
CRank: 6Score: 37420
5370d ago

But why is everyone so hyped for this? Has anyone seen even a minute of the gameplay? I haven't, unless I've been living under a rock?

5374d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'm going to buy it, since the PS3 version is equal or as some say, even better. But I'll wait until I see some used copies on eBay or for Amazon's daily special. I'm sure I'll enjoy the game, it just doesn't seem like I'll play it again after I finish it

EDIT: Oh and here's a link to discussion boards (PS3 version):

5375d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, I'm just like you. 2 hours a day (after kids are asleep) maybe 3 on a weekend. What I was saying is that most casual gamers (Wii fit users, little kids and seniors) gaming sessions probably average way under an hour.

I'm on my mountain bike all summer and snowboard in the winter, but I find 30 minutes of Wii tennis exausting. My point is that 2 hours of gaming with motion devices is an extreme form of excercise, not relaxation which most people are looking for in games.

5376d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No matter how cool something is, it's not guaranteed to be a financial success. I'm sceptical about this because

a.) By the time natal hits the shelves, the Wii craze may be over. The console still sells, but the software for it is coming to a grindinding halt(Everyone I know has a Wii, but very few people have games for it other then Wii Fit and Guitar Hero.)

I personally beleive that casual gaming is a fad and in 2-3 years gaming will be back to normal, i.e. a...

5376d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

This was sarcasm too, why don't people get it?

5376d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm.

5376d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I stopped reading IGN because I hate the new website layout. But now that you mentioned it, I do find that they've had a bunch of lopsided reviews.

5377d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

At the end of PS3 demo it actually says "Ported by SEGA". They actually used the word "ported". What am I missing?

5377d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only bosses I had trouble with were Tower Knight (when I was level 16) then flamelurker and False King Allant.

Flamelurker eneded up getting stuck behind the bone cage where I poked him with the spear and threw soul arrows until he died. I got tired of fighting King Allant - not so much him, but the fact that it took 15 minutes just to get to him after I died. So I used the cheap Poison Cloud startegy and killed him without taking a single hit.

The advise I c...

5378d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They couldn't make 20 year old games run smoothly on PSP and PS2... I'm talking about Samurai Showdown Anthology. Half the games in the collection were almost unplayable, due to excessive slowdown and loading times.

5389d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you're content with table scraps, by all means go ahead and support this. There will be no reason for them to actually hire PS3 developers if they see that people will eat up whatever crap you feed them.

But I agree with STK026. The message has to be that people buy games for PS3, but only GOOD games. Take that $60+ and buy a Sony exclusive or a good cross-platform title, like EA has been making (I still can't believe I'm saying this).

5391d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I should be finished with the first one by the time it comes out :)

5391d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't have a 360 either, but at the same time I swore off any multiplats that are not of the same quality as the other versions. They give you an inferior game and expect us to pay the same price? Not me.

The only case I remember where they had the decency to admit it was when Capcom released Lost Planet on PS3. They knew they did a bad job, so the game came out costing $39.99 out of the gate, if I remember correctly.

5391d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Once people read the PS3 review of the same game, this place will turn into a zoo, with modding, banning and restrictions to open zone...

It's not about Microsoft paying people off and not about PS3 not being able to handle a simple hack-n-slash. It's about SEGA trying to cash in on PS3 owners at the last minute before Holidays.

I strongly urge PS3 owners to spend money on OTHER games, be it exclusives or multi-plats, but DON'T SUPPORT MONEY-GRAB efforts, otherwise ...

5391d ago 15 agree7 disagreeView comment

Isn't PirateBay scheduled to to go legal in March? I read someone bought them....

5391d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DO NOT bring your personal life into gaming forum :)

5391d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was about to go to the Ds wiki site to check, but now I don't have to. Bubbles.

5393d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In 20 years of gaming I have never played an RPG type game - just didn't appeal to me. This one made me forget every other game I own. I'mm 22 hours into it and feel like I'm just getting started. People also say it's the hardes game they ever played. It's super hard, but not the worst I've seen.

5394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't own a 360, so I have no idea how it compares to PS3. All I know is I played the Bayonetta demo and it ran like crap - when running, the screen tearing was horrible and colors were washed out. Anyone who doesn't see this, is in self-inflicted denial. Again - I'm not comparing to 360 version, I have not seen it.

I'm saying this for a reason: With all the great PS3 exclusives that we have and that will be coming shortly, there's ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for any PS3 owner to ha...

5395d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment