
CRank: 5Score: 48970

Lol, I got an idea. How about if they hire artists to do art, and programmers to create gameplay?

2719d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be honest, if you either angry or happy about it, I'm coupling you guys together in the same boat, because this shouldn't even matter. I justed played a while ago and saw a few Tracer, and no one stopped playing, got mad or quit because of it.

2829d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As it relates to 3rd parties triple AAA game, that is true. As consoles become more powerful and the demand to utilize that power to its max performance, it will only get more expensive, thus making the entry level for triple AAA exclusives games rarer as this line progresses. Of course, unless there's some subsidizing from the publishers, or other variables into place. It's becoming a high-risk gamble.

However, there is a door open for indies games or small develo...

2829d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was a big part, they also flopped on the engine war, quoted and quoted, between Unreal and Unity, another reason for their decline. Besides Crysis, they don't have anything, the only decent thing that came out of Crytek besides Crysis was FarCry, and that's Ubisoft. They are Konami with a poor's man Metal Gear IP, in terms of successful IP.

Between that and not paying developers for months, and their other poor decisions, they need to rebuild their team bad...

2830d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd say more than 20 hours, at what point it become apparent that it was not the game you wanted, but still kept playing? I mean free game trials are around 30 minutes. I believe this massive refund trend was due an opportunity to play the game for free, rather than the game itself..

2944d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

As long as there is demand someone will be there to make money, that's a given. However the console gig will end soon, Apple and Intel are already saying that Moore's law is slowing down, we are pretty much reaching the limit with silicon transistor, meaning there will be no processing power difference between PS5 and PS6 for example, even computers will be the same.

2955d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

There is too many zombies games out there to make a mark, I just didn't see anything that sets it apart. Idk why Sony gave the green light to this one, especially with TLOU in it's library.

3018d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The thing that sets apart ND from others developers is that all their games fells like a polished game and that is due because Sony just give them time to polish the game. Remember Uncharted 4 was supposed to be released last year, the game was done, however they wanted to polish it. I doubt that any other publisher would allow it to happen but Sony, so the results shows. Of course I believe only ND has that privilege in Sony studios because they have a great track record, so their earn it.

3043d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Jesus guys, the guys asked him a question and he answer truthfully how he felt, you guys are reading away to much in between the lines.

3087d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

This whole PlayStation VR price thing, reminds me of how when bad movies makes the review of their bad movie wait till the release date, so that they can avoid bad publicity.

I think that when Sony saw the backslash from Rift, they dropped the price from the CES presentation, to gather some time to strategize who to move forward.

I believe it will be cheaper than Rift, but their tone has clearly been how to justify the price tag.

3131d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment

You are right in many things. It was 20 per month. You could stop the payment and not the update and so on. There is a huge learning curve, and Unity is easier.

But by making it free*, I can certainly see their audience increasing from two sources. First is colleges campus that has some kind of game degree. Second are small groups or individuals that wants to make a game but doesn't want to put any capital upfront.

For sure there a...

3489d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only reason not to use UE4 as an indie is to avoid to pay the 5% royalty, because it can slow down a company growth.

With UE4 going free*, a huge chunk of customer will jump the ship, since the demographic changed a little.

3489d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

First Thor, now Link. Who will be next?

3690d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only problem that i have with the PS indies is the lack of exclusive indie games, i know it is hard to make a indie exclusive due to profit reasons, but most of those indie games out there are cheaper on the PC.

What I would want from indies are the games like Journey, SuperStar Dust, Resogun, fat princesses, flower.

3700d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

A PS3/Xbox360 game production cost around 20 to 50 million dollars to make, never-mind a extra 20 to 50 staff to the team for this generation of games.

With games now in days requiring 1 million plus games needs to be sold to start making a profit, How do you expect a BRAND NEW EXCLUSIVE TITLE IP to make money with a LIMITED user-base? Well, they don't at least initially. Sony and Nintendo are eating the cost for the sake of the brand.

The Xbox one is n...

3743d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Incredible poor choice to make a lunch title console exclusive, they only good thing about a exclusive lunch title is the publicity.

I was looking into the Crytek EASS, and compared with UE4, it is not worth it and it has ridiculous awful documentation.

3744d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

Really really stupid decision. They basically in a head to head competition with Sony, until MS and Nintendo get with the program.

The biggest impact of making a console will be the PRICING. While i doubt it will cost more than a PS4 + Morpheus, PS4 has a user base of around 7 mil users, those user can buy Morpheus itself being cheaper than buying the Rift Console.

The second problem that they have is, telling the the costumer why would they need to have R...

3745d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I only watched Sony conference and it was bad. They could have do it so much better by cutting it in half and leaving lots of crap behind.

+White PS4 Destiny Bundle
+No Man's Sky
*MGS5 trailler
+Mortal Kombat X

-Tv, Movies, what is this 2013's microsoft presentation?
-More CGI than gameplay?
-Farcry 4 demo
-Disney Infinity
-No Last Gu...

3755d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think people might have a gold old day syndrome. Games back then were 40 dollars adjusting with today's inflation that would be around 50 dollars. We had a 10 dollar increase since the ps3/xbox360 generation, and why was that?

Because games then(ps3/xbox360 generation) and even more now, can do a lot more, it has more pixels, more physics, more calculations etc. That requires more time to be implemented into the and since we all know time is money, publishers can't...

3758d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

No-one else shocked that they will use a 3rd party engine instead of their own in-house engine?

3819d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment