
CRank: 5Score: 400

Ofc its unfit for wii, EVERY game is unfit for wii..
Zhak only speaks the truth when telling Nintendo to do the only right thing, and move their SSBB projekt to the only system that can handle it, the $playstation3System$ and give the license to allknowing Sony, that is this games only hope, to not become another great wii-failure

Sony will because of its sheer talent, hardwork and supreme brand make this into another $Playstation3System$ succes with amazing HD grafix an...

6085d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

My word is the truth! the one and only

Just look at these confused children trying to cover the great failures Metroid Prime 1,2,3 .. The grafix is yes, AWFULL the gameplay is repetetive, and the story is boring.. thats all facts
ZHAK speaks only the truth, telling you, your better of selling your gamecubes 1.2 and Crapboxes and buy THE REAL DEAL! the $Playstation3System$ whilst we all know its the future (Simply because of superior Sony's supreme ability to always coun...

6085d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

NAILED IT THERE COMRAD! your totally right.. THE $PLAYSTATION3SYSTEM$ IS 08's TITANIC! .. only it will newer sink!!!
Sell your broken xbox'es and gamecube 1.2's ! and buy the THE REAL DEAL! mighty Sony is once again gonna be VICTORIOUS!



6085d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Failure is written all over that comment, my dear Arch-rival Zhik..

Read what i said about RE5 wii earlier.. (if capcom even cares to make it for wii)

Rachet & Clank ALONE wipes out the incompetent Wii games in ONE major slash, Zack & Wiki, Mario, PIkmin, Starfox is all destroyed.. and now looks like bad atemtps

Kid Icarus will be exactly like MP3 yes, one giant failure.. with bad grafix, lame story, bad AI, few enemys and so on

6086d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

You should newer have woken the wrath of ALMIGHTY ZHAK! know you will suffer the consequenses!,

Metroid Prime3 is exactly the same as MP2 add some motion and u will newer be able to tell the difference.. SMG is the most boring over-rated childish game ever made, its embarasing playing it.. and RE4 i can play any day on my superior $Playstation3System$ with Sorry2say better and more stabil controls, than the unpredictable incompetent wii motion control..


6086d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ahh .. We chat again.. my dear arch-rival Zhik!

And once again, your wrong: All-knowing Sony already have delivered many true nex-gen games to their system: including: CoD4, Uncharted, BurnoutP, Motorstorm, R:FOM.. and MUCH MUCH more are coming .. wait and see..

Nintendo has yet to show anything impressing from their little gamecube 1.2 system, it must be seriously anoying to see all the new Wii titles get SMASHED in reviews.. but get used to it ppl, it will keep...

6086d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is no match for mighty Sony's triple A gold titles, lets take them from an end:
(Starfox, Kid Icarus, Pikmin): Which self-respecting adult would acually sid down and even consider playing these childish boring games, "(with incredibly graphics thanks to factor 5)" Have u even seen a $Playstation3System$ game? cuz once u've played a game on the gold system, you will NEWER be able to say a wii game has even descent grafix.. its like playing past-gen $Playstation2System$ on...

6086d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

A perfect display of Sony, Chosen Triple A Gold titles, This is Nex-gen games, in their full shining! $Playstation3System$ This is living


6086d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Poor lame xbox.. i feel bad for u xbox owners.. What do u say now? "We have Ninja Gaiden2?" hahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahah ahahhah well .. $Playstation3System$ owners, is gonna get the perfect version of DMC4, which is gonna kick ninja gaidens ass, ALL way back to f*cking china!
Lame list .. only GTA4 is apealing, and SUPRISE4? ofc its coming to the $Playstation3System$...

What? "Too human ? Fable2?" .......... like Fable1, Fable 2 is gonna suck, and ...

6086d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

hahahahaahahahhaha a list full of games seen before ^^ Nintendo are laughing at u wii owners, this is just pathetic remakes of old gamecube games, ohh forgot they added in a bit of incompetent Motion, thats completely useless, dosnt work most of the time, and r only fun for small retardet children..

This is the most boring list ever shown, 08 is gonna prove the fact that the wii was a failure.. and the $Playstation3System$the greatest succes Sony has ever made


6086d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

As always mighty Sony tend to pick the right exclusives to count on! .. this game has "Halo-Killer" writen all over it, With 60p online.. and best grafix ever made ! Only Killzone2 will top it, being the fps industys jugernaut of 08. and thats a fact

the $Playstation3System$ will because of its flaw-free online, and Triple A gold exclusives = Rule 08


6086d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only true nex-gen console is as we all know- the $Playstation3System$.. And as we all also know, it has the best/most reliable online mode.

The wii's silly pathetic excuse for an online, is laughable, Is there even any descent Wii games that use it? Have fun with your friend codes HAHAHA

And the xbox-live is soooooooooo good uh? .. How about the fact that it keep breaking down? or that it costs f*cking money to use it?


6086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only the $Playstation3System$ have the supreme power 2 handle whats needed..

Neither the cheap pathetic last-gen wii, or the Noisy crap hardware F*ckbox can..


6086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its a combination, of its amazing hardvare specs, Triple A games library, Nex-gen Blue-ray capabilities and fair price..

The $Playstation3System$ is the one and only Ultimate Media-center heavenly Console Ever created by man, Godlike Sony has again made a Console with something for everybody, it will surpass the crappy wii, and incompetent 360 in 08 4 sure, its a FACT


6094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I Think We all know DMC4 is gonna look alot better on the $Playstation3System$, its no secret that this triple A gold title was created 4 the $Playstation3System$, they probably had to downgrade the 360 version cause of the incompetent cooling system, and its lack of specs comepared to the mighty $Playstation3System$ This guy is obviously and Xbot that is lying its ass of, cuz his envy and depressed he didnt buy a $Playstation3System$

The 360 version wont sell as much, because ...

6094d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This game is a classic show, of another triumph by Sony.. It has Halo killer written all over it.. with a stunning 60player multiplayer, fantastic grafix and a possibel end to the spektacular story R:FOM created, this game will surpass every Fps ever created by man..
Dont even think about a 360 or wii version, this masterpiece of a game can ONLY be done on the $Playstation3System$


6094d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its only a matter of time, When Sonys Triple A gold titles will start raining the following months, everybody will forget about the dated piece of junk hardvare, that is the 360..
(FF13, MSG4, KZ2, GT5, Haze, Tekken6, R:FOM2, Motorstorm 2, GoW3) are all games that cant possibly be done on the 360 because of its incompetent cooling system, thats a FACT..
2008 is the year everybody will remember as the $Playstation3System@'s rise, and the 360's slow death..


6094d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Burnout Paradise is ONLY going to be the triple A title it is on the $Playstation3System$,... The xbox will newer be able to handle its extremely realistic grafix and crash effects. The 360 version will be incopmpetent as always, with bad grafix, frame-rate problems, and RROD's all the time, from trying to handle a $Playstation3System$ game.

All Because of Sonys supreme marketing power, and extraordinary ability to pick the right games, to count on.. 360 and Wii will fail in th...

6094d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment