CRank: 5Score: 109680

If the Ps5 tearndown beat both Ps4 and Ps4 Pro, then one can only imagine how much of a landslide is going be in comparison to the Xbone teardown video.

1449d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The pre-order must be thru the roof for him to give such as substancial projection.

1449d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

Can someone explain what has changed, I have read it twice and still can't make out what is being said.

1449d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment

Xbone fans have this deep desire that things are going to be different this time around, poor souls don’t realize, another spanking awaits.

1450d ago 53 agree10 disagreeView comment
1451d ago Show

Desperate time calls for desperate measures, the Xbox S X/S pre-order figures mustve been fairly low for this kind of reaction, they're literly sending units to some of the most obscure youtubers out there.

1451d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Game already looks stunning on Ps4, one can only wonder in excitement as to how it will look on PS5.
Pretty sure they're holding NG+ for PS5 version of the game.
Re-playing TLOU2 and GOT on PS5 is a must for all the technical advancements they will for sure do. Let's not forget,
the Multiplayer.

1452d ago 30 agree1 disagreeView comment

Go into hybernation and wake up after 8 years when we have the PS6. Till then, everyone else will enjoy what is being offered.

1453d ago 16 agree6 disagreeView comment

What a bunch of idiots, how pathetic their life must be to give death threats over a fictional character in a video game?
Sad little sh*theads.

1453d ago 29 agree3 disagreeView comment

Are people really not noticing a black controller in the video? Looks fake but who really knows.

Sony really needs to come out and share all the information regarding ps5 or else someone will leak valuable information like it happened to Microsoft with series s and price reveal.

1454d ago 24 agree10 disagreeView comment

As big as the Bathesda buyout news is for Microsoft, I think Sony would've still won.

1456d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well microsoft owns Minecraft and that's on Ps4, even with VR support. Do people even think before they speak, or is it all about making the headlines nowadays?

1458d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am going to be honest, apart from Evil Within 1 and 2, I have never bought any other Bathesda game. So I am good here not playing any Bathesda game if they ever become exclusive to Xbox.

1463d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony exclusives can easily hold their own against all the 23 Xbox studios. If Sony includes new acquisitions, that will only enhance their already incredible portoflio further.

And lets be honest, Sony doesn't need to acquire any more studios but Microsoft surely does.

1464d ago 65 agree8 disagreeView comment

Die-hard Xbox fans who wanted an xbox got it, everyone else is waiting for the Ps5 preorders to come back.

This is not just an Australia thing, this is going to be the case worldwide.

1464d ago 16 agree19 disagreeView comment

This is no doubt a massive buy for Microsoft, only thing to see if Sony will follow suit and announce a major acquisition as well.
Sony have mentioned before that they will acquire more studios to expand their library. The question is who?

1465d ago 9 agree10 disagreeView comment

Middle East is a Playstation country. You hardly see any store carrying Xbox games, even more now since GamePass Subscription.

They can reduce by a significant margin and will still be outsold by PS5.

1466d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

These fools need to realize that Playstation is a global brand, slight hiccup is not going to equate a win for xbone x/s.

This is wishful thinking at best.

1466d ago 22 agree4 disagreeView comment

Based on the pre-order demand and the success of their previous-gen console, the answer is fairly obvious.

1467d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yes, especially for those who will not be able to get their hands on a PS5 at launch due to limited availability.

1469d ago 11 agree9 disagreeView comment