
CRank: 5Score: 31030

I’m honestly baffled as to how Phil Spencer is still in charge at Microsoft games. It doesn’t make any sense. Halo Infinite failed under his watch, Starfield under his watch.

I don’t understand how Xbox hasn’t had one AAA smash hit since the 360 generation. Xbox as a brand needs to be killed off. It’s name has become synonymous with failure.

Microsoft with this next generation in 2028 need a whole new name, they also need excellent first party games with ...

41d ago 22 agree0 disagreeView comment

A lot of it is MS is not Apple. MS is looked at outside of software a terrible hardware manufacturer.

People aren’t fans of MS and Xbox the way they are Sony and PlayStation.

Furthermore people associate Japan and the Japanese with quality. They associate America with anything but.

The rub is Apple. If Apple made Apple Game Stations they’d make PlayStation look like Xbox. Because people are emotionally attached to Apple in a way that ...

55d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mike Ybarra is a joke. This man goes from company to company like the town wh*re.

I didn’t like him at Microsoft, didn’t like him at Blizzard. And while I would tip developers who deserve it.

I’ll never tip developers who are more than happy to force diversity and inclusion just because.

If it makes sense for the story and game okay. But often times it’s just there to check DEI boxes.

66d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

At this point in terms of budget how many copies does a FF7 Rebirth have to sell? Or any AAA game for that matter that takes years to make for it to be profitable and devs keep their jobs?

Does anyone know the actual number or are these studios going to lose money no matter what? Since the layoffs seem to be from over hiring during the pandemic.

I’m genuinely curious though as to what the truth and reality is here. Can anyone shed some insight or are we a...

109d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For anyone who thinks Jim is being unfair. He destroyed Death Stranding as well. Though he did rate it higher.

But this is par for the course with him. He will let huge games have it and go full on auto cannon.

No one is safe.

286d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment
294d ago

In my opinion I believe Playstation will have another surprise showcase after Xbox shows it’s cards, or they’ll definitively have stuff for Tokyo game show.

There’s no way that this is it. Plus I think I already saw somewhere that there’s something in June coming from Naughty Dog because of the 10TH Anniversary of The Last of Us.

No doubt in my mind the next iteration of multiplayer Factions that they’ve been working on will be showcased then.

392d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I swear to god I read the headline as Tekken 8 reveals “Whoring” as a new playable character.

I’m like oh? How does that work. I need help!

404d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

At this point it’s become clear to me that Microsoft doesn’t care how much money the gaming division loses. They just keep looking at the profit the company as a whole makes and says to themselves we’re fine.

Heck I don’t even think they know what to spend their vast amounts of money on. I guess for them Xbox is a hobby? People kept saying Xbox was dead after the Xbox One tanked and here we are several years later with no end to Xbox in sight.

If this wer...

422d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

It’s sad what happen to Gears under Microsoft’s stewardship. Halo is in an even worse state.

The fact of the matter is they've been set on keeping the games exactly as they were back in the early 2000’s.

Gears should be terrifying at this point like Dead Space. Real scary enemies. Real threats. Yet it’s still the same old ish.

Halo with the voice lines being all jokey by enemies. It’s time to grow up. Yet they refuse to evolve an...

468d ago 8 agree17 disagreeView comment

All I want is Heart’s of Iron on PS5 and Series consoles. Though it will probably be Victoria or something else.

Unless they’re simply going to talk about stuff that’s already on the platform?

Guess we’ll all find out soon enough.

479d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

In the words of the great Ricky Gervais “Just because you’re offended doesn’t make you right.”

I’m sick of this nonsense already. That reviewer and others like them are some of the worst parts of society.

They think their world view is the only one that matters. That if you disagree you’re phobic.

Look up the word phobia in the dictionary. I doubt J.K.Rowling has a phobia of gay and trans people.

The issue is and coun...

496d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean they wanted a Destiny type 10 year plan. But at no point was the game made for that. Where are the co-op dungeons, raids, real open world locations across the Halo universe? They don’t exist that’s where. There was no real plan.

They simply released a barebones game they had eons to make. Some bare bones multiplayer arena modes. A couple of big team battle maps and that’s it.

This isn’t 2005. That type of stuff isn’t going to fly anymore. Good thin...

502d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That’s my issue. There’s 200 freaking hours plus worth of campaign.

But no he’s not a fan of the single player historical campaign stuff.

So he then decides gee I don’t know I guess I’ll score the game an 8 out of 10.

Believe me when I tell you fellas had this been a PlayStation platform only game he’d have given it a 9 out of 10 or 10 out of 10.

This is par for the course though with pathetically poor reviewer when i...

506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Having beat the Dead Space games which I love at $69 plus tax for the Remake I just can’t justify a purchase for less than 12 hours of gameplay.

Can’t do it and won’t do it. This is more a wait for EA Play release. The Last of Us Remake at $69 I can justify with at least 15 to 25 hours of gameplay there depending on if you’re a completionist or not.

Although to be fair Sony being cute and Remaking The Last of Us and then selling it at $69 when the Remas...

507d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

My theory and don’t quote me is that ACT/BLIZZ has nearly 10,000 employees around 9800.

Either Microsoft is extremely confident the deal will close and need to make room to take on those types of salaries, contracts, and gaming budgets.

Or Microsoft realizes that they need to start cutting costs now because they’ll owe a breakup fee of 4 billion if the deal falls through. One never knows with these things it could be either or at this point.

519d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

I don’t want my entertainment weighing in on geopolitical issues. They aren’t here for that. Go ask your representatives what they think.

I’m sick of it already and I know many of you are as well. Do we need to hear from every Tom, D*ck, and Harry about their political opinions?

Every company doesn’t need to chime in to as others put it virtual signal. They’ve already ruined countless T.V. Shows and movies with the endless force feeding of it to the mas...

519d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I understand why they do this. But I wish they, Xbox, Nintendo, and others would choose random fans who it mean a heck of a lot more to and give them things like this. I’d like to see people who spend their hard earned money on the products given their due.

A streamer, influencer, or someone from the press who’ll then toss whatever they’re given aside a day later when the next company sends them free stuff isn’t really something I’m keen on seeing. I don’t know I just wish...

534d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

My take is Microsoft can beat the FTC in court if it comes to it. The CMA however is unbeatable in the U.K. There is no way to challenge the ruling in court.

Beyond that the European Union I believe as well isn’t challengeable in court. The only way this deal gets through is if Microsoft is willing to leave the European market and I don’t see that happening.

The deal in the end between Activision and Microsoft will be stopped by the CMA and European Union...

574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here’s my issue with Jim he isn’t a good CEO. He’s a terrible leader. First he believed in generations until he didn’t.

Phil let me not even get going with Phil. This man is all over the place. He’ll say anything to get the deal through.

He’d tell you that you can have his wife and children because sharing is caring.

I don’t know. The ACT/BLIZZ purchase will probably even with scrutiny be pushed through with caveats but it’s gross for M...

577d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment