
CRank: 5Score: 58920

They advertised this at one of the E3's (could of been last year) but because the Region lock I can't play it, bite me Nintendo and follow the PSP way, you might get confusing sale figures, but you'll gain more fans and more respect FROM them.

3666d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If anyone needs a group to play with:

3667d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank God!

People keep blaming EA for crap, they only made DICE push the game out early, all the coding and problems have been DICE fault tho, especially the bad netcoding.

Visceral hopefully will do things differently and get it right.

3670d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Dinosaurs is a good choice for this Genre, but this game is too much like Rust... IMO Tthis will not be the best survival game to utilize Dinosaurs.

A Game that got Greenlit as well is Miscreated, and its using the CryEngine -

It mixes both DayZ and Rust together (being more like DayZ) but it uses Mutants (which are smarter than zombies) that hunt and trap you.

3685d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So why was the guy silently killing Germans but was using a Japanese sub machine gun.....

3688d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Entrada Interactive deserves to be in that List for Miscreated!

72 hours and they already are in the Top 10 for Greenlight on Steam.

3689d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Never mind graphics, DayZ is trying to force an Engine to do something it wasn't made to do, so Yes their weapon system is great, but the melee, entering houses, lots of other stuff is just flat out horrible.

Be honest now, how many houses have you tried to Run into on DayZ and clip the door or get stuck trying to get in?

3690d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm never playing another CoD game until they add in real Teamwork like that of Battlefield. I get they don't want to be Battlefield, but the formula of kill kill kill + new modes gets old real fast.

At least in BF TDM i can still revive and help friends.

3691d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is why people should be checking out Miscreated (being made with cryengine) instead of DayZ, pretty much they took the best aspects of Rust and DayZ then blam - DayZ with building bases and awesome graphics.

Check it out.

3691d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is why people should be checking out Miscreated (being made with cryengine) instead of DayZ, pretty much they took the best aspects of Rust and DayZ then blam - DayZ with building bases and awesome graphics.

Check it out.

3691d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'd like to see a new company's take on Battlefield (rather than another MoH), DICE messed up 4 with Network coding and ppl blame EA for rushing them to get it out the door, yet 6 months later and here we are... Killing a player who killed you as well with 0 health.

3699d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Certain games are better on certain platforms. I Prefer FPS on PC, and Singleplayer games on console.

Edit: Which is why I'm curious for H1N1 on console, PC it's great for graphics, more players, etc but cheating can ruin it bad (teleporting crap that goes on in DayZ, Rust), while on console I don't think there will be much if any hacking going on, it might prove survival games might just be better on console just for this type of protection alone (nobody likes p...

3702d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Hope publishers (eg. EA) take notice that people are willing to back a game that LISTENS to its community and does not rush to push it out just to get ahead of another game.

btw if anyone needs a group to play SC with, feel free to check us out We do have an Idris ready to go :)

3704d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

EA did not make it, they put their name on it.
DICE is to blame for the coding, yes EA Rushed them for launch - but it's up to DICE to fix, which has taken WAAAAAY too long.

3706d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Does this include PC? and does that mean they fixed the "You killed Player A, Player A killed you with 0 health" ???

That's my biggest beef, is killing someone only to have yourself die AFTER they are dropping and seeing they had 0 health, this should NOT happen and should of been fixed in their first big patch, not half a year later.

3707d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Next big game:

Jurassic Park Survival game (like DayZ), I bet to see
such a thing within 1 year if not already in the making.

3712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Negan + Lucille from Walking Dead.

Apply this to Fanboys and their Fav. Platform....

3716d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Long as they don't show it over the web again.... Last year I was open to the idea, but the horrible lag and stuttering ruined it for many including myself.

3718d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Miscreated is doing it RIGHT, making a survivor game on the CORRECT engine (Cryengine 3.5) and it's only $15 to enter the Alpha ($5 cheaper than Rust, half the cost of DayZ).

As much as I like DayZ, they are making an engine do what it wasn't meant to do, which is why the melee feels like crap, go watch walking dead, melee and wilderness survival should be a big aspe...

3725d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look at the title, it will be the opposite on launch day from IGN.

3729d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment