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2545d ago 15 agree11 disagreeView comment

Because MS is marketing this game not Sony so highly unlikely EA would send them the exact same gameplay on XBOX and try to pass it off as PS4 gameplay. This is Sony not wanting to look inferior.

2548d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yea I said that in another article PlayerUnkown himself stood on MS E3 stage and said it was coming exclusively to Xbox.

2559d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


2560d ago 14 agree17 disagreeView comment

I thought the same when I saw the E3 demo looked a lot like a zombie tomb raider with elements of other games mixed in. From the demo this guy is talking about that just solidified that thought. Let's get Lara in here show this wanna be how to be a survivor cuz this deacon doesnt look impressive at all.

2562d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

The draw distance is better on the X

2562d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I guess this is how Sony will combat the power of X1X pay to have parity. When we already know thanks to ark dev that X1X craps all over the pro.

2565d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I liked microsofts e3 yea I was disappointed for no new AAA reveal but what they did show looked damn good. A lot of interesting deverse titles ain't that what ppl cried about in the past to much halo gears and forza and every one of those games looked stunning.

2568d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Is this press conference going be upscaled

2568d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

What a dumb article for one the player unknown guy himself said the game was coming exclusively to Xbox. Every other game I see on this list didn't say console launch exclusive when it was revealed maybe world premiere but not exclusive

2569d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

Wow u should work a little harder on yr Xbox list how do u miss games like gears 4 , ultimate forza horizon 3 , ori , state of decay yose , u didn't even put Titanfall or Ryse lol and much more other games ,this is what we call a try hard ppl. Trying to make it look more like a landslide when it's not

2573d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Lol they might as well get all the hate out now lol T-MINUS 4 days

2573d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I like this I play smite all the time and now I know I can get something back for buying gems on there especially since I was gonna buy them anyways. I wonder what Sony would give me for buying stuff on their platform hmmmm.

2607d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

U must have never played the first few CoD games I stopped buying CoD when it became a twitch shooter.

2614d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Does anybody remember what AAA games the PS4 launched with or that Sony themselves said I believe in 2015 that their games line up was "SPARCE".

2629d ago 24 agree9 disagreeView comment

Than what is Sony bringing to pc multiplats that are already on pc?

2658d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny how u seem to overlook that in the past seven months MS has released at least 4 AAA exclusives and a AA. But those games don't matter I guess.

2671d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Yea ok. All I know is after seeing my buddy play games on his pro with checkerboard 4K and playing upscaled 4K games on my X1S then going out and bought a UHD movie and watching that run 4K natively. Yea ppl can try to damage control the difference all they want but I'm seeing for myself the difference is there native looks so much more crush and sharp with no type of blur the other two can give u. Native wins easily.

The checkerboard does look better than the X1S upsa...

2672d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol uncharted a better shooter than gears of war lol.

2673d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment

When Scorpio launches it will mark the end of graphical comparisons nobody in the media will want to show how superior scorpios games will look compared to the pro. We r talking about comparing upscale 4K to native 4K, current gen textures to 4K textures. The difference will b noticeable devs have already come out to say this.

2678d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment