Drinking milk....yes, thats what she said


CRank: 6Score: 38930

Will it happen? I dont know

IS it possible? yes it is

I have two PS3s in my house, one as a game console, one as a blu-ray machine (in the theater room). Although Blu-ray was the main problem for the PS3 in the beginning (delays, etc..) it seems to be finally helping sony out.

Xbox Live's meltdown was last year (till jan 1 or so) so it doesnt really matter. What this does show is that even paying for a service, you will have problems. Live is not ...

6009d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Zhuk Im calling u out!

you still think DMC4 for 360 will be the ultimate version? ;)

-Better control
-No Loading times

-what? oO

Im guessing they will answer, but but but, it has better textures!

lies, so far we've seen a comparison via gametrailers which I dont trust (Ass Creed video anyone?) and it looked almost identi...

6010d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why make a PS3/Wii game only? oO

thats like adding oil with water, two completely different systems. I would of understood if it was a JRPG but come on, a Racing game?

The 360 controller is perfect for racing games(and shooters) (Ps3 for fighting, action adventure games)

Should of been Wii/PS3/360 or just 360/PS3, heck or just Wii or PS3 or 360 xD

anyways this will be interesting to see

(wikipedia says there is a PSP/D...

6021d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Laughable attempt by microsoft

what will the accomplish with this?

they are just humiliating themselves xD

Zhuk, you better buy one, so at least they get to sell one

6021d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Interesting, I wonder if itll work though

Gears was a slow pace shooter imo.

UT3 is a lot faster and crazier, I wonder if you can have the exact same accuracy in TPS. I will gladly welcome it, so w/e.

6024d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol, oh Zhuk I love your sarcasm XD Even I see you dont believe that. Even I see that your just saying that to piss off other people.

Even knowing 360 cant output natively on 1080p, but whatever.

6025d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT is well known for having the PS3 without Full Range and Super White.

6025d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont see why your saying this about the PS3 when DMC4 was built from the PC in mind and not PS3.

- Also, its all a matter of opinion. Some devs talk trash about the PS3 and some just pure love it (and no, not first party devs)

- 360 has been mostly made lead platform mainly because IT WAS RELEASED A YEAR EARLY. You and I know that if the PS3 would of been released on the same year as Xbox 360, it would of been MOSTLY the lead platform.

- 360 was ...

6026d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The Duke footage is 100% in-game, IN-Engine footage. The fact that people think it's rendered is cool but the tech team deserves the props on this one. "

OMG, lol, Even I was disappointed on how Duke looked xD, never in m mind did I think it wasnt in game

6026d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

wtf happened to PS1, PS2 or DS?

Gran Turismo 3? GTA? etc..??

6029d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You can see that the gameplay shots are from the PS3 version

anyways maybe im reading too much into this.

6029d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interviewer: Kojima productions recently stated that they created the stealth action genre with Metal Gear Solid, what do you guys think of this?

Splinter Cell Team: Im sorry, I dont know what your talking about, whats Metal Gear Solid? is it a Genesis game?

6031d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing can beat Wipeout

hopefully it doesnt turn into a Fatal Inertia, lol!

anyways the more the merrier then

6034d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMG!! its like eyes are having sex!

6040d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wheres the PS3 version of the commercial?

funny how the 360 makes cameo appearances XD

This gen seems rather confusing, maybe it is but I dont remember in the past gen that multiplat games had separate commercials for each system. I usually remembered that it did only one commercial for all platforms. I wonder who started it? (this is not for a flame war, just asking). Sony? Nintendo?

I remembered Sony doing the harry potter one, and nintendo as w...

6048d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have the japanese version of Crisis Core

its a very good game IMO, not a perfect game but a 9 is the score I would also give. It sort of reminds me of kingdom hearts but thats just me. The cutscenes are amazing, as you know coming from SE. The gameplay is amazing as well, a must buy IMO.

6048d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Call me whatever you want, doesnt really matter.

Anyways, I never stated there isnt any good female song that we can sing.

I stated that the majority of the guys will want to sing male songs. Just like females will want to sing mostly female songs.

Since there is a higher male crowd, it would just make more sense xD

6051d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Too bad about the low quality pictures. Anyways, im highly anticipating this title. now the question:

PS3 version or 360? hmmm

6051d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I understand some people want more female vocalist, but to be honest and not trying to be sexist but im pretty sure 2/3 or more of the video game population are men. I mean, go online, go to gamefaqs, go anywhere and you will see all are men with the few exceptions of some women who wont even admit they are women because of the fear of the guys all slobbering over them and their gameish ways.

Anyways i feel it for those female gamers, but when people demand something over the o...

6051d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS4 for Wii announced, Surfer Girl said so!

/sarcasm ends

just move along everyone, I bet I can make a better "predictions" than hers (or him? oO) like:

1)Microsoft will make a price-cut somewhere in mid- 08 xD
2)Nintendo will release a Wii HDD for their WiiWares
3)Sony will discontinue the 40gb PS3 and make a 50gb one with BC XD

6051d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment