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Last Remnant uses Unreal Engine 3 as well. Only the FFXIII has been confirmed to use their new custom game engine.

6196d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reading the story....

Title: oh, Home Release Date? Probably October 4th.

Loading Page: It might even be delayed.....

At Page: Oh, it is Official? Sweet.


Falls backward out of chair: ow.

6221d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds like fun, I plan to buy this when I get the cash.

6223d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

All of these weapons, or something similar to them, are included in the Unreal Series or its more popular mods. (IE: UTXMP/U2XMP for turrents).

As for the Forge, o wow a map editor. A very limited map editor that only lets you adjust the smaller static-meshes of a level. Why would they even limit you like that, unless they don't even trust their own consumer or something (although I admit that statement is a bit farfetched).

And about the reflectivity, while I me...

6223d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe their is some Burrito Club easter egg in the game to keep us all entertained.

6223d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This really doesn't look all that great. yes, everything is shiny, but thats about it. Its like having a REALLY shiny box. Its shiny, and it can be entertaining for a while (I made my box into a house), but in the end, it is still just a box. (As in this is just Halo, a common First Person shooter with normal weapons and normal gametypes.) (As for it just being a shiny box in terms of graphics, sure its nice looking, but where is the detail? There are barely any vertices there. It is like the...

6223d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I want this game to be good, and I want to enjoy it, but the reviews (gamespot/ign which I do not believe), keep bashing it. We have proven that directly, motion controls are not an issue, but when it comes down to Frame Rate (Can you believe how jagged that is?!?!) and the difficulty of lock on etc in the game, this is the only video that has provided enough evidence to make me decide not to get this game. Also, after remembering how I didn't like rogue squadron, I really don't want this. ...

6228d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


I have never laughed so hard at 11:50 at night! I hope I didn't wake the neighbors.

EDIT: Btw, where can I get this tool?

6230d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is really Ironic.

The Xbox 360 looses an exclusive title and what you hear from 360 owners is "I have no problem with that because this game needs to be played by everyone!" etc.

The PS3 looses an exclusive, and you hear, "OMFG the PSuxors3 Lost another Exclusiv3, 360 FTW!"

Hrm, I think every 360 owner is biased at this point, and obviously for no reason. Both consoles are entertaining, and a true video game player, enjoys ...

6231d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

This feature has encouraged me into looking into buying this game.

Although, I plan to rent it first, to see if I can get used to the controls, and if I can and I do enjoy it, I will buy it.

One question for anyone who might have this:
Does this look good on a SDTV? (does it scale to fit the 4:3 AR?) Because games like the darkness don't scale good to SDTV (they remain 16:9) and ultimately become unreadable (in terms of text) and some of the sides usually...

6231d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Er, I never said that I disliked Warhawk and I never said that it was unplayable, I just found it ironic that people were complaining that they couldn't play, when they can create their own server (as long as it is not ranked).

Really, you need to grow up and stop attacking games without actually playing them nor looking into the fact that they are playable.

I admit, I have not played Warhawk yet, (except for beta), but from what I have heard, it may be the singl...

6231d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am sorry. but that is HILARIOUS.

A game is so popular, that you cannot even find a server that isn't full...

Yet, an infinite number of servers can be created by the users.

HELLO irony.

6231d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hahaha, I am gonna get this game now, just for that feature.

6231d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was announced by Incognito that the Blu-Ray must install Warhawk onto the Playstation 3 hard-drive. Despite this, you are required to have the Blu-Ray in the drive in order to play. This is to avoid duplication of the game, as well as ensure that loading times are identical for both purchases.

6238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There wasn't really any new footage there, all I saw that was new to me, was Killzone on PS2...

6244d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

There is no real reason to believe this guy until he provides cold hard evidence, but what he is saying sounds very plausible, and he did explain the changes pretty thoroughly, and it all makes sense. Hmm, we will just have to wait and see...

6249d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really can't wait for this game, the whole "making the cinematic game" thing is awesome. I also can't believe how many vertices the in-game model has, even just in the face. Those normal maps are also nicely detailed. Now I just gotta take a closer look at this mudbox. :)

6250d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As usual, the rendering engine used by the Xbox 360 seems to produce a different color pallete (this could probably be changed on the PS3 in order to make it the same as 360, since they obviously ported it to PS3, but pigs would fly if they would take the time.), but this is not really an issue. The only difference I see (AND NO I DON'T SEE ANY FPS ISSUES) is that the Depth of Field perception (blur in distance, lack of focus) seems to be more noticeable in the PS3 side, does anyone else noti...

6250d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

It is really obvious that Sony is taking the whole store idea one step at a time. Releasing different things in different countries allows them to see what the more popular form of content is. You must remember that Sony has never done anything like this before (unless you include the PSp site, which sucked). The are probably just deciding what they are going to do in the future. If I remember correctly, the Xbox Live really sucked in its original stages, so, just wait.

6251d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the first game to actually be allowed by Microsoft to graduate from XNA? That is just SAD. I knew that Microsoft was tyrannical and illogical at times, but they create a game development tool kit and only one game ever graduates from it? I am glad when making my game, I decided not to turn to Microsoft, because they would only slap me in the face (reading what their support of Indy developers is and the money they charge you, that is true).

6251d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment