
CRank: 5Score: 10720

Do you seriously think a no name like Hayter would get a bigger paycheck than Keifer fucking Sutherland?

4028d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Am i the only one that thinks Hayter did a terrible job on MGS4? Every time he talked it sounded like he was trying to take a huge dump, just awful. He probably got fired based on that performance.

4028d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Does anyone even play these stupid run of the mill old fps for their story? Whoever likes these tired old boring genre of games dont even know what Chrono Trigger is anyways.

4100d ago 8 agree37 disagreeView comment

Tell me about it, I cant wait for this trend to change, way too many trash shooters and not enough strategy games or rpgs, same overhyped trash again and again. What the hell is so great about the new overhyped trash Dishonored? It does absolutely nothing new, no depth since i hear you can end it in 10 hours or something and still it gets 9s from every brain dead reviewer, its just amazing to me how bad this generation of gamers is. Xcom Enemy Unknown brings me hope, a little ray of hope in a...

4249d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Oh man now you are just reaching, yea FF4 was cool only because there was nothing like it at the time, guess what? Same deal with FF7, there was absolutely nothing like it at all, don't just name an old SNES game just to sound cool or old school, I know you don't know wtf you are talking about so don't try to impress me. Just the fact that you mention Crisis Core shows how bad your tastes are and also shows me that you probably played FF7 recently and probably after Crisis Core ev...

4249d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Final Fantasy 7 was the game that made me completely regret getting a N64 instead of a psx back in the day, i remember watching the Opening FMV at my friends house and having my jaw drop. After selling my n64 and getting a psx i rented ff7 and beat it without a memory card, one of the most fun gaming experiences of my teen age years. So I ask you, why is the game a mess? Oh nevermind you are just hating because its the cool thing to do these days.

4249d ago 84 agree20 disagreeView comment

Please give me an example of a Final Fantasy before FF7 that didn't have a cliche plot / villain / characters, its like in every single one. People love to hate just to hate, oh and if you mention FF6 you fail, nothing is more cliche than Kefca(crazy ass clown) or "Rebels" vs "The Empire" or "The amnesia girl". And by the way Cloud is anything but 1 dimensional, arguably he is one of the most complex characters in all the Final Fantasy games, but of course yo...

4249d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Man people are stupid, you are playing a 15 year old game that supposedly(I doubt this idiot even knew what Final Fantasy was back then) you didn't enjoy when it was a new release and expect to be blown away by it? We get it you don't like rpgs, stick to your amazingly "deep" and "revolutionary" first person shooters or what ever the hell you enjoy. Final Fantasy 7 was a good rpg that was loved by people that enjoy the genre. Its like trying to get a PC rpg gamer t...

4249d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

The ps1 was more powerful than the n64, main reason why the Final Fantasy franchise jumped ship, they couldn't do what they wanted to with Nintendos console. The ps2 didn't really have any decent competition even if the hardware was better, SNES fans were unhappy with the game library they got with the n64 and didn't trust Nintendo anymore, this is why the gamecube did so badly and the Xbox was too new to compete with established ps brand. The wii may have sold more but the games ...

4251d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

A remake would be nice but SquareEnix doesn't make rpgs the way they used to, its more style over essence these days. Making an rpg with actual content would probably take some restructuring in their development staff.

I remember reading an article some days ago saying that the development team behind FF13 had 170 artists and 30 programmers/game designers, that speaks a lot right there.

4333d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do you ever have anything constructive to say? Seriously, didn't your parents teach you that if you don't have anything good to say you should simply stfu?

4333d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The Americans are the oppressed during the revolution, he can kill as many redcoats as he wants.

4336d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

If the remake comes great if not so be it the game is still a classic, I don't think that was the point of the article, not sure why you are so focused on that

4340d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ UnitSmiley

Waste of time to argue with that kind of person, hes obviously one of those people that played ff7 a week ago with a mind set that the game sucks. Oh and btw ff7 is not the best selling FF, ff13 holds that title.

4340d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I know what you are saying about trying different things like Final Fantasys 12 and 13s battle systems, I really enjoyed them. However there are a few standars that are to be expected from one to the next, Square seems to think its visuals but its not.

4340d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sorry I stopped reading after you said Crisis Core has a better story.

4340d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

If you consider all the content FF7 has, if they do remake it with hd current gen visuals, then yes it will be a grand statement indeed. If it was easy it would have been done by now.

4340d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Hopefully these type of players will evolve like I did they are just starting on a different place. I grew up with the NES and with that came many, many platformers I had my fill with platformers and I just don't touch them anymore, that includes Uncharted. Then came the SNES and with it came the golden era for rpgs and adventure games , these types of games are a bit more complicated and still hold my interest to this day, I would say they are my favorite types. After a few years of mo...

4340d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ JoySticksFTW
I agree with those points ff6 was a great game, its just irritating how people dismiss ff7 just because it went mainstream. Most of these people didn't even experience the game when it was new, they don't understand that back then there was nothing like it on the market.

I was a n64 fanboy till i saw my friend unbox ff7 and start playing it, i was completely blown away. I sold my n64 kept my gold edition ocarina of time(only game i loved on the thi...

4341d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

FF7 is a great game, as great if not greater than FF6 which the "cool kids" claim is the best just because its old school or whatever reason.

FF7 improved everything good about ff6, materia system is a better system than the espers, the story is a lot better than ff6 i just dont get why people say ff6s story is that much better. If you want to call Sephiroth a cliched villain well Kefca is not very original either, i can go on but you get the point.

4342d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment