
CRank: 5Score: 5330

I didn't like WAW after COD4 but I'd take WAW2 over this futuristic nonsense any day.

3535d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've always said they need to remove snipers from all playlists and simply give them their own so they can all quickscope each others brains out. All while ignoring the objectives, of course. Regardless, AW is a terrible COD unfortunately. I thought the game would be fun but it's not. Can we please quit this futuristic crap already? Ugh.

3561d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

None of those are compelling reasons for me to buy it. Bring me back the COD I once loved to play.

3617d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

i hate walmart 50x more than game stop.

3620d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

CAMOS should be awarded for Wins so people would actually play the ******* objective instead of running around knifing only or sitting on a hill sniping. Yeah, those guys are a big help. TBH, I could care less about camos and think most are butt ugly. Yes, even that gaudy Diamond camo.

3621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesn't matter anyway because this isn't COD, it's more like Crysis or HALO if you ask me. They always have to go and change **** and **** it up. I don't care if the game turns out to be fun, it's still not COD. I want a COD game that's fun again instead of this futuristic crap. Exo-Suits....................p lease. How about anti gravitational nades that shoot people upwards and then they fall to their deaths? I better not give them any dumb ideas.
COD died...

3621d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

More of the futuristic nonsense COD doesn't need.

3623d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

Ending their
Killstreaks won't change much considering it's 30 gun kills.

3623d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Are people only allowed to comment if they like something? Some of us have been playing COD(and other shooters) for years and hate seeing what they've done with the franchise. Most of the changes in COD have been terrible and unbalanced. Deathstreaks, Support Streaks, 30 perks....ugh.

3630d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was no fan of WAW but I'd take a remastered that over this crap. Exo Suits.....please. COD deserves better.

3630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, unfortunately. Different..........not better.

3630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Easy, because it's eliminating all the crappy items they add that ruin gameplay. Target Finders, Heart beat Sensors, Thermal Sights, Black Hats, Shock Charges, Tac Inserts, etc, etc all RUIN the game. Give me a simple COD with good guns, good maps, balanced Perks and fun Killstreaks. The rest of the stuff is just to attract the kiddies. COD is a military shooter not this sci-fi'ish stuff. If I want that, there are better games out there like (Titanfall,Destiny)to play. I like COD and ...

3630d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I will say this.............

I think games will be cheaper. I'm pretty sure you will have access to mods. I'm pretty sure it can be upgraded in the future with new hardware. Competition should make things better anyway.

3631d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this game will be crap. they keep making cod worse. go back to basics please instead of this imaginary, futuristic garbage

3631d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

I'd take a WW2 COD over AW any day of the week. I simply want a normal military shooter and not some futuristic, sci fi'ish style shooter. If I want that, I'll go play HALO or Titanfall instead.

3635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree that they can't appeal to everyone, I simply stated my opinion. COD has gotten worse, not better with all this futuristic nonsense. I like HALO and I like COD but I don't want COD to be like HALO. Make sense? I'm all for improvements but this game is a huge failure in my eyes. It might be fun to play, but it still won't be COD to me. Some people will be happy with whatever they do............not me.

3635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

make a sniper only playlist while regular playlists have none. problem solved. let the quickscope other snipers all day long for all I care.

3635d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember when the developers mentioned they wanted to a lot of the verticality in COD a couple years ago? Gee, I know, let's add Exo Suits so people can fly 50 feet in the air. Another year without buying COD I guess.

3640d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

No chance AW saves a damn thing. AW isn't COD if you ask me, it's some sci-fi'ish shooter with killstreaks. Futuristic is the wrong direction for COD. Stick with modern day warfare and forget all the gimmicky nonsense stuff.

3640d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

How dare they fix an exploit......boo friggin hoo. Play the game as intended or shut up. People crying because they basically can't cheat any longer. People ruin everything.

3653d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment