act 1
10. Raiden stopping the battlecruiser at the end of Shadow Moses

5924d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i liked the game, enough to have played it twice now. that's all that matters to ME. i'll leave the number of units sold to people who care about that stuff.

5926d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

a picture of the world's second highest selling console (the first being PS2, both made by Sony) being used as a pic for an article porporting that Sony screwed up the games industry. redundancy and idiocy can't get much more classic than that.

i'm no fanboy, but i can smell them coming from a mile away. this Bruce dude is anti-Sony/Playstation to the utmost extreme. throw me a link to an article where he so baselessly criticizes either Microsoft/XBox or Nintendo and i'll th...

5928d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

still, it's a pretty good list, as well as a refreshing trip down memory lane. i too remember those days spending 10s' of dollars worth of quarters trying to perfect Ken in Street Fighter 2. i even remember when i first learn how to hadoken (it was at a Six Flags theme park back in 1992). my all-time favorite would probably be between Marvel vs. Capcom and Soul Calibur though, but i can appreciate every game mentioned here...well, except for DOA.

5931d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

well, i'm glad i'm not much into all the technical mumbo-jumbo like you, because to me the game is absolutely gorgeous. true, it doesn't have the best textures, but textures are just one ingredient of the total package, and overall, Killzone 2 outshines just about everything on consoles. still, i wouldn't say PS3's main competitor handles textures silkily smooth either. just about every UE3 game on the 360 (Gears of War and Mass Effect especially) suffered from a tremendous amount of textu...

5931d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

while i agree that Ninja Gaiden's fighting system is the best in 3d action, in my opinion the game offers nothing else to compete with either DMC or God of War. in essence NG feels like a free-roaming fighter. the story in NG is so uninteresting that it may as well be non-existant, and the characterization is abysmal. given all this, why not just play a true fighter which obviously offers a much better fighting system?

5932d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

who cares whether either of them arelying? only fanboys, who are just tools who need a reason to justify their purchase, or a reason to chest thump, care about sales data.

5933d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

whats funny is that the it's the "constructive" articles that have insighted fanboy bickering. if you want my opinion this piece makes fun of fanboys in general, not just 360 ones. this is a PS3 game we're talking about, so it'd be kinda hard to single PS3 fanboys out. but i'm sure when Fable 2 or Gears of War 2 comes out, we'll see a similar article aimed at PS3 fanboys.

5933d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

sigh. MGS4 has more gameplay than 360's biggest titles, Halo and Gears of War. try the game before slamming it for once.

5933d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

isn't the PS3 firmware update 2.4, which is supposed to address your concerns, scheduled to come out sometime this summer?

5933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment