
CRank: 5Score: 37880

this will not end well

3242d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They should have gone for dynamic vertical resolution, they sacrifice too much to hit the 1080p target, what good is 1080p if the game suffers from terrible aliasing that creates shimmering all over the screen and screen tearing, add to that AO issues, AF issues. XBO is not a 1080p console they should accept that and work with 900p or dynamic vertical resolution.

This game looks very good, with a better AA solution it could have look outstanding. They need to patch it drop th...

3243d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

0 fps on Xbox damn... They should have stick with 900p for the XBO version.

3243d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

@ OrionPaxBB

" how about halo 5 that drops below 720p and looks like a 360 games"

Wait... what? Really...

3246d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Even the PS4 which is more powerful than Xbox One is having problems with resolutions and frames on latest games.

The Playstation 4 version of Black Ops 3 seems to use a dynamic resolution system. Native resolutions seem to vary between roughly 1360x1080 to 1920x1080 and the frame rate is all over the place.


And we got to wait for performance also. How well the game performs it still unknown.

3246d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


"Lmao..why is everyone trying so hard to downplay this awesome news? "

well coming from "NewMonday" its expected, he's been downplaying the game since release. For the rest, I guess many people don't like anything Halo having success.

Although I think its not the best Halo SP wise (multiplayer its really good, if not the best in a long time) Its a well deserved victory for 343i. People like to critici...

3248d ago 8 agree9 disagreeView comment

People really want this game to fail.... huh?

MS made $400 million in global sales, does it matter how they made it? It doesn't matter if it includes consoles, controllers, headsets, digital sales, microtransactions... They still made $400 millions on Halo 5 launch week, if that's not success, then i don't know what it is.

3248d ago 19 agree17 disagreeView comment


Agree, the game is doing a lot once with really big open spaces, add to that locked 60FPS. I dont think split-screen was possible, the hardware can't handle it.

BTW the SP is great, on of the best Halo SP gameplay wise in a long time, where the game lacks is in the its story.

3250d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This review is just a whole package of spoilers. Other than that he makes some good point and some ridiculous ones. At least he always make his reviews fun to watch even if you not in agreement of all he's saying.

3251d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

Wait... What? MS please...

3251d ago 23 agree8 disagreeView comment


I wonder if you'll be playing UC4 Multiplayer since it matter that much to you.

3251d ago 18 agree15 disagreeView comment

I agree Septic, i think Halo hasnt felt this goog in a long time.

3252d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

It think the game plays pretty well, multiplayer is really good, but the campaign feels a bit flat. I would say a 8.5/10 IMO

3253d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

Well deserved. Great game.

3254d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment


Sorry dude but i have the feeling that no matter how wrong you are, you'll keep going forward. There is no point in discussing a game with someone who haven't played the game and have no intention to do so.


"a bug slipped through the cracks that had a delayed aim-assist problem"

I didn't come up with that , it was Ghostayame in response to the claim that the aim is broken, and he was takin...

3254d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


GH057ayame reply:

Hey, all!

Saw Josh posting about the aiming in Halo 5 in response to some of your questions and figured it'd be a good time to lend some insight. That being said, yes, the aiming did change a little bit from Beta up until now. During the Beta, close-range gameplay felt fluid, mid-range felt decent, and long-range felt flat-out squirrelly. So, our Pro Team went through numerous tests over the course of a few mo...

3254d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment


That's because it doesn't have aim assist, it requires thumb skills. Its not that is broken its just that the skill gap is more evident on H5. Funny thing is that you haven't played the game.

3254d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

A 6/10?

Come on now... How can anyone take a review with this score seriously. A game with so much content, hight replay value, excellent online component and great gameplay and this people give it a below average score. Are you serious?

Even if the campaign is not that good the game is better than average. This review is a joke. But then again reviews are just opinions, right...

3254d ago 16 agree12 disagreeView comment

So its a fact, this generation of consoles will struggle with 1080p/60FPS for the rest of the generation.

3256d ago 20 agree6 disagreeView comment