CRank: 5Score: 410

Sorry dudes, it was never going to be classic arena shooting. That whole genre is dead. I mean seriously it is. Just as the article suggested, there's still Unreal Tournament games, which have never been popular since the first couple, and the new F2P one will not be as well.

I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade, I loved those old games, I do miss arena shooters, but they're not coming back. It's how it goes. Expecting the new Doom to be like the...

2990d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm going to agree with you here. The game looks pretty dated, even for a Bethesda reveal. I remember being much more impressed by Skyrim upon first trailer. I can understand why people would be slightly let-down, considering the hype and that a good trailer first impression usually comes from the graphics. Especially when it's a trailer like this where it's seeminly showcasing the world. If it were a "you can do THIS! and THIS!" kind of trailer that showcased actua...

3308d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean to some people it is worthwhile. It doesn't seem any less of a worthwhile item than a new dragon skin or similar. While I'm sure a large quantity of people download nude skins solely for titillation, there are plenty of people who just enjoy the realness of nudity being actual nudity instead of some garbs (bethesda games), or aren't ashamed to roleplay sex in their videogames. I personally don't see how roleplaying violence is any better than people who want to insta...

3312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Alot of us read the Polygon review and I'm pretty sure alot of us agreed with it. Their views regarding sexism in Witcher 3 were valid criticisms of the game and they gave it a fair review regardless. You may be one of those bizarre people that are still against women's EVIL desire to put an end to the male-domniated male-catered society we live in, but I assure you there is no medieval assault of feminist amazonian women with spears gunning down game developers that dare not repres...

3323d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment