
CRank: 5Score: 7150

My problem is how saturated the tracks look and the car model flipping from past Forza games. The car models are a big let down. The cars also look like plastic.

When you compare to GT7, it takes PD 6 months to fully render 1 of those cars, and their tracks look more realistic (personal taste and excluding the fantasy tracks).

What Forza has going for it is crash/dirt physics and more customization and it's campaign sounds interesting.

605d ago 13 agree15 disagreeView comment

What xbox has to offers pales in comparison to what we have already seen from PS. We haven’t even seen what will be announced for 2023-2024 other than Spider-Man 2, Wolverine, and from Square, Forspoken, FF 16 and FF7 Rebirth etc.

I need to see Xbox offer more they have already to see them as a viable threat. Yes, in terms of GP vs PS plus, that could be a different story entirely. Without day and date Sony still has more subscribers. Sony will also likely be adding much mo...

771d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Back in GT5/GT6 days, yes Forza was dominate! However major changes and advances came with Sport. GT7 is an upgrade from Sport.

When it comes to circuit racing games/simulators, GT still remains the King.. Something that Gran Turismo does better than Forza is GT actually incentivizes you to race and improve your skill/lap time. It has a great esports structure, with events that happen monthly and World Tour Championships(that we saw in Sport and an actual Olympic's time...

807d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

People fail to realize Sony is also targeting esports. Their PlayStation Apex/general tournaments are growing. When it comes to esports shooters especially, 1080p high frame monitors are king. 1080p and high frames are stupid consistent and won’t die anytime soon. Also helps that the 1080 panel will have VRR and HDR and super fast response time.

When it comes to resolution, it also depends on your screen size, around 32 inchs is where you start worry about 4k.

815d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

They will likely fix these issues, Nintendo had issues when they first launched their emulators. In which they eventually patched. It is weird that they are released in this state in the first place, however…

848d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I play both, use to play ACC for drifting and ACC Comp. I prefer GT7 over these (though I love AC for drifting).

899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where have you been?? GT Sport was officially partnered with the FIA. Had world tour events/championships (they would fly you out to Tokyo/Brazil/Paris for these tournaments). GT has online infrastructure for competitive racing, much like iRacing and ACC… PD also officially partnered with the Olympics (yes, the actual Olympics) for an official Olympic Time Trial where you got a trophy/medal and all.

899d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Not happening for a long while, if at all.. You're going to want to find a ps4 pro or PS5.If there is a PC version, it'll likely be a few years.

937d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

This "Xbox" exclusive was once a Google Stadia project. Because of affairs in recent years with Google Stadia's studios and support studios, Kojima either had to scrap the project or go to someone else who had Cloud technology... Only other logical player was Microsoft....

If you look at Sony's official partner studios, Kojima Productions is still listed. Kojima is still working with Playstation (also keep in mind Kojima Productions and Guerrilla Games hav...

1000d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Why? To produce an EV it requires %15-25 more CO2 when figuring in the mining and shipping for the materials for that EV. There are also other environmental concerns when it comes to EVs, we are simply replacing one thing for another.

Porsche is doubling down on Synthetic fuel,as they are building a facility out in Chile, using renewable energy to create hydrogen and combining it with captured CO2 to create fuel. What this does is steadily gets us away from needing foreign oil...

1207d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

There have been rumors for years now Guerrilla's second team is working on a multiplayer game. There were job postings regarding a multiplayer game AND they brought on a director from Rainbow Six Siege, who coincidentally worked on Killzone 2.

It is probably a new Killzone game, but it could also be another shooter.

1431d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I’m sorry but historical Jesus does not mean he walked on water or healed people. That is the mythical Jesus.

Humans have mythologized individuals throughout time. You see this in every culture.

Mark is the oldest gospel written about 40 years after Jesus’s death, Mathew between to 40-60, Luke being after that and John being upwards to 100 years after his death.

That isn’t historical evidence. Saying all that, I’m an engineering studen...

1627d ago 10 agree13 disagreeView comment