CRank: 5Score: 370

We all know it could be a "splinter cell" lol of ANONYM-ASS, but they won't say who did it in fear of exposing themselves. That being said, I have a message for ANONYM-ASS. WE ARE PSN GAMERS. WE ARE LEGION. You want to play cyber-god, do it somewhere else. You will not impose your will & your beliefs on us. You should never have "trash-talked" our U.S. Soldiers. I don't care what you believe or think for that matter. In my book you are all cyber nerd coward...

4792d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This message was sent to the Anonymous #OPSONY blogsite:I am NOT Anonymous. I am a U.S. soldier. I also will never forget. The difference between you & I, however is that I won't hide my face or hide behind a monitor when I fight for what I believe in. I don't know if anyone in Anonymous was involved in the PSN outtage, but I will not let your organization sit behind your masks & talk about my fellow soldiers. We are not animals. We do what we have to do for our country, ou...

4801d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I went to their site. If they wanna trash talk the U.S. Military, they can be "real" men & women & come trash talk us to our faces. Until that day comes, (NEVER), they might want to back off. I am NOT anonymous. I am a U.S. soldier. I also never forget! But you'll never see me fight my battles hiding my face or hiding behind a monitor. To my fellow soldiers, HOOAH!! To Anonymous, I'm holding up a finger. Guess which one it is. -CARD

4802d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

As for DC UNIVERSE players we pay $15 a month. I 've been down for a week. Time is money to me. So yes I want reembursment or it'll get ugly. As for Anonymous, they may or may not have caused this. But from looking at their site, they have found a new enemy in me. YOU WANT TO TRASH TALK U.S. SOLDIERS, why dont you get off your little computer and try trash talking us to our faces. Oh that's right your only a cyber bully. LOL You have to hide behind your monitor. WE ALSO SHALL ...

4802d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment