I want Snatcher 2 :(


CRank: 7Score: 185850

InFamous bores the crap out of me. Almost as bad as those terrible GTA games. Limbo and Uncharted 3 are beyond awsome though. I love L.A. Noire and Portal 2 as well. I have yet to get Skyrim but plan to at some point (I'm more of a Fallout person).

4648d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Top 5 for me is easy..

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Dragon Age II
L.A. Noire

4648d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well, I'm a DmC fan and I love what I've seen of this. Although, the last 3 were crap so at least Capcom did something ri gh t for once and got a competent team to produce this. This'll be one of the best hack n'slash games next to Bayonetta, Dante's Inferno, God of War III, No More Heroes and Metal Gear Rising.

4648d ago 3 agree26 disagreeView comment

Riiigghhttt :facepalm:

4648d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

I haven't complained since this was first announced in 2010. I'm celebrating it's release. Finally! A good DMC to take that crap taste out of my mouth from the last 3 gaytarded entries in the series.

4648d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

Someone's suckin' down the derp-aide. This release date was announced months ago when Silent Hill: Downpour was delayed and missed it's original October date. Derp. Anyways, can't wait to get this and the HD collection.

4648d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Drsgon Age II and Mass Effect 2 are both brilliant. Anything else by BioWare takes a back seat to the 2 big boys.

4648d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

DA II / ME II is when Bioware finally hit their stride.

4648d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

DA II is the best fantasy RPG ever made and Mass Effect 2 is the best Sci-Fi RPG ever made. Period.

4648d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I want Kane & Lynch 3 after this. Kane & Lynch 2 was a gritty, realistic masterpiece and highly underrated. One thing I hope is that 3 is longer than 2.

4648d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looks great and here's hoping they did change up stuff from prior games. I could barely get 30 minutes into them before giving up. Blood Money was the only one I enjoyed despite only making as far as the second mission.

4648d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think they'll both rock.

4648d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hopefully it'll get a PSN port at some point. Looks brilliant.

4648d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Too much to list but here goes for my Most Wanted 2012 SuperList!!

Afterfall: Insanity
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Anarchy Reigns
Binary Domain
BioShock: Infinite
Borderlands 2
Brothers in Arms: Furious 4
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
The Darkness II
Darksiders II
Deep Black
Dust 514
Epic Mickey 2
Far Cry 3
Final Fantasy XIII...

4648d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn, I just paid in full for this at GameStop. I guess I'll switch that pre-order to Mass Effect 3 and go ahead and pre-order this at Amazon so I can get tge $20 credit. This game will be beyond awsome.

4648d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS Collection, Rage and Uncharted were the only big games for me this Fall.

4649d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Went to the developer page. Believe it or not, this game is being developed by one person.

4649d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anything Ken Levine delivers, I'll gladly pay $60 on launch day :)

4649d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hope to God that it is Downfall!

4649d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Catherine was a day 1 purchase and GOTY.

4649d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment